Date:	Wed, 31 Jan 1996 05:05:04 -1000
From:	"Marc Schulte" <>
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Subject: rec.kites in general

I found that the Kite-News and EMails in rec.kites are too much spezialised on 
the USA and the US-Kiteflighers.

Because of this I will unsubcribe now.

I will try to find a discussion regarding the same theme with people 
mainly "based" in Europe, sharing knowledge, dates of meetings in 
Europe and so on. If you know some adress etc. please contact me !!

W wish all of you all the time a great wind, a lot of fun with your 
kites, buggies etc. and - in general - all the best !!

Marc Schulte

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Wed, 31 Jan 1996 10:50:18 -1000
From: (AhClem0013)
Message-Id: <4eokma$>
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

In article <>, "Marc Schulte"
<> writes:

>I found that the Kite-News and EMails in rec.kites are too much
>the USA and the US-Kiteflighers.
>Because of this I will unsubcribe now.
>I will try to find a discussion regarding the same theme with people 
>mainly "based" in Europe, sharing knowledge, dates of meetings in 
>Europe and so on. If you know some adress etc. please contact me !!
>W wish all of you all the time a great wind, a lot of fun with your 
>kites, buggies etc. and - in general - all the best !!

Hmmm, i'm not sure i understand.  You "think" this is mostly an 'american'
forum on kites?  So therefor it is not relevant to kiting?   even if this
was true, isn't that a bit shortsighted?  Then you go on to state if we
know where you can get into your own click we should contact you?  C'mon
Marc, don't be shy, spit it out, what are you trying to say?!?

aoxodean born in the usa but still loyal to kiteflyers international &

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Wed, 31 Jan 1996 10:11:58 -1000
From: (David Greenhough)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

 In article <>
  "Marc Schulte" <> said:-

>I found that the Kite-News and EMails in rec.kites are too much spezialised on 
>the USA and the US-Kiteflighers.
>Because of this I will unsubcribe now.
>I will try to find a discussion regarding the same theme with people 
>mainly "based" in Europe, sharing knowledge, dates of meetings in 
>Europe and so on. If you know some adress etc. please contact me !!
>W wish all of you all the time a great wind, a lot of fun with your 
>kites, buggies etc. and - in general - all the best !!

Unfortunately the group is dominantly usa driven but only because 
that's who uses it! In europe we have to contend with all the barriers 
thrown up by language and nationalities and I must admit although I 
admire many continental fliers I would be hard pushed to decipher even 
french correspondents let alone the many differing languages from 
europe's heartlands.

I am sad to admit my shortcommings with respect to foreign language 
and confess to envying those who contribute here in anything other 
than native tongue. The very idea of trying to write to a newsgroup 
ending .de fills me with the dread I personally havent felt since high 

That said, there seems little comment on many of the european 
manufacturers bar Fizz and Flexi or maybe I'm way out of whack there 
too? Some of the kites discussed I havent the vaguest idea of their 
origins. (Paimpol have not had any mention since I first looked in 
here. They're the biggest kite firm in France. I Really enjoy their 
Slalom. Any comments?)

Then again, the old quote "two countries separated by their common 
language" still seems to ring true when I read some of the more heated 
postings. I couldn't decipher these either! 

So in conclusion, sorry to see anyone leave this forum and hope that 
more UK and USE (united states of europe) contribute to make this a 
little more ballenced assembly. (even if i have to struggle with the 

May your whiskers never fall in long grass,

David G.



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Date:	Wed, 31 Jan 1996 21:17:45 -1000
From: (Emiel Stroeve)
Message-Id: <4eppfc$>
Organization: Euronet Internet
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

"Marc Schulte" <> wrote:

>I found that the Kite-News and EMails in rec.kites are too much spezialised on 
>the USA and the US-Kiteflighers.

>Because of this I will unsubcribe now.

>I will try to find a discussion regarding the same theme with people 
>mainly "based" in Europe, sharing knowledge, dates of meetings in 
>Europe and so on. If you know some adress etc. please contact me !!

