Short Contents

GNU libavl 2.0.3
1 Introduction
2 The Table ADT
3 Search Algorithms
4 Binary Search Trees
5 AVL Trees
6 Red-Black Trees
7 Threaded Binary Search Trees
8 Threaded AVL Trees
9 Threaded Red-Black Trees
10 Right-Threaded Binary Search Trees
11 Right-Threaded AVL Trees
12 Right-Threaded Red-Black Trees
13 BSTs with Parent Pointers
14 AVL Trees with Parent Pointers
15 Red-Black Trees with Parent Pointers
Appendix A References
Appendix B Supplementary Code
Appendix C GNU Free Documentation License
Appendix D Glossary
Appendix E Answers to All the Exercises
Appendix F Catalogue of Algorithms
Appendix G Index

Table of Contents

GNU libavl 2.0.3
  Contacting the Author
1 Introduction
  1.1 Audience
  1.2 Reading the Code
  1.3 Code Conventions
  1.4 Licenses
2 The Table ADT
  2.1 Informal Definition
  2.2 Identifiers
  2.3 Comparison Function
  2.4 Item and Copy Functions
  2.5 Memory Allocation
  2.6 Creation and Destruction
  2.7 Count
  2.8 Insertion and Deletion
  2.9 Assertions
  2.10 Traversers
    2.10.1 Constructors
    2.10.2 Manipulators
  2.11 Table Headers
  2.12 Additional Exercises
3 Search Algorithms
  3.1 Sequential Search
  3.2 Sequential Search with Sentinel
  3.3 Sequential Search of Ordered Array
  3.4 Sequential Search of Ordered Array with Sentinel
  3.5 Binary Search of Ordered Array
  3.6 Binary Search Tree in Array
  3.7 Dynamic Lists
4 Binary Search Trees
  4.1 Vocabulary
    4.1.1 Aside: Differing Definitions
  4.2 Data Types
    4.2.1 Node Structure
    4.2.2 Tree Structure
    4.2.3 Maximum Height
  4.3 Rotations
  4.4 Operations
  4.5 Creation
  4.6 Search
  4.7 Insertion
    4.7.1 Aside: Root Insertion
  4.8 Deletion
    4.8.1 Aside: Deletion by Merging
  4.9 Traversal
    4.9.1 Traversal by Recursion
    4.9.2 Traversal by Iteration Improving Convenience
    4.9.3 Better Iterative Traversal Starting at the Null Node Starting at the First Node Starting at the Last Node Starting at a Found Node Starting at an Inserted Node Initialization by Copying Advancing to the Next Node Backing Up to the Previous Node Getting the Current Item Replacing the Current Item
  4.10 Copying
    4.10.1 Recursive Copying
    4.10.2 Iterative Copying
    4.10.3 Error Handling
  4.11 Destruction
    4.11.1 Destruction by Rotation
    4.11.2 Aside: Recursive Destruction
    4.11.3 Aside: Iterative Destruction
  4.12 Balance
    4.12.1 From Tree to Vine
    4.12.2 From Vine to Balanced Tree General Trees Implementation Implementing Compression
  4.13 Aside: Joining BSTs
  4.14 Testing
    4.14.1 Testing BSTs BST Verification Displaying BST Structures
    4.14.2 Test Set Generation
    4.14.3 Testing Overflow
    4.14.4 Memory Manager
    4.14.5 User Interaction
    4.14.6 Utility Functions
    4.14.7 Main Program
  4.15 Additional Exercises
5 AVL Trees
  5.1 Balancing Rule
    5.1.1 Analysis
  5.2 Data Types
  5.3 Operations
  5.4 Insertion
    5.4.1 Step 1: Search
    5.4.2 Step 2: Insert
    5.4.3 Step 3: Update Balance Factors
    5.4.4 Step 4: Rebalance
    5.4.5 Symmetric Case
    5.4.6 Example
    5.4.7 Aside: Recursive Insertion
  5.5 Deletion
    5.5.1 Step 1: Search
    5.5.2 Step 2: Delete
    5.5.3 Step 3: Update Balance Factors
    5.5.4 Step 4: Rebalance
    5.5.5 Step 5: Finish Up
    5.5.6 Symmetric Case
  5.6 Traversal
  5.7 Copying
  5.8 Testing
6 Red-Black Trees
  6.1 Balancing Rule
    6.1.1 Analysis
  6.2 Data Types
  6.3 Operations
  6.4 Insertion
    6.4.1 Step 1: Search
    6.4.2 Step 2: Insert
    6.4.3 Step 3: Rebalance
    6.4.4 Symmetric Case
    6.4.5 Aside: Initial Black Insertion Symmetric Case
  6.5 Deletion
    6.5.1 Step 2: Delete
    6.5.2 Step 3: Rebalance
    6.5.3 Step 4: Finish Up
    6.5.4 Symmetric Case
  6.6 Testing
7 Threaded Binary Search Trees
  7.1 Threads
  7.2 Data Types
  7.3 Operations
  7.4 Creation
  7.5 Search
  7.6 Insertion
  7.7 Deletion
  7.8 Traversal
    7.8.1 Starting at the Null Node
    7.8.2 Starting at the First Node
    7.8.3 Starting at the Last Node
    7.8.4 Starting at a Found Node
    7.8.5 Starting at an Inserted Node
    7.8.6 Initialization by Copying
    7.8.7 Advancing to the Next Node
    7.8.8 Backing Up to the Previous Node
  7.9 Copying
  7.10 Destruction
  7.11 Balance
    7.11.1 From Tree to Vine
    7.11.2 From Vine to Balanced Tree
  7.12 Testing
8 Threaded AVL Trees
  8.1 Data Types
  8.2 Rotations
  8.3 Operations
  8.4 Insertion
    8.4.1 Steps 1 and 2: Search and Insert
    8.4.2 Step 4: Rebalance
    8.4.3 Symmetric Case
  8.5 Deletion
    8.5.1 Step 1: Search
    8.5.2 Step 2: Delete
    8.5.3 Step 3: Update Balance Factors
    8.5.4 Step 4: Rebalance
    8.5.5 Symmetric Case
    8.5.6 Finding the Parent of a Node
  8.6 Copying
  8.7 Testing
9 Threaded Red-Black Trees
  9.1 Data Types
  9.2 Operations
  9.3 Insertion
    9.3.1 Steps 1 and 2: Search and Insert
    9.3.2 Step 3: Rebalance
    9.3.3 Symmetric Case
  9.4 Deletion
    9.4.1 Step 1: Search
    9.4.2 Step 2: Delete
    9.4.3 Step 3: Rebalance
    9.4.4 Step 4: Finish Up
    9.4.5 Symmetric Case
  9.5 Testing
10 Right-Threaded Binary Search Trees
  10.1 Data Types
  10.2 Operations
  10.3 Search
  10.4 Insertion
  10.5 Deletion
    10.5.1 Right-Looking Deletion
    10.5.2 Left-Looking Deletion
    10.5.3 Aside: Comparison of Deletion Algorithms
  10.6 Traversal
    10.6.1 Starting at the First Node
    10.6.2 Starting at the Last Node
    10.6.3 Starting at a Found Node
    10.6.4 Advancing to the Next Node
    10.6.5 Backing Up to the Previous Node
  10.7 Copying
  10.8 Destruction
  10.9 Balance
  10.10 Testing
11 Right-Threaded AVL Trees
  11.1 Data Types
  11.2 Operations
  11.3 Rotations
  11.4 Insertion
    11.4.1 Steps 1-2: Search and Insert
    11.4.2 Step 4: Rebalance
  11.5 Deletion
    11.5.1 Step 1: Search
    11.5.2 Step 2: Delete
    11.5.3 Step 3: Update Balance Factors
    11.5.4 Step 4: Rebalance
  11.6 Copying
  11.7 Testing
12 Right-Threaded Red-Black Trees
  12.1 Data Types
  12.2 Operations
  12.3 Insertion
    12.3.1 Steps 1 and 2: Search and Insert
    12.3.2 Step 3: Rebalance
  12.4 Deletion
    12.4.1 Step 2: Delete
    12.4.2 Step 3: Rebalance
    12.4.3 Step 4: Finish Up
  12.5 Testing
13 BSTs with Parent Pointers
  13.1 Data Types
  13.2 Operations
  13.3 Insertion
  13.4 Deletion
  13.5 Traversal
    13.5.1 Starting at the First Node
    13.5.2 Starting at the Last Node
    13.5.3 Starting at a Found Node
    13.5.4 Starting at an Inserted Node
    13.5.5 Advancing to the Next Node
    13.5.6 Backing Up to the Previous Node
  13.6 Copying
  13.7 Balance
  13.8 Testing
14 AVL Trees with Parent Pointers
  14.1 Data Types
  14.2 Rotations
  14.3 Operations
  14.4 Insertion
    14.4.1 Steps 1 and 2: Search and Insert
    14.4.2 Step 3: Update Balance Factors
    14.4.3 Step 4: Rebalance
    14.4.4 Symmetric Case
  14.5 Deletion
    14.5.1 Step 2: Delete
    14.5.2 Step 3: Update Balance Factors
    14.5.3 Step 4: Rebalance
    14.5.4 Symmetric Case
  14.6 Traversal
  14.7 Copying
  14.8 Testing
15 Red-Black Trees with Parent Pointers
  15.1 Data Types
  15.2 Operations
  15.3 Insertion
    15.3.1 Step 2: Insert
    15.3.2 Step 3: Rebalance
    15.3.3 Symmetric Case
  15.4 Deletion
    15.4.1 Step 2: Delete
    15.4.2 Step 3: Rebalance
    15.4.3 Step 4: Finish Up
    15.4.4 Symmetric Case
  15.5 Testing
Appendix A References
Appendix B Supplementary Code
  B.1 Option Parser
  B.2 Command-Line Parser
Appendix C GNU Free Documentation License
Appendix D Glossary
Appendix E Answers to All the Exercises
  Chapter 2
  Chapter 3
  Chapter 4
  Chapter 5
  Chapter 6
  Chapter 7
  Chapter 8
  Chapter 9
  Chapter 10
  Chapter 11
  Chapter 13
  Chapter 14
Appendix F Catalogue of Algorithms
  Binary Search Tree Algorithms
  AVL Tree Algorithms
  Red-Black Tree Algorithms
  Threaded Binary Search Tree Algorithms
  Threaded AVL Tree Algorithms
  Threaded Red-Black Tree Algorithms
  Right-Threaded Binary Search Tree Algorithms
  Right-Threaded AVL Tree Algorithms
  Right-Threaded Red-Black Tree Algorithms
  Binary Search Tree with Parent Pointers Algorithms
  AVL Tree with Parent Pointers Algorithms
  Red-Black Tree with Parent Pointers Algorithms
Appendix G Index

GNU libavl 2.0.3


Early in 1998, I wanted an AVL tree library for use in writing GNU
PSPP.  At the time, few of these were available on the Internet.  Those
that were had licenses that were not entirely satisfactory for
inclusion in GNU software.  I resolved to write my own.  I sat down
with Knuth's `The Art of Computer Programming' and did so.  The result
was the earliest version of libavl.  As I wrote it, I learned valuable
lessons about implementing algorithms for binary search trees, and
covered many notebook pages with scribbled diagrams.

   Later, I decided that what I really wanted was a similar library for
threaded AVL trees, so I added an implementation to libavl.  Along the
way, I ended up having to relearn many of the lessons I'd already
painstakingly uncovered in my earlier work.  Even later, I had much the
same experience in writing code for right-threaded AVL trees and
red-black trees, which was done as much for my own education as any
intention of using the code in real software.

   In late 1999, I contributed a chapter on binary search trees and
balanced trees to a book on programming in C.  This again required a
good deal of duplication of effort as I rediscovered old techniques.
By now I was beginning to see the pattern, so I decided to document
once and for all the algorithms I had chosen and the tradeoffs I had
made.  Along the way, the project expanded in scope several times.

   You are looking at the results.  I hope you find that it is as useful
for reading and reference as I found that writing it was enjoyable for
me.  As I wrote later chapters, I referred less and less to my other
reference books and more and more to my own earlier chapters, so I
already know that it can come in handy for me.

   Please feel free to copy and distribute this book, in accordance with
the license agreement.  If you make multiple printed copies, consider
contacting me by email first to check whether there are any
late-breaking corrections or new editions in the pipeline.


libavl has grown into its current state over a period of years.  During
that time, many people have contributed advice, bug reports, and
occasional code fragments.  I have attempted to individually
acknowledge all of these people, along with their contributions, in the
`NEWS' and `ChangeLog' files included with the libavl source
distribution.  Without their help, libavl would not be what it is
today.  If you believe that you should be listed in one of these files,
but are not, please contact me.

   Many people have indirectly contributed by providing computer science
background and software infrastructure, without which libavl would not
have been possible at all.  For a partial list, please see `THANKS' in
the libavl source distribution.

   Special thanks are due to Erik Goodman of the A. H. Case Center for
Computer-Aided Engineering and Manufacturing at Michigan State
University for making it possible for me to receive MSU honors credit
for rewriting libavl as a literate program, and to Dann Corbit for his
invaluable suggestions during development.

Contacting the Author

libavl, including this book, the source code, the TexiWEB software, and
related programs, was written by Ben Pfaff, who welcomes your feedback.
Please send libavl-related correspondence, including bug reports and
suggestions for improvement, to him at <>.

   Ben received his B.S. in electrical engineering from Michigan State
University in May 2001.  He is now studying for a Ph.D. in computer
science at Stanford University as a Stanford Graduate Fellow.

   Ben's personal webpage is at `', where you can
find a list of his current projects, including the status of libavl
test releases.  You can also find him hanging out in the Internet
newsgroup comp.lang.c.

1 Introduction

libavl is a library in ANSI C for manipulation of various types of
binary trees.  This book provides an introduction to binary tree
techniques and presents all of libavl's source code, along with
annotations and exercises for the reader.  It also includes practical
information on how to use libavl in your programs and discussion of the
larger issues of how to choose efficient data structures and libraries.
The book concludes with suggestions for further reading, answers to
all the exercises, glossary, and index.

1.1 Audience

This book is intended both for novices interested in finding out about
binary search trees and practicing programmers looking for a cookbook of
algorithms.  It has several features that will be appreciated by both

   * Tested code: With the exception of code presented as
     counterexamples, which are clearly marked, all code presented has
     been tested.  Most code comes with a working program for testing or
     demonstrating it.

   * No pseudo-code: Pseudo-code can be confusing, so it is not used.

   * Motivation: An important goal is to demonstrate general methods for
     programming, not just the particular algorithms being examined.
     As a result, the rationale for design choices is explained

   * Exercises and answers: To clarify issues raised within the text,
     many sections conclude with exercises.  All exercises come with
     complete answers in an appendix at the back of the book.

     Some exercises are marked with one or more stars (*).  Exercises
     without stars are recommended for all readers, but starred
     exercises deal with particularly obscure topics or make reference
     to topics covered later.

     Experienced programmers should find the exercises particularly
     interesting, because many of them present alternatives to choices
     made in the main text.

   * Asides: Occasionally a section is marked as an "aside".  Like
     exercises, asides often highlight alternatives to techniques in the
     main text, but asides are more extensive than most exercises.
     Asides are not essential to comprehension of the main text, so
     readers not interested may safely skip over them to the following

   * Minimal C knowledge assumed: Basic familiarity with the C language
     is assumed, but obscure constructions are briefly explained the
     first time they occur.

     Those who wish for a review of C language features before beginning
     should consult [Summit 1999].  This is especially recommended for
     novices who feel uncomfortable with pointer and array concepts.

   * References: When appropriate, other texts that cover the same or
     related material are referenced at the end of sections.

   * Glossary: Terms are "emphasized" and defined the first time they
     are used.  Definitions for these terms and more are collected into
     a glossary at the back of the book.

   * Catalogue of algorithms: *Note Catalogue of Algorithms::, for a
     handy list of all the algorithms implemented in this book.

1.2 Reading the Code

This book contains all the source code to libavl.  Conversely, much of
the source code presented in this book is part of libavl.

   libavl is written in ANSI/ISO C89 using TexiWEB, a "literate
programming" system.  Literate programming is a philosophy that regards
software as a kind of literature.  The ideas behind literate programming
have been around for a long time, but the term itself was invented by
computer scientist Donald Knuth in 1984, who wrote two of his most
famous programs (TeX and METAFONT) with a literate programming system of
his own design.  That system, called WEB, inspired the form and much of
the syntax of TexiWEB.

   A TexiWEB document is a C program that has been cut into sections,
rearranged, and annotated, with the goal to make the program as a whole
as comprehensible as possible to a reader who starts at the beginning
and reads the entire program in order.  Of course, understanding large,
complex programs cannot be trivial, but TexiWEB tries to make it as
easy as possible.

   Each section of a TexiWEB program is assigned both a number and a
name.  Section numbers are assigned sequentially, starting from 1 with
the first section, and they are used for cross-references between
sections.  Section names are words or phrases assigned by the TexiWEB
program's author to describe the role of the section's code.

   Here's a sample TexiWEB section:

19. <Clear hash table entries 19> =
for (i = 0; i < hash->m; i++)
  hash->entry[i] = NULL;
   This code is included in 15.

   The first line of a section, as shown here, gives the section's name
and its number within angle brackets.  The section number is also given
at the left margin to make individual sections easy to find.

   Code segments often contain references to other code segments, shown
as a section name and number within angle brackets.  These act something
like macros, in that they stand for the corresponding replacement text.
For instance, consider the following segment:

15. <Initialize hash table 15> =
hash->m = 13;
<Clear hash table entries 19>
   See also 16.

   This means that the code for `Clear hash table entries' should be
inserted as part of `Initialize hash table'.  Because the name of a
section explains what it does, it's often unnecessary to know anything
more.  If you do want more detail, the section number 19 in <Clear hash
table entries 19> can easily be used to find the full text and
annotations for `Clear hash table entries'.  At the bottom of section
19 you will find a note reading `This code is included in 15.', making
it easy to move back to section 15 that includes it.

   There's also a note following the code in the section above: `See
also 16.'.  This demonstrates how TexiWEB handles multiple sections
that have the same name.  When a name that corresponds to multiple
sections is referenced, code from all the sections with that name is
substituted, in order of appearance.  The first section with the name
ends with a note listing the numbers of all other same-named sections.
Later sections show their own numbers in the left margin, but the
number of the first section within angle brackets, to make the first
section easy to find.  For example, here's another line of code for
<Clear hash table entries 15>:

16. <Initialize hash table 15> +=
hash->n = 0;

   Code segment references have one more feature: the ability to do
special macro replacements within the referenced code.  These
replacements are made on all words within the code segment referenced
and recursively within code segments that the segment references, and
so on.  Word prefixes as well as full words are replaced, as are even
occurrences within comments in the referenced code.  Replacements take
place regardless of case, and the case of the replacement mirrors the
case of the replaced text. This odd feature is useful for adapting a
section of code written for one library having a particular identifier
prefix for use in a different library with another identifier prefix.
For instance, the reference `<BST types; bst => avl>' inserts the
contents of the segment named `BST types', replacing `bst' by `avl'
wherever the former appears at the beginning of a word.

   When a TexiWEB program is converted to C, conversion conceptually
begins from sections named for files; e.g., <`foo.c' 37>.  Within these
sections, all section references are expanded, then references within
those sections are expanded, and so on.  When expansion is complete,
the specified files are written out.

   A final resource in reading a TexiWEB is the index, which contains an
entry for the points of declaration of every section name, function,
type, structure, union, global variable, and macro.  Declarations within
functions are not indexed.

See also:  [Knuth 1992], "How to read a WEB".

1.3 Code Conventions

Where possible, the libavl source code complies to the requirements
imposed by ANSI/ISO C89 and C99.  Features present only in C99 are not
used. In addition, most of the GNU Coding Standards are followed.
Indentation style is an exception to the latter: in print, to conserve
vertical space, K&R indentation style is used instead of GNU style.

See also:  [ISO 1990]; [ISO 1999]; [FSF 2001], "Writing C".

1.4 Licenses

This book is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, version
1.2 or later.  The book includes complete source code for the libavl
libraries and related programs, so these are also released under the
GNU Free Documentation License.

   The libraries in this book are also released under the following

1. <Library License 1> =
/* GNU libavl - library for manipulation of binary trees.
   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 Free
   Software Foundation, Inc.

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
   02110-1301 USA.
   This code is included in 25, 26, 143, 144, 194, 195, 249, 250, 299,
300, 335, 336, 374, 375, 417, 418, 454, 455, 488, 489, 521, 522, 553,
554, and 651.

   The programs in this book are also released under the following

2. <Program License 2> =
/* GNU libavl - library for manipulation of binary trees.
   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 Free
   Software Foundation, Inc.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
   This code is included in 98, 99, 100, 188, 240, 292, 332, 370, 413,
451, 484, 517, 550, 585, 597, 601, and 619.

2 The Table ADT

Most of the chapters in this book implement a table structure as some
kind of binary tree, so it is important to understand what a table is
before we begin.  That is this chapter's purpose.

   This chapter begins with a brief definition of the meaning of "table"
for the purposes of this book, then moves on to describe in a more
formal way the interface of a table used by all of the tables in this
book.  The next chapter motivates the basic idea of a binary tree
starting from simple, everyday concepts.  Experienced programmers may
skip these chapters after skimming through the definitions below.

2.1 Informal Definition

If you've written even a few programs, you've probably noticed the
necessity for searchable collections of data.  Compilers search their
symbol tables for identifiers and network servers often search tables to
match up data with users.  Many applications with graphical user
interfaces deal with mouse and keyboard activity by searching a table of
possible actions.  In fact, just about every nontrivial program,
regardless of application domain, needs to maintain and search tables of
some kind.

   In this book, the term "table" does not refer to any particular data
structure.  Rather, it is the name for a abstract data structure or ADT,
defined in terms of the operations that can be performed on it.  A table
ADT can be implemented in any number of ways.  Later chapters will show
how to implement tables in terms of various binary tree data structures.

   The purpose of a table is to keep track of a collection of items,
all of the same type.  Items can be inserted into and deleted from a
table, with no arbitrary limit on the number of items in the table.  We
can also search a table for items that match a given item.

   Other operations are supported, too.  Traversal is the most
important of these: all of the items in a table can be visited, in
sorted order from smallest to largest, or from largest to smallest.
Traversals can also start from an item in the middle, or a newly
inserted item, and move in either direction.

   The data in a table may be of any C type, but all the items in a
table must be of the same type.  Structure types are common.  Often,
only part of each data item is used in item lookup, with the rest for
storage of auxiliary information.  A table that contains two-part data
items like this is called a "dictionary" or an "associative array".
The part of table data used for lookup, whether the table is a
dictionary or not, is the "key".  In a dictionary, the remainder is the

   Our tables cannot contain duplicates.  An attempt to insert an item
into a table that already contains a matching item will fail.


1. Suggest a way to simulate the ability to insert duplicate items in a

2.2 Identifiers

In C programming it is necessary to be careful if we expect to avoid
clashes between our own names and those used by others.  Any identifiers
that we pick might also be used by others.  The usual solution is to
adopt a prefix that is applied to the beginning of every identifier that
can be visible in code outside a single source file.  In particular,
most identifiers in a library's public header files must be prefixed.

   libavl is a collection of mostly independent modules, each of which
implements the table ADT.  Each module has its own, different identifier
prefix.  Identifiers that begin with this prefix are reserved for any
use in source files that #include the module header file.  Also
reserved (for use as macro names) are identifiers that begin with the
all-uppercase version of the prefix.  Both sets of identifiers are also
reserved as external names(1) throughout any program that uses the

   In addition, all identifiers that begin with libavl_ or LIBAVL_ are
reserved for any use in source files that #include any libavl module.
Likewise, these identifiers are reserved as external names in any
program that uses any libavl module.  This is primarily to allow for
future expansion, but see *Note Memory Allocation:: and Exercise 2.5-1
for a sample use.

   The prefix used in code samples in this chapter is tbl_, short for
"table".  This can be considered a generic substitute for the prefix
used by any of the table implementation.  All of the statements about
these functions here apply equally to all of the table implementation in
later chapters, except that the tbl_ prefix must be replaced by the
prefix used by the chapter's table implementation.


1. The following kinds of identifiers are among those that might appear
in a header file.  Which of them can be safely appear unprefixed?  Why?

  a. Parameter names within function prototypes.

  b. Macro parameter names.

  c. Structure and union tags.

  d. Structure and union member names.

2. Suppose that we create a module for reporting errors.  Why is err_ a
poorly chosen prefix for the module's identifiers?

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) External names are identifiers visible outside a single source
file.  These are, mainly, non-static functions and variables declared
outside a function.

2.3 Comparison Function

The C language provides the void * generic pointer for dealing with
data of unknown type.  We will use this type to allow our tables to
contain a wide range of data types.  This flexibility does keep the
table from working directly with its data.  Instead, the table's user
must provide means to operate on data items.  This section describes
the user-provided functions for comparing items, and the next section
describes two other kinds of user-provided functions.

   There is more than one kind of generic algorithm for searching.  We
can search by comparison of keys, by digital properties of the keys, or
by computing a function of the keys.  In this book, we are only
interested in the first possibility, so we need a way to compare data
items.  This is done with a user-provided function compatible with
tbl_comparison_func, declared as follows:

3. <Table function types 3> =
/* Function types. */
typedef int tbl_comparison_func (const void *tbl_a, const void *tbl_b, 
                                 void *tbl_param);
   See also 5.
This code is included in 15.

   A comparison function takes two pointers to data items, here called a
and b, and compares their keys.  It returns a negative value if a < b,
zero if a == b, or a positive value if a > b.  It takes a third
parameter, here called param, which is user-provided.

   A comparison function must work more or less like an arithmetic
comparison within the domain of the data.  This could be alphabetical
ordering for strings, a set of nested sort orders (e.g., sort first by
last name, with duplicates by first name), or any other comparison
function that behaves in a "natural" way.  A comparison function in the
exact class of those acceptable is called a "strict weak ordering", for
which the exact rules are explained in Exercise 5.

   Here's a function that can be used as a comparison function for the
case that the void * pointers point to single ints:

4. <Comparison function for ints 4> =
/* Comparison function for pointers to ints.
   param is not used. */
compare_ints (const void *pa, const void *pb, void *param)
  const int *a = pa;
  const int *b = pb;

  if (*a < *b)
    return -1;
  else if (*a > *b)
    return +1;
    return 0;
   This code is included in 135.

   Here's another comparison function for data items that point to
ordinary C strings:

/* Comparison function for strings.
   param is not used. */
compare_strings (const void *pa, const void *pb, void *param)
  return strcmp (pa, pb);

See also:  [FSF 1999], node "Defining the Comparison Function"; [ISO
1998], section 25.3, "Sorting and related operations"; [SGI 1993],
section "Strict Weak Ordering".


1. In C, integers may be cast to pointers, including void *, and vice
versa.  Explain why it is not a good idea to use an integer cast to
void * as a data item.  When would such a technique would be acceptable?

2. When would the following be an acceptable alternate definition for

compare_ints (const void *pa, const void *pb, void *param)
  return *((int *) pa) - *((int *) pb);

3. Could strcmp(), suitably cast, be used in place of compare_strings()?

4. Write a comparison function for data items that, in any particular
table, are character arrays of fixed length.  Among different tables,
the length may differ, so the third parameter to the function points to
a size_t specifying the length for a given table.

*5. For a comparison function f() to be a strict weak ordering, the
following must hold for all possible data items a, b, and c:

   * _Irreflexivity:_ For every a, f(a, a) == 0.

   * _Antisymmetry_: If f(a, b) > 0, then f(b, a) < 0.

   * _Transitivity_: If f(a, b) > 0 and f(b, c) > 0, then f(a, c) > 0.

   * _Transitivity of equivalence_: If f(a, b) == 0 and f(b, c) == 0,
     then f(a, c) == 0.

Consider the following questions that explore the definition of a strict
weak ordering.

  a. Explain how compare_ints() above satisfies each point of the

  b. Can the standard C library function strcmp() be used for a strict
     weak ordering?

  c. Propose an irreflexive, antisymmetric, transitive function that
     lacks transitivity of equivalence.

*6. libavl uses a ternary comparison function that returns a negative
value for <, zero for ==, positive for >.  Other libraries use binary
comparison functions that return nonzero for < or zero for >=.
Consider these questions about the differences:

  a. Write a C expression, in terms of a binary comparison function f()
     and two items a and b, that is nonzero if and only if a == b as
     defined by f().  Write a similar expression for a > b.

  b. Write a binary comparison function "wrapper" for a libavl
     comparison function.

  c. Rewrite bst_find() based on a binary comparison function.  (You can
     use the wrapper from above to simulate a binary comparison

2.4 Item and Copy Functions

Besides tbl_comparison_func, there are two kinds of functions used in
libavl to manipulate item data:

5. <Table function types 3> +=
typedef void tbl_item_func (void *tbl_item, void *tbl_param);
typedef void *tbl_copy_func (void *tbl_item, void *tbl_param);

Both of these function types receive a table item as their first
argument tbl_item and the tbl_param associated with the table as their
second argument.  This tbl_param is the same one passed as the third
argument to tbl_comparison_func.  libavl will never pass a null pointer
as tbl_item to either kind of function.

   A tbl_item_func performs some kind of action on tbl_item.  The
particular action that it should perform depends on the context in which
it is used and the needs of the calling program.

   A tbl_copy_func creates and returns a new copy of tbl_item.  If
copying fails, then it returns a null pointer.

2.5 Memory Allocation

The standard C library functions malloc() and free() are the usual way
to obtain and release memory for dynamic data structures like tables.
Most users will be satisfied if libavl uses these routines for memory
management.  On the other hand, some users will want to supply their
own methods for allocating and freeing memory, perhaps even different
methods from table to table.  For these users' benefit, each table is
associated with a memory allocator, which provides functions for memory
allocation and deallocation.  This allocator has the same form in each
table implementation.  It looks like this:

6. <Memory allocator 6> =
/* Memory allocator. */
struct libavl_allocator
    void *(*libavl_malloc) (struct libavl_allocator *, size_t libavl_size);
    void (*libavl_free) (struct libavl_allocator *, void *libavl_block);
   This code is included in 15, 100, and 651.

   Members of struct libavl_allocator have the same interfaces as the
like-named standard C library functions, except that they are each
additionally passed a pointer to the struct libavl_allocator * itself
as their first argument.  The table implementations never call
tbl_malloc() with a zero size or tbl_free() with a null pointer block.

   The struct libavl_allocator type is shared between all of libavl's
modules, so its name begins with libavl_, not with the specific module
prefix that we've been representing generically here as tbl_.  This
makes it possible for a program to use a single allocator with multiple
libavl table modules, without the need to declare instances of
different structures.

   The default allocator is just a wrapper around malloc() and free().
Here it is:

7. <Default memory allocation functions 7> =
/* Allocates size bytes of space using malloc().
   Returns a null pointer if allocation fails. */
void *
tbl_malloc (struct libavl_allocator *allocator, size_t size)
  assert (allocator != NULL && size > 0);
  return malloc (size);

/* Frees block. */
tbl_free (struct libavl_allocator *allocator, void *block)
  assert (allocator != NULL && block != NULL);
  free (block);

/* Default memory allocator that uses malloc() and free(). */
struct libavl_allocator tbl_allocator_default =
   This code is included in 30, 147, 198, 253, 302, 338, 377, 420, 457,
491, 524, 556, and 651.

   The default allocator comes along with header file declarations:

8. <Default memory allocator header 8> =
/* Default memory allocator. */
extern struct libavl_allocator tbl_allocator_default;
void *tbl_malloc (struct libavl_allocator *, size_t);
void tbl_free (struct libavl_allocator *, void *);
   This code is included in 15 and 651.

See also:  [FSF 1999], nodes "Malloc Examples" and "Changing Block


1. This structure is named with a libavl_ prefix because it is shared
among all of libavl's module.  Other types are shared among libavl
modules, too, such as tbl_item_func.  Why don't the names of these
other types also begin with libavl_?

2. Supply an alternate allocator, still using malloc() and free(), that
prints an error message to stderr and aborts program execution when
memory allocation fails.

*3. Some kinds of allocators may need additional arguments.  For
instance, if memory for each table is taken from a separate
Apache-style "memory pool", then a pointer to the pool structure is
needed.  Show how this can be done without modifying existing types.

2.6 Creation and Destruction

This section describes the functions that create and destroy tables.

9. <Table creation function prototypes 9> =
/* Table functions. */
struct tbl_table *tbl_create (tbl_comparison_func *, void *,
                              struct libavl_allocator *);
struct tbl_table *tbl_copy (const struct tbl_table *, tbl_copy_func *,
                            tbl_item_func *, struct libavl_allocator *);
void tbl_destroy (struct tbl_table *, tbl_item_func *);
   This code is included in 16.

   * tbl_create(): Creates and returns a new, empty table as a
     struct tbl_table *.  The table is associated with the given
     arguments.  The void * argument is passed as the third argument to
     the comparison function when it is called.  If the allocator is a
     null pointer, then tbl_allocator_default is used.

   * tbl_destroy(): Destroys a table.  During destruction, the
     tbl_item_func provided, if non-null, is called once for every item
     in the table, in no particular order.  The function, if provided,
     must not invoke any table function or macro on the table being

   * tbl_copy(): Creates and returns a new table with the same contents
     as the existing table passed as its first argument. Its other three
     arguments may all be null pointers.

     If a tbl_copy_func is provided, then it is used to make a copy of
     each table item as it is inserted into the new table, in no
     particular order (a "deep copy").  Otherwise, the void * table
     items are copied verbatim (a "shallow copy").

     If the table copy fails, either due to memory allocation failure
     or a null pointer returned by the tbl_copy_func, tbl_copy()
     returns a null pointer.  In this case, any provided tbl_item_func
     is called once for each new item already copied, in no particular

     By default, the new table uses the same memory allocator as the
     existing one.  If non-null, the struct libavl_allocator * given is
     used instead as the new memory allocator.  To use the
     tbl_allocator_default allocator, specify &tbl_allocator_default

2.7 Count

This function returns the number of items currently in a table.

10. <Table count function prototype 10> =
size_t tbl_count (const struct tbl_table *);

The actual tables instead use a macro for implementation.


1. Implement tbl_count() as a macro, on the assumption that struct
tbl_table keeps the number of items in the table in a size_t member
named tbl_count.

2.8 Insertion and Deletion

These functions insert and delete items in tables.  There is also a
function for searching a table without modifying it.

   The design behind the insertion functions takes into account a
couple of important issues:

   * What should happen if there is a matching item already in the
     tree?  If the items contain only keys and no values, then there's
     no point in doing anything.  If the items do contain values, then
     we might want to leave the existing item or replace it, depending
     on the particular circumstances.  The tbl_insert() and
     tbl_replace() functions are handy in simple cases like these.

   * Occasionally it is convenient to insert one item into a table, then
     immediately replace it by a different item that has identical key
     data.  For instance, if there is a good chance that a data item
     already exists within a table, then it might make sense to insert
     data allocated as a local variable into a table, then replace it
     by a dynamically allocated copy if it turned out that the item
     wasn't already in the table.  That way, we save the time required
     to make an additional copy of the item to insert.  The tbl_probe()
     function allows for this kind of flexibility.

11. <Table insertion and deletion function prototypes 11> =
void **tbl_probe (struct tbl_table *, void *);
void *tbl_insert (struct tbl_table *, void *);
void *tbl_replace (struct tbl_table *, void *);
void *tbl_delete (struct tbl_table *, const void *);
void *tbl_find (const struct tbl_table *, const void *);
   This code is included in 16.

Each of these functions takes a table to manipulate as its first
argument and a table item as its second argument, here called table and
item, respectively.  Both arguments must be non-null in all cases.  All
but tbl_probe() return a table item or a null pointer.

   * tbl_probe(): Searches in table for an item matching item.  If
     found, a pointer to the void * data item is returned.  Otherwise,
     item is inserted into the table and a pointer to the copy within
     the table is returned.  Memory allocation failure causes a null
     pointer to be returned.

     The pointer returned can be used to replace the item found or
     inserted by a different item.  This must only be done if the
     replacement item has the same position relative to the other items
     in the table as did the original item.  That is, for existing item
     e, replacement item r, and the table's comparison function f(),
     the return values of f(e, x) and f(r, x) must have the same sign
     for every other item x currently in the table.  Calling any other
     table function invalidates the pointer returned and it must not be
     referenced subsequently.

   * tbl_insert(): Inserts item into table, but not if a matching item
     exists.  Returns a null pointer if successful or if a memory
     allocation error occurs.  If a matching item already exists in the
     table, returns that item.

   * tbl_replace(): Inserts item into table, replacing and returning
     any matching item.  Returns a null pointer if the item was
     inserted but there was no matching item to replace, or if a memory
     allocation error occurs.

   * tbl_delete(): Removes from table and returns an item matching
     item.  Returns a null pointer if no matching item exists in the

   * tbl_find(): Searches table for an item matching item and returns
     any item found.  Returns a null pointer if no matching item exists
     in the table.


1. Functions tbl_insert() and tbl_replace() return NULL in two very
different situations: an error or successful insertion.  Why is this not
necessarily a design mistake?

2. Suggest a reason for disallowing insertion of a null item.

3. Write generic implementations of tbl_insert() and tbl_replace() in
terms of tbl_probe().

2.9 Assertions

Sometimes an insertion or deletion must succeed because it is known in
advance that there is no way that it can fail.  For instance, we might
be inserting into a table from a list of items known to be unique, using
a memory allocator that cannot return a null pointer.  In this case, we
want to make sure that the operation succeeded, and abort if not,
because that indicates a program bug.  We also would like to be able to
turn off these tests for success in our production versions, because we
don't want them slowing down the code.

