Date:	Fri, 10 Dec 1993 03:11:26 -1000
From: (Richard Wilton)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Leisuretime for the Masses
Subject: OK Kite shops in the Algarve?

Is there any dudes out there in the Algarve, Portugal. 
I'm trying to get hold of a fab kite shop called Bangla in Lagos?

If there is anyone on the net who can contact the owner, a Dutch guy
called Ernst?

If anyone ever goes on hols there the beach is fantastic for flying, 
good strong wind loads of sun etc...

Cheers in advance for any response.

Yes - I know I've mailed this to the World but that way it stimulates 
international relations!!

R :-)
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Date:	Sat, 11 Dec 1993 19:20:35 -1000
From: (Mark de Roussier)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: damage
Subject: Re: OK Kite shops in the Algarve?

In article <> writes:
> Is there any dudes out there in the Algarve, Portugal. 
> I'm trying to get hold of a fab kite shop called Bangla in Lagos?

Err, last I knew Lagos was the capital of Nigeria.... Ah, as I see in my
atlas, also a port at the southern tip of Portugal ! Amazing....

Sorry, I don't know Ernst :).

Mark de Roussier
                Final thoughts, as breath is taken,
                Fall to rhythm, and the
                Edge of pure obsession,
                Resting in that wind blown cradle,
                Nothing moves, the world is still...

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