>W wish all of you all the time a great wind, a lot of fun with your 
>kites, buggies etc. and - in general - all the best !!

No, no, no, lets not *draw a line*.  If want to tell people about the
great (well in dutch terms that is) beaches at Terschelling, I'll do
that in r.k., and if you don't want to read it, skip it !  The main
advantage of the internet news groups is that *everybody* can speak
and listen.

As matter of fact, I like to read about El Mirage, perhaps I'll go
there some day... and than it's because of world-wide-discussions ;-)



Emiel Stroeve         The Netherlands
   <<<  >>>

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Date:	Thu, 1 Feb 1996 02:13:06 -1000
From:	bernhard.malle@dbag.ulm.DaimlerBenz.COM (Bernhard Malle)
Message-Id: <9602011213.AA19315@dagobert.dbag.ulm.DaimlerBenz.COM>
Organization: Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

> >I found that the Kite-News and EMails in rec.kites are too much spezialised on 
> >the USA and the US-Kiteflighers.
> >Because of this I will unsubcribe now.
(flame suit on...)

If I see, what kind of articles people are mailing that were used to get the
German maus-net articles, I am quite happy to only get rec.kites...

> As matter of fact, I like to read about El Mirage, perhaps I'll go
> there some day... and than it's because of world-wide-discussions ;-)

I completely agree!

aoxo.. what?

| Bernhard Malle   Tel: +49 7305 22203 priv. | Go fly a gecko !!  |
| Ulm, Germany     Fax: +49 731 505-4210     +--------------------+
| email:                  | 
| WWW:                     |

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Fri, 2 Feb 1996 04:48:04 -1000
From:	Rolf Lehnert <>
Message-Id: <4et874$tbc@kralle.zdv.Uni-Mainz.DE>
Organization: Johannes Gutenberg-Universitdt Mainz, Germany
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

Why do you want to do this?
I mean, the discussion about kiting is independant of the place where the 
kiters come from. You see, i.e. kite jumping is in Germany not less 
dangerous than in Miami, Adelaide, Timbuktu, or elsewhere. So the things, 
discussed in r.k. are mainly of international interest.
I for myself have learned some details about kiting which are imporant to 
think over before doing something like for example getting off with a big 
one or also beginning to work with a sewing machine. If you have 
questions about certain details, then there is no other place, where you 
can find as much experts as in r.k.
The problem of too much U.S. kiteflyers is no problem in my opinon.
And the thing about specialisation on the U.S. is just because here in 
germany are the kiters relative rare. And if you think they aren't rare 
(and they really are NOT rare) then there is the problem of 
Internet-account. The network in ge. is not as well developed as it is in 
the U.S.
Why don't you just try and ask the things you want to know about german 
kiting here in r.k.?
I'm sure there are some fellows, who know about it. You don't have 
to be german to know about festivals like in Damp 2000 or other places.

I lurk in daily and can't wait to hear new thoughts meanings and 

But if you find another place, let me know.


Have to leave, because I just recieved my CREATURE by Blue Ridge Kites.

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Fri, 2 Feb 1996 00:26:42 -1000
From: (Peter Peters)
Message-Id: <4esot2$>
Organization: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

In article <4eppfc$>, (Emiel Stroeve) writes:
>"Marc Schulte" <> wrote:

>>I found that the Kite-News and EMails in rec.kites are too much 
>>spezialised on the USA and the US-Kiteflighers.
>>Because of this I will unsubcribe now.

>No, no, no, lets not *draw a line*.  If want to tell people about the
>great (well in dutch terms that is) beaches at Terschelling, I'll do
>that in r.k., and if you don't want to read it, skip it !  The main
>advantage of the internet news groups is that *everybody* can speak
>and listen.

>As matter of fact, I like to read about El Mirage, perhaps I'll go
>there some day... and than it's because of world-wide-discussions ;-)

Hear hear... Couldn't agree more... I think this forum leads to picking
up the good ideas from whichever side of the ocean and applying them.
If there's not enough info here from the European side, that's because
"we" (Europeans) don't write enough....



Peter Peters,,
Like kites.... look at

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Date:	Fri, 2 Feb 1996 07:54:45 -1000
From: (Mike Eason)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Not Much!
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

In article <>, says...
>I found that the Kite-News and EMails in rec.kites are too much 
spezialised on 
>the USA and the US-Kiteflighers.
>Because of this I will unsubcribe now.
>I will try to find a discussion regarding the same theme with people 
>mainly "based" in Europe, sharing knowledge, dates of meetings in 
>Europe and so on. If you know some adress etc. please contact me !!
>W wish all of you all the time a great wind, a lot of fun with your 
>kites, buggies etc. and - in general - all the best !!
>Marc Schulte

Wie gehts, Marc

Mir fahlt gerade ein,try maus.kites  . I'm pretty sure that it's mostly 
centered right there, auf Deutschland.

I appologise for my broken German and possible mispellings. It's been a 

Watshiwa drachen kichiwa,
Mike Eason <> or <>
Media Specialist: Everett Community College, Everett, WA
President: Snohomish County Incredible Flying Individuals, SCI-FI
voice:206-334-0362 H.  :206-388-9117 W.  fax:206-388-9144
  Washington State Sport Kite Championships, 9/28-29/96
  Whidbey Island Kite Festival, Ft. Casey Conf. Center, 9/28-29/96

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Fri, 2 Feb 1996 00:35:52 -1000
From:	Niko Paul Bovenberg <>
Message-Id: <>
Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

Where is internet About?
It is not too American! It is may be not 'European' enough
for you!
To me rec. kites inspired me to plan a holliday to the US.I
want to see El Mirage. 

rec. kites is never international enough! Thats where it is
all about.


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Date:	Sat, 3 Feb 1996 02:54:49 -1000
From:	Denis Audette <>
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

On Fri, 2 Feb 1996, Niko Paul Bovenberg wrote:

> Where is internet About?
> It is not too American! It is may be not 'European' enough
> for you!
> To me rec. kites inspired me to plan a holliday to the US.I
> want to see El Mirage. 
> rec. kites is never international enough! Thats where it is
> all about.
> Niko.

Niko, if you go to EL MIRAGE, you should go during the winter. On the 
same trip come in Quebec for kite-skiing. Our frozen lakes are the "north 
version" of EL MIRAGE. I kite-ski about 200 km every weeks since the end  of 

Denis Audette
Cerfs-Volants Albatros
Magog, Quebec, Canada

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Date:	Mon, 5 Feb 1996 01:31:44 -1000
From: (Hayden1009)
Message-Id: <4f4pr0$>
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

In article <>, "Marc Schulte"
<> writes:

>I found that the Kite-News and EMails in rec.kites are too much
>on the USA and the US-Kiteflighers.  Because of this I will unsubcribe

Sorry you feel this way.  I like knowing that I am part of a global
community in kiting and that physical boundries don't separate a group of
people with common interests.  I have made friends with Canadians,
Japanese, Germans, Brits, etc., at various Kite events and enjoy the
international interaction on rec.kites.  

I personally like playing with any thing attached to a string or 2 or 4 or
more.  If you want to find some German kite flyers, contact the DCD in
Dusseldorf.  Rolph Strum is president (still, I think) and they have a
great club magazine.  

Unfortunately, being an American from the US, our only exposure to other
languages is Spanish or French (if you are close enough to eastern
Canada).  I truly admire the way most Europeans can speak 3 or 4
languages.  But language is like anything in life, if you don't use it,
you lose it.  I can barely construct a Spanish sentence (after 3 years of
it in high school 20 years ago), which is my lose.

Search out local kite flyers, but don't give up on the rest of the world.

Smooth Winds,
Alice Hayden

Alice Hayden   8^)

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Sun, 11 Feb 1996 09:25:18 -1000
From:	Collette Lemons <>
Message-Id: <4flfqu$>
Organization: Tulsa Wind Riders
Subject: Re: rec.kites in general

Hi Alice,
Long time no see. Tulsa is having their local kite bash on May 11th & 
12th ...You can stay at our house and come out to play.
What has been going on?

Keep these folks in line ,hahahahaha


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