12. <Table assertion function prototypes 12> =
void tbl_assert_insert (struct tbl_table *, void *);
void *tbl_assert_delete (struct tbl_table *, void *);
   This code is included in 16.

   These functions provide assertions for tbl_insert() and
tbl_delete().  They expand, via macros, directly into calls to those
functions when NDEBUG, the same symbol used to turn off assert()
checks, is declared.  As for the standard C header <assert.h>, header
files for tables may be included multiple times in order to turn these
assertions on or off.


1. Write a set of preprocessor directives for a table header file that
implement the behavior described in the final paragraph above.

2. Write a generic implementation of tbl_assert_insert() and
tbl_assert_delete() in terms of existing table functions.  Consider the
base functions carefully.  Why must we make sure that assertions are
always enabled for these functions?

3. Why must tbl_assert_insert() not be used if the table's memory
allocator can fail?  (See also Exercise 2.8-1.)

2.10 Traversers

A struct tbl_traverser is a table "traverser" that allows the items in
a table to be examined.  With a traverser, the items within a table can
be enumerated in sorted ascending or descending order, starting from
either end or from somewhere in the middle.

   The user of the traverser declares its own instance of struct
tbl_traverser, typically as a local variable.  One of the traverser
constructor functions described below can be used to initialize it.
Until then, the traverser is invalid.  An invalid traverser must not be
passed to any traverser function other than a constructor.

   Seen from the viewpoint of a table user, a traverser has only one
attribute: the current item.  The current item is either an item in the
table or the "null item", represented by a null pointer and not
associated with any item.

   Traversers continue to work when their tables are modified.  Any
number of insertions and deletions may occur in the table without
affecting the current item selected by a traverser, with only a few

   * Deleting a traverser's current item from its table invalidates the
     traverser (even if the item is later re-inserted).

   * Using the return value of tbl_probe() to replace an item in the
     table invalidates all traversers with that item current, unless the
     replacement item has the same key data as the original item (that
     is, the table's comparison function returns 0 when the two items
     are compared).

   * Similarly, tbl_t_replace() invalidates all _other_ traversers with
     the same item selected, unless the replacement item has the same
     key data.

   * Destroying a table with tbl_destroy() invalidates all of that
     table's traversers.

   There is no need to destroy a traverser that is no longer needed.  An
unneeded traverser can simply be abandoned.

2.10.1 Constructors

These functions initialize traversers.  A traverser must be initialized
with one of these functions before it is passed to any other traverser

13. <Traverser constructor function prototypes 13> =
/* Table traverser functions. */
void tbl_t_init (struct tbl_traverser *, struct tbl_table *);
void *tbl_t_first (struct tbl_traverser *, struct tbl_table *);
void *tbl_t_last (struct tbl_traverser *, struct tbl_table *);
void *tbl_t_find (struct tbl_traverser *, struct tbl_table *, void *);
void *tbl_t_insert (struct tbl_traverser *, struct tbl_table *, void *);
void *tbl_t_copy (struct tbl_traverser *, const struct tbl_traverser *);
   This code is included in 16.

All of these functions take a traverser to initialize as their first
argument, and most take a table to associate the traverser with as their
second argument.  These arguments are here called trav and table.  All,
except tbl_t_init(), return the item to which trav is initialized,
using a null pointer to represent the null item.  None of the arguments
to these functions may ever be a null pointer.

   * tbl_t_init(): Initializes trav to the null item in table.

   * tbl_t_first(): Initializes trav to the least-valued item in table.
     If the table is empty, then trav is initialized to the null item.

   * tbl_t_last(): Same as tbl_t_first(), for the greatest-valued item
     in table.

   * tbl_t_find(): Searches table for an item matching the one given.
     If one is found, initializes trav with it.  If none is found,
     initializes trav to the null item.

   * tbl_t_insert(): Attempts to insert the given item into table.  If
     it is inserted succesfully, trav is initialized to its location.
     If it cannot be inserted because of a duplicate, the duplicate
     item is set as trav's current item.  If there is a memory
     allocation error, trav is initialized to the null item.

   * tbl_t_copy(): Initializes trav to the same table and item as a
     second valid traverser.  Both arguments pointing to the same valid
     traverser is valid and causes no change in either.

2.10.2 Manipulators

These functions manipulate valid traversers.

14. <Traverser manipulator function prototypes 14> =
void *tbl_t_next (struct tbl_traverser *);
void *tbl_t_prev (struct tbl_traverser *);
void *tbl_t_cur (struct tbl_traverser *);
void *tbl_t_replace (struct tbl_traverser *, void *);
   This code is included in 16.

   Each of these functions takes a valid traverser, here called trav, as
its first argument, and returns a data item.  All but tbl_t_replace()
can also return a null pointer that represents the null item.  All
arguments to these functions must be non-null pointers.

   * tbl_t_next(): Advances trav to the next larger item in its table.
     If trav was at the null item in a nonempty table, then the smallest
     item in the table becomes current. If trav was already at the
     greatest item in its table or the table is empty, the null item
     becomes current.  Returns the new current item.

   * tbl_t_prev(): Advances trav to the next smaller item in its table.
     If trav was at the null item in a nonempty table, then the greatest
     item in the table becomes current. If trav was already at the
     lowest item in the table or the table is empty, the null item
     becomes current.  Returns the new current item.

   * tbl_t_cur(): Returns trav's current item.

   * tbl_t_replace(): Replaces the data item currently selected in trav
     by the one provided.  The replacement item is subject to the same
     restrictions as for the same replacement using tbl_probe().  The
     item replaced is returned.  If the null item is current, the
     behavior is undefined.

   Seen from the outside, the traverser treats the table as a circular
arrangement of items, with the null item at the top of the circle and
the least-valued item just clockwise of it, then the next-lowest-valued
item, and so on until the greatest-valued item is just counterclockwise
of the null item.  Moving clockwise in the circle is equivalent, under
our traverser, to moving to the next item with tbl_t_next().  Moving
counterclockwise is equivalent to moving to the previous item with

   An equivalent view is that the traverser treats the table as a linear
arrangement of nodes:

	 .-> 1 <-> 2 <-> 3 <-> 4 <-> 5 <-> 6 <-> 7 <-> 8 <-.
         |                                                |
         `---------------------> NULL <--------------------'

From this perspective, nodes are arranged from least to greatest in
left to right order, and the null node lies in the middle as a
connection between the least and greatest nodes.  Moving to the next
node is the same as moving to the right and moving to the previous node
is motion to the left, except where the null node is concerned.

2.11 Table Headers

Here we gather together in one place all of the types and prototypes for
a generic table.

15. <Table types 15> =
<Table function types 3>
<Memory allocator 6>
<Default memory allocator header 8>
   This code is included in 25, 143, 194, 249, 299, 335, 374, 417, 454,
488, 521, and 553.

16. <Table function prototypes 16> =
<Table creation function prototypes 9>
<Table insertion and deletion function prototypes 11>
<Table assertion function prototypes 12>
<Table count macro 593>
<Traverser constructor function prototypes 13>
<Traverser manipulator function prototypes 14>
   This code is included in 25, 143, 194, 249, 299, 335, 374, 417, 454,
488, 521, and 553.

All of our tables fit the specification given in Exercise 2.7-1, so
<Table count macro 593> is directly included above.

2.12 Additional Exercises


*1. Compare and contrast the design of libavl's tables with that of the
set container in the C++ Standard Template Library.

2. What is the smallest set of table routines such that all of the other
routines can be implemented in terms of the interfaces of that set as
defined above?

3 Search Algorithms

In libavl, we are primarily concerned with binary search trees and
balanced binary trees.  If you're already familiar with these concepts,
then you can move right into the code, starting from the next chapter.
But if you're not, then a little motivation and an explanation of
exactly what a binary search tree is can't hurt.  That's the goal of
this chapter.

   More particularly, this chapter concerns itself with algorithms for
searching.  Searching is one of the core problems in organizing a table.
As it will turn out, arranging a table for fast searching also
facilitates some other table features.

3.1 Sequential Search

Suppose that you have a bunch of things (books, magazines, CDs, ...)
in a pile, and you're looking for one of them.  You'd probably start by
looking at the item at the top of the pile to check whether it was the
one you were looking for.  If it wasn't, you'd check the next item down
the pile, and so on, until you either found the one you wanted or ran
out of items.

   In computer science terminology, this is a "sequential search".  It
is easy to implement sequential search for an array or a linked list.
If, for the moment, we limit ourselves to items of type int, we can
write a function to sequentially search an array like this:

17. <Sequentially search an array of ints 17> =
/* Returns the smallest i such that array[i] == key,
   or -1 if key is not in array[].
   array[] must be an array of n ints. */
seq_search (int array[], int n, int key)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (array[i] == key)
      return i;
  return -1;
   This code is included in 597 and 602.

   We can hardly hope to improve on the data requirements, space, or
complexity of simple sequential search, as they're about as good as we
can want.  But the speed of sequential search leaves something to be
desired.  The next section describes a simple modification of the
sequential search algorithm that can sometimes lead to big improvements
in performance.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], algorithm 6.1S; [Kernighan 1976], section 8.2;
[Cormen 1990], section 11.2; [Bentley 2000], sections 9.2 and 13.2,
appendix 1.


1. Write a simple test framework for seq_search().  It should read
sample data from stdin and collect them into an array, then search for
each item in the array in turn and compare the results to those
expected, reporting any discrepancies on stdout and exiting with an
appropriate return value.  You need not allow for the possibility of
duplicate input values and may limit the maximum number of input values.

3.2 Sequential Search with Sentinel

Try to think of some ways to improve the speed of sequential search.  It
should be clear that, to speed up a program, it pays to concentrate on
the parts that use the most time to begin with.  In this case, it's the

   Consider what happens each time through the loop:

  1. The loop counter i is incremented and compared against n.

  2. array[i] is compared against key.

   If we could somehow eliminate one of these comparisons, the loop
might be a lot faster.  So, let's try... why do we need step 1?  It's
because, otherwise, we might run off the end of array[], causing
undefined behavior, which is in turn because we aren't sure that key is
in array[].  If we knew that key was in array[], then we could skip
step 1.

   But, hey! we _can_ ensure that the item we're looking for is in the
array.  How?  By putting a copy of it at the end of the array.  This
copy is called a "sentinel", and the search technique as a whole is
called "sequential search with sentinel".  Here's the code:

18. <Sequentially search an array of ints using a sentinel 18> =
/* Returns the smallest i such that array[i] == key,
   or -1 if key is not in array[].
   array[] must be an modifiable array of n ints
   with room for a (n + 1)th element. */
seq_sentinel_search (int array[], int n, int key)
  int *p;

  array[n] = key;
  for (p = array; *p != key; p++)
    /* Nothing to do. */;
  return p - array < n ? p - array : -1;
   This code is included in 602.

   Notice how the code above uses a pointer, int *p, rather than a
counter i as in <Sequentially search an array of ints 17> earlier.  For
the most part, this is simply a style preference: for iterating through
an array, C programmers usually prefer pointers to array indexes.
Under older compilers, code using pointers often compiled into faster
code as well, but modern C compilers usually produce the same code
whether pointers or indexes are used.

   The return statement in this function uses two somewhat advanced
features of C: the conditional or "ternary" operator ?: and pointer
arithmetic.  The former is a bit like an expression form of an if
statement.  The expression a ? b : c first evaluates a.  Then, if
a != 0, b is evaluated and the expression takes that value.  Otherwise,
a == 0, c is evaluated, and the result is the expression's value.

   Pointer arithmetic is used in two ways here.  First, the expression
p++ acts to advance p to point to the next int in array.  This is
analogous to the way that i++ would increase the value of an integer or
floating point variable i by one.  Second, the expression p - array
results in the "difference" between p and array, i.e., the number of
int elements between the locations to which they point.  For more
information on these topics, please consult a good C reference, such as
[Kernighan 1988].

   Searching with a sentinel requires that the array be modifiable and
large enough to hold an extra element.  Sometimes these are inherently
problematic--the array may not be modifiable or it might be too
small--and sometimes they are problems because of external
circumstances.  For instance, a program with more than one concurrent
"thread" cannot modify a shared array for sentinel search without
expensive locking.

   Sequential sentinel search is an improvement on ordinary sequential
search, but as it turns out there's still room for
improvement--especially in the runtime for unsuccessful searches, which
still always take n comparisons.  In the next section, we'll see one
technique that can reduce the time required for unsuccessful searches,
at the cost of longer runtime for successful searches.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], algorithm 6.1Q; [Cormen 1990], section 11.2;
[Bentley 2000], section 9.2.

3.3 Sequential Search of Ordered Array

Let's jump back to the pile-of-things analogy from the beginning of this
chapter (*note Sequential Search::).  This time, suppose that instead of
being in random order, the pile you're searching through is ordered on
the property that you're examining; e.g., magazines sorted by
publication date, if you're looking for, say, the July 1988 issue.

   Think about how this would simplify searching through the pile.  Now
you can sometimes tell that the magazine you're looking for isn't in the
pile before you get to the bottom, because it's not between the
magazines that it otherwise would be.  On the other hand, you still
might have to go through the entire pile if the magazine you're looking
for is newer than the newest magazine in the pile (or older than the
oldest, depending on the ordering that you chose).

   Back in the world of computers, we can apply the same idea to
searching a sorted array:

19. <Sequentially search a sorted array of ints 19> =
/* Returns the smallest i such that array[i] == key,
   or -1 if key is not in array[].
   array[] must be an array of n ints sorted in ascending order. */
seq_sorted_search (int array[], int n, int key)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (key <= array[i])
      return key == array[i] ? i : -1;

  return -1;
   This code is included in 602.

   At first it might be a little tricky to see exactly how
seq_sorted_search() works, so we'll work through a few examples.
Suppose that array[] has the four elements {3, 5, 6, 8}, so that n is
4.  If key is 6, then the first time through the loop the if condition
is 6 <= 3, or false, so the loop repeats with i == 1.  The second time
through the loop we again have a false condition, 6 <= 5, and the loop
repeats again.  The third time the if condition, 6 <= 6, is true, so
control passes to the if statement's dependent return.  This return
verifies that 6 == 6 and returns i, or 2, as the function's value.

   On the other hand, suppose key is 4, a value not in array[].  For
the first iteration, when i is 0, the if condition, 4 <= 3, is false,
but in the second iteration we have 4 <= 5, which is true.  However,
this time key == array[i] is 4 == 5, or false, so -1 is returned.

See also:  [Sedgewick 1998], program 12.4.

3.4 Sequential Search of Ordered Array with Sentinel

When we implemented sequential search in a sorted array, we lost the
benefits of having a sentinel.  But we can reintroduce a sentinel in the
same way we did before, and obtain some of the same benefits.  It's
pretty clear how to proceed:

20. <Sequentially search a sorted array of ints using a sentinel 20> =
/* Returns the smallest i such that array[i] == key,
   or -1 if key is not in array[].
   array[] must be an modifiable array of n ints,
   sorted in ascending order,
   with room for a (n + 1)th element at the end. */
seq_sorted_sentinel_search (int array[], int n, int key)
  int *p;

  array[n] = key;
  for (p = array; *p < key; p++)
    /* Nothing to do. */;
  return p - array < n && *p == key ? p - array : -1;
   This code is included in 602.

   With a bit of additional cleverness we can eliminate one objection to
this sentinel approach.  Suppose that instead of using the value being
searched for as the sentinel value, we used the maximum possible value
for the type in question.  If we did this, then we could use almost the
same code for searching the array.

   The advantage of this approach is that there would be no need to
modify the array in order to search for different values, because the
sentinel is the same value for all searches.  This eliminates the
potential problem of searching an array in multiple contexts, due to
nested searches, threads, or signals, for instance.  (In the code
below, we will still put the sentinel into the array, because our
generic test program won't know to put it in for us in advance, but in
real-world code we could avoid the assignment.)

   We can easily write code for implementation of this technique:

21. <Sequentially search a sorted array of ints using a sentinel (2) 21> =
/* Returns the smallest i such that array[i] == key,
   or -1 if key is not in array[].
   array[] must be an array of n ints,
   sorted in ascending order,
   with room for an (n + 1)th element to set to INT_MAX. */
seq_sorted_sentinel_search_2 (int array[], int n, int key)
  int *p;

  array[n] = INT_MAX;
  for (p = array; *p < key; p++)
    /* Nothing to do. */;
  return p - array < n && *p == key ? p - array : -1;
   This code is included in 602.


1. When can't the largest possible value for the type be used as a

3.5 Binary Search of Ordered Array

At this point we've squeezed just about all the performance we can out
of sequential search in portable C.  For an algorithm that searches
faster than our final refinement of sequential search, we'll have to
reconsider our entire approach.

   What's the fundamental idea behind sequential search?  It's that we
examine array elements in order.  That's a fundamental limitation: if
we're looking for an element in the middle of the array, we have to
examine every element that comes before it.  If a search algorithm is
going to be faster than sequential search, it will have to look at fewer

   One way to look at search algorithms based on repeated comparisons
is to consider what we learn about the array's content at each step.
Suppose that array[] has n elements in sorted order, without duplicates,
that array[j] contains key, and that we are trying to learn the value
j.  In sequential search, we learn only a little about the data set
from each comparison with array[i]: either key == array[i] so that i ==
j, or key != array[i] so that i != j and therefore j > i.  As a result,
we eliminate only one possibility at each step.

   Suppose that we haven't made any comparisons yet, so that we know
nothing about the contents of array[].  If we compare key to array[i]
for arbitrary i such that 0 <= i < n, what do we learn?  There are
three possibilities:

   * key < array[i]: Now we know that key < array[i] < array[i + 1] <
     ...  < array[n - 1].(1) Therefore, 0 <= j < i.

   * key == array[i]: We're done: j == i.

   * key > array[i]: Now we know that key > array[i] > array[i - 1] >
     ...  > array[0].  Therefore, i < j < n.

   So, after one step, if we're not done, we know that j > i or that j
< i.  If we're equally likely to be looking for each element in
array[], then the best choice of i is n / 2: for that value, we
eliminate about half of the possibilities either way.  (If n is odd,
we'll round down.)

   After the first step, we're back to essentially the same situation:
we know that key is in array[j] for some j in a range of about n / 2.
So we can repeat the same process.  Eventually, we will either find key
and thus j, or we will eliminate all the possibilities.

   Let's try an example.  For simplicity, let array[] contain the values
100 through 114 in numerical order, so that array[i] is 100 + i and n
is 15.  Suppose further that key is 110.  The steps that we'd go
through to find j are described below.  At each step, the facts are
listed: the known range that j can take, the selected value of i, the
results of comparing key to array[i], and what was learned from the

  1. 0 <= j <= 14: i becomes (0 + 14) / 2 == 7. 110 > array[i] == 107,
     so now we know that j > 7.

  2. 8 <= j <= 14: i becomes (8 + 14) / 2 == 11. 110 < array[i] == 111,
     so now we know that j < 11.

  3. 8 <= j <= 10: i becomes (8 + 10) / 2 == 9. 110 > array[i] == 109,
     so now we know that j > 9.

  4. 10 <= j <= 10: i becomes (10 + 10) / 2 == 10.  110 == array[i] ==
     110, so we're done and i == j == 10.

   In case you hadn't yet figured it out, this technique is called
"binary search".  We can make an initial C implementation pretty easily:

22. <Binary search of ordered array 22> =
/* Returns the offset within array[] of an element equal to key,
   or -1 if key is not in array[].
   array[] must be an array of n ints sorted in ascending order. */
binary_search (int array[], int n, int key)
  int min = 0;
  int max = n - 1;

  while (max >= min)
      int i = (min + max) / 2;
      if (key < array[i])
        max = i - 1;
      else if (key > array[i])
        min = i + 1;
        return i;

  return -1;
   This code is included in 602.

   The maximum number of comparisons for a binary search in an array of
n elements is about log2(n), as opposed to a maximum of n comparisons
for sequential search.  For moderate to large values of n, this is a
lot better.

   On the other hand, for small values of n, binary search may actually
be slower because it is more complicated than sequential search.  We
also have to put our array in sorted order before we can use binary
search.  Efficiently sorting an n-element array takes time proportional
to n * log2(n) for large n.  So binary search is preferred if n is
large enough (see the answer to Exercise 4 for one typical value) and if
we are going to do enough searches to justify the cost of the initial

   Further small refinements are possible on binary search of an ordered
array.  Try some of the exercises below for more information.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], algorithm 6.2.1B; [Kernighan 1988], section
3.3; [Bentley 2000], chapters 4 and 5, section 9.3, appendix 1;
[Sedgewick 1998], program 12.6.


1. Function binary_search() above uses three local variables: min and
max for the ends of the remaining search range and i for its midpoint.
Write and test a binary search function that uses only two variables: i
for the midpoint as before and m representing the width of the range on
either side of i.  You may require the existence of a dummy element
just before the beginning of the array.  Be sure, if so, to specify
what its value should be.

2. The standard C library provides a function, bsearch(), for searching
ordered arrays.  Commonly, bsearch() is implemented as a binary search,
though ANSI C does not require it.  Do the following:

  a. Write a function compatible with the interface for binary_search()
     that uses bsearch() "under the hood."  You'll also have to write an
     additional callback function for use by bsearch().

  b. Write and test your own version of bsearch(), implementing it
     using a binary search.  (Use a different name to avoid conflicts
     with the C library.)

3. An earlier exercise presented a simple test framework for
seq_search(), but now we have more search functions.  Write a test
framework that will handle all of them presented so far.  Add code for
timing successful and unsuccessful searches.  Let the user specify, on
the command line, the algorithm to use, the size of the array to search,
and the number of search iterations to run.

4. Run the test framework from the previous exercise on your own system
for each algorithm.  Try different array sizes and compiler optimization
levels.  Be sure to use enough iterations to make the searches take at
least a few seconds each.  Analyze the results: do they make sense?
Try to explain any apparent discrepancies.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) This sort of notation means very different things in C and
mathematics.  In mathematics, writing a < b < c asserts both of the
relations a < b and b < c, whereas in C, it expresses the evaluation of
a < b, then the comparison of the 0 or 1 result to the value of c.  In
mathematics this notation is invaluable, but in C it is rarely
meaningful.  As a result, this book uses this notation only in the
mathematical sense.

3.6 Binary Search Tree in Array

Binary search is pretty fast.  Suppose that we wish to speed it up
anyhow.  Then, the obvious speed-up targets in <Binary search of
ordered array 22> above are the while condition and the calculations
determining values of i, min, and max.  If we could eliminate these,
we'd have an incrementally faster technique, all else being equal.  And,
as it turns out, we _can_ eliminate both of them, the former by use of
a sentinel and the latter by precalculation.

   Let's consider precalculating i, min, and max first.  Think about
the nature of the choices that binary search makes at each step.
Specifically, in <Binary search of ordered array 22> above, consider the
dependence of min and max upon i.  Is it ever possible for min and max
to have different values for the same i and n?

   The answer is no.  For any given i and n, min and max are fixed.
This is important because it means that we can represent the entire
"state" of a binary search of an n-element array by the single variable
i.  In other words, if we know i and n, we know all the choices that
have been made to this point and we know the two possible choices of i
for the next step.

   This is the key insight in eliminating calculations.  We can use an
array in which the items are labeled with the next two possible choices.

   An example is indicated.  Let's continue with our example of an array
containing the 16 integers 100 to 115.  We define an entry in the array
to contain the item value and the array index of the item to examine
next for search values smaller and larger than the item:

23. <Binary search tree entry 23> =
/* One entry in a binary search tree stored in an array. */
struct binary_tree_entry
    int value;          /* This item in the binary search tree. */
    int smaller;        /* Array index of next item for smaller targets. */
    int larger;         /* Array index of next item for larger targets. */
   This code is included in 619.

   Of course, it's necessary to fill in the values for smaller and
larger.  A few moments' reflection should allow you to figure out one
method for doing so.  Here's the full array, for reference:

const struct binary_tree_entry bins[16] =
    {100, 15, 15},
    {101, 0, 2},
    {102, 15, 15},
    {103, 1, 5},
    {104, 15, 15},
    {105, 4, 6},
    {106, 15, 15},
    {107, 3, 11},
    {108, 15, 15},
    {109, 8, 10},
    {110, 15, 15},
    {111, 9, 13},
    {112, 15, 15},
    {113, 12, 14},
    {114, 15, 15},
    {0, 0, 0},

   For now, consider only bins[]'s first 15 rows.  Within these rows,
the first column is value, the item value, and the second and third
columns are smaller and larger, respectively.  Values 0 through 14 for
smaller and larger indicate the index of the next element of bins[] to
examine.  Value 15 indicates "element not found".  Element array[15] is
not used for storing data.

   Try searching for key == 110 in bins[], starting from element 7, the

  1. i == 7: 110 > bins[i].value == 107, so let i = bins[i].larger, or

  2. i == 11: 110 < bins[i].value == 111, so let i = bins[i].smaller,
     or 10.

  3. i == 10: 110 == bins[i].value == 110, so we're done.

   We can implement this search in C code.  The function uses the
common C idiom of writing for (;;) for an "infinite" loop:

24. <Search of binary search tree stored as array 24> =
/* Returns i such that array[i].value == key,
   or -1 if key is not in array[].
   array[] is an array of n elements forming a binary search tree,
   with its root at array[n / 2],
   and space for an (n + 1)th value at the end. */
binary_search_tree_array (struct binary_tree_entry array[], int n,
                          int key)
  int i = n / 2;

  array[n].value = key;
  for (;;)
    if (key > array[i].value)
      i = array[i].larger;
    else if (key < array[i].value)
      i = array[i].smaller;
      return i != n ? i : -1;
   This code is included in 619.

   Examination of the code above should reveal the purpose of bins[15].
It is used as a sentinel value, allowing the search to always terminate
without the use of an extra test on each loop iteration.

   The result of augmenting binary search with "pointer" values like
smaller and larger is called a "binary search tree".


1. Write a function to automatically initialize smaller and larger
within bins[].

2. Write a simple automatic test program for binary_search_tree_array().
Let the user specify the size of the array to test on the command line.
You may want to use your results from the previous exercise.

3.7 Dynamic Lists

Up until now, we've considered only lists whose contents are fixed and
unchanging, that is, "static" lists.  But in real programs, many lists
are "dynamic", with their contents changing rapidly and unpredictably.
For the case of dynamic lists, we need to reconsider some of the
attributes of the types of lists that we've examined.(1)

   Specifically, we want to know how long it takes to insert a new
element into a list and to remove an existing element from a list.
Think about it for each type of list examined so far:

Unordered array
     Adding items to the list is easy and fast, unless the array grows
     too large for the block and has to be copied into a new area of
     memory. Just copy the new item to the end of the list and increase
     the size by one.

     Removing an item from the list is almost as simple. If the item to
     delete happens to be located at the very end of the array, just
     reduce the size of the list by one. If it's located at any other
     spot, you must also copy the element that is located at the very
     end onto the location that the deleted element used to occupy.

Ordered array
     In terms of inserting and removing elements, ordered arrays are
     mechanically the same as unordered arrays.  The difference is that
     insertions and deletions can only be at one end of the array if
     the item in question is the largest or smallest in the list.  The
     practical upshot is that dynamic ordered arrays are only efficient
     if items are added and removed in sorted order.

Binary search tree
     Insertions and deletions are where binary search trees have their
     chance to shine.  Insertions and deletions are efficient in binary
     search trees whether they're made at the beginning, middle, or end
     of the lists.

   Clearly, binary search trees are superior to ordered or unordered
arrays in situations that require insertion and deletion in random
positions.  But insertion and deletion operations in binary search
trees require a bit of explanation if you've never seen them before.
This is what the next chapter is for, so read on.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) These uses of the words "static" and "dynamic" are different
from their meanings in the phrases "static allocation" and "dynamic
allocation."  *Note Glossary::, for more details.

4 Binary Search Trees

The previous chapter motivated the need for binary search trees.  This
chapter implements a table ADT backed by a binary search tree.  Along
the way, we'll see how binary search trees are constructed and
manipulated in abstract terms as well as in concrete C code.

   The library includes a header file <bst.h 25> and an implementation
file <bst.c 26>, outlined below.  We borrow most of the header file
from the generic table headers designed a couple of chapters back,
simply replacing tbl by bst, the prefix used in this table module.

25. <bst.h 25> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef BST_H
#define BST_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => bst 15>
<BST maximum height 29>
<BST table structure 28>
<BST node structure 27>
<BST traverser structure 62>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => bst 16>
<BST extra function prototypes 89>

#endif /* bst.h */

<Table assertion function control directives; tbl => bst 595>

26. <bst.c 26> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bst.h"

<BST operations 30>


1. What is the purpose of #ifndef BST_H ... #endif in <bst.h 25> above?

4.1 Vocabulary

When binary search trees, or BSTs, were introduced in the previous
chapter, the reason that they were called binary search trees wasn't
explained.  The diagram below should help to clear up matters, and
incidentally let us define some BST-related vocabulary:

                       ____....---'   `---...___
                      103                       111
                __..-'   `._              __..-'   `._
               101          105          109          113
             _'   \       _'   \       _'   \       _'   \
            100    102   104    106   108    110   112    114

This diagram illustrates the binary search tree example from the
previous chapter.  The circle or "node" at the top, labeled 107, is the
starting point of any search.  As such, it is called the "root" of the
tree.  The node connected to it below to the left, labeled 103, is the
root's "left child", and node 111 to its lower right is its "right
child".  A node's left child corresponds to smaller from the
array-based BST of the previous chapter, and a right child corresponds
to larger.

   Some nodes, such as 106 here, don't have any children.  Such a node
is called a "leaf" or "terminal node".  Although not shown here, it's
also possible for a node to have only one child, either on the left or
the right side.  A node with at least one child is called a
"nonterminal node".

   Each node in a binary search tree is, conceptually, the root of its
own tree.  Such a tree is called a "subtree" of the tree that contains
it.  The left child of a node and recursively all of that child's
children is a subtree of the node, called the "left subtree" of the
node.  The term "right subtree" is defined similarly for the right side
of the node.  For instance, above, nodes 104, 105, and 106 are the
right subtree of node 103, with 105 as the subtree's root.

   A BST without any nodes is called an "empty tree".  Both subtrees of
all even-numbered nodes in the BST above are empty trees.

   In a binary search tree, the left child of a node, if it exists, has
a smaller value than the node, and the right child of a node has a
larger value.  The more general term "binary tree", on the other hand,
refers to a data structure with the same form as a binary search tree,
but which does not necessarily share this property.  There are also
related, but different, structures simply called "trees".

   In this book, all our binary trees are binary search trees, and this
book will not discuss plain trees at all.  As a result, we will often
be a bit loose in terminology and use the term "binary tree" or "tree"
when "binary search tree" is the proper term.

   Although this book discusses binary search trees exclusively, it is
instructive to occasionally display, as a counterexample, a diagram of
a binary tree whose nodes are out of order and therefore not a BST.
Such diagrams are marked ** to reinforce their non-BST nature to the
casual browser.

See also:  [Knuth 1997], section 2.3; [Knuth 1998b], section 6.2.2;
[Cormen 1990], section 13.1; [Sedgewick 1998], section 5.4.

4.1.1 Aside: Differing Definitions

The definitions in the previous section are the ones used in this book.
They are the definitions that programmers often use in designing and
implementing real programs.  However, they are slightly different from
the definitions used in formal computer science textbooks.  This
section gives these formal definitions and contrasts them against our

   The most important difference is in the definition of a binary tree
itself.  Formally, a binary tree is either an "external node" or an
"internal node" connected to a pair of binary trees called the internal
node's left subtree and right subtree.  Internal nodes correspond to
our notion of nodes, and external nodes correspond roughly to nodes'
empty left or right subtrees.  The generic term "node" includes both
internal and external nodes.

   Every internal node always has exactly two children, although those
children may be external nodes, so we must also revise definitions that
depend on a node's number of children.  Then, a "leaf" is an internal
node with two external node children and a "nonterminal node" is an
internal node at least one of whose children is an internal node.
Finally, an "empty tree" is a binary tree that contains of only an
external node.

   Tree diagrams in books that use these formal definitions show both
internal and external nodes.  Typically, internal nodes are shown as
circles, external nodes as square boxes.  Here's an example BST in the
format used in this book, shown alongside an identical BST in the
format used in formal computer science books:

                        4             __..-' `_
                       / \           2         5
                      2   5       _.' `_      / \
                      ^          1      3    []  []
                     1 3        / \    / \
                               []  [] []  []

See also:  [Sedgewick 1998], section 5.4.

4.2 Data Types

The types for memory allocation and managing data as void * pointers
were discussed previously (*note The Table ADT::), but to build a table
implementation using BSTs we must define some additional types.  In
particular, we need struct bst_node to represent an individual node and
struct bst_table to represent an entire table.  The following sections
take care of this.

4.2.1 Node Structure

When binary search trees were introduced in the last chapter, we used
indexes into an array to reference items' smaller and larger values.
But in C, BSTs are usually constructed using pointers.  This is a more
general technique, because pointers aren't restricted to references
within a single array.

27. <BST node structure 27> =
/* A binary search tree node. */
struct bst_node
    struct bst_node *bst_link[2];   /* Subtrees. */
    void *bst_data;                 /* Pointer to data. */
   This code is included in 25.

   In struct bst_node, bst_link[0] takes the place of smaller, and
bst_link[1] takes the place of larger.  If, in our array implementation
of binary search trees, either of these would have pointed to the
sentinel, it instead is assigned NULL, the null pointer constant.

   In addition, bst_data replaces value.  We use a void * generic
pointer here, instead of int as used in the last chapter, to let any
kind of data be stored in the BST.  *Note Comparison Function::, for
more information on void * pointers.

4.2.2 Tree Structure

The struct bst_table structure ties together all of the data needed to
keep track of a table implemented as a binary search tree:

28. <BST table structure 28> =
/* Tree data structure. */
struct bst_table
    struct bst_node *bst_root;          /* Tree's root. */
    bst_comparison_func *bst_compare;   /* Comparison function. */
    void *bst_param;                    /* Extra argument to bst_compare. */
    struct libavl_allocator *bst_alloc; /* Memory allocator. */
    size_t bst_count;                   /* Number of items in tree. */
    unsigned long bst_generation;       /* Generation number. */
   This code is included in 25, 143, and 194.

   Most of struct bst_table's members should be familiar.  Member
bst_root points to the root node of the BST.  Together, bst_compare and
bst_param specify how items are compared (*note Item and Copy
Functions::).  The members of bst_alloc specify how to allocate memory
for the BST (*note Memory Allocation::).  The number of items in the BST
is stored in bst_count (*note Count::).

   The final member, bst_generation, is a "generation number".  When a
tree is created, it starts out at zero.  After that, it is incremented
every time the tree is modified in a way that might disturb a traverser.
We'll talk more about the generation number later (*note Better
Iterative Traversal::).


*1. Why is it a good idea to include bst_count in struct bst_table?
Under what circumstances would it be better to omit it?

4.2.3 Maximum Height

For efficiency, some of the BST routines use a stack of a fixed maximum
height.  This maximum height affects the maximum number of nodes that
can be fully supported by libavl in any given tree, because a binary
tree of height n contains at most 2**n - 1 nodes.

   The BST_MAX_HEIGHT macro sets the maximum height of a BST.  The
default value of 64 allows for trees with up to 2**64 - 1.  On today's
common 32- and 64-bit computers, this is hardly a limit, because memory
would be exhausted long before the tree became too big.

   The BST routines that use fixed stacks also detect stack overflow and
call a routine to "balance" or restructure the tree in order to reduce
its height to the permissible range.  The limit on the BST height is
therefore not a severe restriction.

29. <BST maximum height 29> =
/* Maximum BST height. */
#define BST_MAX_HEIGHT 32
   This code is included in 25, 299, 417, and 521.


1. Suggest a reason why the BST_MAX_HEIGHT macro is defined
conditionally.  Are there any potential pitfalls?

4.3 Rotations

Soon we'll jump right in and start implementing the table functions for
BSTs.  But before that, there's one more topic to discuss, because
they'll keep coming up from time to time throughout the rest of the
book.  This topic is the concept of a "rotation".  A rotation is a
simple transformation of a binary tree that looks like this:

                               |        |
                               Y        X
                              / \      / \
                             X   c    a   Y
                             ^            ^
                            a b          b c

In this diagram, X and Y represent nodes and a, b, and c are arbitrary
binary trees that may be empty.  A rotation that changes a binary tree
of the form shown on the left to the form shown on the right is called
a "right rotation" on Y.  Going the other way, it is a "left rotation"
on X.

   This figure also introduces new graphical conventions.  First, the
line leading vertically down to the root explicitly shows that the BST
may be a subtree of a larger tree.  Also, the use of both uppercase and
lowercase letters emphasizes the distinction between individual nodes
and subtrees: uppercase letters are nodes, lowercase letters represent
(possibly empty) subtrees.

   A rotation changes the local structure of a binary tree without
changing its ordering as seen through inorder traversal.  That's a
subtle statement, so let's dissect it bit by bit.  Rotations have the
following properties:

Rotations change the structure of a binary tree.
     In particular, rotations can often, depending on the tree's shape,
     be used to change the height of a part of a binary tree.

Rotations change the local structure of a binary tree.
     Any given rotation only affects the node rotated and its immediate
     children.  The node's ancestors and its children's children are

Rotations do not change the ordering of a binary tree.
     If a binary tree is a binary search tree before a rotation, it is a
     binary search tree after a rotation.  So, we can safely use
     rotations to rearrange a BST-based structure, without concerns
     about upsetting its ordering.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 14.2; [Sedgewick 1998], section 12.8.


