Date:	Mon, 28 Nov 1994 20:15:05 -1000
From: (Andrew Beattie)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: /usr/lib/news/organisation
Subject: Re: Kites in hiladelphia

>	My question is very simple, I have to buy a kite and I have always
>done it in NY, I live in philadelphia and I would like to know if there is 
>a good shop around here were I could get one. 

The answer is simple too.  Check out the kite-store FAQ in
in thr directory /pub/rec/kites/faq.  Probably the most comprehensive list of
kite stores in existance...

You owe the Kite Oracle a list of cheeses which are spelt with embedded control

Kite FAQ's:           /\ Kite Jumping
For sale: 10' Flexis with std & UF Spars.             |_ \/   is for            AoXoMoXoA                   (_\   M O R O N S

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