Date:	Tue, 21 Mar 1995 00:43:19 -1000
From: (Mark Oakden)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: The University of Liverpool
Subject: Kite Shops in North(-West) of England?

Hi there, 

Does anybody know of kite shops in the North-West of England?  The
nearest (to Liverpool) I've heard of is in Leeds... Does anybody know
anwhere nearer?   I'm looking in particular for somewhere that stocks

Thanks in advance,
Mark Oakden.

P.S. thanx to those who helped with my "Which size of flexi?"
question...  after reading the replies, I've decided to go for a six
foot (or possibly two) and build up a stack over time.
--  -- I'm not politically incorrect,  I'm just 
                         differently articulate.

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Tue, 21 Mar 1995 02:00:00 -1000
From: (Gareth Richards)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Tenovus/UWCM Cardiff
Subject: Re: Kite Shops in North(-West) of England?

->Hi there, 
->Does anybody know of kite shops in the North-West of England?  The
->nearest (to Liverpool) I've heard of is in Leeds... Does anybody know
->anwhere nearer?   I'm looking in particular for somewhere that stocks
->Thanks in advance,
->Mark Oakden.

Cannock Kites,
    6 Church Street, Bridgtown, Cannock, Staffs
Fizz Sport Kites
    Baildon Craft Centre, Browgate, Baildon, Shipley, W.Yorks
    6 Riverside Grove, Wisaston, Crewe, Chesire
Leading Edge Kite Co
    The Corn Exchange, Call Lane, Leeds, W.Yorks
Leeds Kites
    22 Eden Cres., Leeds, W.Yorks

Or, try pulling the address FAQ fro Hawaii.

P.S. I'll e-mail you the UK store from the Address FAQ

/================================\                 \\\//     |#|        
|         Big Bit [tm]           |                #(o o)#   /  /
| E-mail: RichardsG@CF.AC.UK     | #include disclaimer.h            |
|    Tel: +44 (0)1222 744255     | The opinions expressed herein are|
|    Fax: +44 (0)1222 747618     | not necessarily those of myself, |
|--------------------------------| Tenovus, UHW, UWCM or indeed any |
| Snail Mail: Gareth Richards    | other person or organization.    |
| Tenovus Cancer Research Centre |\=================================/
| Heath Park, Cardiff CF4 4XX, UK|             _|  |   |  |_
\================================/            [____/   \____]

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Wed, 22 Mar 1995 06:07:56 -1000
From: (Jim White)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: ind3x
Subject: Kite Shops in North(-West) of England?

From: (Julie White)
Subject: Kite Shops in North(-West) of England?
Organisation: Index 3 (Mark Oakden) was asking
> Does anybody know of kite shops in the North-West of England?  The
> nearest (to Liverpool) I've heard of is in Leeds... Does anybody know
> anwhere nearer?   I'm looking in particular for somewhere that stocks
> flexi's.

How about Blackpool?  
Air FX 
Access House
Mowbray Drive
Tel: 01253 305606
I am sure these will stock Flexis

Greens of Burnley
246 - 250 Lowerhouse Lane
BB12 6NG
Tel:  01282 39650
(Not sure about flexis though - you could ring and enquire)

Phil Womack is Secretary of The West Coast Kite Club and they are based
around Lytham St Annes.  Tel: 01253 300316

On Sunday 26 March Phil's lot and members of The Midlands Kite Fliers
are holding a fly-in on the beach at Lytham, near to St Annes pier.
Please feel free to join us. The weather forecast looks pretty favourable,
and the beach is more that big enough for flexi flying and buggying.

Julie White - secretary of the Midlands Kite Fliers (01332 669203)

| in Nottingham, England      /_  _|_    |
|                                               // || |_|\/ |
| "...Slave to the hormone, body and soul..."  //  ||_|_|/\ |

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Date:	Thu, 23 Mar 1995 20:39:27 -1000
From: (Andrew Beattie)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: /usr/lib/news/organisation
Subject: Re: Kite Shops in North(-West) of England? writes:
>Please address all correspondence for myself and Tim Benson to;

I'd like to step forward and welcome Martin and Tim to rec.kites.
Fizz produce some of the *nicest* stunters to be available in the UK.

Now Martin...  What about the Wasp?  When are we going to see the Fizz
wasp on sale?  I *know*  that it'll work out at a lot of price per
square foot of sail, but some of us know that it's worth it...

Also: When you follow the pointer in my signature, you'll stumble across
the Review FAQ...  you might care to help fill in the gaps in your product
line, with at least technical details, if not and unbiased review...

New to rec.kites?  START HERE!   | To:
send an email message like this->| Subject: service
echo '/Frank Kenisky/f:j' >> $HOME/News/rec/kites/KILL

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Thu, 23 Mar 1995 09:00:36 -1000
From: (Martin Thomas)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Fizz Sport Kites
Subject: Re: Kite Shops in North(-West) of England?

I would like to take this opportunity to correct the information quoted in 
Gareth Richards recent posting as follows:

The Leading Edge Kite Company are indeed at;
	The Corn Exchange, Call Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 7BR 
	but the phone/fax number should read 0113 245 3223.
	The shop is open every day of the week.
Fizz Sport Kites (the manufacturing division of the above company) are now at;
	Unit 6, Thackley Court, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD18 1BW
	phone/fax 0127 453 2899.  (Trade only).

Please note all retail enquiries should be directed to the Leeds address.
However, Fizz Sport Kites will be happy to answer any technical queries about
their products via e-mail to the address below.

Please address all correspondence for myself and Tim Benson to;
Martin Thomas
The Leading Edge Kite Company / Fizz Sport Kites

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