1. For each of the binary search trees below, perform a right rotation
at node 4.

                          4          4       4
                         / \        /       / \
                        2   5      2       2   6
                        ^         /        ^   ^
                       1 3       1        1 3 5 7
2. Write a pair of functions, one to perform a right rotation at a given
BST node, one to perform a left rotation.  What should be the type of
the functions' parameter?

4.4 Operations

Now can start to implement the operations that we'll want to perform on
BSTs.  Here's the outline of the functions we'll implement.  We use the
generic table insertion convenience functions from Exercise 2.8-3 to
implement bst_insert() and bst_replace(), as well the generic assertion
function implementations from Exercise 2.9-2 to implement
tbl_assert_insert() and tbl_assert_delete().  We also include a copy of
the default memory allocation functions for use with BSTs:

30. <BST operations 30> =
<BST creation function 31>
<BST search function 32>
<BST item insertion function 33>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => bst 594>
<BST item deletion function 38>
<BST traversal functions 64>
<BST copy function 84>
<BST destruction function 85>
<BST balance function 88>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => bst 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => bst 596>
   This code is included in 26.

4.5 Creation

We need to write bst_create() to create an empty BST.  All it takes is
a little bit of memory allocation and initialization:

31. <BST creation function 31> =
struct bst_table *
bst_create (bst_comparison_func *compare, void *param,
            struct libavl_allocator *allocator)
  struct bst_table *tree;

  assert (compare != NULL);

  if (allocator == NULL)
    allocator = &bst_allocator_default;

  tree = allocator->libavl_malloc (allocator, sizeof *tree);
  if (tree == NULL)
    return NULL;

  tree->bst_root = NULL;
  tree->bst_compare = compare;
  tree->bst_param = param;
  tree->bst_alloc = allocator;
  tree->bst_count = 0;
  tree->bst_generation = 0;

  return tree;
   This code is included in 30, 147, and 198.

4.6 Search

Searching a binary search tree works just the same way as it did before
when we were doing it inside an array.  We can implement bst_find()

32. <BST search function 32> =
void *
bst_find (const struct bst_table *tree, const void *item)
  const struct bst_node *p;

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);
  for (p = tree->bst_root; p != NULL; )
      int cmp = tree->bst_compare (item, p->bst_data, tree->bst_param);

      if (cmp < 0)
        p = p->bst_link[0];
      else if (cmp > 0)
        p = p->bst_link[1];
      else /* cmp == 0 */
        return p->bst_data;

  return NULL;
   This code is included in 30, 147, 198, 491, 524, and 556.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], section 6.2.2; [Cormen 1990], section 13.2;
[Kernighan 1988], section 3.3; [Bentley 2000], chapters 4 and 5,
section 9.3, appendix 1; [Sedgewick 1998], program 12.7.

4.7 Insertion

Inserting new nodes into a binary search tree is easy.  To start out,
we work the same way as in a search, traversing the tree from the top
down, as if we were searching for the item that we're inserting.  If we
find one, the item is already in the tree, and we need not insert it
again.  But if the new item is not in the tree, eventually we "fall
off" the bottom of the tree.  At this point we graft the new item as a
child of the node that we last examined.

   An example is in order.  Consider this binary search tree:

                                   / `_
                                  3    8
                                  ^   /
                                 2 4 6

Suppose that we wish to insert a new item, 7, into the tree.  7 is
greater than 5, so examine 5's right child, 8.  7 is less than 8, so
examine 8's left child, 6.  7 is greater than 6, but 6 has no right
child.  So, make 7 the right child of 6:

                                  / `._
                                 3     8
                                 ^   _'
                                2 4 6

We cast this in a form compatible with the abstract description as

33. <BST item insertion function 33> =
void **
bst_probe (struct bst_table *tree, void *item)
  struct bst_node *p, *q; /* Current node in search and its parent. */
  int dir;                /* Side of q on which p is located. */
  struct bst_node *n;     /* Newly inserted node. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  for (q = NULL, p = tree->bst_root; p != NULL; q = p, p = p->bst_link[dir])
      int cmp = tree->bst_compare (item, p->bst_data, tree->bst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
        return &p->bst_data;
      dir = cmp > 0;

  n = tree->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->bst_alloc, sizeof *p);
  if (n == NULL)
    return NULL;

  n->bst_link[0] = n->bst_link[1] = NULL;
  n->bst_data = item;
  if (q != NULL)
    q->bst_link[dir] = n;
    tree->bst_root = n;

  return &n->bst_data;
   This code is included in 30.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], algorithm 6.2.2T; [Cormen 1990], section 13.3;
[Bentley 2000], section 13.3; [Sedgewick 1998], program 12.7.


1. Explain the expression p = (struct bst_node *) &tree->bst_root.
Suggest an alternative.

2. Rewrite bst_probe() to use only a single local variable of type
struct bst_node **.

3. Suppose we want to make a new copy of an existing binary search tree,
preserving the original tree's shape, by inserting items into a new,
currently empty tree.  What constraints are there on the order of item

4. Write a function that calls a provided bst_item_func for each node
in a provided BST in an order suitable for reproducing the original
BST, as discussed in Exercise 3.

4.7.1 Aside: Root Insertion

One side effect of the usual method for BST insertion, implemented in
the previous section, is that items inserted more recently tend to be
farther from the root, and therefore it takes longer to find them than
items inserted longer ago.  If all items are equally likely to be
requested in a search, this is unimportant, but this is regrettable for
some common usage patterns, where recently inserted items tend to be
searched for more often than older items.

   In this section, we examine an alternative scheme for insertion that
addresses this problem, called "insertion at the root" or "root
insertion".  An insertion with this algorithm always places the new
node at the root of the tree.  Following a series of such insertions,
nodes inserted more recently tend to be nearer the root than other

   As a first attempt at implementing this idea, we might try simply
making the new node the root and assigning the old root as one of its
children.  Unfortunately, this and similar approaches will not work
because there is no guarantee that nodes in the existing tree have
values all less than or all greater than the new node.

   An approach that will work is to perform a conventional insertion as
a leaf node, then use a series of rotations to move the new node to the
root.  For example, the diagram below illustrates rotations to move
node 4 to the root.  A left rotation on 3 changes the first tree into
the second, a right rotation on 5 changes the second into the third,
and finally a left rotation on 1 moves 4 into the root position:

            1          1             1                 4
             `._        `-..__        `-._          _.' \
                5             5           4        1     5
               / \           / \         / \    =>  `_    \
              3   6 =>      4   6 =>    3   5         3    6
              ^            /           /     \       /
             2 4          3           2       6     2

The general rule follows the pattern above.  If we moved down to the
left from a node x during the insertion search, we rotate right at x.
If we moved down to the right, we rotate left.

   The implementation is straightforward.  As we search for the
insertion point we keep track of the nodes we've passed through, then
after the insertion we return to each of them in reverse order and
perform a rotation:

34. <BST item insertion function, root insertion version 34> =
void **
bst_probe (struct bst_table *tree, void *item)
  <rb_probe() local variables; rb => bst 200>

  <Step 1: Search BST for insertion point, root insertion version 35>
  <Step 2: Insert new BST node, root insertion version 36>
  <Step 3: Move BST node to root 37>

  return &n->bst_data;

35. <Step 1: Search BST for insertion point, root insertion version 35> =
pa[0] = (struct bst_node *) &tree->bst_root;
da[0] = 0;
k = 1;
for (p = tree->bst_root; p != NULL; p = p->bst_link[da[k - 1]])
    int cmp = tree->bst_compare (item, p->bst_data, tree->bst_param);
    if (cmp == 0)
      return &p->bst_data;

    if (k >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
        bst_balance (tree);
        return bst_probe (tree, item);

    pa[k] = p;
    da[k++] = cmp > 0;
   This code is included in 34.

36. <Step 2: Insert new BST node, root insertion version 36> =
n = pa[k - 1]->bst_link[da[k - 1]] =
  tree->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->bst_alloc, sizeof *n);
if (n == NULL)
  return NULL;

n->bst_link[0] = n->bst_link[1] = NULL;
n->bst_data = item;
   This code is included in 34.

37. <Step 3: Move BST node to root 37> =
for (; k > 1; k--)
    struct bst_node *q = pa[k - 1];

    if (da[k - 1] == 0)
        q->bst_link[0] = n->bst_link[1];
        n->bst_link[1] = q;
    else /* da[k - 1] == 1 */
        q->bst_link[1] = n->bst_link[0];
        n->bst_link[0] = q;
    pa[k - 2]->bst_link[da[k - 2]] = n;
   This code is included in 34, 624, and 629.

See also:  [Sedgewick 1998], section 12.8.


1. Root insertion will prove useful later when we write a function to
join a pair of disjoint BSTs (*note Joining BSTs::).  For that purpose,
we need to be able to insert a preallocated node as the root of an
arbitrary tree that may be a subtree of some other tree.  Write a
function to do this matching the following prototype:

static int root_insert (struct bst_table *tree, struct bst_node **root,
                        struct bst_node *new_node);

Your function should insert new_node at *root using root insertion,
storing new_node into *root, and return nonzero only if successful.
The subtree at *root is in tree.  You may assume that no node matching
new_node exists within subtree root.

2. Now implement a root insertion as in Exercise 1, except that the
function is not allowed to fail, and rebalancing the tree is not
acceptable either.  Use the same prototype with the return type changed
to void.

*3. Suppose that we perform a series of root insertions in an initially
empty BST.  What kinds of insertion orders require a large amount of

4.8 Deletion

Deleting an item from a binary search tree is a little harder than
inserting one.  Before we write any code, let's consider how to delete
nodes from a binary search tree in an abstract fashion.  Here's a BST
from which we can draw examples during the discussion:

                                _.-' `-.__
                               2          9
                              / \        /
                             1   3      8
                                  \   _'
                                   4 6

It is more difficult to remove some nodes from this tree than to remove
others.  Here, we recognize three distinct cases (Exercise 4.8-1 offers
a fourth), described in detail below in terms of the deletion of a node
designated p.

Case 1: p has no right child

It is trivial to delete a node with no right child, such as node 1, 4,
7, or 8 above.  We replace the pointer leading to p by p's left child,
if it has one, or by a null pointer, if not.  In other words, we
replace the deleted node by its left child.  For example, the process
of deleting node 8 looks like this:

                        _.-' `-..__            5
                       2           9       _.-' `._
                      / \        _'       2        9
                     1   3      8,p  =>  / \     _'
                          \   _'        1   3   6
                           4 6               \   \
                              \               4   7

This diagram shows the convention of separating multiple labels on a
single node by a comma: node 8 is also node p.

Case 2: p's right child has no left child

This case deletes any node p with a right child r that itself has no
left child.  Nodes 2, 3, and 6 in the tree above are examples.  In this
case, we move r into p's place, attaching p's former left subtree, if
any, as the new left subtree of r.  For instance, to delete node 2 in
the tree above, we can replace it by its right child 3, giving node 2's
left child 1 to node 3 as its new left child.  The process looks like

                             5                 5
                     ___..--' `-.__        _.-' `-.__
                    2,p            9      3,r        9
                   /   \          /      /   \      /
                  1     3,r      8   => 1     4    8
                           \   _'                _'
                            4 6                 6
                               \                 \
                                7                 7

Case 3: p's right child has a left child

This is the "hard" case, where p's right child r has a left child.  but
if we approach it properly we can make it make sense.  Let p's "inorder
successor", that is, the node with the smallest value greater than p,
be s.  Then, our strategy is to detach s from its position in the tree,
which is always an easy thing to do, and put it into the spot formerly
occupied by p, which disappears from the tree.  In our example, to
delete node 5, we move inorder successor node 6 into its place, like

                     _.-'   `--..__            6,s
                    2              9       _.-'   `-._
                   / \            /       2           9
                  1   3          8   =>  / \         /
                       \     _.-'       1   3       8
                        4   6,s              \     /
                               \              4   7

But how do we know that node s exists and that we can delete it easily?
We know that it exists because otherwise this would be case 1 or case
2 (consider their conditions).  We can easily detach from its position
for a more subtle reason: s is the inorder successor of p and is
therefore has the smallest value in p's right subtree, so s cannot have
a left child.  (If it did, then this left child would have a smaller
value than s, so it, rather than s, would be p's inorder successor.)
Because s doesn't have a left child, we can simply replace it by its
right child, if any.  This is the mirror image of case 1.


The code for BST deletion closely follows the above discussion.  Let's
start with an outline of the function:

38. <BST item deletion function 38> =
void *
bst_delete (struct bst_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct bst_node *p, *q; /* Node to delete and its parent. */
  int cmp;                /* Comparison between p->bst_data and item. */
  int dir;                /* Side of q on which p is located. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Find BST node to delete 39>
  <Step 2: Delete BST node 40>
  <Step 3: Finish up after deleting BST node 45>
   This code is included in 30.

   We begin by finding the node to delete, in much the same way that
bst_find() did.  But, in every case above, we replace the link leading
to the node being deleted by another node or a null pointer.  To do so,
we have to keep track of the pointer that led to the node to be deleted.
This is the purpose of q and dir in the code below.

39. <Step 1: Find BST node to delete 39> =
p = (struct bst_node *) &tree->bst_root;
for (cmp = -1; cmp != 0;
     cmp = tree->bst_compare (item, p->bst_data, tree->bst_param))
    dir = cmp > 0;
    q = p;
    p = p->bst_link[dir];
    if (p == NULL)
      return NULL;
item = p->bst_data;
   This code is included in 38.

   Now we can actually delete the node.  Here is the code to distinguish
between the three cases:

40. <Step 2: Delete BST node 40> =
if (p->bst_link[1] == NULL) { <Case 1 in BST deletion 41> }
    struct bst_node *r = p->bst_link[1];
    if (r->bst_link[0] == NULL)
        <Case 2 in BST deletion 42>
        <Case 3 in BST deletion 43>
   This code is included in 38.

   In case 1, we simply replace the node by its left subtree:

41. <Case 1 in BST deletion 41> =
q->bst_link[dir] = p->bst_link[0];
   This code is included in 40.

   In case 2, we attach the node's left subtree as its right child r's
left subtree, then replace the node by r:

42. <Case 2 in BST deletion 42> =
r->bst_link[0] = p->bst_link[0];
q->bst_link[dir] = r;
   This code is included in 40.

   We begin case 3 by finding p's inorder successor as s, and the
parent of s as r.  Node p's inorder successor is the smallest value in
p's right subtree and that the smallest value in a tree can be found by
descending to the left until a node with no left child is found:

43. <Case 3 in BST deletion 43> =
struct bst_node *s;
for (;;)
    s = r->bst_link[0];
    if (s->bst_link[0] == NULL)

    r = s;
   See also 44.
This code is included in 40.

   Case 3 wraps up by adjusting pointers so that s moves into p's place:

44. <Case 3 in BST deletion 43> +=
r->bst_link[0] = s->bst_link[1];
s->bst_link[0] = p->bst_link[0];
s->bst_link[1] = p->bst_link[1];
q->bst_link[dir] = s;

   As the final step, we decrement the number of nodes in the tree, free
the node, and return its data:

45. <Step 3: Finish up after deleting BST node 45> =
tree->bst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->bst_alloc, p);
return (void *) item;
   This code is included in 38.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], algorithm 6.2.2D; [Cormen 1990], section 13.3.


1. Write code for a case 1.5 which handles deletion of nodes with no
left child.

2. In the code presented above for case 3, we update pointers to move s
into p's position, then free p.  An alternate approach is to replace
p's data by s's and delete s.  Write code to use this approach.  Can a
similar modification be made to either of the other cases?

*3. The code in the previous exercise is a few lines shorter than that
in the main text, so it would seem to be preferable.  Explain why the
revised code, and other code based on the same idea, cannot be used in
libavl.  (Hint: consider the semantics of libavl traversers.)

4.8.1 Aside: Deletion by Merging

The libavl algorithm for deletion is commonly used, but it is also
seemingly ad-hoc and arbitrary in its approach.  In this section we'll
take a look at another algorithm that may seem a little more uniform.
Unfortunately, though it is conceptually simpler in some ways, in
practice this algorithm is both slower and more difficult to properly

   The idea behind this algorithm is to consider deletion as breaking
the links between the deleted node and its parent and children.  In the
most general case, we end up with three disconnected BSTs, one that
contains the deleted node's parent and two corresponding to the deleted
node's former subtrees.  The diagram below shows how this idea works
out for the deletion of node 5 from the tree on the left:

                          2              2
                         / `._          /
                        1     5        1
                            _' `._
                           3      9 =>    3     9
                            \    /         \   /
                             4  7           4 7
                                ^             ^
                               6 8           6 8

Of course, the problem then becomes to reassemble the pieces into a
single binary search tree.  We can do this by merging the two former
subtrees of the deleted node and attaching them as the right child of
the parent subtree.  As the first step in merging the subtrees, we take
the minimum node r in the former right subtree and repeatedly perform a
right rotation on its parent, until it is the root of its subtree.  The
process up to this point looks like this for our example, showing only
the subtree containing r:

                                       9    6,r
                           9     __..-'        `._
                         _'     6,r               9
                        7    =>    \     =>     _'
                      _' \          7          7
                     6,r  8          \          \
                                      8          8

Now, because r is the root and the minimum node in its subtree, r has
no left child.  Also, all the nodes in the opposite subtree are smaller
than r.  So to merge these subtrees, we simply link the opposite
subtree as r's left child and connect r in place of the deleted node:

                      /                  2
                     1                  / `._
                                       1     6,r
                        3   6,r            _'   `._
                         \     `._  =>    3        9
                          4       9        \     _'
                                _'          4   7
                               7                 \
                                \                 8

The function outline is straightforward:

46. <BST item deletion function, by merging 46> =
void *
bst_delete (struct bst_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct bst_node *p;   /* The node to delete, or a node part way to it. */
  struct bst_node *q;	/* Parent of p. */
  int cmp, dir;         /* Result of comparison between item and p. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Find BST node to delete by merging 47>
  <Step 2: Delete BST node by merging 48>
  <Step 3: Finish up after BST deletion by merging 49>

  return (void *) item;

   First we search for the node to delete, storing it as p and its
parent as q:

47. <Step 1: Find BST node to delete by merging 47> =
p = (struct bst_node *) &tree->bst_root;
for (cmp = -1; cmp != 0;
     cmp = tree->bst_compare (item, p->bst_data, tree->bst_param))
    dir = cmp > 0;
    q = p;
    p = p->bst_link[dir];
    if (p == NULL)
      return NULL;
   This code is included in 46.

   The actual deletion process is not as simple.  We handle specially
the case where p has no right child.  This is unfortunate for
uniformity, but simplifies the rest of the code considerably.  The main
case starts off with a loop on variable r to build a stack of the nodes
in the right subtree of p that will need to be rotated.  After the
loop, r is the minimum value in p's right subtree.  This will be the
new root of the merged subtrees after the rotations, so we set r as q's
child on the appropriate side and r's left child as p's former left
child.  After that the only remaining task is the rotations themselves,
so we perform them and we're done:

48. <Step 2: Delete BST node by merging 48> =
if (p->bst_link[1] != NULL)
    struct bst_node *pa[BST_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes on stack. */
    unsigned char da[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];    /* Directions moved from stack nodes. */
    int k = 0;                           /* Stack height. */

    struct bst_node *r; /* Iterator; final value is minimum node in subtree. */

    for (r = p->bst_link[1]; r->bst_link[0] != NULL; r = r->bst_link[0])
        if (k >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
            bst_balance (tree);
            return bst_delete (tree, item);

        pa[k] = r;
        da[k++] = 0;
    q->bst_link[dir] = r;
    r->bst_link[0] = p->bst_link[0];

    for (; k > 0; k--)
        struct bst_node *y = pa[k - 1];
        struct bst_node *x = y->bst_link[0];
        y->bst_link[0] = x->bst_link[1];
        x->bst_link[1] = y;
        if (k > 1)
          pa[k - 2]->bst_link[da[k - 2]] = x;
  q->bst_link[dir] = p->bst_link[0];
   This code is included in 46.

   Finally, there's a bit of obligatory bookkeeping:

49. <Step 3: Finish up after BST deletion by merging 49> =
item = p->bst_data;
tree->bst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->bst_alloc, p);
   This code is included in 46.

See also:  [Sedgewick 1998], section 12.9.

4.9 Traversal

After we've been manipulating a binary search tree for a while, we will
want to know what items are in it.  The process of enumerating the items
in a binary search tree is called "traversal".  libavl provides the
bst_t_* functions for a particular kind of traversal called "inorder
traversal", so-called because items are enumerated in sorted order.

   In this section we'll implement three algorithms for traversal.
Each of these algorithms is based on and in some way improves upon the
previous algorithm.  The final implementation is the one used in
libavl, so we will implement all of the bst_t_* functions for it.

   Before we start looking at particular algorithms, let's consider some
criteria for evaluating traversal algorithms.  The following are not the
only criteria that could be used, but they are indeed important:(1)

     Is it difficult to describe or to correctly implement the
     algorithm?  Complex algorithms also tend to take more code than
     simple ones.

     Does the algorithm make good use of time and memory?  The ideal
     traversal algorithm would require time proportional to the number
     of nodes traversed and a constant amount of space.  In this
     chapter we will meet this ideal time criterion and come close on
     the space criterion for the average case.  In future chapters we
     will be able to do better even in the worst case.

     Is it easy to integrate the traversal functions into other code?
     Callback functions are not as easy to use as other methods that
     can be used from for loops (*note Improving Convenience::).

     Are there pathological cases where the algorithm breaks down?  If
     so, is it possible to fix these problems using additional time or

     Does the algorithm only allow iteration in a single direction?
     Can we begin traversal at an arbitrary node, or just at the least
     or greatest node?

     If the tree is modified during a traversal, is it possible to
     continue traversal, or does the modification invalidate the

   The first algorithm we will consider uses recursion.  This algorithm
is worthwhile primarily for its simplicity.  In C, such an algorithm
cannot be made as efficient, convenient, or general as other algorithms
without unacceptable compromises.  It is possible to make it both
reliable and resilient, but we won't bother because of its other

   We arrive at our second algorithm through a literal transformation of
the recursion in the first algorithm into iteration.  The use of
iteration lets us improve the algorithm's memory efficiency, and, on
many machines, its time efficiency as well.  The iterative algorithm
also lets us improve the convenience of using the traverser.  We could
also add reliability and resilience to an implementation of this
algorithm, but we'll save that for later.  The only problem with this
algorithm, in fact, lies in its generality: it works best for moving
only in one direction and starting from the least or greatest node.

   The importance of generality is what draws us to the third algorithm.
This algorithm is based on ideas from the previous iterative algorithm
along with some simple observations.  This algorithm is no more complex
than the previous one, but it is more general, allowing easily for
iteration in either direction starting anywhere in the tree.  This is
the algorithm used in libavl, so we build an efficient, convenient,
reliable, general, resilient implementation.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) Some of these terms are not generic BST vocabulary.  Rather,
they have been adopted for these particular uses in this text.  You can
consider the above to be our working definitions of these terms.

4.9.1 Traversal by Recursion

To figure out how to traverse a binary search tree in inorder, think
about a BST's structure.  A BST consists of a root, a left subtree, and
right subtree.  All the items in the left subtree have smaller values
than the root and all the items in the right subtree have larger values
than the root.

   That's good enough right there: we can traverse a BST in inorder by
dealing with its left subtree, then doing with the root whatever it is
we want to do with each node in the tree (generically, "visit" the root
node), then dealing with its right subtree.  But how do we deal with
the subtrees?  Well, they're BSTs too, so we can do the same thing:
traverse its left subtree, then visit its root, then traverse its right
subtree, and so on.  Eventually the process terminates because at some
point the subtrees are null pointers, and nothing needs to be done to
traverse an empty tree.

   Writing the traversal function is almost trivial.  We use
bst_item_func to visit a node (*note Item and Copy Functions::):

50. <Recursive traversal of BST 50> =
static void
traverse_recursive (struct bst_node *node, bst_item_func *action, void *param)
  if (node != NULL)
      traverse_recursive (node->bst_link[0], action, param);
      action (node->bst_data, param);
      traverse_recursive (node->bst_link[1], action, param);
   See also 51.

   We also want a wrapper function to insulate callers from the
existence of individual tree nodes:

51. <Recursive traversal of BST 50> +=
walk (struct bst_table *tree, bst_item_func *action, void *param)
  assert (tree != NULL && action != NULL);
  traverse_recursive (tree->bst_root, action, param);

See also:  [Knuth 1997], section 2.3.1; [Cormen 1990], section 13.1;
[Sedgewick 1998], program 12.8.


1. Instead of checking for a null node at the top of
traverse_recursive(), would it be better to check before calling in
each place that the function is called?  Why or why not?

2. Some languages, such as Pascal, support the concept of "nested
functions", that is, functions within functions, but C does not.  Some
algorithms, including recursive tree traversal, can be expressed much
more naturally with this feature.  Rewrite walk(), in a hypothetical
C-like language that supports nested functions, as a function that calls
an inner, recursively defined function.  The nested function should only
take a single parameter.  (The GNU C compiler supports nested functions
as a language extension, so you may want to use it to check your code.)

4.9.2 Traversal by Iteration

The recursive approach of the previous section is one valid way to
traverse a binary search tree in sorted order.  This method has the
advantages of being simple and "obviously correct".  But it does have
problems with efficiency, because each call to traverse_recursive()
receives its own duplicate copies of arguments action and param, and
with convenience, because writing a new callback function for each
traversal is unpleasant.  It has other problems, too, as already
discussed, but these are the ones to be addressed immediately.

   Unfortunately, neither problem can be solved acceptably in C using a
recursive method, the first because the traversal function has to
somehow know the action function and the parameter to pass to it, and
the second because there is simply no way to jump out of and then back
into recursive calls in C.(1)  Our only option is to use an algorithm
that does not involve recursion.

   The simplest way to eliminate recursion is by a literal conversion of
the recursion to iteration.  This is the topic of this section.  Later,
we will consider a slightly different, and in some ways superior,
iterative solution.

   Converting recursion into iteration is an interesting problem.
There are two main ways to do it:

tail recursion elimination
     If a recursive call is the last action taken in a function, then
     it is equivalent to a goto back to the beginning of the function,
     possibly after modifying argument values.  (If the function has a
     return value then the recursive call must be a return statement
     returning the value received from the nested call.)  This form of
     recursion is called "tail recursion".

save-and-restore recursion elimination
     In effect, a recursive function call saves a copy of argument
     values and local variables, modifies the arguments, then executes
     a goto to the beginning of the function.  Accordingly, the return
     from the nested call is equivalent to restoring the saved
     arguments and local variables, then executing a goto back to the
     point where the call was made.

   We can make use of both of these rules in converting
traverse_recursive() to iterative form.  First, does
traverse_recursive() ever call itself as its last action?  The answer
is yes, so we can convert that to an assignment plus a goto statement:

52. <Iterative traversal of BST, take 1 52> =
static void
traverse_iterative (struct bst_node *node, bst_item_func *action, void *param)
  if (node != NULL)
      traverse_iterative (node->bst_link[0], action, param);
      action (node->bst_data, param);
      node = node->bst_link[1];
      goto start;

   Sensible programmers are not fond of goto.  Fortunately, it is easy
to eliminate by rephrasing in terms of a while loop:

53. <Iterative traversal of BST, take 2 53> =
static void
traverse_iterative (struct bst_node *node, bst_item_func *action, void *param)
  while (node != NULL)
      traverse_iterative (node->bst_link[0], action, param);
      action (node->bst_data, param);
      node = node->bst_link[1];

   This still leaves another recursive call, one that is not tail
recursive.  This one must be eliminated by saving and restoring values.
A stack is ideal for this purpose.  For now, we use a stack of fixed
size BST_MAX_HEIGHT and deal with stack overflow by aborting.  Later,
we'll handle overflow more gracefully.  Here's the code:

54. <Iterative traversal of BST, take 3 54> =
static void
traverse_iterative (struct bst_node *node, bst_item_func *action, void *param)
  struct bst_node *stack[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];
  size_t height = 0;

  while (node != NULL)
      if (height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
          fprintf (stderr, "tree too deep\n");
          exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
      stack[height++] = node;
      node = node->bst_link[0];
      goto start;

      action (node->bst_data, param);
      node = node->bst_link[1];

  if (height > 0)
      node = stack[--height];
      goto resume;

   This code, an ugly mash of statements, is a prime example of why goto
statements are discouraged, but its relationship with the earlier code
is clear.  To make it acceptable for real use, we must rephrase it.
First, we can eliminate label resume by recognizing that it can only be
reached from the corresponding goto statement, then moving its code

55. <Iterative traversal of BST, take 4 55> =
static void
traverse_iterative (struct bst_node *node, bst_item_func *action, void *param)
  struct bst_node *stack[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];
  size_t height = 0;

  while (node != NULL)
      if (height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
          fprintf (stderr, "tree too deep\n");
          exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
      stack[height++] = node;
      node = node->bst_link[0];
      goto start;

  if (height > 0)
      node = stack[--height];
      action (node->bst_data, param);
      node = node->bst_link[1];
      goto start;

   The first remaining goto statement can be eliminated without any
other change, because it is redundant; the second, by enclosing the
whole function body in an "infinite loop":

56. <Iterative traversal of BST, take 5 56> =
static void
traverse_iterative (struct bst_node *node, bst_item_func *action, void *param)
  struct bst_node *stack[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];
  size_t height = 0;

  for (;;)
      while (node != NULL)
          if (height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
              fprintf (stderr, "tree too deep\n");
              exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
          stack[height++] = node;
          node = node->bst_link[0];

      if (height == 0)

      node = stack[--height];
      action (node->bst_data, param);
      node = node->bst_link[1];

   This initial iterative version takes care of the efficiency problem.


1. Function traverse_iterative() relies on stack[], a stack of nodes
yet to be visited, which as allocated can hold up to BST_MAX_HEIGHT
nodes.  Consider the following questions concerning stack[]:

  a. What is the maximum height this stack will attain in traversing a
     binary search tree containing n nodes, if the binary tree has
     minimum possible height?

  b. What is the maximum height this stack can attain in traversing any
     binary tree of n nodes?  The minimum height?

  c. Under what circumstances is it acceptable to use a fixed-size
     stack as in the example code?

  d. Rewrite traverse_iterative() to dynamically expand stack[] in case
     of overflow.

  e. Does traverse_recursive() also have potential for running out of
     "stack" or "memory"?  If so, more or less than
     traverse_iterative() as modified by the previous part?

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) This is possible in some other languages, such as Scheme, that
support "coroutines" as well as subroutines. Improving Convenience

Now we can work on improving the convenience of our traversal function.
But, first, perhaps it's worthwhile to demonstrate how inconvenient it
really can be to use walk(), regardless of how it's implemented

   Suppose that we have a BST of character strings and, for whatever
reason, want to know the total length of all the strings in it.  We
could do it like this using walk():

57. <Summing string lengths with walk() 57> =
static void
process_node (void *data, void *param)
  const char *string = data;
  size_t *total = param;

  *total += strlen (string);

total_length (struct bst_table *tree)
  size_t total = 0;
  walk (tree, process_node, &total);
  return total;

With the functions first_item() and next_item() that we'll write in
this section, we can rewrite these functions as the single function

58. <Summing string lengths with next_item() 58> =
total_length (struct bst_table *tree)
  struct traverser t;
  const char *string;
  size_t total = 0;

  for (string = first_item (tree, &t); string != NULL; string = next_item (&t))
    total += strlen (string);
  return total;

   You're free to make your own assessment, of course, but many
programmers prefer the latter because of its greater brevity and fewer
"unsafe" conversions to and from void pointers.

   Now to actually write the code.  Our task is to modify
traverse_iterative() so that, instead of calling action, it returns
node->bst_data.  But first, some infrastructure.  We define a structure
to contain the state of the traversal, equivalent to the relevant
argument and local variables in traverse_iterative().  To emphasize
that this is not our final version of this structure or the related
code, we will call it struct traverser, without any name prefix:

59. <Iterative traversal of BST, take 6 59> =
struct traverser
    struct bst_table *table;                  /* Tree being traversed. */
    struct bst_node *node;                    /* Current node in tree. */
    struct bst_node *stack[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];   /* Parent nodes to revisit. */
    size_t height;                            /* Number of nodes in stack. */
   See also 60 and 61.

   Function first_item() just initializes a struct traverser and
returns the first item in the tree, deferring most of its work to

60. <Iterative traversal of BST, take 6 59> +=
/* Initializes trav for tree.
   Returns data item in tree with the smallest value,
   or NULL if tree is empty.
   In the former case, next_item() may be called with trav
   to retrieve additional data items. */
void *
first_item (struct bst_table *tree, struct traverser *trav)
  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);
  trav->table = tree;
  trav->node = tree->bst_root;
  trav->height = 0;
  return next_item (trav);

   Function next_item() is, for the most part, a simple modification of

61. <Iterative traversal of BST, take 6 59> +=
/* Returns the next data item in inorder
   within the tree being traversed with trav,
   or if there are no more data items returns NULL.
   In the former case next_item() may be called again
   to retrieve the next item. */
void *
next_item (struct traverser *trav)
  struct bst_node *node;

  assert (trav != NULL);
  node = trav->node;
  while (node != NULL)
      if (trav->height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
          fprintf (stderr, "tree too deep\n");
          exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

      trav->stack[trav->height++] = node;
      node = node->bst_link[0];

  if (trav->height == 0)
    return NULL;

  node = trav->stack[--trav->height];
  trav->node = node->bst_link[1];
  return node->bst_data;

See also:  [Knuth 1997], algorithm 2.3.1T; [Knuth 1992], p. 50-54,
section "Recursion Elimination" within article "Structured Programming
with go to statements".


1. Make next_item() reliable by providing alternate code to execute on
stack overflow.  This code will work by calling bst_balance() to
"balance" the tree, reducing its height such that it can be traversed
with the small stack that we use.  We will develop bst_balance() later.
For now, consider it a "black box" that simply needs to be invoked
with the tree to balance as an argument.  Don't forget to adjust the
traverser structure so that later calls will work properly, too.

2. Without modifying next_item() or first_item(), can a function
prev_item() be written that will move to and return the previous item
in the tree in inorder?

4.9.3 Better Iterative Traversal

We have developed an efficient, convenient function for traversing a
binary tree.  In the exercises, we made it reliable, and it is possible
to make it resilient as well.  But its algorithm makes it difficult to
add generality.  In order to do that in a practical way, we will have to
use a new algorithm.

   Let us start by considering how to understand how to find the
successor or predecessor of any node in general, as opposed to just
blindly transforming code as we did in the previous section.  Back when
we wrote bst_delete(), we already solved half of the problem, by
figuring out how to find the successor of a node that has a right
child: take the least-valued node in the right subtree of the node
(*note Deletion Case 3: successor.).

   The other half is the successor of a node that doesn't have a right
child.  Take a look at the code for one of the previous traversal
functions--recursive or iterative, whichever you better understand--and
mentally work out the relationship between the current node and its
successor for a node without a right child.  What happens is that we
move up the tree, from a node to its parent, one node at a time, until
it turns out that we moved up to the right (as opposed to up to the
left) and that is the successor node.  Think of it this way: if we move
up to the left, then the node we started at has a lesser value than
where we ended up, so we've already visited it, but if we move up to
the right, then we're moving to a node with a greater value, so we've
found the successor.

   Using these instructions, we can find the predecessor of a node, too,
just by exchanging "left" and "right".  This suggests that all we have
to do in order to generalize our traversal function is to keep track of
all the nodes above the current node, not just the ones that are up and
to the left.  This in turn suggests our final implementation of struct
bst_traverser, with appropriate comments:

62. <BST traverser structure 62> =
/* BST traverser structure. */
struct bst_traverser
    struct bst_table *bst_table;        /* Tree being traversed. */
    struct bst_node *bst_node;          /* Current node in tree. */
    struct bst_node *bst_stack[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];
                                        /* All the nodes above bst_node. */
    size_t bst_height;                  /* Number of nodes in bst_parent. */
    unsigned long bst_generation;       /* Generation number. */
   This code is included in 25, 143, and 194.

   Because user code is expected to declare actual instances of struct
bst_traverser, struct bst_traverser must be defined in <bst.h 25> and
therefore all of its member names are prefixed by bst_ for safety.

   The only surprise in struct bst_traverser is member bst_generation,
the traverser's generation number.  This member is set equal to its
namesake in struct bst_table when a traverser is initialized.  After
that, the two values are compared whenever the stack of parent pointers
must be accessed.  Any change in the tree that could disturb the action
of a traverser will cause their generation numbers to differ, which in
turn triggers an update to the stack.  This is what allows this final
implementation to be resilient.

   We need a utility function to actually update the stack of parent
pointers when differing generation numbers are detected.  This is easy
to write:

63. <BST traverser refresher 63> =
/* Refreshes the stack of parent pointers in trav
   and updates its generation number. */
static void
trav_refresh (struct bst_traverser *trav)
  assert (trav != NULL);

  trav->bst_generation = trav->bst_table->bst_generation;

  if (trav->bst_node != NULL)
      bst_comparison_func *cmp = trav->bst_table->bst_compare;
      void *param = trav->bst_table->bst_param;
      struct bst_node *node = trav->bst_node;
      struct bst_node *i;

      trav->bst_height = 0;
      for (i = trav->bst_table->bst_root; i != node; )
          assert (trav->bst_height < BST_MAX_HEIGHT);
          assert (i != NULL);

          trav->bst_stack[trav->bst_height++] = i;
          i = i->bst_link[cmp (node->bst_data, i->bst_data, param) > 0];
   This code is included in 64 and 180.

   The following sections will implement all of the traverser functions
bst_t_*().  *Note Traversers::, for descriptions of the purpose of each
of these functions.

