Date:	Thu, 9 Nov 1995 12:55:37 -1000
From: (Kevin Mayeshiro)
Message-Id: <47u0t9$>
Organization: Island Kites
Subject: Where to fly in Sacramento, California?

Are there any popular flying spots in Sacramento, California?  Any place 
where the local flyers like to hang out?  Thanks

- Kevin
 Kevin Mayeshiro          |   rec.kites archive:   |        ftp://genki.its.Hawaii.Edu/pub/kites

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Date:	Thu, 9 Nov 1995 15:08:05 -1000
From: (Chuck Sigal)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Berkeley Buggy Bums
Subject: Re: Where to fly in Sacramento, California?

In article <47u0t9$>, Kevin Mayeshiro wrote:
>Are there any popular flying spots in Sacramento, California?  Any place 
>where the local flyers like to hang out?  Thanks

	Yea Kevin, BERKELEY!  :-))

 |  "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary  |
 |   safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."                           |
 |          -Benjamin Franklin, _Historical_Review_of_Pennsylvania_, 1759. |
 | Chuck Sigal                                                             |
 | Albany, CA, USA  Voice/Fax: +1.510.527.3547  e-mail: |

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Date:	Fri, 10 Nov 1995 03:18:09 -1000
From:	KITEJAG@MOTHER.COM (John A. Gabby Jr.)
Message-Id: <47vkb3$>
Organization: Mother.COM
Subject: Re: Where to fly in Sacramento, California? (Kevin Mayeshiro) wrote:

>Are there any popular flying spots in Sacramento, California?  Any place 
>where the local flyers like to hang out?  Thanks

Yes, indeed.  Probably the most popular place is near Rocland.  Take
I-80 to the Lincoln exit.  Follow the signs towards Lincoln and about
three miles up the road you will find two large fields on the
right...normally lots of kites in the air.  For more information
contact Gold Country Kites (916) 268-3640.

The other possibility is a trip to Berkley (about an hour and a half).
I make the commute almost every week-end for cool summer time weather
and the near famous Berkley winds. A truely great place to fly.  Feel
free to cotact my by e-mail for more info.



Think Kindly Thoughts.

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