Date:	Thu, 17 Jun 1993 10:31:57 -1000
From: (Arch Mott)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: cisco Systems
Subject: Where to fly in Cincinnatti?

Hey Gang-

  I'm going to be at USENIX next week in Cincinnatti. Anyone have any
  suggestions for places to fly? Anyone else going to USENIX?

  -Arch Mott
Arch Mott                 |     |"If they were in the sushi
cisco Systems, Inc.       |Voice:(415)688-8245 | business, they'd advertise 
1525 O'Brien Drive        | FAX:(415)688-4575  | their product as 'Cold
Menlo Park, CA 94026      |                    | Dead Fish.'" -Harry Newton

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