   The traversal functions are collected together into <BST traversal
functions 64>:

64. <BST traversal functions 64> =
<BST traverser refresher 63>
<BST traverser null initializer 65>
<BST traverser least-item initializer 66>
<BST traverser greatest-item initializer 67>
<BST traverser search initializer 68>
<BST traverser insertion initializer 69>
<BST traverser copy initializer 70>
<BST traverser advance function 71>
<BST traverser back up function 74>
<BST traverser current item function 75>
<BST traverser replacement function 76>
   This code is included in 30.


1. The bst_probe() function doesn't change the tree's generation number.
Why not?

*2. The main loop in trav_refresh() contains the assertion

      assert (trav->bst_height < BST_MAX_HEIGHT);

Prove that this assertion is always true.

3. In trav_refresh(), it is tempting to avoid calls to the user-supplied
comparison function by comparing the nodes on the stack to the current
state of the tree; e.g., move up the stack, starting from the bottom,
and for each node verify that it is a child of the previous one on the
stack, falling back to the general algorithm at the first mismatch.  Why
won't this work? Starting at the Null Node

The trav_t_init() function just initializes a traverser to the null
item, indicated by a null pointer for bst_node.

65. <BST traverser null initializer 65> =
bst_t_init (struct bst_traverser *trav, struct bst_table *tree)
  trav->bst_table = tree;
  trav->bst_node = NULL;
  trav->bst_height = 0;
  trav->bst_generation = tree->bst_generation;
   This code is included in 64 and 180. Starting at the First Node

To initialize a traverser to start at the least valued node, we simply
descend from the root as far down and left as possible, recording the
parent pointers on the stack as we go.  If the stack overflows, then we
balance the tree and start over.

66. <BST traverser least-item initializer 66> =
void *
bst_t_first (struct bst_traverser *trav, struct bst_table *tree)
  struct bst_node *x;

  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->bst_table = tree;
  trav->bst_height = 0;
  trav->bst_generation = tree->bst_generation;

  x = tree->bst_root;
  if (x != NULL)
    while (x->bst_link[0] != NULL)
        if (trav->bst_height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
            bst_balance (tree);
            return bst_t_first (trav, tree);

        trav->bst_stack[trav->bst_height++] = x;
        x = x->bst_link[0];
  trav->bst_node = x;

  return x != NULL ? x->bst_data : NULL;
   This code is included in 64.


*1. Show that bst_t_first() will never make more than one recursive call
to itself at a time. Starting at the Last Node

The code to start from the greatest node in the tree is analogous to
that for starting from the least node.  The only difference is that we
descend to the right instead:

67. <BST traverser greatest-item initializer 67> =
void *
bst_t_last (struct bst_traverser *trav, struct bst_table *tree)
  struct bst_node *x;

  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->bst_table = tree;
  trav->bst_height = 0;
  trav->bst_generation = tree->bst_generation;

  x = tree->bst_root;
  if (x != NULL)
    while (x->bst_link[1] != NULL)
        if (trav->bst_height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
            bst_balance (tree);
            return bst_t_last (trav, tree);

        trav->bst_stack[trav->bst_height++] = x;
        x = x->bst_link[1];
  trav->bst_node = x;

  return x != NULL ? x->bst_data : NULL;
   This code is included in 64. Starting at a Found Node

Sometimes it is convenient to begin a traversal at a particular item in
a tree.  This function works in the same was as bst_find(), but records
parent pointers in the traverser structure as it descends the tree.

68. <BST traverser search initializer 68> =
void *
bst_t_find (struct bst_traverser *trav, struct bst_table *tree, void *item)
  struct bst_node *p, *q;

  assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL);
  trav->bst_table = tree;
  trav->bst_height = 0;
  trav->bst_generation = tree->bst_generation;
  for (p = tree->bst_root; p != NULL; p = q)
      int cmp = tree->bst_compare (item, p->bst_data, tree->bst_param);

      if (cmp < 0)
        q = p->bst_link[0];
      else if (cmp > 0)
        q = p->bst_link[1];
      else /* cmp == 0 */
          trav->bst_node = p;
          return p->bst_data;

      if (trav->bst_height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
          bst_balance (trav->bst_table);
          return bst_t_find (trav, tree, item);
      trav->bst_stack[trav->bst_height++] = p;

  trav->bst_height = 0;
  trav->bst_node = NULL;
  return NULL;
   This code is included in 64. Starting at an Inserted Node

Another operation that can be useful is to insert a new node and
construct a traverser to the inserted node in a single operation.  The
following code does this:

69. <BST traverser insertion initializer 69> =
void *
bst_t_insert (struct bst_traverser *trav, struct bst_table *tree, void *item)
  struct bst_node **q;

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  trav->bst_table = tree;
  trav->bst_height = 0;

  q = &tree->bst_root;
  while (*q != NULL)
      int cmp = tree->bst_compare (item, (*q)->bst_data, tree->bst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
          trav->bst_node = *q;
          trav->bst_generation = tree->bst_generation;
          return (*q)->bst_data;

      if (trav->bst_height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
          bst_balance (tree);
          return bst_t_insert (trav, tree, item);
      trav->bst_stack[trav->bst_height++] = *q;

      q = &(*q)->bst_link[cmp > 0];

  trav->bst_node = *q = tree->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->bst_alloc,
                                                        sizeof **q);
  if (*q == NULL)
      trav->bst_node = NULL;
      trav->bst_generation = tree->bst_generation;
      return NULL;

  (*q)->bst_link[0] = (*q)->bst_link[1] = NULL;
  (*q)->bst_data = item;
  trav->bst_generation = tree->bst_generation;
  return (*q)->bst_data;
   This code is included in 64. Initialization by Copying

This function copies one traverser to another.  It only copies the stack
of parent pointers if they are up-to-date:

70. <BST traverser copy initializer 70> =
void *
bst_t_copy (struct bst_traverser *trav, const struct bst_traverser *src)
  assert (trav != NULL && src != NULL);

  if (trav != src)
      trav->bst_table = src->bst_table;
      trav->bst_node = src->bst_node;
      trav->bst_generation = src->bst_generation;
      if (trav->bst_generation == trav->bst_table->bst_generation)
          trav->bst_height = src->bst_height;
          memcpy (trav->bst_stack, (const void *) src->bst_stack,
                  sizeof *trav->bst_stack * trav->bst_height);

  return trav->bst_node != NULL ? trav->bst_node->bst_data : NULL;
   This code is included in 64 and 180.


1. Without the check that trav != src before copying src into trav,
what might happen? Advancing to the Next Node

The algorithm of bst_t_next(), the function for finding a successor,
divides neatly into three cases.  Two of these are the ones that we
discussed earlier in the introduction to this kind of traverser (*note
Better Iterative Traversal::).  The third case occurs when the last
node returned was NULL, in which case we return the least node in the
table, in accordance with the semantics for libavl tables.  The
function outline is this:

71. <BST traverser advance function 71> =
void *
bst_t_next (struct bst_traverser *trav)
  struct bst_node *x;

  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->bst_generation != trav->bst_table->bst_generation)
    trav_refresh (trav);

  x = trav->bst_node;
  if (x == NULL)
      return bst_t_first (trav, trav->bst_table);
  else if (x->bst_link[1] != NULL)
      <Handle case where x has a right child 72>
      <Handle case where x has no right child 73>
  trav->bst_node = x;

  return x->bst_data;
   This code is included in 64.

   The case where the current node has a right child is accomplished by
stepping to the right, then to the left until we can't go any farther,
as discussed in detail earlier.  The only difference is that we must
check for stack overflow.  When stack overflow does occur, we recover by
calling trav_balance(), then restarting bst_t_next() using a
tail-recursive call.  The tail recursion will never happen more than
once, because trav_balance() ensures that the tree's height is small
enough that the stack cannot overflow again:

72. <Handle case where x has a right child 72> =
if (trav->bst_height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
    bst_balance (trav->bst_table);
    return bst_t_next (trav);

trav->bst_stack[trav->bst_height++] = x;
x = x->bst_link[1];

while (x->bst_link[0] != NULL)
    if (trav->bst_height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
        bst_balance (trav->bst_table);
        return bst_t_next (trav);

    trav->bst_stack[trav->bst_height++] = x;
    x = x->bst_link[0];
   This code is included in 71.

   In the case where the current node has no right child, we move
upward in the tree based on the stack of parent pointers that we saved,
as described before.  When the stack underflows, we know that we've run
out of nodes in the tree:

73. <Handle case where x has no right child 73> =
struct bst_node *y;

    if (trav->bst_height == 0)
        trav->bst_node = NULL;
        return NULL;

    y = x;
    x = trav->bst_stack[--trav->bst_height];
while (y == x->bst_link[1]);
   This code is included in 71. Backing Up to the Previous Node

Moving to the previous node is analogous to moving to the next node.
The only difference, in fact, is that directions are reversed from left
to right.

74. <BST traverser back up function 74> =
void *
bst_t_prev (struct bst_traverser *trav)
  struct bst_node *x;

  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->bst_generation != trav->bst_table->bst_generation)
    trav_refresh (trav);

  x = trav->bst_node;
  if (x == NULL)
      return bst_t_last (trav, trav->bst_table);
  else if (x->bst_link[0] != NULL)
      if (trav->bst_height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
          bst_balance (trav->bst_table);
          return bst_t_prev (trav);

      trav->bst_stack[trav->bst_height++] = x;
      x = x->bst_link[0];

      while (x->bst_link[1] != NULL)
          if (trav->bst_height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
              bst_balance (trav->bst_table);
              return bst_t_prev (trav);

          trav->bst_stack[trav->bst_height++] = x;
          x = x->bst_link[1];
      struct bst_node *y;

          if (trav->bst_height == 0)
              trav->bst_node = NULL;
              return NULL;

          y = x;
          x = trav->bst_stack[--trav->bst_height];
      while (y == x->bst_link[0]);
  trav->bst_node = x;

  return x->bst_data;
   This code is included in 64. Getting the Current Item

75. <BST traverser current item function 75> =
void *
bst_t_cur (struct bst_traverser *trav)
  assert (trav != NULL);

  return trav->bst_node != NULL ? trav->bst_node->bst_data : NULL;
This code is included in 64, 180, 270, 397, 504, and 548. Replacing the Current Item

76. <BST traverser replacement function 76> =
void *
bst_t_replace (struct bst_traverser *trav, void *new)
  void *old;

  assert (trav != NULL && trav->bst_node != NULL && new != NULL);
  old = trav->bst_node->bst_data;
  trav->bst_node->bst_data = new;
  return old;
This code is included in 64, 180, 270, 397, 504, and 548.

4.10 Copying

In this section, we're going to write function bst_copy() to make a
copy of a binary tree.  This is the most complicated function of all
those needed for BST functionality, so pay careful attention as we

4.10.1 Recursive Copying

The "obvious" way to copy a binary tree is recursive.  Here's a basic
recursive copy, hard-wired to allocate memory with malloc() for

77. <Recursive copy of BST, take 1 77> =
/* Makes and returns a new copy of tree rooted at x. */
static struct bst_node *
bst_copy_recursive_1 (struct bst_node *x)
  struct bst_node *y;

  if (x == NULL)
    return NULL;

  y = malloc (sizeof *y);
  if (y == NULL)
    return NULL;

  y->bst_data = x->bst_data;
  y->bst_link[0] = bst_copy_recursive_1 (x->bst_link[0]);
  y->bst_link[1] = bst_copy_recursive_1 (x->bst_link[1]);
  return y;

   But, again, it would be nice to rewrite this iteratively, both
because the iterative version is likely to be faster and for the sheer
mental exercise of it.  Recall, from our earlier discussion of inorder
traversal, that tail recursion (recursion where a function calls itself
as its last action) is easier to convert to iteration than other types.
Unfortunately, neither of the recursive calls above are tail-recursive.

   Fortunately, we can rewrite it so that it is, if we change the way we
allocate data:

78. <Recursive copy of BST, take 2 78> =
/* Copies tree rooted at x to y, which latter is allocated but not
   yet initialized. */
static void
bst_copy_recursive_2 (struct bst_node *x, struct bst_node *y)
  y->bst_data = x->bst_data;

  if (x->bst_link[0] != NULL)
      y->bst_link[0] = malloc (sizeof *y->bst_link[0]);
      bst_copy_recursive_2 (x->bst_link[0], y->bst_link[0]);
    y->bst_link[0] = NULL;

  if (x->bst_link[1] != NULL)
      y->bst_link[1] = malloc (sizeof *y->bst_link[1]);
      bst_copy_recursive_2 (x->bst_link[1], y->bst_link[1]);
    y->bst_link[1] = NULL;


1. When malloc() returns a null pointer, bst_copy_recursive_1() fails
"silently", that is, without notifying its caller about the error, and
the output is a partial copy of the original tree.  Without removing the
recursion, implement two different ways to propagate such errors upward
to the function's caller:

  a. Change the function's prototype to:

         static int bst_robust_copy_recursive_1 (struct bst_node *,
                                                 struct bst_node **);

  b. Without changing the function's prototype.  (Hint: use a statically
     declared struct bst_node).

In each case make sure that any allocated memory is safely freed if an
allocation error occurs.

2. bst_copy_recursive_2() is even worse than bst_copy_recursive_1() at
handling allocation failure.  It actually invokes undefined behavior
when an allocation fails.  Fix this, changing it to return an int, with
nonzero return values indicating success.  Be careful not to leak

4.10.2 Iterative Copying

Now we can factor out the recursion, starting with the tail recursion.
This process is very similar to what we did with the traversal code, so
the details are left for Exercise 1.  Let's look at the results part by

79. <Iterative copy of BST 79> =
/* Copies org to a newly created tree, which is returned. */
struct bst_table *
bst_copy_iterative (const struct bst_table *org)
  struct bst_node *stack[2 * (BST_MAX_HEIGHT + 1)];
                                     /* Stack. */
  int height = 0;                    /* Stack height. */
   See also 80, 81, and82.

   This time, our stack will have two pointers added to it at a time,
one from the original tree and one from the copy.  Thus, the stack
needs to be twice as big.  In addition, we'll see below that there'll
be an extra item on the stack representing the pointer to the tree's
root, so our stack needs room for an extra pair of items, which is the
reason for the "+ 1" in stack[]'s size.

80. <Iterative copy of BST 79> +=
  struct bst_table *new;             /* New tree. */
  const struct bst_node *x;          /* Node currently being copied. */
  struct bst_node *y;                /* New node being copied from x. */

  new = bst_create (org->bst_compare, org->bst_param, org->bst_alloc);
  new->bst_count = org->bst_count;
  if (new->bst_count == 0)
    return new;

  x = (const struct bst_node *) &org->bst_root;
  y = (struct bst_node *) &new->bst_root;

   This is the same kind of "dirty trick" already described in Exercise

81. <Iterative copy of BST 79> +=
  for (;;)
      while (x->bst_link[0] != NULL)
            = org->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (org->bst_alloc,
                                             sizeof *y->bst_link[0]);
          stack[height++] = (struct bst_node *) x;
          stack[height++] = y;
          x = x->bst_link[0];
          y = y->bst_link[0];
      y->bst_link[0] = NULL;

   This code moves x down and to the left in the tree until it runs out
of nodes, allocating space in the new tree for left children and pushing
nodes from the original tree and the copy onto the stack as it goes.
The cast on x suppresses a warning or error due to x, a pointer to a
const structure, being stored into a non-constant pointer in stack[].
We won't ever try to store into the pointer that we store in there, so
this is legitimate.

   We've switched from using malloc() to using the allocation function
provided by the user.  This is easy now because we have the tree
structure to work with.  To do this earlier, we would have had to
somehow pass the tree structure to each recursive call of the copy
function, wasting time and space.

82. <Iterative copy of BST 79> +=
      for (;;)
          y->bst_data = x->bst_data;

          if (x->bst_link[1] != NULL)
              y->bst_link[1] =
                org->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (org->bst_alloc,
                                              sizeof *y->bst_link[1]);
              x = x->bst_link[1];
              y = y->bst_link[1];
            y->bst_link[1] = NULL;

          if (height <= 2)
            return new;

          y = stack[--height];
          x = stack[--height];

   We do not pop the bottommost pair of items off the stack because
these items contain the fake struct bst_node pointer that is actually
the address of bst_root.  When we get down to these items, we're done
copying and can return the new tree.

See also:  [Knuth 1997], algorithm 2.3.1C; [ISO 1990], section


1. Suggest a step between bst_copy_recursive_2() and

4.10.3 Error Handling

So far, outside the exercises, we've ignored the question of handling
memory allocation errors during copying.  In our other routines, we've
been careful to implement to handle allocation failures by cleaning up
and returning an error indication to the caller.  Now we will apply this
same policy to tree copying, as libavl semantics require (*note
Creation and Destruction::): a memory allocation error causes the
partially copied tree to be destroyed and returns a null pointer to the

   This is a little harder to do than recovering after a single
operation, because there are potentially many nodes that have to be
freed, and each node might include additional user data that also has
to be freed.  The new BST might have as-yet-uninitialized pointer
fields as well, and we must be careful to avoid reading from these
fields as we destroy the tree.

   We could use a number of strategies to destroy the partially copied
tree while avoiding uninitialized pointers.  The strategy that we will
actually use is to initialize these pointers to NULL, then call the
general tree destruction routine bst_destroy().  We haven't yet written
bst_destroy(), so for now we'll treat it as a "black box" that does
what we want, even if we don't understand how.

   Next question: _which_ pointers in the tree are not initialized?
The answer is simple: during the copy, we will not revisit nodes not
currently on the stack, so only pointers in the current node (y) and on
the stack can be uninitialized.  For its part, depending on what we're
doing to it, y might not have any of its fields initialized.  As for
the stack, nodes are pushed onto it because we have to come back later
and build their right subtrees, so we must set their right child
pointers to NULL.

   We will need this error recovery code in a number of places, so it is
worth making it into a small helper function:

83. <BST copy error helper function 83> =
static void
copy_error_recovery (struct bst_node **stack, int height,
                     struct bst_table *new, bst_item_func *destroy)
  assert (stack != NULL && height >= 0 && new != NULL);

  for (; height > 2; height -= 2)
    stack[height - 1]->bst_link[1] = NULL;
  bst_destroy (new, destroy);
   This code is included in 84 and 187.

   Another problem that can arise in copying a binary tree is stack
overflow.  We will handle stack overflow by destroying the partial copy,
balancing the original tree, and then restarting the copy.  The balanced
tree is guaranteed to have small enough height that it will not overflow
the stack.

   The code below for our final version of bst_copy() takes three new
parameters: two function pointers and a memory allocator.  The meaning
of these parameters was explained earlier (*note Creation and
Destruction::).  Their use within the function should be

84. <BST copy function 84> =
<BST copy error helper function 83>

struct bst_table *
bst_copy (const struct bst_table *org, bst_copy_func *copy,
          bst_item_func *destroy, struct libavl_allocator *allocator)
  struct bst_node *stack[2 * (BST_MAX_HEIGHT + 1)];
  int height = 0;

  struct bst_table *new;
  const struct bst_node *x;
  struct bst_node *y;

  assert (org != NULL);
  new = bst_create (org->bst_compare, org->bst_param,
                    allocator != NULL ? allocator : org->bst_alloc);
  if (new == NULL)
    return NULL;
  new->bst_count = org->bst_count;
  if (new->bst_count == 0)
    return new;

  x = (const struct bst_node *) &org->bst_root;
  y = (struct bst_node *) &new->bst_root;
  for (;;)
      while (x->bst_link[0] != NULL)
          if (height >= 2 * (BST_MAX_HEIGHT + 1))
              y->bst_data = NULL;
              y->bst_link[0] = y->bst_link[1] = NULL;
              copy_error_recovery (stack, height, new, destroy);

              bst_balance ((struct bst_table *) org);
              return bst_copy (org, copy, destroy, allocator);

          y->bst_link[0] =
            new->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (new->bst_alloc,
                                           sizeof *y->bst_link[0]);
          if (y->bst_link[0] == NULL)
              if (y != (struct bst_node *) &new->bst_root)
                  y->bst_data = NULL;
                  y->bst_link[1] = NULL;

              copy_error_recovery (stack, height, new, destroy);
              return NULL;

          stack[height++] = (struct bst_node *) x;
          stack[height++] = y;
          x = x->bst_link[0];
          y = y->bst_link[0];
      y->bst_link[0] = NULL;

      for (;;)
          if (copy == NULL)
            y->bst_data = x->bst_data;
              y->bst_data = copy (x->bst_data, org->bst_param);
              if (y->bst_data == NULL)
                  y->bst_link[1] = NULL;
                  copy_error_recovery (stack, height, new, destroy);
                  return NULL;

          if (x->bst_link[1] != NULL)
              y->bst_link[1] =
                new->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (new->bst_alloc,
                                               sizeof *y->bst_link[1]);
              if (y->bst_link[1] == NULL)
                  copy_error_recovery (stack, height, new, destroy);
                  return NULL;

              x = x->bst_link[1];
              y = y->bst_link[1];
            y->bst_link[1] = NULL;

          if (height <= 2)
            return new;

          y = stack[--height];
          x = stack[--height];
   This code is included in 30.

4.11 Destruction

Eventually, we'll want to get rid of the trees we've spent all this time
constructing.  When this happens, it's time to destroy them by freeing
their memory.

4.11.1 Destruction by Rotation

The method actually used in libavl for destruction of binary trees is
somewhat novel.  This section will cover this method.  Later sections
will cover more conventional techniques using recursive or iterative
"postorder traversal".

   To destroy a binary tree, we must visit and free each node.  We have
already covered one way to traverse a tree (inorder traversal) and used
this technique for traversing and copying a binary tree.  But, both
times before, we were subject to both the explicit constraint that we
had to visit the nodes in sorted order and the implicit constraint that
we were not to change the structure of the tree, or at least not to
change it for the worse.

   Neither of these constraints holds for destruction of a binary tree.
As long as the tree finally ends up freed, it doesn't matter how much
it is mangled in the process.  In this case, "the end justifies the
means" and we are free to do it however we like.

   So let's consider why we needed a stack before.  It was to keep
track of nodes whose left subtree we were currently visiting, in order
to go back later and visit them and their right subtrees.  Hmm...what
if we rearranged nodes so that they _didn't have_ any left subtrees?
Then we could just descend to the right, without need to keep track of
anything on a stack.

   We can do this.  For the case where the current node p has a left
child q, consider the transformation below where we rotate right at p:

                               p        q
                              / \      / \
                             q   c => a   p
                             ^            ^
                            a b          b c

where a, b, and c are arbitrary subtrees or even empty trees.  This
transformation shifts nodes from the left to the right side of the root
(which is now q).  If it is performed enough times, the root node will
no longer have a left child.  After the transformation, q becomes the
current node.

   For the case where the current node has no left child, we can just
destroy the current node and descend to its right.  Because the
transformation used does not change the tree's ordering, we end up
destroying nodes in inorder.  It is instructive to verify this by
simulating with paper and pencil the destruction of a few trees this

   The code to implement destruction in this manner is brief and

85. <BST destruction function 85> =
bst_destroy (struct bst_table *tree, bst_item_func *destroy)
  struct bst_node *p, *q;

  assert (tree != NULL);

  for (p = tree->bst_root; p != NULL; p = q)
    if (p->bst_link[0] == NULL)
        q = p->bst_link[1];
        if (destroy != NULL && p->bst_data != NULL)
          destroy (p->bst_data, tree->bst_param);
        tree->bst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->bst_alloc, p);
        q = p->bst_link[0];
        p->bst_link[0] = q->bst_link[1];
        q->bst_link[1] = p;

  tree->bst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->bst_alloc, tree);
   This code is included in 30, 147, 198, 491, 524, and 556.

See also:  [Stout 1986], tree_to_vine procedure.


1. Before calling destroy() above, we first test that we are not passing
it a NULL pointer, because we do not want destroy() to have to deal
with this case.  How can such a pointer get into the tree in the first
place, since bst_probe() refuses to insert such a pointer into a tree?

4.11.2 Aside: Recursive Destruction

The algorithm used in the previous section is easy and fast, but it is
not the most common method for destroying a tree.  The usual way is to
perform a traversal of the tree, in much the same way we did for tree
traversal and copying.  Once again, we'll start from a recursive
implementation, because these are so easy to write.  The only tricky
part is that subtrees have to be freed _before_ the root.  This code is
hard-wired to use free() for simplicity:

86. <Destroy a BST recursively 86> =
static void
bst_destroy_recursive (struct bst_node *node)
  if (node == NULL)

  bst_destroy_recursive (node->bst_link[0]);
  bst_destroy_recursive (node->bst_link[1]);
  free (node);

4.11.3 Aside: Iterative Destruction

As we've done before for other algorithms, we can factor the recursive
destruction algorithm into an equivalent iteration.  In this case,
neither recursive call is tail recursive, and we can't easily modify
the code so that it is.  We could still factor out the recursion by our
usual methods, although it would be more difficult, but this problem is
simple enough to figure out from first principles.  Let's do it that
way, instead, this time.

   The idea is that, for the tree's root, we traverse its left subtree,
then its right subtree, then free the root.  This pattern is called a
"postorder traversal".

   Let's think about how much state we need to keep track of.  When
we're traversing the root's left subtree, we still need to remember the
root, in order to come back to it later.  The same is true while
traversing the root's right subtree, because we still need to come back
to free the root.  What's more, we need to keep track of what state
we're in: have we traversed the root's left subtree or not, have we
traversed the root's right subtree or not?

   This naturally suggests a stack that holds two-part items (root,
state), where root is the root of the tree or subtree and state is the
state of the traversal at that node.  We start by selecting the tree's
root as our current node p, then pushing (p, 0) onto the stack and
moving down to the left as far as we can, pushing as we go.  Then we
start popping off the stack into (p, state) and notice that state is 0,
which tells us that we've traversed p's left subtree but not its right.
So, we push (p, 1) back onto the stack, then we traverse p's right
subtree.  When, later, we pop off that same node back off the stack,
the 1 tells us that we've already traversed both subtrees, so we free
the node and keep popping.  The pattern follows as we continue back up
the tree.

   That sounds pretty complicated, so let's work through an example to
help clarify.  Consider this binary search tree:

                                   / \
                                  2   5
                                 1 3

Abstractly speaking, we start with 4 as p and an empty stack.  First,
we work our way down the left-child pointers, pushing onto the stack as
we go.  We push (4, 0), then (2, 0), then (1, 0), and then p is NULL
and we've fallen off the bottom of the tree.  We pop the top item off
the stack into (p, state), getting (1, 0).  Noticing that we have 0 for
state, we push (1, 1) on the stack and traverse 1's right subtree, but
it is empty so there is nothing to do.  We pop again and notice that
state is 1, meaning that we've fully traversed 1's subtrees, so we free
node 1.  We pop again, getting 2 for p and 0 for state.  Because state
is 0, we push (2, 1) and traverse 2's right subtree, which means that
we push (3, 0).  We traverse 3's null right subtree (again, it is empty
so there is nothing to do), pushing and popping (3, 1), then free node
3, then move back up to 2.  Because we've traversed 2's right subtree,
state is 1 and p is 2, and we free node 2.  You should be able to
figure out how 4 and 5 get freed.

   A straightforward implementation of this approach looks like this:

87. <Destroy a BST iteratively 87> =
bst_destroy (struct bst_table *tree, bst_item_func *destroy)
  struct bst_node *stack[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];
  unsigned char state[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];
  int height = 0;

  struct bst_node *p;

  assert (tree != NULL);
  p = tree->bst_root;
  for (;;)
      while (p != NULL)
          if (height >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
              fprintf (stderr, "tree too deep\n");
              exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
          stack[height] = p;
          state[height] = 0;

          p = p->bst_link[0];

      for (;;)
          if (height == 0)
              tree->bst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->bst_alloc, tree);

          p = stack[height];
          if (state[height] == 0)
              state[height++] = 1;
              p = p->bst_link[1];
              if (destroy != NULL && p->bst_data != NULL)
                destroy (p->bst_data, tree->bst_param);
              tree->bst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->bst_alloc, p);

See also:  [Knuth 1997], exercise 13 in section 2.3.1.

4.12 Balance

Sometimes binary trees can grow to become much taller than their optimum
height.  For example, the following binary tree was one of the tallest
from a sample of 100 15-node trees built by inserting nodes in random

                            _' `---...___
                           3             12
                         _' \     __..--'  \
                        1    4   7          13
                         \      / `-.__       \
                          2    6       11      14

The average number of comparisons required to find a random node in this
tree is (1 + 2 + (3 * 2) + (4 * 4) + (5 * 4) + 6 + 7 + 8) / 15 = 4.4
comparisons.  In contrast, the corresponding optimal binary tree, shown
below, requires only (1 + (2 * 2) + (3 * 4) + (4 * 8))/15 = 3.3
comparisons, on average.  Moreover, the optimal tree requires a maximum
of 4, as opposed to 8, comparisons for any search:

                             _.' `-..__
                            3          11
                           / \      _.'  `_
                          1   5    9       13
                          ^   ^   / \     /  \
                         0 2 4 6 8   10  12   14

Besides this inefficiency in time, trees that grow too tall can cause
inefficiency in space, leading to an overflow of the stack in
bst_t_next(), bst_copy(), or other functions.  For both reasons, it is
helpful to have a routine to rearrange a tree to its minimum possible
height, that is, to "balance" the tree.

   The algorithm we will use for balancing proceeds in two stages.  In
the first stage, the binary tree is "flattened" into a pathological,
linear binary tree, called a "vine."  In the second stage, binary tree
structure is restored by repeatedly "compressing" the vine into a
minimal-height binary tree.

   Here's a top-level view of the balancing function:

88. <BST balance function 88> =
<BST to vine function 90>
<Vine to balanced BST function 91>

bst_balance (struct bst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL);

  tree_to_vine (tree);
  vine_to_tree (tree);
   This code is included in 30.

89. <BST extra function prototypes 89> =

/* Special BST functions. */
void bst_balance (struct bst_table *tree);
   This code is included in 25, 249, 374, and 488.

See also:  [Stout 1986], rebalance procedure.

4.12.1 From Tree to Vine

The first stage of balancing converts a binary tree into a linear
structure resembling a linked list, called a "vine".  The vines we will
create have the greatest value in the binary tree at the root and
decrease descending to the left.  Any binary search tree that contains a
particular set of values, no matter its shape, corresponds to the same
vine of this type.  For instance, all binary search trees of the
integers 0...4 will be transformed into the following vine:


The method for transforming a tree into a vine of this type is similar
to that used for destroying a tree by rotation (*note Destroying a BST
by Rotation::).  We step pointer p through the tree, starting at the
root of the tree, maintaining pointer q as p's parent.  (Because we're
building a vine, p is always the left child of q.)  At each step, we do
one of two things:

   * If p has no right child, then this part of the tree is already the
     shape we want it to be.  We step p and q down to the left and

   * If p has a right child r, then we rotate left at p, performing the
     following transformation:

                                      |          |
                                      q          q
                                   _.'         _'
                                  p           r
                                 / \    =>   / \
                                a   r       p   c
                                    ^       ^
                                   b c     a b

     where a, b, and c are arbitrary subtrees or empty trees.  Node r
     then becomes the new p.  If c is an empty tree, then, in the next
     step, we will continue down the tree.  Otherwise, the right
     subtree of p is smaller (contains fewer nodes) than previously, so
     we're on the right track.

   This is all it takes:

90. <BST to vine function 90> =
/* Converts tree into a vine. */
static void
tree_to_vine (struct bst_table *tree)
  struct bst_node *q, *p;

  q = (struct bst_node *) &tree->bst_root;
  p = tree->bst_root;
  while (p != NULL)
    if (p->bst_link[1] == NULL)
        q = p;
        p = p->bst_link[0];
        struct bst_node *r = p->bst_link[1];
        p->bst_link[1] = r->bst_link[0];
        r->bst_link[0] = p;
        p = r;
        q->bst_link[0] = r;
   This code is included in 88, 513, and 681.

See also:  [Stout 1986], tree_to_vine procedure.

4.12.2 From Vine to Balanced Tree

Converting the vine, once we have it, into a balanced tree is the
interesting and clever part of the balancing operation.  However, at
first it may be somewhat less than obvious how this is actually done.
We will tackle the subject by presenting an example, then the
generalized form.

   Suppose we have a vine, as above, with 2**n - 1 nodes for positive
integer n.  For the sake of example, take n = 4, corresponding to a
tree with 15 nodes.  We convert this vine into a balanced tree by
performing three successive "compression" operations.

   To perform the first compression, move down the vine, starting at the
root.  Conceptually assign each node a "color", alternating between red
and black and starting with red at the root.(1) Then, take each red
node, except the bottommost, and remove it from the vine, making it the
child of its black former child node.

   After this transformation, we have something that looks a little more
like a tree.  Instead of a 15-node vine, we have a 7-node black vine
with a 7-node red vine as its right children and a single red node as
its left child.  Graphically, this first compression step on a 15-node
vine looks like this:

                                                             __..-'   \
               15                                           12         15
               <r>                                          <b>        <r>
             _'                                       __..-'   \
            14                                       10         13
            <b>                                      <b>        <r>
          _'                                   __..-'   \
         13                                    8         11
         <r>                                  <b>        <r>
       _'          =>                   __..-'   \
      ...                               6          9
    _'                                 <b>        <r>
    2                            __..-'   \
   <b>                           4          7
 _'                             <b>        <r>
 1                        __..-'   \
<r>                       2          5
                         <b>        <r>
                       _'   \
                       1      3
                      <r>    <r>

To perform the second compression, recolor all the red nodes to white,
then change the color of alternate black nodes to red, starting at the
root.  As before, extract each red node, except the bottommost, and
reattach it as the child of its black former child node.  Attach each
black node's right subtree as the left subtree of the corresponding red
node.  Thus, we have the following:

                             __.-'   \
                            12        15
                            <b>                                         12
                       __.-'   \                                        <b>
                      10        13                            ___...---'   `_
                      <r>                                     8              14
                  _.-'   \                                   <b>             <r>
                  8       11                        ___...--'   `_          /   \
                 <b>                                4             10       13    15
             _.-'   \                    =>        <b>            <r>
             6       9                         _.-'   `_         /   \
            <r>                                2         6      9     11
        _.-'   \                              <r>       <r>
        4       7                            /   \     /   \
       <b>                                  1     3   5     7
   _.-'   \
   2       5
 /   \
1     3

The third compression is the same as the first two.  Nodes 12 and 4 are
recolored red, then node 12 is removed and reattached as the right
child of its black former child node 8, receiving node 8's right subtree
as its left subtree:

                        <r>                     8
               ___...--'   `_                  <b>
               8             14           __.-'   `--..__
              <b>           /  \          4              12
         __.-'   `_        13   15       <r>             <r>
         4         10              =>   /   \        _.-'   `_
        <r>       /  \                 2     6      10        14
       /   \     9    11               ^     ^     /  \      /  \
      2     6                         1 3   5 7   9    11   13   15
      ^     ^
     1 3   5 7

The result is a fully balanced tree.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) These colors are for the purpose of illustration only.  They are
not stored in the nodes and are not related to those used in a
"red-black tree". General Trees

A compression is the repeated application of a right rotation, called
in this context a "compression transformation", once for each black
node, like so:

                              |          |
                              R          B
                             <r>        <b>
                         _.-'   \      /   `_
                         B       c => a       R
                        <b>                  <r>
                       /   \                /   \
                      a     b              b     c

So far, all of the compressions we've performed have involved all 2**k
- 1 nodes composing the "main vine."  This works out well for an
initial vine of exactly 2**n - 1 nodes.  In this case, a total of n - 1
compressions are required, where for successive compressions k = n, n -
1, ..., 2.

   For trees that do not have exactly one fewer than a power of two
nodes, we need to begin with a compression that does not involve all of
the nodes in the vine.  Suppose that our vine has m nodes, where 2**n -
1 < m < 2**(n+1) - 1 for some value of n.  Then, by applying the
compression transformation shown above m - (2**n - 1) times, we reduce
the length of the main vine to exactly 2**n - 1 nodes.  After that, we
can treat the problem in the same way as the former case.  The result
is a balanced tree with n full levels of nodes, and a bottom level
containing m - (2**n - 1) nodes and (2**(n + 1) - 1) - m vacancies.

   An example is indicated.  Suppose that the vine contains m == 9 nodes
numbered from 1 to 9.  Then n == 3 since we have 2**3 - 1 = 7 < 9 < 15
= 2**4 - 1, and we must perform the compression transformation shown
above 9 - (2**3 - 1) = 2 times initially, reducing the main vine's
length to 7 nodes.  Afterward, we treat the problem the same way as for
a tree that started off with only 7 nodes, performing one compression
with k == 3 and one with k == 2.  The entire sequence, omitting the
initial vine, looks like this:

                       8                    6
                      <r>                  <r>           4
                  _.-'   \             _.-'   \         <r>
                  6       9            4       8       /   `_
                 <b>                  <b>      ^      2      6
               _'   \             _.-'   \    7 9 =>  ^     / \
               5     7      =>    2       5          1 3   5   8
              <r>                <r>                           ^
            _'                  /   \                         7 9
           ...                 1     3

Now we have a general technique that can be applied to a vine of any
size. Implementation

Implementing this algorithm is more or less straightforward.  Let's
start from an outline:

91. <Vine to balanced BST function 91> =
<BST compression function 96>

/* Converts tree, which must be in the shape of a vine, into a balanced
   tree. */
static void
vine_to_tree (struct bst_table *tree)
  unsigned long vine;   /* Number of nodes in main vine. */
  unsigned long leaves; /* Nodes in incomplete bottom level, if any. */
  int height;           /* Height of produced balanced tree. */

  <Calculate leaves 92>
  <Reduce vine general case to special case 93>
  <Make special case vine into balanced tree and count height 94>
  <Check for tree height in range 95>
   This code is included in 88.

