Date:	Sun, 18 Feb 1996 08:03:31 -1000
From: (Ken Friis Hansen)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: DKnet / EUnet Denmark - Login Tjenesten
Subject: Rec.kiters in Chicago

Hi rec.kiters!

I am going to Detroit for a congress at the end of this month. On my way
back to Denmark, I will stop in Chicago (February 29. - March 3.).
Last year I had the pleasure of meeting Alan Sparling (Hi Al), who was kind
enough to take me flying with him, and letting me try some of his kites from
his empressive (sp?) collection.

I would be very interested in meeting some rec.kiters again this year, so if
you are in Chicago, and would care to meet a rec.kiter from the other side of
the Big Water, drop me a line.

BTW how is the weather in Chicago these days. I have heard it is bad :-(
Denmark is covered in a snow-strom this week-end, so we are no strangers to
bad weather.

    *   Ken Friis Hansen    * (home)               *
    *   Rugmarken 73        *   Dansk Drage Klub, Randers Drage Klub    *
    *   DK-8520 Lystrup     *       !! please note new work adress !!   *
    *   Denmark             * (work)          *
    *   +45 86 22 59 11     *   Danish Technological Institute          *
    *   +45 40 78 59 11 GSM *   DTI Energy, Engine Technique            *

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