Date:	Tue, 27 Feb 1996 09:48:41 -1000
From:	Bill Pawlak <>
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Rocky Mountain Internet Inc.
Subject: places to fly in Boulder?

...just moved to the area.  Anything within biking distance (20 mi
radius?) would be great!


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Date:	Wed, 28 Feb 1996 13:28:48 -1000
From: (Aaron Ciuffo)
Message-Id: <4h2ofg$>
Organization: Rocky Mountain Internet Inc.
Subject: Re: places to fly in Boulder?

Bill Pawlak ( wrote:
: ...just moved to the area.  Anything within biking distance (20 mi
: radius?) would be great!

: thanks
: bp

	Call Into The Wind 449-5906, or drop by the store (its on the pearl
street mall).  They have a list of *all* the great places around Boulder
to fly.  They also have every thing a kiter could want (well, ok maybe not
every thing...).  Good store.

	Aaron C
	Oh, yea, Into The Wind is in Boulder, 303-449-5906... incase you 
didn't figure that out :)

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