   The first step is to calculate the number of compression
transformations necessary to reduce the general case of a tree with m
nodes to the special case of exactly 2**n - 1 nodes, i.e., calculate m
- (2**n - 1), and store it in variable leaves.  We are given only the
value of m, as tree->bst_count.  Rewriting the calculation as the
equivalent m + 1 - 2**n, one way to calculate it is evident from
looking at the pattern in binary:

               m    n      m + 1        2**n       m + 1 - 2**n
               1    1     2 = 00010   2 = 00010    0 = 00000
               2    1     3 = 00011   2 = 00010    1 = 00001
               3    2     4 = 00100   4 = 00100    0 = 00000
               4    2     5 = 00101   4 = 00100    1 = 00001
               5    2     6 = 00110   4 = 00100    2 = 00010
               6    2     7 = 00111   4 = 00100    3 = 00011
               7    3     8 = 01000   8 = 01000    0 = 00000
               8    3     9 = 01001   8 = 01000    1 = 00000
               9    3    10 = 01001   8 = 01000    2 = 00000

   See the pattern?  It's simply that m + 1 - 2**n is m with the
leftmost 1-bit turned off.  So, if we can find the leftmost 1-bit in ,
we can figure out the number of leaves.

   In turn, there are numerous ways to find the leftmost 1-bit in a
number.  The one used here is based on the principle that, if x is a
positive integer, then x & (x - 1) is x with its rightmost 1-bit turned

   Here's the code that calculates the number of leaves and stores it in

92. <Calculate leaves 92> =
leaves = tree->bst_count + 1;
for (;;)
    unsigned long next = leaves & (leaves - 1);
    if (next == 0)
    leaves = next;
leaves = tree->bst_count + 1 - leaves;
   This code is included in 91, 287, 514, and 682.

   Once we have the number of leaves, we perform a compression composed
of leaves compression transformations.  That's all it takes to reduce
the general case to the 2**n - 1 special case.  We'll write the
compress() function itself later:

93. <Reduce vine general case to special case 93> =
compress ((struct bst_node *) &tree->bst_root, leaves);
   This code is included in 91, 514, and 682.

   The heart of the function is the compression of the vine into the
tree.  Before each compression, vine contains the number of nodes in
the main vine of the tree.  The number of compression transformations
necessary for the compression is vine / 2; e.g., when the main vine
contains 7 nodes, 7 / 2 = 3 transformations are necessary.  The number
of nodes in the vine afterward is the same number (*note Transforming a
Vine into a Balanced BST::).

   At the same time, we keep track of the height of the balanced tree.
The final tree always has height at least 1.  Each compression step
means that it is one level taller than that.  If the tree needed
general-to-special-case transformations, that is, leaves > 0, then it's
one more than that.

94. <Make special case vine into balanced tree and count height 94> =
vine = tree->bst_count - leaves;
height = 1 + (leaves > 0);
while (vine > 1)
    compress ((struct bst_node *) &tree->bst_root, vine / 2);
    vine /= 2;
   This code is included in 91, 514, and 682.

   Finally, we make sure that the height of the tree is within range for
what the functions that use stacks can handle.  Otherwise, we could end
up with an infinite loop, with bst_t_next() (for example) calling
bst_balance() repeatedly to balance the tree in order to reduce its
height to the acceptable range.

95. <Check for tree height in range 95> =
if (height > BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
    fprintf (stderr, "libavl: Tree too big (%lu nodes) to handle.",
             (unsigned long) tree->bst_count);
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
   This code is included in 91. Implementing Compression

The final bit of code we need is that for performing a compression.  The
following code performs a compression consisting of count applications
of the compression transformation starting at root:

96. <BST compression function 96> =
/* Performs a compression transformation count times,
   starting at root. */
static void
compress (struct bst_node *root, unsigned long count)
  assert (root != NULL);

  while (count--)
      struct bst_node *red = root->bst_link[0];
      struct bst_node *black = red->bst_link[0];

      root->bst_link[0] = black;
      red->bst_link[0] = black->bst_link[1];
      black->bst_link[1] = red;
      root = black;
   This code is included in 91 and 514.

   The operation of compress() should be obvious, given the discussion
earlier.  *Note Balancing General Trees::, above, for a review.

See also:  [Stout 1986], vine_to_tree procedure.

4.13 Aside: Joining BSTs

Occasionally we may want to take a pair of BSTs and merge or "join"
their contents, forming a single BST that contains all the items in the
two original BSTs.  It's easy to do this with a series of calls to
bst_insert(), but we can optimize the process if we write a function
exclusively for the purpose.  We'll write such a function in this

   There are two restrictions on the trees to be joined.  First, the
BSTs' contents must be disjoint.  That is, no item in one may match any
item in the other.  Second, the BSTs must have compatible comparison
functions.  Typically, they are the same.  Speaking more precisely, if
f() and g() are the comparison functions, p and q are nodes in either
BST, and r and s are the BSTs' user-provided extra comparison
parameters, then the expressions f(p, q, r), f(p, q, s), g(p, q, r),
and g(p, q, s) must all have the same value for all possible choices of
p and q.

   Suppose we're trying to join the trees shown below:

                            4,a           7,b
                          _'   \         /   \
                         1      6       3     8
                          \      \      ^
                           2      9    0 5

Our first inclination is to try a "divide and conquer" approach by
reducing the problem of joining a and b to the subproblems of joining
a's left subtree with b's left subtree and joining a's right subtree
with b's right subtree.  Let us postulate for the moment that we are
able to solve these subproblems and that the solutions that we come up
with are the following:

                                  3       8
                              _.-' \      ^
                             0      5    6 9

To convert this partial solution into a full solution we must combine
these two subtrees into a single tree and at the same time reintroduce
the nodes a and b into the combined tree.  It is easy enough to do this
by making a (or b) the root of the combined tree with these two
subtrees as its children, then inserting b (or a) into the combined
tree.  Unfortunately, in neither case will this actually work out
properly for our example.  The diagram below illustrates one
possibility, the result of combining the two subtrees as the child of
node 4, then inserting node 7 into the final tree.  As you can see,
nodes 4 and 5 are out of order:(1)

                                _' `._
                               3      8
                           _.-' \   _' \
                          0      5 6    9    **
                           \        \
                            1        7

Now let's step back and analyze why this attempt failed.  It was
essentially because, when we recombined the subtrees, a node in the
combined tree's left subtree had a value larger than the root.  If we
trace it back to the original trees to be joined, we see that this was
because node 5 in the left subtree of b is greater than a.  (If we had
chosen 7 as the root of the combined tree we would have found instead
node 6 in the right subtree of b to be the culprit.)

   On the other hand, if every node in the left subtree of a had a
value less than b's value, and every node in the right subtree of a had
a value greater than b's value, there would be no problem.  Hey, wait a
second... we can force that condition.  If we perform a root insertion
(*note Root Insertion in a BST::) of b into subtree a, then we end up
with one pair of subtrees whose node values are all less than 7 (the
new and former left subtrees of node 7) and one pair of subtrees whose
node values are all greater than 7 (the new and former right subtrees
of node 7).  Conceptually it looks like this, although in reality we
would need to remove node 7 from the tree on the right as we inserted
it into the tree on the left:

                                 7         7
                               _' \       / \
                              4    9     3   8
                            _' \         ^
                           1    6       0 5

We can then combine the two subtrees with values less than 7 with each
other, and similarly for the ones with values greater than 7, using the
same algorithm recursively, and safely set the resulting subtrees as
the left and right subtrees of node 7, respectively.  The final product
is a correctly joined binary tree:

                                   _.' \
                                  3     8
                              _.-' \     \
                             0      5     9
                              \     ^
                               1   4 6

Of course, since we've defined a join recursively in terms of itself,
there must be some maximum depth to the recursion, some simple case
that can be defined without further recursion.  This is easy: the join
of an empty tree with another tree is the second tree.


It's easy to implement this algorithm recursively.  The only nonobvious
part of the code below is the treatment of node b.  We want to insert
node b, but not b's children, into the subtree rooted at a.  However,
we still need to keep track of b's children.  So we temporarily save
b's children as b0 and b1 and set its child pointers to NULL before the
root insertion.

   This code makes use of root_insert() from <Robust root insertion of
existing node in arbitrary subtree 627>.

97. <BST join function, recursive version 97> =
/* Joins a and b, which are subtrees of tree,
   and returns the resulting tree. */
static struct bst_node *
join (struct bst_table *tree, struct bst_node *a, struct bst_node *b)
  if (b == NULL)
    return a;
  else if (a == NULL)
    return b;
      struct bst_node *b0 = b->bst_link[0];
      struct bst_node *b1 = b->bst_link[1];
      b->bst_link[0] = b->bst_link[1] = NULL;
      root_insert (tree, &a, b);
      a->bst_link[0] = join (tree, b0, a->bst_link[0]);
      a->bst_link[1] = join (tree, b1, a->bst_link[1]);
      return a;

/* Joins a and b, which must be disjoint and have compatible
   comparison functions.
   b is destroyed in the process. */
bst_join (struct bst_table *a, struct bst_table *b)
  a->bst_root = join (a, a->bst_root, b->bst_root);
  a->bst_count += b->bst_count;
  free (b);

See also:  [Sedgewick 1998], program 12.16.


1. Rewrite bst_join() to avoid use of recursion.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) The ** notation in the diagram emphasizes that this is a

4.14 Testing

Whew!  We're finally done with building functions for performing BST
operations.  But we haven't tested any of our code.  Testing is an
essential step in writing programs, because untested software cannot be
assumed to work.

   Let's build a test program that exercises all of the functions we
wrote.  We'll also do our best to make parts of it generic, so that we
can reuse test code in later chapters when we want to test other
BST-based structures.

   The first step is to figure out how to test the code.  One goal in
testing is to exercise as much of the code as possible.  Ideally, every
line of code would be executed sometime during testing.  Often, this is
difficult or impossible, but the principle remains valid, with the goal
modified to testing as much of the code as possible.

   In applying this principle to the BST code, we have to consider why
each line of code is executed.  If we look at the code for most
functions in <bst.c 26>, we can see that, if we execute them for any
BST of reasonable size, most or all of their code will be tested.

   This is encouraging.  It means that we can just construct some trees
and try out the BST functions on them, check that the results make
sense, and have a pretty good idea that they work.  Moreover, if we
build trees in a random fashion, and delete their nodes in a random
order, and do it several times, we'll even have a good idea that the
bst_probe() and bst_delete() cases have all come up and worked
properly.  (If you want to be sure, then you can insert printf() calls
for each case to record when they trip.)  This is not the same as a
proof of correctness, but proofs of correctness can only be constructed
by computer scientists with fancy degrees, not by mere clever

   There are three notably missing pieces of code coverage if we just do
the above.  These are stack overflow handling, memory allocation failure
handling, and traverser code to deal with modified trees.  But we can
mop up these extra problems with a little extra effort:(1)

   * Stack overflow handling can be tested by forcing the stack to
     overflow.  Stack overflow can occur in many places, so for best
     effect we must test each possible spot.  We will write special
     tests for these problems.

   * Memory allocation failure handling can be tested by simulating
     memory allocation failures.  We will write a replacement memory
     allocator that "fails" after a specified number of calls.  This
     allocator will also allow for memory leak detection.

   * Traverser code to deal with modified trees.  This can be tested by
     modifying trees during traversal and making sure that the traversal
     functions still work as expected.

   The testing code can be broken into the following groups of

Testing and verification
     These functions actually try out the BST routines and do their
     best to make sure that their results are correct.

Test set generation
     Generates the order of node insertion and deletion, for use during

Memory manager
     Handles memory issues, including memory leak detection and failure

User interaction
     Figures out what the user wants to test in this run.

Main program
     Glues everything else together by calling functions in the proper

     Miscellaneous routines that don't fit comfortably into another

   Most of the test code will also work nicely for testing other binary
tree-based structures.  This code is grouped into a single file,
<test.c 98>, which has the following structure:

98. <test.c 98> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "test.h"

<Test declarations 122>
<Test utility functions 135>
<Memory tracker 127>
<Option parser 588>
<Command line parser 591>
<Insertion and deletion order generation 644>
<Random number seeding 645>
<Test main program 141>

   The code specifically for testing BSTs goes into <bst-test.c 99>,
outlined like this:

99. <bst-test.c 99> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bst.h"
#include "test.h"

<BST print function 120>
<BST traverser check function 105>
<Compare two BSTs for structure and content 107>
<Recursively verify BST structure 114>
<BST verify function 110>
<BST test function 101>
<BST overflow test function 123>

   The interface between <test.c 98> and <bst-test.c 99> is contained
in <test.h 100>:

100. <test.h 100> =
<Program License 2>
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H 1

<Memory allocator 6>
<Test prototypes 102>

#endif /* test.h */

   Although much of the test program code is nontrivial, only some of
the interesting parts fall within the scope of this book.  The remainder
will be listed without comment or relegated to the exercises.  The most
tedious code is listed in an appendix (*note Supplementary Code::).

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) Some might scoff at this amount of detail, calling it wasted
effort, but this thorough testing in fact revealed a number of subtle
bugs during development of libavl that had otherwise gone unnoticed.

4.14.1 Testing BSTs

As suggested above, the main way we will test the BST routines is by
using them and checking the results, with checks performed by slow but
simple routines.  The idea is that bugs in the BST routines are unlikely
to be mirrored in the check routines, and vice versa.  This way,
identical results from the BST and checks tend to indicate that both
implementations are correct.

   The main test routine is designed to exercise as many of the BST
functions as possible.  It starts by creating a BST and inserting nodes
into it, then deleting the nodes.  Midway, various traversals are
tested, including the ability to traverse a tree while its content is
changing.  After each operation that modifies the tree, its structure
and content are verified for correspondence with expectations.  The
function for copying a BST is also tested.  This function, test(), has
the following outline:

101. <BST test function 101> =
/* Tests tree functions.
   insert[] and delete[] must contain some permutation of values
   0...n - 1.
   Uses allocator as the allocator for tree and node data.
   Higher values of verbosity produce more debug output. */
test_correctness (struct libavl_allocator *allocator,
                  int insert[], int delete[], int n, int verbosity)
  struct bst_table *tree;
  int okay = 1;
  int i;

  <Test creating a BST and inserting into it 103>
  <Test BST traversal during modifications 104>
  <Test deleting nodes from the BST and making copies of it 106>
  <Test deleting from an empty tree 108>
  <Test destroying the tree 109>

  return okay;
   This code is included in 99, 188, 240, 332, 370, 451, 484, 550, and

102. <Test prototypes 102> =
int test_correctness (struct libavl_allocator *allocator,
                      int insert[], int delete[], int n, int verbosity);
   See also 124 and 136.
This code is included in 100.

   The first step is to create a BST and insert items into it in the
order specified by the caller.  We use the comparison function
compare_ints() from <Comparison function for ints 4> to put the tree's
items into ordinary numerical order.  After each insertion we call
verify_tree(), which we'll write later and which checks that the tree
actually contains the items that it should:

103. <Test creating a BST and inserting into it 103> =
tree = bst_create (compare_ints, NULL, allocator);
if (tree == NULL)
    if (verbosity >= 0)
      printf ("  Out of memory creating tree.\n");
    return 1;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (verbosity >= 2)
      printf ("  Inserting %d...\n", insert[i]);

    /* Add the ith element to the tree. */
      void **p = bst_probe (tree, &insert[i]);
      if (p == NULL)
          if (verbosity >= 0)
            printf ("    Out of memory in insertion.\n");
          bst_destroy (tree, NULL);
          return 1;
      if (*p != &insert[i])
        printf ("    Duplicate item in tree!\n");

    if (verbosity >= 3)
      print_whole_tree (tree, "    Afterward");

    if (!verify_tree (tree, insert, i + 1))
      return 0;
   This code is included in 101 and 297.

   If the tree is being modified during traversal, that causes a little
more stress on the tree routines, so we should test this specially.  We
initialize one traverser, x, at a selected item, then delete and
reinsert a different item in order to invalidate that traverser.  We
make a copy, y, of the traverser in order to check that bst_t_copy()
works properly and initialize a third traverser, z, with the inserted
item.  After the deletion and reinsertion we check that all three of the
traversers behave properly.

104. <Test BST traversal during modifications 104> =
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    struct bst_traverser x, y, z;
    int *deleted;

    if (insert[i] == delete[i])

    if (verbosity >= 2)
      printf ("   Checking traversal from item %d...\n", insert[i]);

    if (bst_t_find (&x, tree, &insert[i]) == NULL)
        printf ("    Can't find item %d in tree!\n", insert[i]);

    okay &= check_traverser (&x, insert[i], n, "Predeletion");

    if (verbosity >= 3)
      printf ("    Deleting item %d.\n", delete[i]);

    deleted = bst_delete (tree, &delete[i]);
    if (deleted == NULL || *deleted != delete[i])
        okay = 0;
        if (deleted == NULL)
          printf ("    Deletion failed.\n");
          printf ("    Wrong node %d returned.\n", *deleted);

    bst_t_copy (&y, &x);

    if (verbosity >= 3)
      printf ("    Reinserting item %d.\n", delete[i]);
    if (bst_t_insert (&z, tree, &delete[i]) == NULL)
        if (verbosity >= 0)
          printf ("    Out of memory reinserting item.\n");
        bst_destroy (tree, NULL);
        return 1;

    okay &= check_traverser (&x, insert[i], n, "Postdeletion");
    okay &= check_traverser (&y, insert[i], n, "Copied");
    okay &= check_traverser (&z, delete[i], n, "Insertion");

    if (!verify_tree (tree, insert, n))
      return 0;
   This code is included in 101 and 297.

   The check_traverser() function used above checks that a traverser
behaves properly, by checking that the traverser is at the correct item
and that the previous and next items are correct as well.

105. <BST traverser check function 105> =
/* Checks that the current item at trav is i
   and that its previous and next items are as they should be.
   label is a name for the traverser used in reporting messages.
   There should be n items in the tree numbered 0...n - 1.
   Returns nonzero only if there is an error. */
static int
check_traverser (struct bst_traverser *trav, int i, int n, const char *label)
  int okay = 1;
  int *cur, *prev, *next;

  prev = bst_t_prev (trav);
  if ((i == 0 && prev != NULL)
      || (i > 0 && (prev == NULL || *prev != i - 1)))
      printf ("   %s traverser ahead of %d, but should be ahead of %d.\n",
              label, prev != NULL ? *prev : -1, i == 0 ? -1 : i - 1);
      okay = 0;
  bst_t_next (trav);

  cur = bst_t_cur (trav);
  if (cur == NULL || *cur != i)
      printf ("   %s traverser at %d, but should be at %d.\n",
              label, cur != NULL ? *cur : -1, i);
      okay = 0;

  next = bst_t_next (trav);
  if ((i == n - 1 && next != NULL)
      || (i != n - 1 && (next == NULL || *next != i + 1)))
      printf ("   %s traverser behind %d, but should be behind %d.\n",
              label, next != NULL ? *next : -1, i == n - 1 ? -1 : i + 1);
      okay = 0;
  bst_t_prev (trav);

  return okay;
   This code is included in 99, 188, 240, 292, 332, 370, 413, 451, 484,
517, 550, and 585.

   We also need to test deleting nodes from the tree and making copies
of a tree.  Here's the code to do that:

106. <Test deleting nodes from the BST and making copies of it 106> =
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    int *deleted;

    if (verbosity >= 2)
      printf ("  Deleting %d...\n", delete[i]);

    deleted = bst_delete (tree, &delete[i]);
    if (deleted == NULL || *deleted != delete[i])
        okay = 0;
        if (deleted == NULL)
          printf ("    Deletion failed.\n");
          printf ("    Wrong node %d returned.\n", *deleted);

    if (verbosity >= 3)
      print_whole_tree (tree, "    Afterward");

    if (!verify_tree (tree, delete + i + 1, n - i - 1))
      return 0;

    if (verbosity >= 2)
      printf ("  Copying tree and comparing...\n");

    /* Copy the tree and make sure it's identical. */
      struct bst_table *copy = bst_copy (tree, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      if (copy == NULL)
          if (verbosity >= 0)
            printf ("  Out of memory in copy\n");
          bst_destroy (tree, NULL);
          return 1;

      okay &= compare_trees (tree->bst_root, copy->bst_root);
      bst_destroy (copy, NULL);
   This code is included in 101 and 297.

   The actual comparison of trees is done recursively for simplicity:

107. <Compare two BSTs for structure and content 107> =
/* Compares binary trees rooted at a and b,
   making sure that they are identical. */
static int
compare_trees (struct bst_node *a, struct bst_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      assert (a == NULL && b == NULL);
      return 1;

  if (*(int *) a->bst_data != *(int *) b->bst_data
      || ((a->bst_link[0] != NULL) != (b->bst_link[0] != NULL))
      || ((a->bst_link[1] != NULL) != (b->bst_link[1] != NULL)))
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d b=%d a:",
              *(int *) a->bst_data, *(int *) b->bst_data);

      if (a->bst_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l");
      if (a->bst_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->bst_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l");
      if (b->bst_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  okay = 1;
  if (a->bst_link[0] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->bst_link[0], b->bst_link[0]);
  if (a->bst_link[1] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->bst_link[1], b->bst_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 99.

   As a simple extra check, we make sure that attempting to delete from
an empty tree fails in the expected way:

108. <Test deleting from an empty tree 108> =
if (bst_delete (tree, &insert[0]) != NULL)
    printf (" Deletion from empty tree succeeded.\n");
    okay = 0;
   This code is included in 101.

   Finally, we're done with the tree and can get rid of it.

109. <Test destroying the tree 109> =
/* Test destroying the tree. */
bst_destroy (tree, NULL);
   This code is included in 101 and 297.


1. Which functions in <bst.c 26> are not exercised by test()?

2. Some errors within test() just set the okay flag to zero, whereas
others cause an immediate unsuccessful return to the caller without
performing any cleanup.  A third class of errors causes cleanup followed
by a successful return.  Why and how are these distinguished? BST Verification

After each change to the tree in the testing program, we call
verify_tree() to check that the tree's structure and content are what
we think they should be.  This function runs through a full gamut of
checks, with the following outline:

110. <BST verify function 110> =
/* Checks that tree is well-formed
   and verifies that the values in array[] are actually in tree.
   There must be n elements in array[] and tree.
   Returns nonzero only if no errors detected. */
static int
verify_tree (struct bst_table *tree, int array[], size_t n)
  int okay = 1;

  <Check tree->bst_count is correct 111>

  if (okay)
      <Check BST structure 112>

  if (okay)
      <Check that the tree contains all the elements it should 116>

  if (okay)
      <Check that forward traversal works 117>

  if (okay)
      <Check that backward traversal works 118>

  if (okay)
      <Check that traversal from the null element works 119>

  return okay;
   This code is included in 99, 413, and 517.

   The first step just checks that the number of items passed in as n is
the same as tree->bst_count.

111. <Check tree->bst_count is correct 111> =
/* Check tree's bst_count against that supplied. */
if (bst_count (tree) != n)
    printf (" Tree count is %lu, but should be %lu.\n",
            (unsigned long) bst_count (tree), (unsigned long) n);
    okay = 0;
   This code is included in 110, 192, 246, and 296.

   Next, we verify that the BST has proper structure and that it has the
proper number of items.  We'll do this recursively because that's
easiest and most obviously correct way.  Function recurse_verify_tree()
for this returns the number of nodes in the BST.  After it returns, we
verify that this is the expected number.

112. <Check BST structure 112> =
/* Recursively verify tree structure. */
size_t count;

recurse_verify_tree (tree->bst_root, &okay, &count, 0, INT_MAX);
<Check counted nodes 113>
   This code is included in 110 and 296.

113. <Check counted nodes 113> =
if (count != n)
    printf (" Tree has %lu nodes, but should have %lu.\n",
            (unsigned long) count, (unsigned long) n);
    okay = 0;
   This code is included in 112, 193, and 248.

   The function recurse_verify_tree() does the recursive verification.
It checks that nodes' values increase down to the right and decrease
down to the left.  We also use it to count the number of nodes actually
in the tree:

114. <Recursively verify BST structure 114> =
/* Examines the binary tree rooted at node.
   Zeroes *okay if an error occurs.
   Otherwise, does not modify *okay.
   Sets *count to the number of nodes in that tree,
   including node itself if node != NULL.
   All the nodes in the tree are verified to be at least min
   but no greater than max. */
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct bst_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->bst_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  recurse_verify_tree (node->bst_link[0], okay, &subcount[0], min, d - 1);
  recurse_verify_tree (node->bst_link[1], okay, &subcount[1], d + 1, max);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
   This code is included in 99.

115. <Verify binary search tree ordering 115> =
if (min > max)
    printf (" Parents of node %d constrain it to empty range %d...%d.\n",
            d, min, max);
    *okay = 0;
else if (d < min || d > max)
    printf (" Node %d is not in range %d...%d implied by its parents.\n",
            d, min, max);
    *okay = 0;
   This code is included in 114, 190, 242, 295, 334, 372, 416, 453,
486, 519, 552, and 587.

   The third step is to check that the BST indeed contains all of the
items that it should:

116. <Check that the tree contains all the elements it should 116> =
/* Check that all the values in array[] are in tree. */
size_t i;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  if (bst_find (tree, &array[i]) == NULL)
      printf (" Tree does not contain expected value %d.\n", array[i]);
      okay = 0;
   This code is included in 110, 192, 246, and 296.

   The final steps all check traversal of the BST, first by traversing
in forward order from the beginning to the end, then in reverse order,
then by checking that the null item behaves correctly.  The forward
traversal checks that the proper number of items are in the BST.  It
could appear to have too few items if the tree's pointers are screwed
up in one way, or it could appear to have too many items if they are
screwed up in another way.  We try to figure out how many items
actually appear in the tree during traversal, but give up if the count
gets to be more than twice that expected, assuming that this indicates
a "loop" that will cause traversal to never terminate.

117. <Check that forward traversal works 117> =
/* Check that bst_t_first() and bst_t_next() work properly. */
struct bst_traverser trav;
size_t i;
int prev = -1;
int *item;

for (i = 0, item = bst_t_first (&trav, tree); i < 2 * n && item != NULL;
     i++, item = bst_t_next (&trav))
    if (*item <= prev)
        printf (" Tree out of order: %d follows %d in traversal\n",
                *item, prev);
        okay = 0;

    prev = *item;

if (i != n)
    printf (" Tree should have %lu items, but has %lu in traversal\n",
            (unsigned long) n, (unsigned long) i);
    okay = 0;
   This code is included in 110, 192, 246, and 296.

   We do a similar traversal in the reverse order:

118. <Check that backward traversal works 118> =
/* Check that bst_t_last() and bst_t_prev() work properly. */
struct bst_traverser trav;
size_t i;
int next = INT_MAX;
int *item;

for (i = 0, item = bst_t_last (&trav, tree); i < 2 * n && item != NULL;
     i++, item = bst_t_prev (&trav))
    if (*item >= next)
        printf (" Tree out of order: %d precedes %d in traversal\n",
                *item, next);
        okay = 0;

    next = *item;

if (i != n)
    printf (" Tree should have %lu items, but has %lu in reverse\n",
            (unsigned long) n, (unsigned long) i);
    okay = 0;
   This code is included in 110, 192, 246, and 296.

   The final check to perform on the traverser is to make sure that the
traverser null item works properly.  We start out a traverser at the
null item with bst_t_init(), then make sure that the next item after
that, as reported by bst_t_next(), is the same as the item returned by
bst_t_init(), and similarly for the previous item:

119. <Check that traversal from the null element works 119> =
/* Check that bst_t_init() works properly. */
struct bst_traverser init, first, last;
int *cur, *prev, *next;

bst_t_init (&init, tree);
bst_t_first (&first, tree);
bst_t_last (&last, tree);

cur = bst_t_cur (&init);
if (cur != NULL)
    printf (" Inited traverser should be null, but is actually %d.\n",
    okay = 0;

next = bst_t_next (&init);
if (next != bst_t_cur (&first))
    printf (" Next after null should be %d, but is actually %d.\n",
            *(int *) bst_t_cur (&first), *next);
    okay = 0;
bst_t_prev (&init);

prev = bst_t_prev (&init);
if (prev != bst_t_cur (&last))
    printf (" Previous before null should be %d, but is actually %d.\n",
            *(int *) bst_t_cur (&last), *prev);
    okay = 0;
bst_t_next (&init);
   This code is included in 110, 192, 246, and 296.


1. Many of the segments of code in this section cast size_t arguments to
printf() to unsigned long.  Why?

2. Does test() work properly for testing trees with only one item in
them?  Zero items? Displaying BST Structures

The print_tree_structure() function below can be useful for debugging,
but it is not used very much by the testing code.  It prints out the
structure of a tree, with the root first, then its children in
parentheses separated by a comma, and their children in inner
parentheses, and so on.  This format is easy to print but difficult to
visualize, so it's a good idea to have a notebook on hand to sketch out
the shape of the tree.  Alternatively, this output is in the right
format to feed directly into the `texitree' program used to draw the
tree diagrams in this book, which can produce output in plain text or
PostScript form.

120. <BST print function 120> =
/* Prints the structure of node,
   which is level levels from the top of the tree. */
static void
print_tree_structure (const struct bst_node *node, int level)
  /* You can set the maximum level as high as you like.
     Most of the time, you'll want to debug code using small trees,
     so that a large level indicates a "loop", which is a bug. */
  if (level > 16)
      printf ("[...]");

  if (node == NULL)

  printf ("%d", *(int *) node->bst_data);
  if (node->bst_link[0] != NULL || node->bst_link[1] != NULL)
      putchar ('(');

      print_tree_structure (node->bst_link[0], level + 1);
      if (node->bst_link[1] != NULL)
          putchar (',');
          print_tree_structure (node->bst_link[1], level + 1);

      putchar (')');
   See also 121.
This code is included in 99, 188, 240, 517, 550, and 585.

   A function print_whole_tree() is also provided as a convenient
wrapper for printing an entire BST's structure.

121. <BST print function 120> +=
/* Prints the entire structure of tree with the given title. */
print_whole_tree (const struct bst_table *tree, const char *title)
  printf ("%s: ", title);
  print_tree_structure (tree->bst_root, 0);
  putchar ('\n');

4.14.2 Test Set Generation

We need code to generate a random permutation of numbers to order
insertion and deletion of items.  We will support some other orders
besides random permutation as well for completeness and to allow for
overflow testing.  Here is the complete list:

122. <Test declarations 122> =
/* Insertion order. */
enum insert_order
    INS_RANDOM,			/* Random order. */
    INS_ASCENDING,		/* Ascending order. */
    INS_DESCENDING,		/* Descending order. */
    INS_BALANCED,		/* Balanced tree order. */
    INS_ZIGZAG,			/* Zig-zag order. */
    INS_ASCENDING_SHIFTED,      /* Ascending from middle, then beginning. */
    INS_CUSTOM,			/* Custom order. */

    INS_CNT                     /* Number of insertion orders. */

/* Deletion order. */
enum delete_order
    DEL_RANDOM,			/* Random order. */
    DEL_REVERSE,		/* Reverse of insertion order. */
    DEL_SAME,			/* Same as insertion order. */
    DEL_CUSTOM,			/* Custom order. */

    DEL_CNT                     /* Number of deletion orders. */
   See also 126, 134, 139, 140, and142.
This code is included in 98.

The code to actually generate these orderings is left to the exercises.


1. Write a function to generate a random permutation of the n ints
between 0 and n - 1 into a provided array.

*2. Write a function to generate an ordering of ints that, when inserted
into a binary tree, produces a balanced tree of the integers from min to
max inclusive.  (Hint: what kind of recursive traversal makes this

3. Write one function to generate an insertion order of n integers into
a provided array based on an enum insert_order and the functions written
in the previous two exercises.  Write a second function to generate a
deletion order using similar parameters plus the order of insertion.

*4. By default, the C random number generator produces the same sequence
every time the program is run.  In order to generate different
sequences, it has to be "seeded" using srand() with a unique value.
Write a function to select a random number seed based on the current

4.14.3 Testing Overflow

Testing for overflow requires an entirely different set of test
functions.  The idea is to create a too-tall tree using one of the
pathological insertion orders (ascending, descending, zig-zag, shifted
ascending), then try out each of the functions that can overflow on it
and make sure that they behave as they should.

   There is a separate test function for each function that can
overflow a stack but which is not tested by test().  These functions
are called by driver function test_overflow(), which also takes care of
creating, populating, and destroying the tree.

123. <BST overflow test function 123> =
<Overflow testers 125>

/* Tests the tree routines for proper handling of overflows.
   Inserting the n elements of order[] should produce a tree
   with height greater than BST_MAX_HEIGHT.
   Uses allocator as the allocator for tree and node data.
   Use verbosity to set the level of chatter on stdout. */
test_overflow (struct libavl_allocator *allocator,
               int order[], int n, int verbosity)
  /* An overflow tester function. */
  typedef int test_func (struct bst_table *, int n);

  /* An overflow tester. */
  struct test
      test_func *func;                  /* Tester function. */
      const char *name;                 /* Test name. */

  /* All the overflow testers. */
  static const struct test test[] =
      {test_bst_t_first, "first item"},
      {test_bst_t_last, "last item"},
      {test_bst_t_find, "find item"},
      {test_bst_t_insert, "insert item"},
      {test_bst_t_next, "next item"},
      {test_bst_t_prev, "previous item"},
      {test_bst_copy, "copy tree"},

  const struct test *i;                 /* Iterator. */

  /* Run all the overflow testers. */
  for (i = test; i < test + sizeof test / sizeof *test; i++)
      struct bst_table *tree;
      int j;

      if (verbosity >= 2)
        printf ("  Running %s test...\n", i->name);

      tree = bst_create (compare_ints, NULL, allocator);
      if (tree == NULL)
          printf ("    Out of memory creating tree.\n");
          return 1;

      for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
          void **p = bst_probe (tree, &order[j]);
          if (p == NULL || *p != &order[j])
              if (p == NULL && verbosity >= 0)
                printf ("    Out of memory in insertion.\n");
              else if (p != NULL)
                printf ("    Duplicate item in tree!\n");
              bst_destroy (tree, NULL);
              return p == NULL;

      if (i->func (tree, n) == 0)
        return 0;

      if (verify_tree (tree, order, n) == 0)
        return 0;
      bst_destroy (tree, NULL);

  return 1;
   This code is included in 99, 188, 240, 292, 332, 370, 413, 451, 484,
517, 550, and 585.

124. <Test prototypes 102> +=
int test_overflow (struct libavl_allocator *, int order[], int n,
                   int verbosity);

   There is an overflow tester for almost every function that can
overflow.  Here is one example:

125. <Overflow testers 125> =
static int
test_bst_t_first (struct bst_table *tree, int n)
  struct bst_traverser trav;
  int *first;

  first = bst_t_first (&trav, tree);
  if (first == NULL || *first != 0)
      printf ("    First item test failed: expected 0, got %d\n",
              first != NULL ? *first : -1);
      return 0;

  return 1;
   See also 646.
This code is included in 123.


1. Write the rest of the overflow tester functions.  (The
test_overflow() function lists all of them.)

4.14.4 Memory Manager

We want to test our code to make sure that it always releases allocated
memory and that it behaves robustly when memory allocations fail.  We
can do the former by building our own memory manager that keeps tracks
of blocks as they are allocated and freed.  The memory manager can also
disallow allocations according to a policy set by the user, taking care
of the latter.

   The available policies are:

126. <Test declarations 122> +=
/* Memory tracking policy. */
enum mt_policy
    MT_TRACK,			/* Track allocation for leak detection. */
    MT_NO_TRACK,		/* No leak detection. */
    MT_FAIL_COUNT,      	/* Fail allocations after a while. */
    MT_FAIL_PERCENT,		/* Fail allocations randomly. */
    MT_SUBALLOC                 /* Suballocate from larger blocks. */

MT_TRACK and MT_NO_TRACK should be self-explanatory.  MT_FAIL_COUNT
takes an argument specifying after how many allocations further
allocations should always fail.  MT_FAIL_PERCENT takes an argument
specifying an integer percentage of allocations to randomly fail.

   MT_SUBALLOC causes small blocks to be carved out of larger ones
allocated with malloc().  This is a good idea for two reasons: malloc()
can be slow and malloc() can waste a lot of space dealing with the
small blocks that libavl uses for its node.  Suballocation cannot be
implemented in an entirely portable way because of alignment issues,
but the test program here requires the user to specify the alignment
needed, and its use is optional anyhow.

   The memory manager keeps track of allocated blocks using struct

127. <Memory tracker 127> =
/* Memory tracking allocator. */

/* A memory block. */
struct block
    struct block *next;                 /* Next in linked list. */

    int idx;                            /* Allocation order index number. */
    size_t size;                        /* Size in bytes. */
    size_t used;                        /* MT_SUBALLOC: amount used so far. */
    void *content;                      /* Allocated region. */
   See also 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, and133.
This code is included in 98.

The next member of struct block is used to keep a linked list of all
the currently allocated blocks.  Searching this list is inefficient, but
there are at least two reasons to do it this way, instead of using a
more efficient data structure, such as a binary tree.  First, this code
is for testing binary tree routines--using a binary tree data structure
to do it is a strange idea!  Second, the ISO C standard says that, with
few exceptions, using the relational operators (<, <=, >, >=) to
compare pointers that do not point inside the same array produces
undefined behavior, but allows use of the equality operators (==, !=)
for a larger class of pointers.

   We also need a data structure to keep track of settings and a list of
blocks.  This memory manager uses the technique discussed in Exercise
2.5-3 to provide this structure to the allocator.

