Date:	Mon, 13 Dec 1993 15:48:43 -1000
From: (Michael W. Leaman)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: nbnet
Subject: Kite Suppliers In Florida

I'm a novice both to Internet and Kite Flying (having taken up Internet only 
in the last week and kites just over a year ago) and I have a couple of 
Questions to pose.

With a friend (and fellow kiter) leaving Thursday for Florida can anyone 
give any leads in Florida (Orlando and Tampa areas) to shop for kites and
kite supplies?

While I'm at it what about kite magazines?  (see I told I was green but I 
live in the eastern end of Canada where people look at you strange when they 
see you out flying a Delta or Diamond Stunt Kite)  The realy strange looks 
come with the stacked Diamonds (3)  But it sure is a great mental health 

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Date:	Mon, 13 Dec 1993 22:12:40 -1000
From: (Andrew Beattie)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: /usr/lib/news/organisation
Subject: Re: Kite Suppliers In Florida (Michael W. Leaman) writes:
>I'm a novice both to Internet and Kite Flying (having taken up Internet only 
>in the last week and kites just over a year ago) and I have a couple of 
>Questions to pose.
You will find these and other frequently asked questions (FAQs) answered
in the FAQ lists that the good people round here, but for now, I'd say:

>With a friend (and fellow kiter) leaving Thursday for Florida can anyone 
>give any leads in Florida (Orlando and Tampa areas) to shop for kites and
>kite supplies?
There is a good store in a mall in International drive, Orlando
(International drive is where most of the hotels and non-Disney parks
are located.  I can't recall the name of the mall or the store (but I
can remember the design on the Tshirt) :-), but it is about 2 blocks
south of the Marriot, where I stayed.  Look for their advert in the
"What to do in Orlando" book in your hotel room.

>While I'm at it what about kite magazines?
Check my review of American Kite, just posted.  Also check Kitelines
on +1 410 922 1212.  Tell them about rec.kites.

Work: Phone: +44 793 614 110 Fax: +44 793 614 297
Play: Phone: +44 256 464 912
Interested in kite traction? mail

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