Date:	Sun, 12 Feb 1995 17:42:15 -1000
From: (Bruce Craigie)
Message-Id: <3hmkeo$iqn@status>
Organization: Public Access Internet, Auckland New Zealand
Subject: Re: Kiting in New Zealand wrote:
: I'm posting a question for my parents who are preparing to go fly in New 
: Zealand in March.  They are avid flyers and quite adept at giving elementary 
: school programs, and they would like to give a program while they are in New 
: Zealand.  Sooo my question to the ether ( or more likely New Zealand fliers) 
: does anyone have any contacts with people who could help them? I would 
: appriciate names of people and their cities with regular old telephone #s 
: seeing as my folks don't have the advantage of E-mail.
: Thank you in advance.

: Craig Dermer

    I know nothing of schools etc.  	
    But suguest you contact James White   (Chairman - Organizer).   
    Business phone 64 6 8354 499   
    After hours 64 6 8358 368  
    Fax 64 6 8357 363    
    Note NZ time is 19 hours ahead of LA time .    
    Me I will not be there  I have to work  :-((     
  Bruce @ Auckland ( The City Of Sails ).  


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Date:	Sun, 12 Feb 1995 02:23:38 -1000
Message-Id: <>
Organization: University of Kansas
Subject: Kiting in New Zealand

I'm posting a question for my parents who are preparing to go fly in New 
Zealand in March.  They are avid flyers and quite adept at giving elementary 
school programs, and they would like to give a program while they are in New 
Zealand.  Sooo my question to the ether ( or more likely New Zealand fliers) 
does anyone have any contacts with people who could help them? I would 
appriciate names of people and their cities with regular old telephone #s 
seeing as my folks don't have the advantage of E-mail.
Thank you in advance.

Craig Dermer

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