128. <Memory tracker 127> +=
/* Indexes into arg[] within struct mt_allocator. */
enum mt_arg_index
    MT_COUNT = 0,      /* MT_FAIL_COUNT: Remaining successful allocations. */
    MT_PERCENT = 0,    /* MT_FAIL_PERCENT: Failure percentage. */
    MT_BLOCK_SIZE = 0, /* MT_SUBALLOC: Size of block to suballocate. */
    MT_ALIGN = 1       /* MT_SUBALLOC: Alignment of suballocated blocks. */

/* Memory tracking allocator. */
struct mt_allocator
    struct libavl_allocator allocator;  /* Allocator.  Must be first member. */

    /* Settings. */
    enum mt_policy policy;              /* Allocation policy. */
    int arg[2];                         /* Policy arguments. */
    int verbosity;                      /* Message verbosity level. */

    /* Current state. */
    struct block *head, *tail;          /* Head and tail of block list. */
    int alloc_idx;                      /* Number of allocations so far. */
    int block_cnt;                      /* Number of still-allocated blocks. */

   Function mt_create() creates a new instance of the memory tracker.
It takes an allocation policy and policy argument, as well as a number
specifying how verbose it should be in reporting information.  It uses
utility function xmalloc(), a simple wrapper for malloc() that aborts
the program on failure.  Here it is:

129. <Memory tracker 127> +=
static void *mt_allocate (struct libavl_allocator *, size_t);
static void mt_free (struct libavl_allocator *, void *);

/* Initializes the memory manager for use
   with allocation policy policy and policy arguments arg[],
   at verbosity level verbosity, where 0 is a "normal" value. */
struct mt_allocator *
mt_create (enum mt_policy policy, int arg[2], int verbosity)
  struct mt_allocator *mt = xmalloc (sizeof *mt);

  mt->allocator.libavl_malloc = mt_allocate;
  mt->allocator.libavl_free = mt_free;

  mt->policy = policy;
  mt->arg[0] = arg[0];
  mt->arg[1] = arg[1];
  mt->verbosity = verbosity;

  mt->head = mt->tail = NULL;
  mt->alloc_idx = 0;
  mt->block_cnt = 0;

  return mt;

   After allocations and deallocations are done, the memory manager
must be freed with mt_destroy(), which also reports any memory leaks.
Blocks are removed from the block list as they are freed, so any
remaining blocks must be leaked memory:

130. <Memory tracker 127> +=
/* Frees and destroys memory tracker mt,
   reporting any memory leaks. */
mt_destroy (struct mt_allocator *mt)
  assert (mt != NULL);

  if (mt->block_cnt == 0)
      if (mt->policy != MT_NO_TRACK && mt->verbosity >= 1)
        printf ("  No memory leaks.\n");
      struct block *iter, *next;

      if (mt->policy != MT_SUBALLOC)
        printf ("  Memory leaks detected:\n");
      for (iter = mt->head; iter != NULL; iter = next)
          if (mt->policy != MT_SUBALLOC)
            printf ("    block #%d: %lu bytes\n",
                    iter->idx, (unsigned long) iter->size);

          next = iter->next;
          free (iter->content);
          free (iter);

  free (mt);

   For the sake of good encapsulation, mt_allocator() returns the
struct libavl_allocator associated with a given memory tracker:

131. <Memory tracker 127> +=
/* Returns the struct libavl_allocator associated with mt. */
void *
mt_allocator (struct mt_allocator *mt)
  return &mt->allocator;

   The allocator function mt_allocate() is in charge of implementing the
selected allocation policy.  It delegates most of the work to a pair of
helper functions new_block() and reject_request() and makes use of
utility function xmalloc(), a simple wrapper for malloc() that aborts
the program on failure.  The implementation is straightforward:

132. <Memory tracker 127> +=
/* Creates a new struct block containing size bytes of content
   and returns a pointer to content. */
static void *
new_block (struct mt_allocator *mt, size_t size)
  struct block *new;

  /* Allocate and initialize new struct block. */
  new = xmalloc (sizeof *new);
  new->next = NULL;
  new->idx = mt->alloc_idx++;
  new->size = size;
  new->used = 0;
  new->content = xmalloc (size);

  /* Add block to linked list. */
  if (mt->head == NULL)
    mt->head = new;
    mt->tail->next = new;
  mt->tail = new;

  /* Alert user. */
  if (mt->verbosity >= 3)
    printf ("    block #%d: allocated %lu bytes\n",
            new->idx, (unsigned long) size);

  /* Finish up and return. */
  return new->content;

/* Prints a message about a rejected allocation if appropriate. */
static void
reject_request (struct mt_allocator *mt, size_t size)
  if (mt->verbosity >= 2)
    printf ("    block #%d: rejected request for %lu bytes\n",
            mt->alloc_idx++, (unsigned long) size);

/* Allocates and returns a block of size bytes. */
static void *
mt_allocate (struct libavl_allocator *allocator, size_t size)
  struct mt_allocator *mt = (struct mt_allocator *) allocator;

  /* Special case. */
  if (size == 0)
    return NULL;

  switch (mt->policy)
    case MT_TRACK:
      return new_block (mt, size);

    case MT_NO_TRACK:
      return xmalloc (size);

    case MT_FAIL_COUNT:
      if (mt->arg[MT_COUNT] == 0)
          reject_request (mt, size);
          return NULL;
      return new_block (mt, size);

      if (rand () / (RAND_MAX / 100 + 1) < mt->arg[MT_PERCENT])
          reject_request (mt, size);
          return NULL;
        return new_block (mt, size);

    case MT_SUBALLOC:
      if (mt->tail == NULL
          || mt->tail->used + size > (size_t) mt->arg[MT_BLOCK_SIZE])
        new_block (mt, mt->arg[MT_BLOCK_SIZE]);
      if (mt->tail->used + size <= (size_t) mt->arg[MT_BLOCK_SIZE])
          void *p = (char *) mt->tail->content + mt->tail->used;
          size = ((size + mt->arg[MT_ALIGN] - 1)
                  / mt->arg[MT_ALIGN] * mt->arg[MT_ALIGN]);
          mt->tail->used += size;
          if (mt->verbosity >= 3)
            printf ("    block #%d: suballocated %lu bytes\n",
                    mt->tail->idx, (unsigned long) size);
          return p;
        fail ("blocksize %lu too small for %lubyte allocation",
              (unsigned long) mt->tail->size, (unsigned long) size);

      assert (0);

   The corresponding function mt_free() searches the block list for the
specified block, removes it, and frees the associated memory.  It
reports an error if the block is not in the list:

133. <Memory tracker 127> +=
/* Releases block previously returned by mt_allocate(). */
static void
mt_free (struct libavl_allocator *allocator, void *block)
  struct mt_allocator *mt = (struct mt_allocator *) allocator;
  struct block *iter, *prev;

  /* Special cases. */
  if (block == NULL || mt->policy == MT_NO_TRACK)
      free (block);
  if (mt->policy == MT_SUBALLOC)

  /* Search for block within the list of allocated blocks. */
  for (prev = NULL, iter = mt->head; iter; prev = iter, iter = iter->next)
      if (iter->content == block)
          /* Block found.  Remove it from the list. */
          struct block *next = iter->next;

          if (prev == NULL)
            mt->head = next;
            prev->next = next;
          if (next == NULL)
            mt->tail = prev;

          /* Alert user. */
          if (mt->verbosity >= 4)
            printf ("    block #%d: freed %lu bytes\n",
                    iter->idx, (unsigned long) iter->size);

          /* Free block. */
          free (iter->content);
          free (iter);

          /* Finish up and return. */

  /* Block not in list. */
  printf ("    attempt to free unknown block %p (already freed?)\n", block);

See also:  [ISO 1990], sections 6.3.8 and 6.3.9.


1. As its first action, mt_allocate() checks for and special-cases a
size of 0.  Why?

4.14.5 User Interaction

This section briefly discusses libavl's data structures and functions
for parsing command-line arguments.  For more information on the
command-line arguments accepted by the testing program, refer to the
libavl reference manual.

   The main way that the test program receives instructions from the
user is through the set of arguments passed to main().  The program
assumes that these arguments can be controlled easily by the user,
presumably through some kind of command-based "shell" program.  It
allows for two kinds of options: traditional UNIX "short options" that
take the form `-o' and GNU-style "long options" of the form `--option'.
Either kind of option may take an argument.

   Options are specified using an array of struct option, terminated by
an all-zero structure:

134. <Test declarations 122> +=
/* A single command-line option. */
struct option
    const char *long_name;	/* Long name ("-name"). */
    int short_name;		/* Short name ("n"); value returned. */
    int has_arg;		/* Has a required argument? */

   There are two public functions in the option parser:

struct option_state *option_init (struct option *options, char **args)
     Creates and returns a struct option_state, initializing it based on
     the array of arguments passed in.  This structure is used to keep
     track of the option parsing state.  Sets options as the set of
     options to parse.

int option_get (struct option_state *state, char **argp)
     Parses the next option from state and returns the value of the
     short_name member from its struct option.  Sets *argp to the
     option's argument or NULL if none.  Returns -1 and destroys state
     if no options remain.

   These functions' implementation are not too interesting for our
purposes, so they are relegated to an appendix.  *Note Option Parser::,
for the full story.

   The option parser provides a lot of support for parsing the command
line, but of course the individual options have to be handled once they
are retrieved by option_get().  The parse_command_line() function takes
care of the whole process:

void parse_command_line (char **args, struct test_options *options)
     Parses the command-line arguments in args[], which must be
     terminated with an element set to all zeros, using option_init()
     and option_get().  Sets up options appropriately to correspond.

   *Note Command-Line Parser::, for source code.  The struct
test_options initialized by parse_command_line() is described in detail

4.14.6 Utility Functions

The first utility function is compare_ints().  This function is not
used by <test.c 98> but it is included there because it is used by the
test modules for all the individual tree structures.

135. <Test utility functions 135> =
/* Utility functions. */

<Comparison function for ints 4>
   See also 137 and 138.
This code is included in 98.

   It is prototyped in <test.h 100>:

136. <Test prototypes 102> +=
int compare_ints (const void *pa, const void *pb, void *param);

   The fail() function prints a provided error message to stderr,
formatting it as with printf(), and terminates the program

137. <Test utility functions 135> +=
/* Prints message on stderr, which is formatted as for printf(),
   and terminates the program unsuccessfully. */
static void
fail (const char *message, ...)
  va_list args;

  fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", pgm_name);

  va_start (args, message);
  vfprintf (stderr, message, args);
  va_end (args);

  putchar ('\n');

  exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

   Finally, the xmalloc() function is a malloc() wrapper that aborts
the program if allocation fails:

138. <Test utility functions 135> +=
/* Allocates and returns a pointer to size bytes of memory.
   Aborts if allocation fails. */
static void *
xmalloc (size_t size)
  void *block = malloc (size);
  if (block == NULL && size != 0)
    fail ("out of memory");
  return block;

4.14.7 Main Program

Everything comes together in the main program.  The test itself
(default or overflow) is selected with enum test:

139. <Test declarations 122> +=
/* Test to perform. */
enum test
    TST_CORRECTNESS,		/* Default tests. */
    TST_OVERFLOW,		/* Stack overflow test. */
    TST_NULL                    /* No test, just overhead. */

   The program's entire behavior is controlled by struct test_options,
defined as follows:

140. <Test declarations 122> +=
/* Program options. */
struct test_options
    enum test test;                     /* Test to perform. */
    enum insert_order insert_order;     /* Insertion order. */
    enum delete_order delete_order;     /* Deletion order. */

    enum mt_policy alloc_policy;        /* Allocation policy. */
    int alloc_arg[2];                   /* Policy arguments. */
    int alloc_incr; /* Amount to increment alloc_arg each iteration. */

    int node_cnt;                       /* Number of nodes in tree. */
    int iter_cnt;                       /* Number of runs. */

    int seed_given;                     /* Seed provided on command line? */
    unsigned seed;                      /* Random number seed. */

    int verbosity;                      /* Verbosity level, 0=default. */
    int nonstop;                        /* Don't stop after one error? */

   The main() function for the test program is perhaps a bit long, but
simple.  It begins by parsing the command line and allocating memory,
then repeats a loop once for each repetition of the test.  Within the
loop, an insertion and a deletion order are selected, the memory tracker
is set up, and test function (either test() or test_overflow()) is

141. <Test main program 141> =
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  struct test_options opts;	/* Command-line options. */
  int *insert, *delete;		/* Insertion and deletion orders. */
  int success;                  /* Everything okay so far? */

  /* Initialize pgm_name, using argv[0] if sensible. */
  pgm_name = argv[0] != NULL && argv[0][0] != '\0' ? argv[0] : "bsttest";

  /* Parse command line into options. */
  parse_command_line (argv, &opts);

  if (opts.verbosity >= 0)
    fputs ("bsttest for GNU libavl 2.0.3; use -help to get help.\n", stdout);

  if (!opts.seed_given)
    opts.seed = time_seed () % 32768u;

  insert = xmalloc (sizeof *insert * opts.node_cnt);
  delete = xmalloc (sizeof *delete * opts.node_cnt);

  /* Run the tests. */
  success = 1;
  while (opts.iter_cnt--)
      struct mt_allocator *alloc;

      if (opts.verbosity >= 0)
          printf ("Testing seed=%u", opts.seed);
          if (opts.alloc_incr)
            printf (", alloc arg=%d", opts.alloc_arg[0]);
          printf ("...\n");
          fflush (stdout);

      /* Generate insertion and deletion order.
         Seed them separately to ensure deletion order is
         independent of insertion order. */
      srand (opts.seed);
      gen_insertions (opts.node_cnt, opts.insert_order, insert);

      srand (++opts.seed);
      gen_deletions (opts.node_cnt, opts.delete_order, insert, delete);

      if (opts.verbosity >= 1)
          int i;

          printf ("  Insertion order:");
          for (i = 0; i < opts.node_cnt; i++)
            printf (" %d", insert[i]);
          printf (".\n");

          if (opts.test == TST_CORRECTNESS)
              printf ("Deletion order:");
              for (i = 0; i < opts.node_cnt; i++)
                printf (" %d", delete[i]);
              printf (".\n");

      alloc = mt_create (opts.alloc_policy, opts.alloc_arg, opts.verbosity);

        int okay;
        struct libavl_allocator *a = mt_allocator (alloc);

        switch (opts.test)
          case TST_CORRECTNESS:
            okay = test_correctness (a, insert, delete, opts.node_cnt,

          case TST_OVERFLOW:
            okay = test_overflow (a, insert, opts.node_cnt, opts.verbosity);

          case TST_NULL:
            okay = 1;

            assert (0);

        if (okay)
            if (opts.verbosity >= 1)
              printf ("  No errors.\n");
            success = 0;
            printf ("  Error!\n");

      mt_destroy (alloc);
      opts.alloc_arg[0] += opts.alloc_incr;

      if (!success && !opts.nonstop)

  free (delete);
  free (insert);

  return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
   This code is included in 98.

   The main program initializes our single global variable, pgm_name,
which receives the name of the program at start of execution:

142. <Test declarations 122> +=
/* Program name. */
char *pgm_name;

4.15 Additional Exercises


1. Sentinels were a main theme of the chapter before this one.  Figure
out how to apply sentinel techniques to binary search trees.  Write
routines for search and insertion in such a binary search tree with
sentinel.  Test your functions.  (You need not make your code fully
generic; e.g., it is acceptable to "hard-code" the data type stored in
the tree.)

5 AVL Trees

In the last chapter, we designed and implemented a table ADT using
binary search trees.  We were interested in binary trees from the
beginning because of their promise of speed compared to linear lists.

   But we only get these speed improvements if our binary trees are
arranged more or less optimally, with the tree's height as small as
possible.  If we insert and delete items in the tree in random order,
then chances are that we'll come pretty close to this optimal tree.(1)

   In "pathological" cases, search within binary search trees can be as
slow as sequential search, or even slower when the extra bookkeeping
needed for a binary tree is taken into account.  For example, after
inserting items into a BST in sorted order, we get something like the
vines on the left and the right below.  The BST in the middle below
illustrates a more unusual case, a "zig-zag" BST that results from
inserting items from alternating ends of an ordered list.

                            5    1         1
                           /      `-._      \
                          4           5      2
                         /         _.'        \
                        3         2            3
                       /           `_           \
                      2              4           4
                     /              /             \
                    1              3               5

Unfortunately, these pathological cases can easily come up in practice,
because sorted data in the input to a program is common.  We could
periodically balance the tree using some heuristic to detect that it is
"too tall".  In the last chapter, in fact, we used a weak version of
this idea, rebalancing when a stack overflow force it.  We could
abandon the idea of a binary search tree, using some other data
structure.  Finally, we could adopt some modifications to binary search
trees that prevent the pathological case from occurring.

   For the remainder of this book, we're only interested in the latter
choice.  We'll look at two sets of rules that, when applied to the
basic structure of a binary search tree, ensure that the tree's height
is kept within a constant factor of the minimum value.  Although this
is not as good as keeping the BST's height at its minimum, it comes
pretty close, and the required operations are much faster.  A tree
arranged to rules such as these is called a "balanced tree".  The
operations used for minimizing tree height are said to "rebalance" the
tree, even though this is different from the sort of rebalancing we did
in the previous chapter, and are said to maintain the tree's "balance."

   A balanced tree arranged according to the first set of rebalancing
rules that we'll examine is called an "AVL tree", after its inventors,
G. M. Adel'son-Vel'skii< and E. M.  Landis.  AVL trees are the subject
of this chapter, and the next chapter will discuss red-black trees,
another type of balanced tree.

   In the following sections, we'll construct a table implementation
based on AVL trees.  Here's an outline of the AVL code:

143. <avl.h 143> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef AVL_H
#define AVL_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => avl 15>
<AVL maximum height 145>
<BST table structure; bst => avl 28>
<AVL node structure 146>
<BST traverser structure; bst => avl 62>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => avl 16>

#endif /* avl.h */

144. <avl.c 144> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "avl.h"

<AVL functions 147>

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], sections 6.2.2 and 6.2.3; [Cormen 1990],
section 13.4.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) This seems true intuitively, but there are some difficult
mathematics in this area.  For details, refer to [Knuth 1998b] theorem
6.2.2H, [Knuth 1977], and [Knuth 1978].

5.1 Balancing Rule

A binary search tree is an AVL tree if the difference in height between
the subtrees of each of its nodes is between -1 and +1.  Said another
way, a BST is an AVL tree if it is an empty tree or if its subtrees are
AVL trees and the difference in height between its left and right
subtree is between -1 and +1.

   Here are some AVL trees:

                                   3         4
                         2        / \       / \
                         ^       2   4     2   5
                        1 3     /          ^
                               1          1 3

These binary search trees are not AVL trees:

                                  3       4
                                 /       /
                                2       2
                               /        ^
                              1        1 3

In an AVL tree, the height of a node's right subtree minus the height of
its left subtree is called the node's "balance factor".  Balance
factors are always -1, 0, or +1.  They are often represented as one of
the single characters -, 0, or +.  Because of their importance in AVL
trees, balance factors will often be shown in this chapter in AVL tree
diagrams along with or instead of data items.  In tree diagrams,
balance factors are enclosed in angle brackets: `<->', `<0>', `<+>'.
Here are the AVL trees from above, but with balance factors shown in
place of data values:

                                <->                  <->
               <0>            _'   \           __..-'   \
             _'   \          <->    <0>       <0>        <0>
            <0>    <0>     _'               _'   \
                          <0>              <0>    <0>

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], section 6.2.3.

5.1.1 Analysis

How good is the AVL balancing rule?  That is, before we consider how
much complication it adds to BST operations, what does this balancing
rule guarantee about performance?  This is a simple question only if
you're familiar with the mathematics behind computer science.  For our
purposes, it suffices to state the results:

     An AVL tree with n nodes has height between log2 (n + 1) and 1.44
     * log2 (n + 2) - 0.328.  An AVL tree with height h has between
     1.17 * pow (1.618, h) - 2 and pow (2, h) - 1 nodes.

     For comparison, an optimally balanced BST with n nodes has height
     ceil (log2 (n + 1)).  An optimally balanced BST with height h has
     between pow (2, h - 1) and pow (2, h) - 1 nodes.(1)

   The average speed of a search in a binary tree depends on the tree's
height, so the results above are quite encouraging: an AVL tree will
never be more than about 50% taller than the corresponding optimally
balanced tree.  Thus, we have a guarantee of good performance even in
the worst case, and optimal performance in the best case.

   To support at least 2**64 - 1 nodes in an AVL tree, as we do for
unbalanced binary search trees, we must define the maximum AVL tree
height to be 1.44 * log2 ((2**64 - 1) + 2) - 0.328, which is 92:

145. <AVL maximum height 145> =
/* Maximum AVL tree height. */
#define AVL_MAX_HEIGHT 92
   This code is included in 143.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], theorem 6.2.3A.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) Here log2 is the standard C base-2 logarithm function, pow is
the exponentiation function, and ceil is the "ceiling" or "round up"
function.  For more information, consult a C reference guide, such as
[Kernighan 1988].

5.2 Data Types

We need to define data types for AVL trees like we did for BSTs.  AVL
tree nodes contain all the fields that a BST node does, plus a field
recording its balance factor:

146. <AVL node structure 146> =
/* An AVL tree node. */
struct avl_node
    struct avl_node *avl_link[2];  /* Subtrees. */
    void *avl_data;                /* Pointer to data. */
    signed char avl_balance;       /* Balance factor. */
   This code is included in 143.

   We're using avl_ as the prefix for all AVL-related identifiers.

   The other data structures for AVL trees are the same as for BSTs.

5.3 Operations

Now we'll implement for AVL trees all the operations that we did for
BSTs.  Here's the outline.  Creation and search of AVL trees is exactly
like that for plain BSTs, and the generic table functions for insertion
convenience, assertion, and memory allocation are still relevant, so we
just reuse the code.  Of the remaining functions, we will write new
implementations of the insertion and deletion functions and revise the
traversal and copy functions.

147. <AVL functions 147> =
<BST creation function; bst => avl 31>
<BST search function; bst => avl 32>
<AVL item insertion function 148>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => avl 594>
<AVL item deletion function 166>
<AVL traversal functions 180>
<AVL copy function 187>
<BST destruction function; bst => avl 85>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => avl 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => avl 596>
   This code is included in 144.

5.4 Insertion

The insertion function for unbalanced BSTs does not maintain the AVL
balancing rule, so we have to write a new insertion function.  But
before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let's talk in generalities.
This is time well spent because we will be able to apply many of the
same insights to AVL deletion and insertion and deletion in red-black

   Conceptually, there are two stages to any insertion or deletion
operation in a balanced tree.  The first stage may lead to violation of
the tree's balancing rule.  If so, we fix it in the second stage.  The
insertion or deletion itself is done in the first stage, in much the
same way as in an unbalanced BST, and we may also do a bit of
additional bookkeeping work, such as updating balance factors in an AVL
tree, or swapping node "colors" in red-black trees.

   If the first stage of the operation does not lead to a violation of
the tree's balancing rule, nothing further needs to be done.  But if it
does, the second stage rearranges nodes and modifies their attributes
to restore the tree's balance.  This process is said to "rebalance" the
tree.  The kinds of rebalancing that might be necessary depend on the
way the operation is performed and the tree's balancing rule.  A
well-chosen balancing rule helps to minimize the necessity for

   When rebalancing does become necessary in an AVL or red-black tree,
its effects are limited to the nodes along or near the direct path from
the inserted or deleted node up to the root of the tree.  Usually, only
one or two of these nodes are affected, but, at most, one simple
manipulation is performed at each of the nodes along this path.  This
property ensures that balanced tree operations are efficient (see
Exercise 1 for details).

   That's enough theory for now.  Let's return to discussing the
details of AVL insertion.  There are four steps in libavl's
implementation of AVL insertion:

  1. *Search* for the location to insert the new item.

  2. *Insert* the item as a new leaf.

  3. *Update* balance factors in the tree that were changed by the

  4. *Rebalance* the tree, if necessary.

   Steps 1 and 2 are the same as for insertion into a BST.  Step 3
performs the additional bookkeeping alluded to above in the general
description of balanced tree operations.  Finally, step 4 rebalances the
tree, if necessary, to restore the AVL balancing rule.

   The following sections will cover all the details of AVL insertion.
For now, here's an outline of avl_probe():

148. <AVL item insertion function 148> =
void **
avl_probe (struct avl_table *tree, void *item)
  <avl_probe() local variables 149>

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search AVL tree for insertion point 150>
  <Step 2: Insert AVL node 151>
  <Step 3: Update balance factors after AVL insertion 152>
  <Step 4: Rebalance after AVL insertion 153>
   This code is included in 147.

149. <avl_probe() local variables 149> =
struct avl_node *y, *z; /* Top node to update balance factor, and parent. */
struct avl_node *p, *q; /* Iterator, and parent. */
struct avl_node *n;     /* Newly inserted node. */
struct avl_node *w;     /* New root of rebalanced subtree. */
int dir;                /* Direction to descend. */

unsigned char da[AVL_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Cached comparison results. */
int k = 0;              /* Number of cached results. */
   This code is included in 148, 303, and 421.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], algorithm 6.2.3A.


*1. When rebalancing manipulations are performed on the chain of nodes
from the inserted or deleted node to the root, no manipulation takes
more than a fixed amount of time.  In other words, individual
manipulations do not involve any kind of iteration or loop.  What can
you conclude about the speed of an individual insertion or deletion in
a large balanced tree, compared to the best-case speed of an operation
for unbalanced BSTs?

5.4.1 Step 1: Search

The search step is an extended version of the corresponding code for
BST insertion in <BST item insertion function 33>.  The earlier code
had only two variables to maintain: the current node the direction to
descend from p.  The AVL code does this, but it maintains some other
variables, too.  During each iteration of the for loop, p is the node
we are examining, q is p's parent, y is the most recently examined node
with nonzero balance factor, z is y's parent, and elements 0...k - 1 of
array da[] record each direction descended, starting from z, in order
to arrive at p.  The purposes for many of these variables are surely
uncertain right now, but they will become clear later.

150. <Step 1: Search AVL tree for insertion point 150> =
z = (struct avl_node *) &tree->avl_root;
y = tree->avl_root;
dir = 0;
for (q = z, p = y; p != NULL; q = p, p = p->avl_link[dir])
    int cmp = tree->avl_compare (item, p->avl_data, tree->avl_param);
    if (cmp == 0)
      return &p->avl_data;

    if (p->avl_balance != 0)
      z = q, y = p, k = 0;
    da[k++] = dir = cmp > 0;
   This code is included in 148.

5.4.2 Step 2: Insert

Following the search loop, q is the last non-null node examined, so it
is the parent of the node to be inserted.  The code below creates and
initializes a new node as a child of q on side dir, and stores a
pointer to it into n.  Compare this code for insertion to that within
<BST item insertion function 33>.

151. <Step 2: Insert AVL node 151> =
n = q->avl_link[dir] =
  tree->avl_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->avl_alloc, sizeof *n);
if (n == NULL)
  return NULL;

n->avl_data = item;
n->avl_link[0] = n->avl_link[1] = NULL;
n->avl_balance = 0;
if (y == NULL)
  return &n->avl_data;
   This code is included in 148.


1. How can y be NULL?  Why is this special-cased?

5.4.3 Step 3: Update Balance Factors

When we add a new node n to an AVL tree, the balance factor of n's
parent must change, because the new node increases the height of one of
the parent's subtrees.  The balance factor of n's parent's parent may
need to change, too, depending on the parent's balance factor, and in
fact the change can propagate all the way up the tree to its root.

   At each stage of updating balance factors, we are in a similar
situation.  First, we are examining a particular node p that is one of
n's direct ancestors.  The first time around, p is n's parent, the next
time, if necessary, p is n's grandparent, and so on.  Second, the
height of one of p's subtrees has increased, and which one can be
determined using da[].

   In general, if the height of p's left subtree increases, p's balance
factor decreases.  On the other hand, if the right subtree's height
increases, p's balance factor increases.  If we account for the three
possible starting balance factors and the two possible sides, there are
six possibilities.  The three of these corresponding to an increase in
one subtree's height are symmetric with the others that go along with
an increase in the other subtree's height.  We treat these three cases

Case 1: p has balance factor 0

If p had balance factor 0, its new balance factor is - or +, depending
on the side of the root to which the node was added.  After that, the
change in height propagates up the tree to p's parent (unless p is the
tree's root) because the height of the subtree rooted at p's parent has
also increased.

   The example below shows a new node n inserted as the left child of a
node with balance factor 0.  On the far left is the original tree before
insertion; in the middle left is the tree after insertion but before any
balance factors are adjusted; in the middle right is the tree after the
first adjustment, with p as n's parent; on the far right is the tree
after the second adjustment, with p as n's grandparent.  Only in the
trees on the far left and far right are all of the balance factors

                          <0>              <0>               p
                        _'   \           _'   \             <->
         <0>           <0>    <0>        p     <0>        _'   \
       _'   \    =>  _'           =>    <->        =>    <->    <0>
      <0>    <0>     n                _'               _'
                    <0>               n                n
                                     <0>              <0>

Case 2: p's shorter subtree has increased in height

If the new node was added to p's shorter subtree, then the subtree has
become more balanced and its balance factor becomes 0.  If p started
out with balance factor +, this means the new node is in p's left
subtree.  If p had a - balance factor, this means the new node is in
the right subtree.  Since tree p has the same height as it did before,
the change does not propagate up the tree any farther, and we are done.
Here's an example that shows pre-insertion and post-balance factor
updating views:

                      <0>             __..-'   `._
                __..-'   \           <+>           p
               <+>        <+>     =>    \         <0>
                  \          \           <0>    _'   \
                   <0>        <0>               n     <0>

Case 3: p's taller subtree has increased in height

If the new node was added on the taller side of a subtree with nonzero
balance factor, the balance factor becomes +2 or -2.  This is a
problem, because balance factors in AVL trees must be between -1 and
+1.  We have to rebalance the tree in this case.  We will cover
rebalancing later.  For now, take it on faith that rebalancing does not
increase the height of subtree p as a whole, so there is no need to
propagate changes any farther up the tree.

   Here's an example of an insertion that leads to rebalancing.  On the
left is the tree before insertion; in the middle is the tree after
insertion and updating balance factors; on the right is the tree after
rebalancing to.  The -2 balance factor is shown as two minus signs
(--).  The rebalanced tree is the same height as the original tree
before insertion.

                      <->        _'           <0>
                    _'          <->         _'   \
                   <0>    =>  _'        =>  n     <0>
                              n            <0>

As another demonstration that the height of a rebalanced subtree does
not change after insertion, here's a similar example that has one more
layer of nodes.  The trees below follow the same pattern as the ones
above, but the rebalanced subtree has a parent.  Even though the tree's
root has the wrong balance factor in the middle diagram, it turns out to
be correct after rebalancing.

               <->               _.'   \                 <->
             _'   \             <-->    <0>        __..-'   \
            <->    <0>        _'                  <0>        <0>
          _'           =>    <->            =>  _'   \
         <0>               _'                   n     <0>
                           n                   <0>


Looking at the rules above, we can see that only in case 1, where p's
balance factor is 0, do changes to balance factors continue to propagate
upward in the tree.  So we can start from n's parent and move upward in
the tree, handling case 1 each time, until we hit a nonzero balance
factor, handle case 2 or case 3 at that node, and we're done (except for
possible rebalancing afterward).

   Wait a second--there is no efficient way to move upward in a binary
search tree!(1)  Fortunately, there is another approach we can use.
Remember the extra code we put into <Step 1: Search AVL tree for
insertion point 150>?  This code kept track of the last node we'd
passed through that had a nonzero balance factor as y.  We can use y to
move downward, instead of upward, through the nodes whose balance
factors are to be updated.

   Node y itself is the topmost node to be updated; when we arrive at
node n, we know we're done.  We also kept track of the directions we
moved downward in da[].  Suppose that we've got a node p whose balance
factor is to be updated and a direction d that we moved from it.  We
know that if we moved down to the left (d == 0) then the balance factor
must be decreased, and that if we moved down to the right (d == 1) then
the balance factor must be increased.

   Now we have enough knowledge to write the code to update balance
factors.  The results are almost embarrassingly short:

152. <Step 3: Update balance factors after AVL insertion 152> =
for (p = y, k = 0; p != n; p = p->avl_link[da[k]], k++)
  if (da[k] == 0)
   This code is included in 148, 303, and 421.

   Now p points to the new node as a consequence of the loop's exit
condition.  Variable p will not be modified again in this function, so
it is used in the function's final return statement to take the address
of the new node's avl_data member (see <AVL item insertion function
148> above).


1. Can case 3 be applied to the parent of the newly inserted node?

2. For each of the AVL trees below, add a new node with a value smaller
than any already in the tree and update the balance factors of the
existing nodes.  For each balance factor that changes, indicate the
numbered case above that applies.  Which of the trees require
rebalancing after the insertion?

                    <0>             <+>
              __..-'   `._        _'   `._              <->
             <+>          <->    <0>      <0>         _'
                \       _'              _'   \       <0>
                 <0>   <0>             <0>    <0>
3. Earlier versions of libavl used chars, not unsigned chars, to cache
the results of comparisons, as the elements of da[] are used here.  At
some warning levels, this caused the GNU C compiler to emit the warning
"array subscript has type `char'" when it encountered expressions like
q->avl_link[da[k]].  Explain why this can be a useful warning message.

4. If our AVL trees won't ever have a height greater than 32, then we
can portably use the bits in a single unsigned long to compactly store
what the entire da[] array does.  Write a new version of step 3 to use
this form, along with any necessary modifications to other steps and
avl_probe()'s local variables.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) We could make a list of the nodes as we move down the tree and
reuse it on the way back up.  We'll do that for deletion, but there's a
simpler way for insertion, so keep reading.

5.4.4 Step 4: Rebalance

We've covered steps 1 through 3 so far.  Step 4, rebalancing, is
somewhat complicated, but it's the key to the entire insertion
procedure.  It is also similar to, but simpler than, other rebalancing
procedures we'll see later.  As a result, we're going to discuss it in
detail.  Follow along carefully and it should all make sense.

   Before proceeding, let's briefly review the circumstances under which
we need to rebalance.  Looking back a few sections, we see that there
is only one case where this is required: case 3, when the new node is
added in the taller subtree of a node with nonzero balance factor.

   Case 3 is the case where y has a -2 or +2 balance factor after
insertion.  For now, we'll just consider the -2 case, because we can
write code for the +2 case later in a mechanical way by applying the
principle of symmetry.  In accordance with this idea, step 4 branches
into three cases immediately, one for each rebalancing case and a third
that just returns from the function if no rebalancing is necessary:

153. <Step 4: Rebalance after AVL insertion 153> =
if (y->avl_balance == -2)
    <Rebalance AVL tree after insertion in left subtree 154>
else if (y->avl_balance == +2)
    <Rebalance AVL tree after insertion in right subtree 159>
  return &n->avl_data;
   See also 155 and 156.
This code is included in 148.

   We will call y's left child x.  The new node is somewhere in the
subtrees of x.  There are now only two cases of interest, distinguished
on whether x has a + or - balance factor.  These cases are almost
entirely separate:

154. <Rebalance AVL tree after insertion in left subtree 154> =
struct avl_node *x = y->avl_link[0];
if (x->avl_balance == -1)
    <Rotate right at y in AVL tree 157>
    <Rotate left at x then right at y in AVL tree 158>
   This code is included in 153 and 164.

   In either case, w receives the root of the rebalanced subtree, which
is used to update the parent's pointer to the subtree root (recall that
z is the parent of y):

155. <Step 4: Rebalance after AVL insertion 153> +=
z->avl_link[y != z->avl_link[0]] = w;

   Finally, we increment the generation number, because the tree's
structure has changed.  Then we're done and we return to the caller:

156. <Step 4: Rebalance after AVL insertion 153> +=
return &n->avl_data;

Case 1: x has - balance factor

For a - balance factor, we just rotate right at y.  Then the entire
process, including insertion and rebalancing, looks like this:

                      |                |          |
                      y                y          x
                     <->             <-->        <0>
                 _.-'   \        _.-'    \      /   `_
                 x       c =>    x        c => a*      y
                <0>             <->                   <0>
               /   \           /   \                 /   \
              a     b         a*    b               b     c

This figure also introduces a new graphical convention.  The change in
subtree a between the first and second diagrams is indicated by an
asterisk (*).(1) In this case, it indicates that the new node was
inserted in subtree a.

The code here is similar to rotate_right() in the solution to
Exercise 4.3-2:

157. <Rotate right at y in AVL tree 157> =
w = x;
y->avl_link[0] = x->avl_link[1];
x->avl_link[1] = y;
x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;
   This code is included in 154 and 531.

Case 2: x has + balance factor

This case is just a little more intricate.  First, let x's right child
be w.  Either w is the new node, or the new node is in one of w's
subtrees.  To restore balance, we rotate left at x, then rotate right
at y (this is a kind of "double rotation").  The process, starting just
after the insertion and showing the results of each rotation, looks
like this:

                         |               |
                         y               y           |
                       <-->            <-->          w
                  __.-'    \         _'    \        <0>
                  x         d       w       d =>   /   \
                 <+>          =>   / \            x     y
                /   \             x   c           ^     ^
               a     w            ^              a b   c d
                     ^           a b
                    b c

At the beginning, the figure does not show the balance factor of w.
This is because there are three possibilities:

*Case 2.1:* w has balance factor 0.
     This means that w is the new node.  a, b, c, and d have height 0.
     After the rotations, x and y have balance factor 0.

*Case 2.2:* w has balance factor -.
     a, b, and d have height h > 0, and c has height h - 1.

*Case 2.3:* w has balance factor +.
     a, c, and d have height h > 0, and b has height h - 1.

158. <Rotate left at x then right at y in AVL tree 158> =
assert (x->avl_balance == +1);
w = x->avl_link[1];
x->avl_link[1] = w->avl_link[0];
w->avl_link[0] = x;
y->avl_link[0] = w->avl_link[1];
w->avl_link[1] = y;
if (w->avl_balance == -1)
  x->avl_balance = 0, y->avl_balance = +1;
else if (w->avl_balance == 0)
  x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;
else /* w->avl_balance == +1 */
  x->avl_balance = -1, y->avl_balance = 0;
w->avl_balance = 0;
   This code is included in 154, 179, 309, 429, and 532.


1. Why can't the new node be x rather than a node in x's subtrees?

2. Why can't x have a 0 balance factor?

3. For each subcase of case 2, draw a figure like that given for generic
case 2 that shows the specific balance factors at each step.

4. Explain the expression z->avl_link[y != z->avl_link[0]] = w in the
second part of <Step 4: Rebalance after AVL insertion 153> above.  Why
would it be a bad idea to substitute the apparent equivalent
z->avl_link[y == z->avl_link[1]] = w?

5. Suppose that we wish to make a copy of an AVL tree, preserving the
original tree's shape, by inserting nodes from the original tree into a
new tree, using avl_probe().  Will inserting the original tree's nodes
in level order (see the answer to Exercise 4.7-4) have the desired

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) A "prime" (') is traditional, but primes are easy to overlook.

5.4.5 Symmetric Case

Finally, we need to write code for the case that we chose not to discuss
earlier, where the insertion occurs in the right subtree of y.  All we
have to do is invert the signs of balance factors and switch avl_link[]
indexes between 0 and 1.  The results are this:

159. <Rebalance AVL tree after insertion in right subtree 159> =
struct avl_node *x = y->avl_link[1];
if (x->avl_balance == +1)
    <Rotate left at y in AVL tree 160>
    <Rotate right at x then left at y in AVL tree 161>
   This code is included in 153 and 164.

160. <Rotate left at y in AVL tree 160> =
w = x;
y->avl_link[1] = x->avl_link[0];
x->avl_link[0] = y;
x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;
   This code is included in 159 and 534.

161. <Rotate right at x then left at y in AVL tree 161> =
assert (x->avl_balance == -1);
w = x->avl_link[0];
x->avl_link[0] = w->avl_link[1];
w->avl_link[1] = x;
y->avl_link[1] = w->avl_link[0];
w->avl_link[0] = y;
if (w->avl_balance == +1)
  x->avl_balance = 0, y->avl_balance = -1;
else if (w->avl_balance == 0)
  x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;
else /* w->avl_balance == -1 */
  x->avl_balance = +1, y->avl_balance = 0;
w->avl_balance = 0;
   This code is included in 159, 176, 312, 430, and 535.

5.4.6 Example

We're done with writing the code.  Now, for clarification, let's run
through an example designed to need lots of rebalancing along the way.
Suppose that, starting with an empty AVL tree, we insert 6, 5, and 4, in
that order.  The first two insertions do not require rebalancing.  After
inserting 4, rebalancing is needed because the balance factor of node 6
would otherwise become -2, an invalid value.  This is case 1, so we
perform a right rotation on 6.  So far, the AVL tree has evolved this

                               6       /      5
                        6 =>  /  =>   5   =>  ^
                             5       /       4 6

If we now insert 1, then 3, a double rotation (case 2.1) becomes
necessary, in which we rotate left at 1, then rotate right at 4:

                               5            5
                   5          / \          / \        5
                  / \        4   6        4   6      / \
                 4   6 =>  _'      =>    /      =>  3   6
                /         1             3           ^
               1           \           /           1 4
                            3         1

Inserting a final item, 2, requires a right rotation (case 1) on 5:

                              _' \        3
                             3    6     _' \
                           _' \     => 1    5
                          1    4        \   ^
                           \             2 4 6

5.4.7 Aside: Recursive Insertion

In previous sections we first looked at recursive approaches because
they were simpler and more elegant than iterative solutions.  As it
happens, the reverse is true for insertion into an AVL tree.  But just
for completeness, we will now design a recursive implementation of

   Our first task in such a design is to figure out what arguments and
return value the recursive core of the insertion function will have.
We'll begin by considering AVL insertion in the abstract.  Our existing
function avl_probe() works by first moving down the tree, from the root
to a leaf, then back up the tree, from leaf to root, as necessary to
adjust balance factors or rebalance.  In the existing iterative
version, down and up movement are implemented by pushing nodes onto and
popping them off from a stack.  In a recursive version, moving down the
tree becomes a recursive call, and moving up the tree becomes a function

   While descending the tree, the important pieces of information are
the tree itself (to allow for comparisons to be made), the current
node, and the data item we're inserting.  The latter two items need to
be modifiable by the function, the former because the tree rooted at the
node may need to be rearranged during a rebalance, and the latter
because of avl_probe()'s return value.

   While ascending the tree, we'll still have access to all of this
information, but, to allow for adjustment of balance factors and
rebalancing, we also need to know whether the subtree visited in a
nested call became taller.  We can use the function's return value for

   Finally, we know to stop moving down and start moving up when we
find a null pointer in the tree, which is the place for the new node to
be inserted.  This suggests itself naturally as the test used to stop
the recursion.

   Here is an outline of a recursive insertion function directly
corresponding to these considerations:

162. <Recursive insertion into AVL tree 162> =
static int
probe (struct avl_table *tree, struct avl_node **p, void ***data)
  struct avl_node *y; /* The current node; shorthand for *p. */

  assert (tree != NULL && p != NULL && data != NULL);

  y = *p;
  if (y == NULL)
      <Found insertion point in recursive AVL insertion 163>
  else /* y != NULL */
      <Move down then up in recursive AVL insertion 164>
   See also 165.

   Parameter p is declared as a double pointer (struct avl_node **) and
data as a triple pointer (void ***).  In both cases, this is because C
passes arguments by value, so that a function modifying one of its
arguments produces no change in the value seen in the caller.  As a
result, to allow a function to modify a scalar, a pointer to it must be
passed as an argument; to modify a pointer, a double pointer must be
passed; to modify a double pointer, a triple pointer must be passed.
This can result in difficult-to-understand code, so it is often
advisable to copy the dereferenced argument into a local variable for
read-only use, as *p is copied into y here.

   When the insertion point is found, a new node is created and a
pointer to it stored into *p.  Because the insertion causes the subtree
to increase in height (from 0 to 1), a value of 1 is then returned:

163. <Found insertion point in recursive AVL insertion 163> =
y = *p = tree->avl_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->avl_alloc, sizeof *y);
if (y == NULL)
    *data = NULL;
    return 0;

y->avl_data = **data;
*data = &y->avl_data;
y->avl_link[0] = y->avl_link[1] = NULL;
y->avl_balance = 0;


return 1;
   This code is included in 162.

   When we're not at the insertion point, we move down, then back up.
Whether to move down to the left or the right depends on the value of
the item to insert relative to the value in the current node y.  Moving
down is the domain of the recursive call to probe().  If the recursive
call doesn't increase the height of a subtree of y, then there's
nothing further to do, so we return immediately.  Otherwise, on the way
back up, it is necessary to at least adjust y's balance factor, and
possibly to rebalance as well.  If only adjustment of the balance
factor is necessary, it is done and the return value is based on
whether this subtree has changed height in the process.  Rebalancing is
accomplished using the same code used in iterative insertion.  A
rebalanced subtree has the same height as before insertion, so the value
returned is 0.  The details are in the code itself:

164. <Move down then up in recursive AVL insertion 164> =
struct avl_node *w; /* New root of this subtree; replaces *p. */
int cmp;

cmp = tree->avl_compare (**data, y->avl_data, tree->avl_param);
if (cmp < 0)
    if (probe (tree, &y->avl_link[0], data) == 0)
      return 0;

    if (y->avl_balance == +1)
        y->avl_balance = 0;
        return 0;
    else if (y->avl_balance == 0)
        y->avl_balance = -1;
        return 1;
        <Rebalance AVL tree after insertion in left subtree 154>
else if (cmp > 0)
    struct avl_node *r; /* Right child of y, for rebalancing. */

    if (probe (tree, &y->avl_link[1], data) == 0)
      return 0;

    if (y->avl_balance == -1)
        y->avl_balance = 0;
        return 0;
    else if (y->avl_balance == 0)
        y->avl_balance = +1;
        return 1;
        <Rebalance AVL tree after insertion in right subtree 159>
else /* cmp == 0 */
    *data = &y->avl_data;
    return 0;

*p = w;
return 0;
   This code is included in 162.

   Finally, we need a wrapper function to start the recursion off
correctly and deal with passing back the results:

165. <Recursive insertion into AVL tree 162> +=
/* Inserts item into tree and returns a pointer to item's address.
   If a duplicate item is found in the tree,
   returns a pointer to the duplicate without inserting item.
   Returns NULL in case of memory allocation failure. */
void **
avl_probe (struct avl_table *tree, void *item)
  void **ret = &item;

  probe (tree, &tree->avl_root, &ret);

  return ret;

5.5 Deletion

Deletion in an AVL tree is remarkably similar to insertion.  The steps
that we go through are analogous:

  1. *Search* for the item to delete.

  2. *Delete* the item.

  3. *Update* balance factors.

  4. *Rebalance* the tree, if necessary.

  5. *Finish up* and return.

   The main difference is that, after a deletion, we may have to
rebalance at more than one level of a tree, starting from the bottom
up.  This is a bit painful, because it means that we have to keep track
of all the nodes that we visit as we search for the node to delete, so
that we can then move back up the tree.  The actual updating of balance
factors and rebalancing steps are similar to those used for insertion.

   The following sections cover deletion from an AVL tree in detail.
Before we get started, here's an outline of the function.

166. <AVL item deletion function 166> =
void *
avl_delete (struct avl_table *tree, const void *item)
  /* Stack of nodes. */
  struct avl_node *pa[AVL_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes. */
  unsigned char da[AVL_MAX_HEIGHT];    /* avl_link[] indexes. */
  int k;                               /* Stack pointer. */

  struct avl_node *p;   /* Traverses tree to find node to delete. */
  int cmp;              /* Result of comparison between item and p. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search AVL tree for item to delete 167>
  <Step 2: Delete item from AVL tree 168>
  <Steps 3-4: Update balance factors and rebalance after AVL deletion 173>
  <Step 5: Finish up and return after AVL deletion 178>
   This code is included in 147.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], pages 473-474; [Pfaff 1998].

5.5.1 Step 1: Search

The only difference between this search and an ordinary search in a BST
is that we have to keep track of the nodes above the one we're
deleting.  We do this by pushing them onto the stack defined above.
Each iteration through the loop compares item to p's data, pushes the
node onto the stack, moves down in the proper direction.  The first
trip through the loop is something of an exception: we hard-code the
comparison result to -1 so that the pseudo-root node is always the
topmost node on the stack.  When we find a match, we set item to the
actual data item found, so that we can return it later.

167. <Step 1: Search AVL tree for item to delete 167> =
k = 0;
p = (struct avl_node *) &tree->avl_root;
for (cmp = -1; cmp != 0;
     cmp = tree->avl_compare (item, p->avl_data, tree->avl_param))
    int dir = cmp > 0;

    pa[k] = p;
    da[k++] = dir;

    p = p->avl_link[dir];
    if (p == NULL)
      return NULL;
item = p->avl_data;
   This code is included in 166 and 222.

5.5.2 Step 2: Delete

At this point, we've identified p as the node to delete.  The node on
the top of the stack, da[k - 1], is p's parent node.  There are the same
three cases we saw in deletion from an ordinary BST (*note Deleting
from a BST::), with the addition of code to copy balance factors and
update the stack.

   The code for selecting cases is the same as for BSTs:

168. <Step 2: Delete item from AVL tree 168> =
if (p->avl_link[1] == NULL)
  { <Case 1 in AVL deletion 170> }
    struct avl_node *r = p->avl_link[1];
    if (r->avl_link[0] == NULL)
        <Case 2 in AVL deletion 171>
        <Case 3 in AVL deletion 172>
   See also 169.
This code is included in 166.

   Regardless of the case, we are in the same situation after the
deletion: node p has been removed from the tree and the stack contains
k nodes at which rebalancing may be necessary.  Later code may change p
to point elsewhere, so we free the node immediately.  A pointer to the
item data has already been saved in item (*note avldelsaveitem::):

169. <Step 2: Delete item from AVL tree 168> +=
tree->avl_alloc->libavl_free (tree->avl_alloc, p);

Case 1: p has no right child

If p has no right child, then we can replace it with its left child,
the same as for BSTs (*note bstdelcase1::).

170. <Case 1 in AVL deletion 170> =
pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = p->avl_link[0];
   This code is included in 168.

Case 2: p's right child has no left child

If p has a right child r, which in turn has no left child, then we
replace p by r, attaching p's left child to r, as we would in an
unbalanced BST (*note bstdelcase2::).  In addition, r acquires p's
balance factor, and r must be added to the stack of nodes above the
deleted node.

171. <Case 2 in AVL deletion 171> =
r->avl_link[0] = p->avl_link[0];
r->avl_balance = p->avl_balance;
pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = r;
da[k] = 1;
pa[k++] = r;
   This code is included in 168.

Case 3: p's right child has a left child

If p's right child has a left child, then this is the third and most
complicated case.  On the other hand, as a modification from the third
case in an ordinary BST deletion (*note bstdelcase3::), it is rather
simple.  We're deleting the inorder successor of p, so we push the
nodes above it onto the stack.  The only trickery is that we do not
know in advance the node that will replace p, so we reserve a spot on
the stack for it (da[j]) and fill it in later:

172. <Case 3 in AVL deletion 172> =
struct avl_node *s;
int j = k++;

for (;;)
    da[k] = 0;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->avl_link[0];
    if (s->avl_link[0] == NULL)

    r = s;

s->avl_link[0] = p->avl_link[0];
r->avl_link[0] = s->avl_link[1];
s->avl_link[1] = p->avl_link[1];
s->avl_balance = p->avl_balance;

pa[j - 1]->avl_link[da[j - 1]] = s;
da[j] = 1;
pa[j] = s;
   This code is included in 168.


1. Write an alternate version of <Case 3 in AVL deletion 172> that
moves data instead of pointers, as in Exercise 4.8-2.

2. Why is it important that the item data was saved earlier?  (Why
couldn't we save it just before freeing the node?)

5.5.3 Step 3: Update Balance Factors

When we updated balance factors in insertion, we were lucky enough to
know in advance which ones we'd need to update.  Moreover, we never
needed to rebalance at more than one level in the tree for any one
insertion.  These two factors conspired in our favor to let us do all
the updating of balance factors at once from the top down.

   Everything is not quite so simple in AVL deletion.  We don't have any
easy way to figure out during the search process which balance factors
will need to be updated, and for that matter we may need to perform
rebalancing at multiple levels.  Our strategy must change.

   This new approach is not fundamentally different from the previous
one.  We work from the bottom up instead of from the top down.  We
potentially look at each of the nodes along the direct path from the
deleted node to the tree's root, starting at pa[k - 1], the parent of
the deleted node.  For each of these nodes, we adjust its balance
factor and possibly perform rebalancing.  After that, if we're lucky,
this was enough to restore the tree's balancing rule, and we are
finished with updating balance factors and rebalancing.  Otherwise, we
look at the next node, repeating the process.

   Here is the loop itself with the details abstracted out:

173. <Steps 3-4: Update balance factors and rebalance after AVL deletion 173> =
assert (k > 0);
while (--k > 0)
    struct avl_node *y = pa[k];

    if (da[k] == 0)
        <Update y's balance factor after left-side AVL deletion 174>
        <Update y's balance factor after right-side AVL deletion 179>
   This code is included in 166.

   The reason this works is the loop invariants.  That is, because each
time we look at a node in order to update its balance factor, the
situation is the same.  In particular, if we're looking at a node
pa[k], then we know that it's because the height of its subtree on side
da[k] decreased, so that the balance factor of node pa[k] needs to be
updated.  The rebalancing operations we choose reflect this invariant:
there are sometimes multiple valid ways to rebalance at a given node
and propagate the results up the tree, but only one way to do this
while maintaining the invariant.  (This is especially true in red-black
trees, for which we will develop code for two possible invariants under
insertion and deletion.)

   Updating the balance factor of a node after deletion from its left
side and right side are symmetric, so we'll discuss only the left-side
case here and construct the code for the right-side case later.
Suppose we have a node y whose left subtree has decreased in height.
In general, this increases its balance factor, because the balance
factor of a node is the height of its right subtree minus the height of
its left subtree.  More specifically, there are three cases, treated
individually below.

Case 1: y has - balance factor

If y started with a - balance factor, then its left subtree was taller
than its right subtree.  Its left subtree has decreased in height, so
the two subtrees must now be the same height and we set y's balance
factor to 0.  This is between -1 and +1, so there is no need to
rebalance at y.  However, binary tree y has itself decreased in height,
so that means that we must rebalance the AVL tree above y as well, so
we continue to the next iteration of the loop.

   The diagram below may help in visualization.  On the left is shown
the original configuration of a subtree, where subtree a has height h
and subtree b has height h - 1.  The height of a nonempty binary tree
is one plus the larger of its subtrees' heights, so tree y has height h
+ 1.  The diagram on the right shows the situation after a node has
been deleted from a, reducing that subtree's height.  The new height of
tree y is (h - 1) + 1 == h.

                            |             |
                            y             y
                           <->           <0>
                          /   \    =>  _'   \
                         a      b     a*      b
                         h     h-1    h-1    h-1

Case 2: y has 0 balance factor

If y started with a 0 balance factor, and its left subtree decreased in
height, then the result is that its right subtree is now taller than its
left subtree, so the new balance factor is +.  However, the overall
height of binary tree y has not changed, so no balance factors above y
need to be changed, and we are done, hence we break to exit the loop.

   Here's the corresponding diagram, similar to the one for the previous
case.  The height of tree y on both sides of the diagram is h + 1,
since y's taller subtree in both cases has height h.

                              |           |
                              y           y
                             <0>         <+>
                            /   \  =>  _'   \
                           a     b    a*     b
                           h     h    h-1    h

Case 3: y has + balance factor

Otherwise, y started with a + balance factor, so the decrease in height
of its left subtree, which was already shorter than its right subtree,
causes a violation of the AVL constraint with a +2 balance factor.  We
need to rebalance.  After rebalancing, we may or may not have to
rebalance further up the tree.

   Here's a diagram of what happens to forcing rebalancing:

                              |            |
                              y            y
                             <+>         <++>
                           _'   \  =>  _'    \
                           a     b    a*      b
                          h-1    h    h-2     h


The implementation is straightforward:

174. <Update y's balance factor after left-side AVL deletion 174> =
if (y->avl_balance == +1)
else if (y->avl_balance == +2)
    <Step 4: Rebalance after AVL deletion 175>
   This code is included in 173.

5.5.4 Step 4: Rebalance

Now we have to write code to rebalance when it becomes necessary.
We'll use rotations to do this, as before.  Again, we'll distinguish
the cases on the basis of x's balance factor, where x is y's right

175. <Step 4: Rebalance after AVL deletion 175> =
struct avl_node *x = y->avl_link[1];
if (x->avl_balance == -1)
    <Left-side rebalancing case 1 in AVL deletion 176>
    <Left-side rebalancing case 2 in AVL deletion 177>
   This code is included in 174.

Case 1: x has - balance factor

If x has a - balance factor, we handle rebalancing in a manner
analogous to case 2 for insertion.  In fact, we reuse the code.  We
rotate right at x, then left at y.  w is the left child of x.  The two
rotations look like this:

                   |                 |
                   y                 y               |
                 <++>              <++>              w
                /    `._          /    `_           <0>
               a         x       a       w    =>   /   \
                        <->   =>        / \       y     x
                       /   \           b   x      ^     ^
                      w     d              ^     a b   c d
                      ^                   c d
                     b c

176. <Left-side rebalancing case 1 in AVL deletion 176> =
struct avl_node *w;
<Rotate right at x then left at y in AVL tree 161>
pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = w;
This code is included in 175.

Case 2: x has + or 0 balance factor

When x's balance factor is +, the needed treatment is analogous to Case
1 for insertion.  We simply rotate left at y and update the pointer to
the subtree, then update balance factors.  The deletion and rebalancing
then look like this:

                 |                |                    |
                 y                y                    x
                <+>             <++>                  <0>
               /   `_          /    `_            _.-'   \
              a       x    => a*       x    =>    y       c
                     <+>              <+>        <0>
                    /   \            /   \      /   \
                   b     c          b     c    a*    b

When x's balance factor is 0, we perform the same rotation, but the
height of the overall subtree does not change, so we're done and can
exit the loop with break.  Here's what the deletion and rebalancing
look like for this subcase:

                 |                |                    |
                 y                y                    x
                <+>             <++>                  <->
               /   `_          /    `_            _.-'   \
              a       x    => a*       x    =>    y       c
                     <0>              <0>        <+>
                    /   \            /   \      /   \
                   b     c          b     c    a*    b

177. <Left-side rebalancing case 2 in AVL deletion 177> =
y->avl_link[1] = x->avl_link[0];
x->avl_link[0] = y;
pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
if (x->avl_balance == 0)
    x->avl_balance = -1;
    y->avl_balance = +1;
  x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;
This code is included in 175.


1. In <Step 4: Rebalance after AVL deletion 175>, we refer to fields in
x, the right child of y, without checking that y has a non-null right
child.  Why can we assume that node x is non-null?

2. Describe the shape of a tree that might require rebalancing at every
level above a particular node.  Give an example.

5.5.5 Step 5: Finish Up

178. <Step 5: Finish up and return after AVL deletion 178> =
return (void *) item;
This code is included in 166.

5.5.6 Symmetric Case

Here's the code for the symmetric case, where the deleted node was in
the right subtree of its parent.

179. <Update y's balance factor after right-side AVL deletion 179> =
if (y->avl_balance == -1)
else if (y->avl_balance == -2)
    struct avl_node *x = y->avl_link[0];
    if (x->avl_balance == +1)
        struct avl_node *w;
        <Rotate left at x then right at y in AVL tree 158>
        pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = w;
        y->avl_link[0] = x->avl_link[1];
        x->avl_link[1] = y;
        pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
        if (x->avl_balance == 0)
            x->avl_balance = +1;
            y->avl_balance = -1;
          x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;
   This code is included in 173.

5.6 Traversal

Traversal is largely unchanged from BSTs.  However, we can be confident
that the tree won't easily exceed the maximum stack height, because of
the AVL balance condition, so we can omit checking for stack overflow.

180. <AVL traversal functions 180> =
<BST traverser refresher; bst => avl 63>
<BST traverser null initializer; bst => avl 65>
<AVL traverser least-item initializer 182>
<AVL traverser greatest-item initializer 183>
<AVL traverser search initializer 184>
<AVL traverser insertion initializer 181>
<BST traverser copy initializer; bst => avl 70>
<AVL traverser advance function 185>
<AVL traverser back up function 186>
<BST traverser current item function; bst => avl 75>
<BST traverser replacement function; bst => avl 76>
   This code is included in 147 and 198.

   We do need to make a new implementation of the insertion traverser
initializer.  Because insertion into an AVL tree is so complicated, we
just write this as a wrapper to avl_probe().  There probably wouldn't
be much of a speed improvement by inlining the code anyhow:

181. <AVL traverser insertion initializer 181> =
void *
avl_t_insert (struct avl_traverser *trav, struct avl_table *tree, void *item)
  void **p;

  assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  p = avl_probe (tree, item);
  if (p != NULL)
      trav->avl_table = tree;
      trav->avl_node =
        ((struct avl_node *)
         ((char *) p - offsetof (struct avl_node, avl_data)));
      trav->avl_generation = tree->avl_generation - 1;
      return *p;
      avl_t_init (trav, tree);
      return NULL;
   This code is included in 180.

   We will present the rest of the modified functions without further

182. <AVL traverser least-item initializer 182> =
void *
avl_t_first (struct avl_traverser *trav, struct avl_table *tree)
  struct avl_node *x;

  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->avl_table = tree;
  trav->avl_height = 0;
  trav->avl_generation = tree->avl_generation;

  x = tree->avl_root;
  if (x != NULL)
    while (x->avl_link[0] != NULL)
        assert (trav->avl_height < AVL_MAX_HEIGHT);
        trav->avl_stack[trav->avl_height++] = x;
        x = x->avl_link[0];
  trav->avl_node = x;

  return x != NULL ? x->avl_data : NULL;
   This code is included in 180.

183. <AVL traverser greatest-item initializer 183> =
void *
avl_t_last (struct avl_traverser *trav, struct avl_table *tree)
  struct avl_node *x;

  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->avl_table = tree;
  trav->avl_height = 0;
  trav->avl_generation = tree->avl_generation;

  x = tree->avl_root;
  if (x != NULL)
    while (x->avl_link[1] != NULL)
        assert (trav->avl_height < AVL_MAX_HEIGHT);
        trav->avl_stack[trav->avl_height++] = x;
        x = x->avl_link[1];
  trav->avl_node = x;

  return x != NULL ? x->avl_data : NULL;
   This code is included in 180.

184. <AVL traverser search initializer 184> =
void *
avl_t_find (struct avl_traverser *trav, struct avl_table *tree, void *item)
  struct avl_node *p, *q;

  assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL);
  trav->avl_table = tree;
  trav->avl_height = 0;
  trav->avl_generation = tree->avl_generation;
  for (p = tree->avl_root; p != NULL; p = q)
      int cmp = tree->avl_compare (item, p->avl_data, tree->avl_param);

      if (cmp < 0)
        q = p->avl_link[0];
      else if (cmp > 0)
        q = p->avl_link[1];
      else /* cmp == 0 */
          trav->avl_node = p;
          return p->avl_data;

      assert (trav->avl_height < AVL_MAX_HEIGHT);
      trav->avl_stack[trav->avl_height++] = p;

  trav->avl_height = 0;
  trav->avl_node = NULL;
  return NULL;
   This code is included in 180.

185. <AVL traverser advance function 185> =
void *
avl_t_next (struct avl_traverser *trav)
  struct avl_node *x;

  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->avl_generation != trav->avl_table->avl_generation)
    trav_refresh (trav);

  x = trav->avl_node;
  if (x == NULL)
      return avl_t_first (trav, trav->avl_table);
  else if (x->avl_link[1] != NULL)
      assert (trav->avl_height < AVL_MAX_HEIGHT);
      trav->avl_stack[trav->avl_height++] = x;
      x = x->avl_link[1];

      while (x->avl_link[0] != NULL)
          assert (trav->avl_height < AVL_MAX_HEIGHT);
          trav->avl_stack[trav->avl_height++] = x;
          x = x->avl_link[0];
      struct avl_node *y;

          if (trav->avl_height == 0)
              trav->avl_node = NULL;
              return NULL;

          y = x;
          x = trav->avl_stack[--trav->avl_height];
      while (y == x->avl_link[1]);
  trav->avl_node = x;

  return x->avl_data;
   This code is included in 180.

186. <AVL traverser back up function 186> =
void *
avl_t_prev (struct avl_traverser *trav)
  struct avl_node *x;

  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->avl_generation != trav->avl_table->avl_generation)
    trav_refresh (trav);

  x = trav->avl_node;
  if (x == NULL)
      return avl_t_last (trav, trav->avl_table);
  else if (x->avl_link[0] != NULL)
      assert (trav->avl_height < AVL_MAX_HEIGHT);
      trav->avl_stack[trav->avl_height++] = x;
      x = x->avl_link[0];

      while (x->avl_link[1] != NULL)
          assert (trav->avl_height < AVL_MAX_HEIGHT);
          trav->avl_stack[trav->avl_height++] = x;
          x = x->avl_link[1];
      struct avl_node *y;

          if (trav->avl_height == 0)
              trav->avl_node = NULL;
              return NULL;

          y = x;
          x = trav->avl_stack[--trav->avl_height];
      while (y == x->avl_link[0]);
  trav->avl_node = x;

  return x->avl_data;
   This code is included in 180.


1. Explain the meaning of this ugly expression, used in avl_t_insert():

    (struct avl_node *) ((char *) p - offsetof (struct avl_node, avl_data))

5.7 Copying

Copying an AVL tree is similar to copying a BST.  The only important
difference is that we have to copy the AVL balance factor between nodes
as well as node data.  We don't check our stack height here, either.

187. <AVL copy function 187> =
<BST copy error helper function; bst => avl 83>

struct avl_table *
avl_copy (const struct avl_table *org, avl_copy_func *copy,
          avl_item_func *destroy, struct libavl_allocator *allocator)
  struct avl_node *stack[2 * (AVL_MAX_HEIGHT + 1)];
  int height = 0;

  struct avl_table *new;
  const struct avl_node *x;
  struct avl_node *y;

  assert (org != NULL);
  new = avl_create (org->avl_compare, org->avl_param,
                    allocator != NULL ? allocator : org->avl_alloc);
  if (new == NULL)
    return NULL;
  new->avl_count = org->avl_count;
  if (new->avl_count == 0)
    return new;

  x = (const struct avl_node *) &org->avl_root;
  y = (struct avl_node *) &new->avl_root;
  for (;;)
      while (x->avl_link[0] != NULL)
          assert (height < 2 * (AVL_MAX_HEIGHT + 1));

          y->avl_link[0] =
            new->avl_alloc->libavl_malloc (new->avl_alloc,
                                           sizeof *y->avl_link[0]);
          if (y->avl_link[0] == NULL)
              if (y != (struct avl_node *) &new->avl_root)
                  y->avl_data = NULL;
                  y->avl_link[1] = NULL;

              copy_error_recovery (stack, height, new, destroy);
              return NULL;

          stack[height++] = (struct avl_node *) x;
          stack[height++] = y;
          x = x->avl_link[0];
          y = y->avl_link[0];
      y->avl_link[0] = NULL;

      for (;;)
          y->avl_balance = x->avl_balance;
          if (copy == NULL)
            y->avl_data = x->avl_data;
              y->avl_data = copy (x->avl_data, org->avl_param);
              if (y->avl_data == NULL)
                  y->avl_link[1] = NULL;
                  copy_error_recovery (stack, height, new, destroy);
                  return NULL;

          if (x->avl_link[1] != NULL)
              y->avl_link[1] =
                new->avl_alloc->libavl_malloc (new->avl_alloc,
                                               sizeof *y->avl_link[1]);
              if (y->avl_link[1] == NULL)
                  copy_error_recovery (stack, height, new, destroy);
                  return NULL;

              x = x->avl_link[1];
              y = y->avl_link[1];
            y->avl_link[1] = NULL;

          if (height <= 2)
            return new;

          y = stack[--height];
          x = stack[--height];
   This code is included in 147 and 198.

5.8 Testing

Our job isn't done until we can demonstrate that our code works.  We'll
do this with a test program built using the framework from the previous
chapter (*note Testing BST Functions::).  All we have to do is produce
functions for AVL trees that correspond to each of those in <bst-test.c
99>.  This just involves making small changes to the functions used
there.  They are presented below without additional comment.

188. <avl-test.c 188> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "avl.h"
#include "test.h"

<BST print function; bst => avl 120>
<BST traverser check function; bst => avl 105>
<Compare two AVL trees for structure and content 189>
<Recursively verify AVL tree structure 190>
<AVL tree verify function 192>
<BST test function; bst => avl 101>
<BST overflow test function; bst => avl 123>

189. <Compare two AVL trees for structure and content 189> =
static int
compare_trees (struct avl_node *a, struct avl_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      assert (a == NULL && b == NULL);
      return 1;

  if (*(int *) a->avl_data != *(int *) b->avl_data
      || ((a->avl_link[0] != NULL) != (b->avl_link[0] != NULL))
      || ((a->avl_link[1] != NULL) != (b->avl_link[1] != NULL))
      || a->avl_balance != b->avl_balance)
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d (bal=%d) b=%d (bal=%d) a:",
              *(int *) a->avl_data, a->avl_balance,
              *(int *) b->avl_data, b->avl_balance);

      if (a->avl_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l");
      if (a->avl_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->avl_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l");
      if (b->avl_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  okay = 1;
  if (a->avl_link[0] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->avl_link[0], b->avl_link[0]);
  if (a->avl_link[1] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->avl_link[1], b->avl_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 188.

190. <Recursively verify AVL tree structure 190> =
/* Examines the binary tree rooted at node.
   Zeroes *okay if an error occurs.
   Otherwise, does not modify *okay.
   Sets *count to the number of nodes in that tree,
   including node itself if node != NULL.
   Sets *height to the tree's height.
   All the nodes in the tree are verified to be at least min
   but no greater than max. */
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct avl_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max, int *height)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */
  int subheight[2];     /* Heights of subtrees. */

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
      *height = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->avl_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  recurse_verify_tree (node->avl_link[0], okay, &subcount[0],
                       min, d -  1, &subheight[0]);
  recurse_verify_tree (node->avl_link[1], okay, &subcount[1],
                       d + 1, max, &subheight[1]);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
  *height = 1 + (subheight[0] > subheight[1] ? subheight[0] : subheight[1]);

  <Verify AVL node balance factor 191>
   This code is included in 188.

191. <Verify AVL node balance factor 191> =
if (subheight[1] - subheight[0] != node->avl_balance)
    printf (" Balance factor of node %d is %d, but should be %d.\n",
            d, node->avl_balance, subheight[1] - subheight[0]);
    *okay = 0;
else if (node->avl_balance < -1 || node->avl_balance > +1)
    printf (" Balance factor of node %d is %d.\n", d, node->avl_balance);
    *okay = 0;
   This code is included in 190, 334, 453, and 552.

192. <AVL tree verify function 192> =
static int
verify_tree (struct avl_table *tree, int array[], size_t n)
  int okay = 1;

  <Check tree->bst_count is correct; bst => avl 111>

  if (okay)
      <Check AVL tree structure 193>

  if (okay)
      <Check that the tree contains all the elements it should; bst => avl 116>

  if (okay)
      <Check that forward traversal works; bst => avl 117>

  if (okay)
      <Check that backward traversal works; bst => avl 118>

  if (okay)
      <Check that traversal from the null element works; bst => avl 119>

  return okay;
   This code is included in 188, 332, 451, and 550.

193. <Check AVL tree structure 193> =
/* Recursively verify tree structure. */
size_t count;
int height;

recurse_verify_tree (tree->avl_root, &okay, &count,
                     0, INT_MAX, &height);
<Check counted nodes 113>
   This code is included in 192.

6 Red-Black Trees

The last chapter saw us implementing a library for one particular type
of balanced trees.  Red-black trees were invented by R. Bayer and
studied at length by L. J. Guibas and R. Sedgewick.  This chapter will
implement a library for another kind of balanced tree, called a
"red-black tree".  For brevity, we'll often abbreviate "red-black" to

   Insertion and deletion operations on red-black trees are more complex
to describe or to code than the same operations on AVL trees.
Red-black trees also have a higher maximum height than AVL trees for a
given number of nodes.  The primary advantage of red-black trees is
that, in AVL trees, deleting one node from a tree containing n nodes
may require log2 (n) rotations, but deletion in a red-black tree never
requires more than three rotations.

   The functions for RB trees in this chapter are analogous to those
that we developed for use with AVL trees in the previous chapter.
Here's an outline of the red-black code:

194. <rb.h 194> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef RB_H
#define RB_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => rb 15>
<RB maximum height 197>
<BST table structure; bst => rb 28>
<RB node structure 196>
<BST traverser structure; bst => rb 62>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => rb 16>

#endif /* rb.h */

195. <rb.c 195> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rb.h"

<RB functions 198>

See also:  [Cormen 1990], chapter 14, "Chapter notes."

6.1 Balancing Rule

To most clearly express the red-black balancing rule, we need a few new
vocabulary terms.  First, define a "non-branching node" as a node that
does not "branch" the binary tree in different directions, i.e., a node
with exactly zero or one children.

   Second, a "path" is a list of one or more nodes in a binary tree
where every node in the list (except the last node, of course) is
"adjacent" in the tree to the one after it.  Two nodes in a tree are
considered to be adjacent for this purpose if one is the child of the
other.  Furthermore, a "simple path" is a path that does not contain
any given node more than once.

   Finally, a node p is a "descendant" of a second node q if both p and
q are the same node, or if p is located in one of the subtrees of q.

   With these definitions in mind, a red-black tree is a binary search
tree in which every node has been labeled with a "color", either "red"
or "black", with those colors distributed according to these two simple
rules, which are called the "red-black balancing rules" and often
referenced by number:

  1. No red node has a red child.

  2. Every simple path from a given node to one of its non-branching
     node descendants contains the same number of black nodes.

   Any binary search tree that conforms to these rules is a red-black
tree.  Additionally, all red-black trees in libavl share a simple
additional property: their roots are black.  This property is not
essential, but it does slightly simplify insertion and deletion

   To aid in digestion of all these definitions, here are some red-black
trees that might be produced by libavl:

             4                                        1
            <b>                   4                  <b>
    ___..--'   \                 <b>               _'   `---...___
    1            5         __..-'   `._            0               6
   <r>          <b>        3            6         <b>             <r>
 _'   `._                 <b>          <b>                  __..-'   \
 0        3             _'   \       _'   \                 4          7
<b>      <b>            1      2     5      7              <b>        <b>
       _'              <r>    <r>   <r>    <r>           _'   \
       2                                                 3      5
      <r>                                               <r>    <r>

In this book, black nodes are marked `b' and red nodes marked `r', as
shown here.

   The three colored BSTs below are *not* red-black trees.  The one on
the left violates rule 1, because red node 2 is a child of red node 4.
The one in the middle violates rule 2, because one path from the root
has two black nodes (4-2-3) and the other paths from the root down to a
non-branching node (4-2-1, 4-5, 4-5-6) have only one black node.  The
one on the right violates rule 2, because the path consisting of only
node 1 has only one black node but path 1-2 has two black nodes.

