Resolution 92-11

1.0  Trustee Positions to be Filled
The  Board of Trustees will advise the Nominating Committee of the number of
Trustee positions to be filled by vote of the  individual  members  at  each
annual  election.  The Board may also advise the Nominating Committee of its
desires with respect to the backgrounds of individuals to  be  nominated  in
order  to  achieve  the balance of experience and qualifications required by
the provisions of By-Law Article III, Section 2, which  provides  that  "the
Board  shall seek to have among the Trustees representative individuals from
industry, from educational and nonprofit organizations and from government."

1.1  Date of Election
The Board of Trustees will annually adopt a timetable for Trustee elections.
The election date shall be not less than sixty days prior to the next Annual
Meeting of the Society.

1.2  Use of Electronic Mail
All  communications concerning the nomination and election of Trustees shall
be in the form of electronic mail except the ballot, which shall be  in  the
form  of  first  class  postal  mail.  Members  of  the  Society who are not
reachable by electronic mail may participate in the  nomination  process  by
postal mail.

2.0  Nominating Committee
The  Board of Trustees will annually appoint a Trustee Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee will consist of  five  individual  members  of  the
Society.  The  Chair  of  the  Nominating Committee shall be a member of the
Board of Trustees. At least two members of the Nominating Committee shall be
individual members of the Society not currently serving in  any  elected  or
appointed capacity in the Society.

2.1  Nominations by Committee
The  Nominating  Committee  will  notify  the  members of the Society of the
procedures for nominating individuals for election to the Board of Trustees,
and will provide a minimum period for receiving nominations of  sixty  days.
The  number  of individuals nominated shall exceed the number of Trustees to
be elected.

2.2  Nominations by Petition
The  Nominating  Committee  will notify the voting members of the Society of
the names of individuals nominated by the  committee  for  election  to  the
Board  of  Trustees not less than 150 days prior to the date established for
Trustee elections. Additional nominations  for  election  to  the  Board  of
Trustees  may  be  made  by  petition filed with the Chair of the Nominating
Committee not less than 90 days prior to  the  election.  Petitions  may  be
filed  electronically.  The  Nominating Commitee shall specify the number of
signatures of voting members required for petitions, which shall be at least
fifty voting members of the Society, or 1% of the  total  number  of  voting
members of the Society, whichever is greater.

2.3 Candidates for Election
The  Nominating  Committee  will  provide  the names of a completed slate of
candidates for election to the Elections Committee not  less  than  75  days
prior to the election date.

3.0 Elections Committee
The  Board of Trustees will annually appoint an Elections Committee composed
of three voting members  of  the  Society  which  will  be  responsible  for
establishing  and supervising elections. The Chair of the committee shall be
a Trustee whose term of office does  not  expire  during  the  year  of  the

3.1 Eligibility to Vote
All individual members of the Society in good standing are eligible to vote.
An  individual  member is in good standing if his or her annual dues are not
more than 60 days past due on the date of mailing of the ballot.

3.2 Ballot
The Trustee election shall be conducted by written ballot of the  individual
members,  which  shall  be  mailed  to  each  member  of the Society in good
standing not less than sixty days prior to the date of the election.

3.3 Voting
Each voting member will be entitled to as many votes as  there  are  Trustee
positions  to  be  filled  by vote of the members. Votes may be cumulated on
behalf of one or more candidates for election. A member may use  fewer  than
the total number of votes available if he or she so chooses.

3.4 Receipt of Ballots
All  ballots  for  Trustee  elections  shall be received by the Chair of the
Elections Committee by 5 pm local time on the day prior to the date  of  the
election,  at  the place established by the Elections Committee for delivery
of the ballots.

3.5 Counting of Ballots
The counting of ballots will take place on the election date, at a time  and
place  established  by  the Elections Committee. At least two members of the
Elections Committee shall be present at the counting  of  the  ballots.  The
committee  will  establish  procedures  to  ensure the privacy, validity and
accuracy of all ballots.

3.6 Certification of Vote
The Elections Committee shall certify the  results  of  the  annual  Trustee
election  to  the  Board  of Trustees within 10 days following the election,
forwarding a list of the candidates and the number of votes  each  candidate
has received.

3.7 Challenges
No  challenge  to any Trustee nomination or election procedure or result may
be brought except by an individual member in good  standing.  Any  challenge
must  be  addressed  to  the  President of the Society with a recital of the
reasons for the challenge, and must be received within thirty  days  of  the
election  date.  The  President,  after  consultation with the Chairs of the
Nominating and  Elections  Committees  and  the  members  of  the  Board  of
Trustees,  shall advise the author of the challenge of the Board's decision,
which shall be final, within thirty days of receipt of the challenge.

Resolution 92-12
For the 1993 Trustee election, newly elected Trustees shall take office
on the first day of the month following certification of the election
results to the Board.

Resolution 92-13
[A procedure for electronic voting which permits business to be conducted
between the semiannual meetings of the Board. The procedure, proposed by
*Treasurer* Greisen, is similar to one used by other Boards with widely
dispersed Board membership]

Resolution 92-14
[The Board approved a
balanced budget for 1993 calling for $955,000 in revenue and an equal
amount in expense.}

Resolution 92-15
The Board ofTrustees:
(1) Commends the POISED Working Group for its efforts, as presented to
the Board by *Dr. Stephen Crocker*, concerning restructuring
relationships and responsibilities of the IAB, IESG, IETF, and for the
selection of officers;
(2) agrees in principle with the proposed approaches and plans of
action; and
(3) resolves expeditiously to assess legal implications of these
activities, and to develop and approve required revisions to Charters
that reflect the Working Group proposals.

resolution 92-16
The Internet Society Board of
Trustees acknowledges with gratitude the contributions of Professor
Hideo Aiso during his tenure as a member of the Board of Trustees. His
service as General Chairman of the Society's annual conference, INET'92,
held in Kobe, Japan, is most appreciated. This was a highly successful
conference, setting a high standard against which subsequent conferences
will be measured.
