Short: JB5StopGo v1.1 Author: (John Boyce) Uploader: Type: s5/apps/system JB5StopGo Version 1.1 (c)JBSoft 1998 � �Ŀ ����� �Ŀ ��� Overview -------- JB5StopGo is a program to automate the closing and reopening of your applications when preparing to backup to the main computer. It will close all running programs and start the Link or, if the Link is already running, will close the Link and restart the programs closed beforehand. There is also an option to run a program to work with the Link and one to specify programs not to close. New to this version is a setup which should allow operation on all language machines. Installation ------------ If you wish the program to be treated as an application and on the Extras bar then create a \SYSTEM\APPS\JB5STOPGO directory on one of your drives and copy both JB5STOPGO.APP and JB5STOPGO.AIF into this directory. Alternatively, if you would prefer to run the program as an OPO then just copy the program JB5STOPGO.APP to the directory where you store your OPOs (by default \DOCUMENTS). It can then be run in exactly the same way as any OPO program although you will get a couple of extra files in the directory. The SYSRAM1.OXH file should be placed in a \SYSTEM\OPL directory and SYSRAM1.OPX in a \SYSTEM\OPX directory if it isn't already installed. I've included the directory structure within the Zip so you could just drag and drop the appropriate bits for a speedier install if you wish. N.B. Be careful not to just copy the complete folder system though as, if you do this, you will erase all the other information within the System directory tree. The first time the program is run it is necessary to give some information so that the program works correctly on your machine. The questions that need answers are... � The key combination required from the System screen to produce the Link dialog (where the Link is switched on and off). � The name of the Help file and Data files - these are provided by using a dialog you can navigate around to highlight the appropriate file (on an English machine these are Z:\SYSTEM\DATA\HELP and Z:\SYSTEM\APPS\DATA\DATA.APP ). This setup is only shown once - if you need to alter anything then you will have to delete the JBSGI.INI file that is situated in the same directory as JB5STOPGO.APP. Notes ----- If the Link isn't connected then things will still closedown and re- open and set the Link accordingly. If a program fails to respond to the Close command then, after a few seconds (definable in Setup), a Kill command will be sent which will close the program immediately (although any data not saved may well be lost). N.B. The program will close down everything so, if you have sensitive data that must be saved it would be a good precaution to do a manual save first unless you are sure that the timeout used will be sufficient. The program creates a small temporary data file in the root directory of the Internal drive called C:\JBSGX.INI (just to explain why this file suddenly appears). This file is deleted once the programs have been re-opened. N.B. It is important that the Link is started and stopped by my program as it normally uses the Link status to decide what to do and is also dependent on how the setup has been defined. If the program fails for any reason then a restart of the program will probably be the same as a re-open and you will have to run the program a second time to close things down. You can check on this as, if the file C:\JBSGX.INI exists, the program will always try to re-open. Setup ----- If the letter 'J' (on its own, not with a Fn or Ctrl key) is pressed within two seconds of starting JBStopGo5 then you are taken to a setup where you can specify the type of link used (Cable, InfraRed, None) and the time that will be allowed for a program to close before a command is sent to just kill the program. Killing the program may lose data and cause problems later so it is best to define a period which is likely to be safe (as an example S5Bank needs around 7 seconds to close). You can also choose to launch a program after the closure of the open files - this is primarily for non-PC machines that may not have a PsiWin type option and may allow for another program to deal with the problem. To set this up may require some knowledge of the way the System works so the option isn't necessarily for the fainthearted (e.g. for an OPL program you need to choose "z:\system\apps\opl\" as the application and the filename should be the OPL program you wish to run). There is also an option to specify programs not to close (this is primarily because some programs run others when started and this may not be a good idea at the time). The defaults are a timeout of 10 seconds and the Cable link will be enabled. If all you wish to do is change the setup without running the program then, after you have changed the setup and pressed Enter, a "Busy" message will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen for two seconds. Press a key during this period and the program will terminate without closing or opening anything. Thanks ------ Thanks are, of course, due to all beta testers but I must single out John Woodthorpe who went above and beyond the call of duty in testing the various versions I sent out. I would also like to especially thank Bernd Schemmer for his help with testing on a foreign machine. Release History --------------- 1.0 First public release 1.1 Revision for languages other than English Added a message for when the re-opening was completed Added the possibility to not close specified programs Contact ------- John Boyce CompuServe: 100014,1240 CIX: jboyce Internet: