Date:	Thu, 11 Jan 1996 16:34:03 -1000
From:	Victor WODECKI <>
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Subject: Shopping in Honolulu


I'm going (from Australia) to Montreal and Honolulu for work
in a couple of weeks time.  What I'd like to know is which
kite stores are particularly worth visiting if/when I get some
free time, so I can bring back lots of goodies.
(email responses preferred).

Victor Wodecki

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Date:	Thu, 11 Jan 1996 20:17:39 -1000
From:	bob steele <>
Message-Id: <4d4ue3$>
Organization: Best Internet Communications
Subject: Re: Shopping in Honolulu

i don't remember the name of the store but there is a good little store 
just off of kapiolani park towards the ocean just past queen's beach and 
the aquarium.  maybe on of da kine locals can geev us da name, eh?


bob steele                                  work:              

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Date:	Mon, 15 Jan 1996 01:43:09 -1000
From: (SkywardMfg)
Message-Id: <4ddekd$>
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Subject: Re: Shopping in Honolulu

The kite shop near the park is Kite Fantasy owned by Robert Loera(Lava
Bob). There is also a kite shop in alamoana shoping center owned by Allen
Nagio (team High Performance). They are both great kite shops and willing
to help you out. They are listed in the phone book over there. They are
also on the web. I don't remember there e-mail address but they should see
this and respond. 

               Mike and Dawn Simmons
Living Creations Orchids & Skyward Kites MFG.
               8541 N.W. 26th Street
               Sunrise, Florida    33322
Phone   (305)572-5094      Fax---(305)748-9523

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