Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 21:46:37 -1000 From: (Dan Rubesh) Message-Id: <> Organization: CTS Network Services (CTSNET/crash), San Diego, CA Subject: Power Kiting in Omni magazine.. The current (March 94) issue of Omni magazine has a good article by Valerie Govig on power / traction kiting... It's worth a look, even if it _is_ right-coast slanted.. :-) Tako Buggy Kichi!! -- Good Winds and Tight Lines! Dan Rubesh AKA Member/Merchant Wind Wizard, Purveyor of UUCP: {ucsd, nosc}!crash!danr GO Stunt Kites & Accessories ARPA: crash! FLY A P.O. Box 5747 INET: STUNT Ventura, CA 93005 (805) 659-5654 KITE! Member: Kite Trade Assn. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =