Date:	Tue, 25 Oct 1994 20:36:16 -1000
From: (Brad Bushell)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada
Subject: Re: KITE TEAM (in Vancouver)

: is anyone out ther from Vancouver BC and are they interested in forming a

David, good to hear voice on the net ( despite your unkind words about Ray
Bethel...when you fly the same spot 10 hour a day every day that is flyable
you have the right to ask people to respect your airspace ).

About your request for potential team mates, Ann and Myself have been
flying as Air Xpress in competitions in the Northwest for the past four
years.  We started in Experienced Pairs and made the move to Masters Class
last year. This year we were lucky enough to recieve sponsorship from
Skyburner Kites (and if I can get a plug in here, would not dream of
switching to any other kite). In 1993 we were fortunate enough to be joined
by Phil Frieberger and competed as a full team.  There is no doubt that
flying as a full team makes for a more challenging, frustrating, and
rewarding flying experience.

While we are now commited to flying Pairs events, we would be most
interested in teaming up with other flyers for fun, demos and possibly even
competition.  E-mail me with the weekend when you are next available and we
will see how it goes (this extends a standing open invitation to all fliers
in our area who are interested in learning about team flying, or
competition class flying in general).  We may not end up forming a team,
but we will have a fun few sessions regardless.

If you are serious about team flying I'll quickly outline our work ethic
when putting together a routine for competition.  We meet as a team one to
two evenings a week, wind or no wind, and every weekend.  Serious team
flying requires dedication to more than just flying.  In addition time is
spent on the design of the routine, stick practice, music selection,
equipment repair and maintenence.  We attend at least one or two events
each of the warm months, by event I mean either competition or demo. We
prefer to enjoy ourselves at these events by putting on a good show and
visiting rather than worrying about how unprepared we are...the point here
is that if you can't commit to the practice time and the travel it's better
to leave Team Flying to the informal get togethers at the Point.

To All:  Next time you are at either Garry Point Park or White Rock Beach
and you see a Pair of Burners flying together be sure to come up and say
Hi!  Bring your kite or I'll be forced to pull a spare burner out of my

Brad Bushell & Ann Haygarth
Vancouver BC

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Thu, 27 Oct 1994 03:09:51 -1000
From: (David Fife Williamson)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: KITE TEAM (in Vancouver)

In article <> (Brad Bushell) writes:
>From: (Brad Bushell)
>Subject: Re: KITE TEAM (in Vancouver)
>Date: Tue, 25 Oct 94 22:36:16 -0800

>: is anyone out ther from Vancouver BC and are they interested in forming a

>David, good to hear voice on the net ( despite your unkind words about Ray
>Bethel...when you fly the same spot 10 hour a day every day that is flyable
>you have the right to ask people to respect your airspace ).

Hi man . My statement about Ray was meant in jest . Ray is a credit to the 
sport and shares his knoledge of the sport with anyone who take the time to 
litsen. He has tought me alot about the sport and I would not say an a bad 
word about him. Please understand that.!!!!!
 I flew there for a couple of year's then moved out to Gerry Point.Just 
becuase of the space not Ray. My line lenght and wieght was all made for Down 
town {ie. light and short} I had to buy all new line cause we had more space a 
more wind to deal with. I have seen you fly, your team was great to watch and 
your kites looked great in the air. I was at the Long beach Festival two years 
ago [ had a gas down there cheap beer and food, lots of kites] stayed there 
for a week. It was my first event  and my first real brush with great wind. 20 
mph five out of seven day's. I say  your team and The other team from here 
Air Affair? At least I think it was you? 
 thanks for the info about the team stuff and I hope I cleared up that thing 
about uncle Ray.

Hope the wind is strong and your days are long :>

   P.S. sorry about my spelling can't spell!

  Cheers D.F.Williamson

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