From: (Josh Harvey)
Subject: Kite Shop in Virginia?
Date:	Wed, 19 Jun 1996 15:15:31 -1000
Organization: cfwnet (
Message-ID: <4qa8nj$>

Hi ya'll,

I'm looking for a decent to excellent kite shop in
Virginia.  It doesn't matter where; I do lots of in-
state traveling.

Please post here or e-mail

Josh Harvey

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From: (Josh Harvey)
Subject: Kite Shop in Virginia?
Date:	Wed, 19 Jun 1996 15:18:36 -1000
Organization: cfwnet (
Message-ID: <4qa8tc$>

Hi ya'll,

I'm just getting started, again, in kite
flying and haven't been able to find a
kit shop in Virginia.  Granted I live in
the boonies and wouldn't expect one to be
out here.

Anyway, if anyone could give me the name,
phone, and address of any decent to 
excellent shop in Virginia, I'd really 
appreciate it.

Josh Harvey

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