Short: Backlite+Plus V2.1 - multipurpose tool
Type: s5/apps/system

Backlite+Plus V2.1 User Guide


What's New in this release?
Registration information
Palmscape Customer Support
Disclaimer and License agreement


Backlite+Plus is a multipurpose tool that:-

Controls the backlight,switching it on always, between hours, with
external power or during sunrise/sunset times.

Plays a sound on startup.

Allows you to "jot" multiple jot notes with the pen, using it as a
quick note taker on startup.

Displays battery level status checks on startup in text, dialog or
graphical form and can warn you if the batteries are getting low
(accurate to 1% of battery voltage)

Shows the tasklist on powerup.

Allows you to create "Sticky notes". This are re-sizable and are
zoomable to 4 levels.

Works on C:\ or D:\ drives.

Has application keyboard commands for navigating, creating and editing

Allows you to configure a night clock.

You can configure a background image to have behind you sticky
notes. Several are supplied, but you can also download more from the
web site.

Allows you to create and configure Hotkeys and Macros to launch
applications and documents as well as run BL+ macro language commands,
downloadable for the web site.

What's New in this release?

Version 2.1 includes the following updates:-

Multiple jotpad pages - You can now page forward and backward through
multiple jotpad pages. Pages are stored in a selectable folder via the
jotpad options dialog. The default is c:\documents\backlite but you
can change this setting once BL+ has initialised for the first time.

You can use the small page turns in the corner of the jotpad to move
forward and backward though the pages, or the left and right cursor
keys. CTRL+SHIFT+d will delete the current page, moving all subsequent
pages up by one position.

Note Each page is stored as a separate MBM file within a specified
folder. A jotpad.idx file is also created to manage the pages. Should
you delete any pages manually (this is not the correct way of doing
so), the index will manage this process by deleting the missing page

Extra Sticky note commands - by popular request, some new commands
have been added to the sticky note menu. Hideall and Unhideall will do
pretty much as they say, hide and unhide all the sticky
notes. However, a new feature, Stickies On/Off allows you to quickly
turn on and off the sticky notes very quickly without actually writing
any changes to the sticky note file. This feature is ideal for turning
the sticky notes off to access the jotpad when you're in a
hurry. Sticky notes ON, restores the notes that were displayed before
you switched them off.

Note Stickies on/off and hideall/showall can sound similar but they
perform two very different functions. For example, if you had 10
sticky notes in a file, and only had 3 showing, then hiding them all
would work okay, but unhiding would display all 10. Stickies on/off is
a temporary change that is not saved in the settings files and
therefore always restore the desktop to show the last sticky notes
that were not hidden.

Registration information

Backlite+Plus is shareware but is unlike many shareware products in
that it doesn't impose restrictions that makes it impossible to
evaluate it.

The unregistered version of Backlite+Plus is not timed, nor does it
have any restriction on the number of Sticky notes you can create.

The only restrictions are:-

You see a registration dialog every time you startup and shutdown the

You can't have the backlight come on automatically with external

You can't turn off the Jotpad/Background screen and display your
Sticky notes on top of your other applications.

And that's it! As a un-registered user, you really are getting amazing

If you do use Backlite+Plus on a daily basis, and it becomes a useful
application to you, then please register.

So how much is it?

Registration is very easy and very cheap, �12 directly to Palmscape or
via REGNET's online ordering system. The full registration details can
be obtained from or

So why register? Why can't I use it for free?

Well you can. With shareware you get 99% of the application for
nothing which is something you don't get commercially.

Psion shareware is fairly unique in that for a fraction of the price
of commercial applications, you get not only the product, but you also

priority (and in most case, better ) support direct from the author
(commercial applications do not offer this)

preview releases of new versions up to 2 months ahead of everyone
else! (commercial applications do not offer this)

free upgrades to the next major release (up to 2.99). (Need I say

How is it registered, to me? my machine?

Backlite+Plus will be registered to YOU for your usage. It is not
limited to a machine, but only you can use it. I don't believe in
Machine specific registrations as they only serve to promote distrust.

You can check on updates and other Psion news by visiting the
Backlite+Plus web site on or to see more
information on Palmscape and other Palmscape products visit

Palmscape Customer support

If you require further help or information on any Palmscape product
you can contact support via any of the following:


The Palmscape Homepage on the worldwide web is located at The latest versions of all Palmscape
products are available from here, as well as general information
relating to EPOC palmtop computers.

You can also send requests or questions directly to the author via

Postal support and registrations:

The Palmscape address is:
182 Bromham Road
MK40 4BP

FREE Upgrades !

Registered users of Backlite+Plus are entitled to receive free
upgrades via the internet or on floppy disk, as they become available.

For details on how to get latest version see the Palmscape customer
support option from the main menu. If you do not have access to the
internet send a stamped addressed envelope with a PC formatted floppy
disk to the address shown.

Please note that the free upgrades offer excludes postage fees &
hardware costs.

Disclaimer & Licence agreement

Backlite+Plus, including all related program files - may not be
altered in any way. Reverse Translation is expressly forbidden without
written permission of the author.

Registered users may install the software on an unlimited number of
machines so long as they are for their own use exclusively.

Although Backlite+Plus is shareware, and you are encouraged to pass
the distribution .ZIP file to your friends and colleague, registered
copies may not be lent sold or rented without the express written
permission of the author.

Palmscape and the author cannot and does not accept any liability for
loss caused by error, defect or failure of the software including any
loss of any kind.

No guarantee is either offered or implied by Palmscape or the
author. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk.