Short: Convert5 Pro - Professional Unit conversion program Author: (DevRag Software) URL: Uploader: Type: s5/apps/calc ================================================================================== "Convert5 Pro", Professional Unit conversion suite for PSION SERIES 5 and GEOFOX 1 Version 3 (06.1998) : © copyright - Palmscape & DevRag Software ================================================================================== "Convert5 Pro" is a Professional unit conversion suite. It is a shareware. It has been release for evaluation purpose for 21 days. This version is compatible with PSION SERIES 5 and GEOFOX 1. ======================== To install ======================== 1) Make sure the "\System" folder is shown on your Psion Series 5/Geofox 1 system screen. If not, go to system menu and "Preferences" and check "Show "system" folder" box. 2) "Convert5 Pro" must have unzipped in the folder call "\Con5Pro". If so, copy whole "Con5Pro" folder in your "\System\Apps\" folder. Con5 Pro icon will appear in the Extrabar. 3) If you are installing this program to the D drive, make sure you create folder call "\System\Apps" first in the D drive. In order to run "Convert5 Pro" smoothly, it must be installed in "\System\Apps" folder in any drive. (E.g.any drive:\System\Apps\Con5Pro\*.*) 4) To copy all files manually, create folder called "Con5Pro" in "\System\Apps" folder and copy all files listed below in this folder. ======================== File list ======================== >>>>>>> Main program files. Essential program file Con5Pro.aif Essential program file C5Phelp.hlp Essential HELP file Con5Pro.mbm Toolbar Icon file Con5Pro.dat Essential settings file C5Group1.opo Conversion program file C5Group2.opo Conversion program file C5Group3.opo Optional program file for Paper sizes,Cloth sizes etc... >>>>>>> If you do not require or do not want to use "Pay As You Earn FOR UK" facility... It is very safe to delete following four files. PAYE(UK).opo PAYE(UK) calculation module NITable.dat NI Table file - Essential for PAYE(UK) TAXTable.dat TAX Table file - Essential for PAYE(UK) PAYEhelp.hlp Help file for PAYE(UK) >>>>>>> If you do not have following two files in ":\SYSTEM\OPL\" folder. You must copy them in this folder. ps.mbm ps.opo ======================= Getting started ======================= "Convert5 Pro" has been designed to be very easy to use, and you should be able to find your way around quite quickly, however comprehensive online help is available by tapping the help button. If you have any other questions that is not covered in the online help file you can contact the Palmscape support via: E-Mail: ======================= Disclaimer ======================= I have used "Convert5 Pro" extensively on my Psion Series 5 and GeoFox 1, and it has work perfectly well, however this does not mean that it will work on your machine, and no guarantee is offered or implied. Use this product at your own risk. Please read Licence Agreement from the Desktop on-line help file. DevRag Software & Palmscape Written By : Mayur Shah 1 June 1998