                     4                    4
                    <r>                  <r>             1
              __..-'   \           __..-'   \           <b>
              2          5         2          5            \
             <r>        <b>       <b>        <b>             2
           _'   \               _'   \          \           <b>
           1      3             1      3          6
          <b>    <b>           <r>    <b>        <r>

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 14.1; [Sedgewick 1998], definitions
13.3 and 13.4.


*1. A red-black tree contains only black nodes.  Describe the tree's

2. Suppose that a red-black tree's root is red.  How can it be
transformed into a equivalent red-black tree with a black root?  Does a
similar procedure work for changing a RB's root from black to red?

3. Suppose we have a perfectly balanced red-black tree with exactly pow
(2, n) - 1 nodes and a black root.  Is it possible there is another way
to arrange colors in a tree of the same shape that obeys the red-black
rules while keeping the root black?  Is it possible if we drop the
requirement that the tree be balanced?

6.1.1 Analysis

As we were for AVL trees, we're interested in what the red-black
balancing rule guarantees about performance.  Again, we'll simply state
the results:

     A red-black tree with n nodes has height at least log2 (n + 1) but
     no more than 2 * log2 (n + 1).  A red-black tree with height h has
     at least pow (2, h / 2) - 1 nodes but no more than pow (2, h) - 1.

     For comparison, an optimally balanced BST with n nodes has height
     ceil (log2 (n + 1)).  An optimally balanced BST with height h has
     between pow (2, h - 1) and pow (2, h) - 1 nodes.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], lemma 14.1; [Sedgewick 1998], property 13.8.

6.2 Data Types

Red-black trees need their own data structure.  Otherwise, there's no
appropriate place to store each node's color.  Here's a C type for a
color and a structure for an RB node, using the rb_ prefix that we've
adopted for this module:

196. <RB node structure 196> =
/* Color of a red-black node. */
enum rb_color
    RB_BLACK,   /* Black. */
    RB_RED      /* Red. */

/* A red-black tree node. */
struct rb_node
    struct rb_node *rb_link[2];   /* Subtrees. */
    void *rb_data;                /* Pointer to data. */
    unsigned char rb_color;       /* Color. */
   This code is included in 194.

   The maximum height for an RB tree is higher than for an AVL tree,
because in the worst case RB trees store nodes less efficiently:

197. <RB maximum height 197> =
/* Maximum RB height. */
#define RB_MAX_HEIGHT 128
   This code is included in 194, 335, 454, and 553.

   The other data structures for RB trees are the same as for BSTs or
AVL trees.


1. Why is it okay to have both an enumeration type and a structure
member named rb_color?

6.3 Operations

Now we'll implement for RB trees all the operations that we did for
BSTs.  Everything but the insertion and deletion function can be
borrowed either from our BST or AVL tree functions.  The copy function
is an unusual case: we need it to copy colors, instead of balance
factors, between nodes, so we replace avl_balance by rb_color in the
macro expansion.

198. <RB functions 198> =
<BST creation function; bst => rb 31>
<BST search function; bst => rb 32>
<RB item insertion function 199>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => rb 594>
<RB item deletion function 222>
<AVL traversal functions; avl => rb 180>
<AVL copy function; avl => rb; avl_balance => rb_color 187>
<BST destruction function; bst => rb 85>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => rb 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => rb 596>
   This code is included in 195.

6.4 Insertion

The steps for insertion into a red-black tree are similar to those for
insertion into an AVL tree:

  1. *Search* for the location to insert the new item.

  2. *Insert* the item.

  3. *Rebalance* the tree as necessary to satisfy the red-black balance

   Red-black node colors don't need to be updated in the way that AVL
balance factors do, so there is no separate step for updating colors.

   Here's the outline of the function, expressed as code:

199. <RB item insertion function 199> =
void **
rb_probe (struct rb_table *tree, void *item)
  <rb_probe() local variables 200>

  <Step 1: Search RB tree for insertion point 201>
  <Step 2: Insert RB node 202>
  <Step 3: Rebalance after RB insertion 203>

  return &n->rb_data;
   This code is included in 198.

200. <rb_probe() local variables 200> =
struct rb_node *pa[RB_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes on stack. */
unsigned char da[RB_MAX_HEIGHT];   /* Directions moved from stack nodes. */
int k;                             /* Stack height. */

struct rb_node *p; /* Traverses tree looking for insertion point. */
struct rb_node *n; /* Newly inserted node. */

assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);
   This code is included in 34, 199, and 212.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 14.3; [Sedgewick 1998], program 13.6.

6.4.1 Step 1: Search

The first thing to do is to search for the point to insert the new
node.  In a manner similar to AVL deletion, we keep a stack of nodes
tracking the path followed to arrive at the insertion point, so that
later we can move up the tree in rebalancing.

201. <Step 1: Search RB tree for insertion point 201> =
pa[0] = (struct rb_node *) &tree->rb_root;
da[0] = 0;
k = 1;
for (p = tree->rb_root; p != NULL; p = p->rb_link[da[k - 1]])
    int cmp = tree->rb_compare (item, p->rb_data, tree->rb_param);
    if (cmp == 0)
      return &p->rb_data;

    pa[k] = p;
    da[k++] = cmp > 0;
   This code is included in 199 and 212.

6.4.2 Step 2: Insert

202. <Step 2: Insert RB node 202> =
n = pa[k - 1]->rb_link[da[k - 1]] =
  tree->rb_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->rb_alloc, sizeof *n);
if (n == NULL)
  return NULL;

n->rb_data = item;
n->rb_link[0] = n->rb_link[1] = NULL;
n->rb_color = RB_RED;
This code is included in 199 and 212.


1. Why are new nodes colored red, instead of black?

6.4.3 Step 3: Rebalance

The code in step 2 that inserts a node always colors the new node red.
This means that rule 2 is always satisfied afterward (as long as it was
satisfied before we began).  On the other hand, rule 1 is broken if the
newly inserted node's parent was red.  In this latter case we must
rearrange or recolor the BST so that it is again an RB tree.

   This is what rebalancing does.  At each step in rebalancing, we have
the invariant that we just colored a node p red and that p's parent,
the node at the top of the stack, is also red, a rule 1 violation.  The
rebalancing step may either clear up the violation entirely, without
introducing any other violations, in which case we are done, or, if
that is not possible, it reduces the violation to a similar violation
of rule 1 higher up in the tree, in which case we go around again.

   In no case can we allow the rebalancing step to introduce a rule 2
violation, because the loop is not prepared to repair that kind of
problem: it does not fit the invariant.  If we allowed rule 2
violations to be introduced, we would have to write additional code to
recognize and repair those violations.  This extra code would be a
waste of space, because we can do just fine without it.  (Incidentally,
there is nothing magical about using a rule 1 violation as our
rebalancing invariant.  We could use a rule 2 violation as our
invariant instead, and in fact we will later write an alternate
implementation that does that, in order to show how it would be done.)

   Here is the rebalancing loop.  At each rebalancing step, it checks
that we have a rule 1 violation by checking the color of pa[k - 1], the
node on the top of the stack, and then divides into two cases, one for
rebalancing an insertion in pa[k - 1]'s left subtree and a symmetric
case for the right subtree.  After rebalancing it recolors the root of
the tree black just in case the loop changed it to red:

203. <Step 3: Rebalance after RB insertion 203> =
while (k >= 3 && pa[k - 1]->rb_color == RB_RED)
    if (da[k - 2] == 0)
        <Left-side rebalancing after RB insertion 204>
        <Right-side rebalancing after RB insertion 208>
tree->rb_root->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
   This code is included in 199.

   Now for the real work.  We'll look at the left-side insertion case
only.  Consider the node that was just recolored red in the last
rebalancing step, or if this is the first rebalancing step, the newly
inserted node n.  The code does not name this node, but we will refer
to it here as q.  We know that q is red and, because the loop condition
was met, that its parent pa[k - 1] is red.  Therefore, due to rule 1,
q's grandparent, pa[k - 2], must be black.  After this, we have three
cases, distinguished by the following code:

204. <Left-side rebalancing after RB insertion 204> =
struct rb_node *y = pa[k - 2]->rb_link[1];
if (y != NULL && y->rb_color == RB_RED)
    <Case 1 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing 205>
    struct rb_node *x;

    if (da[k - 1] == 0)
      y = pa[k - 1];
        <Case 3 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing 207>

    <Case 2 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing 206>
   This code is included in 203.

Case 1: q's uncle is red

If q has an "uncle" y, that is, its grandparent has a child on the side
opposite q, and y is red, then rearranging the tree's color scheme is
all that needs to be done, like this:

                       |                                 |
                    pa[k-2]                           pa[k-2]
                      <b>                               <r>
            ___..--'       `_                 ___..--'       `_
           pa[k-1]            y              pa[k-1]            y
             <r>             <r>   =>          <b>             <b>
       _.-'       \         /   \        _.-'       \         /   \
       q           c       d     e       q           c       d     e
      <r>                               <r>
     /   \                             /   \
    a     b                           a     b

Notice the neat way that this preserves the "black-height", or the
number of black nodes in any simple path from a given node down to a
node with 0 or 1 children, at pa[k - 2].  This ensures that rule 2 is
not violated.

   After the transformation, if node pa[k - 2]'s parent exists and is
red, then we have to move up the tree and try again.  The while loop
condition takes care of this test, so adjusting the stack is all that
has to be done in this code segment:

205. <Case 1 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing 205> =
pa[k - 1]->rb_color = y->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
pa[k - 2]->rb_color = RB_RED;
k -= 2;
   This code is included in 204, 209, 344, and 464.

Case 2: q is the left child of pa[k - 1]

If q is the left child of its parent, then we can perform a right
rotation at q's grandparent, which we'll call x, and recolor a couple
of nodes.  Then we're all done, because we've satisfied both rules.
Here's a diagram of what's happened:

                             pa[k-2],x              |
                                <b>                 y
                   ___...---'         \            <b>
                  pa[k-1],y            d       _.-'   `_
                     <r>                 =>    q         x
              _.-'         \                  <r>       <r>
              q             c                /   \     /   \
             <r>                            a     b   c     d
            /   \
           a     b

There's no need to progress farther up the tree, because neither the
subtree's black-height nor its root's color have changed.  Here's the
corresponding code.  Bear in mind that the break statement is in the
enclosing code segment:

206. <Case 2 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing 206> =
x = pa[k - 2];
x->rb_color = RB_RED;
y->rb_color = RB_BLACK;

x->rb_link[0] = y->rb_link[1];
y->rb_link[1] = x;
pa[k - 3]->rb_link[da[k - 3]] = y;
   This code is included in 204, 345, and 466.

Case 3: q is the right child of pa[k - 1]

The final case, where q is a right child, is really just a small
variant of case 2, so we can handle it by transforming it into case 2
and sharing code for that case.  To transform case 2 to case 3, we just
rotate left at q's parent, which is then treated as q.

   The diagram below shows the transformation from case 3 into case 2.
After this transformation, x is relabeled q and y's parent is labeled
x, then rebalancing continues as shown in the diagram for case 2, with
the exception that pa[k - 1] is not updated to correspond to y as shown
in that diagram.  That's okay because variable y has already been set
to point to the proper node.

                                 |                      |
                              pa[k-2]                  <b>
                                <b>                _.-'   \
               _____.....----'       \             y       d
              pa[k-1],x               d           <r>
                 <r>                    =>    _.-'   \
             /         `_                     x       c
            a            q,y                 <r>
                         <r>                /   \
                        /   \              a     b
                       b     c

207. <Case 3 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing 207> =
x = pa[k - 1];
y = x->rb_link[1];
x->rb_link[1] = y->rb_link[0];
y->rb_link[0] = x;
pa[k - 2]->rb_link[0] = y;
This code is included in 204, 346, and 468.


1. Why is the test k >= 3 on the while loop valid?  (Hint: read the
code for step 4, below, first.)

2. Consider rebalancing case 2 and, in particular, what would happen if
the root of subtree d were red.  Wouldn't the rebalancing
transformation recolor x as red and thus cause a rule 1 violation?

6.4.4 Symmetric Case

208. <Right-side rebalancing after RB insertion 208> =
struct rb_node *y = pa[k - 2]->rb_link[0];
if (y != NULL && y->rb_color == RB_RED)
    <Case 1 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing 209>
    struct rb_node *x;

    if (da[k - 1] == 1)
      y = pa[k - 1];
        <Case 3 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing 211>

    <Case 2 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing 210>
This code is included in 203.

209. <Case 1 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing 209> =
<Case 1 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing 205>
   This code is included in 208, 348, and 465.

210. <Case 2 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing 210> =
x = pa[k - 2];
x->rb_color = RB_RED;
y->rb_color = RB_BLACK;

x->rb_link[1] = y->rb_link[0];
y->rb_link[0] = x;
pa[k - 3]->rb_link[da[k - 3]] = y;
   This code is included in 208, 349, and 467.

211. <Case 3 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing 211> =
x = pa[k - 1];
y = x->rb_link[0];
x->rb_link[0] = y->rb_link[1];
y->rb_link[1] = x;
pa[k - 2]->rb_link[1] = y;
   This code is included in 208, 350, and 469.

6.4.5 Aside: Initial Black Insertion

The traditional algorithm for insertion in an RB tree colors new nodes
red.  This is a good choice, because it often means that no rebalancing
is necessary, but it is not the only possible choice.  This section
implements an alternate algorithm for insertion into an RB tree that
colors new nodes black.

   The outline is the same as for initial-red insertion.  We change the
newly inserted node from red to black and replace the rebalancing

212. <RB item insertion function, initial black 212> =
void **
rb_probe (struct rb_table *tree, void *item)
  <rb_probe() local variables 200>

  <Step 1: Search RB tree for insertion point 201>
  <Step 2: Insert RB node; RB_RED => RB_BLACK 202>
  <Step 3: Rebalance after initial-black RB insertion 213>

  return &n->rb_data;

   The remaining task is to devise the rebalancing algorithm.
Rebalancing is always necessary, unless the tree was empty before
insertion, because insertion of a black node into a nonempty tree
always violates rule 2.  Thus, our invariant is that we have a rule 2
violation to fix.

   More specifically, the invariant, as implemented, is that at the top
of each trip through the loop, stack pa[] contains the chain of
ancestors of a node that is the black root of a subtree whose
black-height is 1 more than it should be.  We give that node the name
q.  There is one easy rebalancing special case: if node q has a black
parent, we can just recolor q as red, and we're done.  Here's the loop:

213. <Step 3: Rebalance after initial-black RB insertion 213> =
while (k >= 2)
    struct rb_node *q = pa[k - 1]->rb_link[da[k - 1]];

    if (pa[k - 1]->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
        q->rb_color = RB_RED;

    if (da[k - 2] == 0)
        <Left-side rebalancing after initial-black RB insertion 214>
        <Right-side rebalancing after initial-black RB insertion 218>
   This code is included in 212.

   Consider rebalancing where insertion was on the left side of q's
grandparent.  We know that q is black and its parent pa[k - 1] is red.
Then, we can divide rebalancing into three cases, described below in
detail.  (For additional insight, compare these cases to the
corresponding cases for initial-red insertion.)

214. <Left-side rebalancing after initial-black RB insertion 214> =
struct rb_node *y = pa[k - 2]->rb_link[1];

if (y != NULL && y->rb_color == RB_RED)
    <Case 1 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 215>
    struct rb_node *x;

    if (da[k - 1] == 0)
      y = pa[k - 1];
        <Case 3 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 217>

    <Case 2 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 216>
   This code is included in 213.

Case 1: q's uncle is red

If q has an red "uncle" y, then we recolor q red and pa[k - 1] and y
black.  This fixes the immediate problem, making the black-height of q
equal to its sibling's, but increases the black-height of pa[k - 2], so
we must repeat the rebalancing process farther up the tree:

                       |                                 |
                    pa[k-2]                           pa[k-2]
                      <b>                               <b>
            ___..--'       `_                 ___..--'       `_
           pa[k-1]            y              pa[k-1]            y
             <r>             <r>   =>          <b>             <b>
       _.-'       \         /   \        _.-'       \         /   \
       q           c       d     e       q           c       d     e
      <b>                               <r>
     /   \                             /   \
    a     b                           a     b

215. <Case 1 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 215> =
pa[k - 1]->rb_color = y->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
q->rb_color = RB_RED;
k -= 2;
This code is included in 214 and 219.

Case 2: q is the left child of pa[k - 1]

If q is a left child, then call q's parent y and its grandparent x,
rotate right at x, and recolor q, y, and x.  The effect is that the
black-heights of all three subtrees is the same as before q was
inserted, so we're done, and break out of the loop.

                             pa[k-2],x              |
                                <b>                 y
                   ___...---'         \            <b>
                  pa[k-1],y            d       _.-'   `_
                     <r>                 =>    q         x
              _.-'         \                  <r>       <r>
              q             c                /   \     /   \
             <b>                            a     b   c     d
            /   \
           a     b

216. <Case 2 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 216> =
x = pa[k - 2];
x->rb_color = q->rb_color = RB_RED;
y->rb_color = RB_BLACK;

x->rb_link[0] = y->rb_link[1];
y->rb_link[1] = x;
pa[k - 3]->rb_link[da[k - 3]] = y;
This code is included in 214.

Case 3: q is the right child of pa[k - 1]

If q is a right child, then we rotate left at its parent, which we here
call x.  The result is in the form for application of case 2, so after
the rotation, we relabel the nodes to be consistent with that case.

                               |                        |
                            pa[k-2]                  pa[k-2]
                              <b>                      <b>
             _____.....----'       \             _.-'       \
            pa[k-1],x               d            q           d
               <r>                    =>        <b>
           /         `_                     _.-'   \
          a             q                   x       c
                       <b>                 <r>
                      /   \               /   \
                     b     c             a     b

217. <Case 3 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 217> =
x = pa[k - 1];
y = pa[k - 2]->rb_link[0] = q;
x->rb_link[1] = y->rb_link[0];
q = y->rb_link[0] = x;
This code is included in 214. Symmetric Case

218. <Right-side rebalancing after initial-black RB insertion 218> =
struct rb_node *y = pa[k - 2]->rb_link[0];

if (y != NULL && y->rb_color == RB_RED)
    <Case 1 in right-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 219>
    struct rb_node *x;

    if (da[k - 1] == 1)
      y = pa[k - 1];
        <Case 3 in right-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 221>

    <Case 2 in right-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 220>
This code is included in 213.

219. <Case 1 in right-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 219> =
<Case 1 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 215>
   This code is included in 218.

220. <Case 2 in right-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 220> =
x = pa[k - 2];
x->rb_color = q->rb_color = RB_RED;
y->rb_color = RB_BLACK;

x->rb_link[1] = y->rb_link[0];
y->rb_link[0] = x;
pa[k - 3]->rb_link[da[k - 3]] = y;
   This code is included in 218.

221. <Case 3 in right-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing 221> =
x = pa[k - 1];
y = pa[k - 2]->rb_link[1] = q;
x->rb_link[0] = y->rb_link[1];
q = y->rb_link[1] = x;
   This code is included in 218.

6.5 Deletion

The process of deletion from an RB tree is very much in line with the
other algorithms for balanced trees that we've looked at already.  This
time, the steps are:

  1. *Search* for the item to delete.

  2. *Delete* the item.

  3. *Rebalance* the tree as necessary.

  4. *Finish up* and return.

   Here's an outline of the code.  Step 1 is already done for us,
because we can reuse the search code from AVL deletion.

222. <RB item deletion function 222> =
void *
rb_delete (struct rb_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct rb_node *pa[RB_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes on stack. */
  unsigned char da[RB_MAX_HEIGHT];   /* Directions moved from stack nodes. */
  int k;                             /* Stack height. */

  struct rb_node *p;    /* The node to delete, or a node part way to it. */
  int cmp;              /* Result of comparison between item and p. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search AVL tree for item to delete; avl => rb 167>
  <Step 2: Delete item from RB tree 223>
  <Step 3: Rebalance tree after RB deletion 227>
  <Step 4: Finish up after RB deletion 234>
   This code is included in 198.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 14.4.

6.5.1 Step 2: Delete

At this point, p is the node to be deleted and the stack contains all
of the nodes on the simple path from the tree's root down to p.  The
immediate task is to delete p.  We break deletion down into the
familiar three cases (*note Deleting from a BST::), but before we dive
into the code, let's think about the situation.

   In red-black insertion, we were able to limit the kinds of violation
that could occur to rule 1 or rule 2, at our option, by choosing the
new node's color.  No such luxury is available in deletion, because
colors have already been assigned to all of the nodes.  In fact, a
naive approach to deletion can lead to multiple violations in widely
separated parts of a tree.  Consider the effects of deletion of node 3
from the following red-black tree tree, supposing that it is a subtree
of some larger tree:

                       __..-'   `----...._____
                       1                       8
                      <b>                     <b>
                    _'   \              __..-'   \
                    0      2            6          9
                   <b>    <b>          <r>        <b>
                                 __..-'   \
                                 4          7
                                <b>        <b>

If we performed this deletion in a literal-minded fashion, we would end
up with the tree below, with the following violations: rule 1, between
node 6 and its child; rule 2, at node 6; rule 2, at node 4, because the
black-height of the subtree as a whole has increased (ignoring the rule
2 violation at node 6); and rule 1, at node 4, only if the subtree's
parent is red.  The result is difficult to rebalance in general because
we have two problem areas to deal with, one at node 4, one at node 6.

                         __..-'   `---...___
                         1                   8
                        <b>                 <b>
                      _'   \          __..-'   \
                      0      2        6          9
                     <b>    <b>      <r>        <b>
                                   _'   \
                                   5      7
                                  <r>    <b>

Fortunately, we can make things easier for ourselves.  We can eliminate
the problem area at node 4 simply by recoloring it red, the same color
as the node it replaced, as shown below.  Then all we have to deal with
are the violations at node 6:

                         __..-'   `---...___
                         1                   8
                        <b>                 <b>
                      _'   \          __..-'   \
                      0      2        6          9
                     <b>    <b>      <r>        <b>
                                   _'   \
                                   5      7
                                  <r>    <b>

This idea holds in general.  So, when we replace the deleted node p by
a different node q, we set q's color to p's.  Besides that, as an
implementation detail, we need to keep track of the color of the node
that was moved, i.e., node q's former color.  We do this here by saving
it temporarily in p.  In other words, when we replace one node by
another during deletion, we swap their colors.

   Now we know enough to begin the implementation.  While reading this
code, keep in mind that after deletion, regardless of the case
selected, the stack contains a list of the nodes where rebalancing may
be required, and da[k - 1] indicates the side of pa[k - 1] from which a
node of color p->rb_color was deleted.  Here's an outline of the meat
of the code:

223. <Step 2: Delete item from RB tree 223> =
if (p->rb_link[1] == NULL)
  { <Case 1 in RB deletion 224> }
    enum rb_color t;
    struct rb_node *r = p->rb_link[1];

    if (r->rb_link[0] == NULL)
        <Case 2 in RB deletion 225>
        <Case 3 in RB deletion 226>
   This code is included in 222.

Case 1: p has no right child

In case 1, p has no right child, so we replace it by its left subtree.
As a very special case, there is no need to do any swapping of colors
(see Exercise 1 for details).

224. <Case 1 in RB deletion 224> =
pa[k - 1]->rb_link[da[k - 1]] = p->rb_link[0];
   This code is included in 223.

Case 2: p's right child has no left child

In this case, p has a right child r, which in turn has no left child.
We replace p by r, swap the colors of nodes p and r, and add r to the
stack because we may need to rebalance there.  Here's a pre- and
post-deletion diagram that shows one possible set of colors out of the
possibilities.  Node p is shown detached after deletion to make it
clear that the colors are swapped:

                         |              |
                         p              r        p
                        <r>            <r>      <b>
                       /   \          /   \
                      a      r    => a     x

225. <Case 2 in RB deletion 225> =
r->rb_link[0] = p->rb_link[0];
t = r->rb_color;
r->rb_color = p->rb_color;
p->rb_color = t;
pa[k - 1]->rb_link[da[k - 1]] = r;
da[k] = 1;
pa[k++] = r;
This code is included in 223.

Case 3: p's right child has a left child

In this case, p's right child has a left child.  The code here is
basically the same as for AVL deletion.  We replace p by its inorder
successor s and swap their node colors.  Because they may require
rebalancing, we also add all of the nodes we visit to the stack.
Here's a diagram to clear up matters, again with arbitrary colors:

            |                          |
            p                          s
           <b>                        <b>
          /   `----....____          /   `---...___
         a                 <r>      a              <r>
                         _'   \                  _'   \      p
                        ...    c                ...    c    <r>
                    _.-'         =>         _.-'
                    r                       r
                   <r>                     <r>
               _.-'   \                   /   \
               s       b                 x     b

226. <Case 3 in RB deletion 226> =
struct rb_node *s;
int j = k++;

for (;;)
    da[k] = 0;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->rb_link[0];
    if (s->rb_link[0] == NULL)

    r = s;

da[j] = 1;
pa[j] = s;
pa[j - 1]->rb_link[da[j - 1]] = s;

s->rb_link[0] = p->rb_link[0];
r->rb_link[0] = s->rb_link[1];
s->rb_link[1] = p->rb_link[1];

t = s->rb_color;
s->rb_color = p->rb_color;
p->rb_color = t;
This code is included in 223.


*1. In case 1, why is it unnecessary to swap the colors of p and the
node that replaces it?

2. Rewrite <Step 2: Delete item from RB tree 223> to replace the deleted
node's rb_data by its successor, then delete the successor, instead of
shuffling pointers.  (Refer back to Exercise 4.8-3 for an explanation
of why this approach cannot be used in libavl.)

6.5.2 Step 3: Rebalance

At this point, node p has been removed from tree and p->rb_color
indicates the color of the node that was removed from the tree.  Our
first step is to handle one common special case: if we deleted a red
node, no rebalancing is necessary, because deletion of a red node
cannot violate either rule.  Here is the code to avoid rebalancing in
this special case:

227. <Step 3: Rebalance tree after RB deletion 227> =
if (p->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
    <Rebalance after RB deletion 228>
   This code is included in 222.

   On the other hand, if a black node was deleted, then we have more
work to do.  At the least, we have a violation of rule 2.  If the
deletion brought together two red nodes, as happened in the example in
the previous section, there is also a violation of rule 1.

   We must now fix both of these problems by rebalancing.  This time,
the rebalancing loop invariant is that the black-height of pa[k - 1]'s
subtree on side da[k - 1] is 1 less than the black-height of its other
subtree, a rule 2 violation.

   There may also be a rule 2 violation, such pa[k - 1] and its child
on side da[k - 1], which we will call x, are both red.  (In the first
iteration of the rebalancing loop, node x is the node labeled as such
in the diagrams in the previous section.)  If this is the case, then
the fix for rule 2 is simple: just recolor x black.  This increases the
black-height and fixes any rule 1 violation as well.  If we can do
this, we're all done.  Otherwise, we have more work to do.

   Here's the rebalancing loop:

228. <Rebalance after RB deletion 228> =
for (;;)
    struct rb_node *x = pa[k - 1]->rb_link[da[k - 1]];
    if (x != NULL && x->rb_color == RB_RED)
        x->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
    if (k < 2)

    if (da[k - 1] == 0)
        <Left-side rebalancing after RB deletion 229>
        <Right-side rebalancing after RB deletion 235>

   This code is included in 227.

   Now we'll take a detailed look at the rebalancing algorithm.  As
before, we'll only examine the case where the deleted node was in its
parent's left subtree, that is, where da[k - 1] is 0.  The other case
is similar.

   Recall that x is pa[k - 1]->rb_link[da[k - 1]] and that it may be a
null pointer.  In the left-side deletion case, x is pa[k - 1]'s left
child.  We now designate x's "sibling", the right child of pa[k - 1],
as w.  Jumping right in, here's an outline of the rebalancing code:

229. <Left-side rebalancing after RB deletion 229> =
struct rb_node *w = pa[k - 1]->rb_link[1];

if (w->rb_color == RB_RED)
    <Ensure w is black in left-side RB deletion rebalancing 230>

if ((w->rb_link[0] == NULL
     || w->rb_link[0]->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
    && (w->rb_link[1] == NULL
        || w->rb_link[1]->rb_color == RB_BLACK))
  { <Case 1 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing 231> }
    if (w->rb_link[1] == NULL
        || w->rb_link[1]->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
        <Transform left-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 233>

    <Case 2 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing 232>
   This code is included in 228.

Case Reduction: Ensure w is black

We know, at this point, that x is a black node or an empty tree.  Node
w may be red or black.  If w is red, we perform a left rotation at the
common parent of x and w, labeled A in the diagram below, and recolor A
and its own newly acquired parent C.  Then we reassign w as the new
sibling of x.  The effect is to ensure that w is also black, in order
to reduce the number of cases:

         |                                               |
     A,pa[k-1]                                       C,pa[k-2]
        <b>                                             <b>
    /         `--..__                 _____.....----'         `_
   x                 C,w             A,pa[k-1]                   D
                     <r>        =>      <r>                     <b>
                 _.-'   `_          /         `_               /   \
                 B         D       x            B,w           c     d
                <b>       <b>                   <b>
               /   \     /   \                 /   \
              a     b   c     d               a     b

Node w must have children because x is black, in order to satisfy rule
2, and w's children must be black because of rule 1.

   Here is the code corresponding to this transformation.  Because the
ancestors of node x change, pa[] and da[] are updated as well as w.

230. <Ensure w is black in left-side RB deletion rebalancing 230> =
w->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
pa[k - 1]->rb_color = RB_RED;

pa[k - 1]->rb_link[1] = w->rb_link[0];
w->rb_link[0] = pa[k - 1];
pa[k - 2]->rb_link[da[k - 2]] = w;

pa[k] = pa[k - 1];
da[k] = 0;
pa[k - 1] = w;

w = pa[k - 1]->rb_link[1];
   This code is included in 229, 360, and 477.

   Now we can take care of the three rebalancing cases one by one.
Remember that the situation is a deleted black node in the subtree
designated x and the goal is to correct a rule 2 violation.  Although
subtree x may be an empty tree, the diagrams below show it as a black
node.  That's okay because the code itself never refers to x.  The
label is supplied for the reader's benefit only.

Case 1: w has no red children

If w doesn't have any red children, then it can be recolored red.  When
we do that, the black-height of the subtree rooted at w has decreased,
so we must move up the tree, with pa[k - 1] becoming the new x, to
rebalance at w and x's parent.

   The parent, labeled B in the diagram below, may be red or black.
Its color is not changed within the code for this case.  If it is red,
then the next iteration of the rebalancing loop will recolor it as red
immediately and exit.  In particular, B will be red if the
transformation to make x black was performed earlier.  If, on the other
hand, B is black, the loop will continue as usual.

                         |                       |
                     B,pa[k-1]                  B,x
                        <g>                     <g>
                 _.-'         `_            _.-'   `_
                A,x             C,w   =>    A         C
                <b>             <b>        <b>       <r>
               /   \           /   \      /   \     /   \
              a     b         c     d    a     b   c     d

231. <Case 1 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing 231> =
w->rb_color = RB_RED;
This code is included in 229, 361, 477, and 576.

Case 2: w's right child is red

If w's right child is red, we can perform a left rotation at pa[k - 1]
and recolor some nodes, and thereby satisfy both of the red-black
rules.  The loop is then complete.  The transformation looks like this:

                    |                                 |
                B,pa[x-1]                             C
                   <g>                               <g>
            _.-'         `_                      _.-'   `_
           A,x             C,w                   B         D
           <b>             <b>        =>        <b>       <b>
          /   \           /   `_            _.-'   \     /   \
         a     b         c       D          A       c   d     e
                                <r>        <b>
                               /   \      /   \
                              d     e    a     b

The corresponding code is below.  The break is supplied by the
enclosing code segment <Left-side rebalancing after RB deletion 229>:

232. <Case 2 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing 232> =
w->rb_color = pa[k - 1]->rb_color;
pa[k - 1]->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
w->rb_link[1]->rb_color = RB_BLACK;

pa[k - 1]->rb_link[1] = w->rb_link[0];
w->rb_link[0] = pa[k - 1];
pa[k - 2]->rb_link[da[k - 2]] = w;
   This code is included in 229, 362, and 479.

Case 3: w's left child is red

Because the conditions for neither case 1 nor case 2 apply, the only
remaining possibility is that w has a red left child.  When this is the
case, we can transform it into case 2 by rotating right at w.  This
causes w to move to the node that was previously w's left child, in
this way:

                 |                               |
             B,pa[k-1]                       B,pa[k-1]
                <g>                             <g>
         _.-'         `--..__            _.-'         `_
        A,x                  D,w        A,x             C,w
        <b>                  <b>   =>   <b>             <b>
       /   \             _.-'   \      /   \           /   `_
      a     b            C       e    a     b         c       D
                        <r>                                  <r>
                       /   \                                /   \
                      c     d                              d     e

233. <Transform left-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 233> =
struct rb_node *y = w->rb_link[0];
y->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
w->rb_color = RB_RED;
w->rb_link[0] = y->rb_link[1];
y->rb_link[1] = w;
w = pa[k - 1]->rb_link[1] = y;
This code is included in 229, 363, and 481.

6.5.3 Step 4: Finish Up

All that's left to do is free the node, update counters, and return the
deleted item:

234. <Step 4: Finish up after RB deletion 234> =
tree->rb_alloc->libavl_free (tree->rb_alloc, p);
return (void *) item;
   This code is included in 222.

6.5.4 Symmetric Case

235. <Right-side rebalancing after RB deletion 235> =
struct rb_node *w = pa[k - 1]->rb_link[0];

if (w->rb_color == RB_RED)
    <Ensure w is black in right-side RB deletion rebalancing 236>

if ((w->rb_link[0] == NULL
     || w->rb_link[0]->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
    && (w->rb_link[1] == NULL
        || w->rb_link[1]->rb_color == RB_BLACK))
  { <Case 1 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing 237> }
    if (w->rb_link[0] == NULL
        || w->rb_link[0]->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
        <Transform right-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 238>

    <Case 2 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing 239>
This code is included in 228.

236. <Ensure w is black in right-side RB deletion rebalancing 236> =
w->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
pa[k - 1]->rb_color = RB_RED;

pa[k - 1]->rb_link[0] = w->rb_link[1];
w->rb_link[1] = pa[k - 1];
pa[k - 2]->rb_link[da[k - 2]] = w;

pa[k] = pa[k - 1];
da[k] = 1;
pa[k - 1] = w;

w = pa[k - 1]->rb_link[0];
   This code is included in 235, 366, and 478.

237. <Case 1 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing 237> =
w->rb_color = RB_RED;
   This code is included in 235, 367, and 478.

238. <Transform right-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 238> =
struct rb_node *y = w->rb_link[1];
y->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
w->rb_color = RB_RED;
w->rb_link[1] = y->rb_link[0];
y->rb_link[0] = w;
w = pa[k - 1]->rb_link[0] = y;
   This code is included in 235, 369, and 482.

239. <Case 2 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing 239> =
w->rb_color = pa[k - 1]->rb_color;
pa[k - 1]->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
w->rb_link[0]->rb_color = RB_BLACK;

pa[k - 1]->rb_link[0] = w->rb_link[1];
w->rb_link[1] = pa[k - 1];
pa[k - 2]->rb_link[da[k - 2]] = w;
   This code is included in 235, 368, and 480.

6.6 Testing

Now we'll present a test program to demonstrate that our code works,
using the same framework that has been used in past chapters.  The
additional code needed is straightforward:

240. <rb-test.c 240> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "rb.h"
#include "test.h"

<BST print function; bst => rb 120>
<BST traverser check function; bst => rb 105>
<Compare two RB trees for structure and content 241>
<Recursively verify RB tree structure 242>
<RB tree verify function 246>
<BST test function; bst => rb 101>
<BST overflow test function; bst => rb 123>

241. <Compare two RB trees for structure and content 241> =
static int
compare_trees (struct rb_node *a, struct rb_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      assert (a == NULL && b == NULL);
      return 1;

  if (*(int *) a->rb_data != *(int *) b->rb_data
      || ((a->rb_link[0] != NULL) != (b->rb_link[0] != NULL))
      || ((a->rb_link[1] != NULL) != (b->rb_link[1] != NULL))
      || a->rb_color != b->rb_color)
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d%c b=%d%c a:",
              *(int *) a->rb_data, a->rb_color == RB_RED ? 'r' : 'b',
              *(int *) b->rb_data, b->rb_color == RB_RED ? 'r' : 'b');

      if (a->rb_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l");
      if (a->rb_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->rb_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l");
      if (b->rb_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  okay = 1;
  if (a->rb_link[0] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->rb_link[0], b->rb_link[0]);
  if (a->rb_link[1] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->rb_link[1], b->rb_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 240.

242. <Recursively verify RB tree structure 242> =
/* Examines the binary tree rooted at node.
   Zeroes *okay if an error occurs.
   Otherwise, does not modify *okay.
   Sets *count to the number of nodes in that tree,
   including node itself if node != NULL.
   Sets *bh to the tree's black-height.
   All the nodes in the tree are verified to be at least min
   but no greater than max. */
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct rb_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max, int *bh)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */
  int subbh[2];         /* Black-heights of subtrees. */

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
      *bh = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->rb_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  recurse_verify_tree (node->rb_link[0], okay, &subcount[0],
                       min, d - 1, &subbh[0]);
  recurse_verify_tree (node->rb_link[1], okay, &subcount[1],
                       d + 1, max, &subbh[1]);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
  *bh = (node->rb_color == RB_BLACK) + subbh[0];

  <Verify RB node color 243>
  <Verify RB node rule 1 compliance 244>
  <Verify RB node rule 2 compliance 245>
   This code is included in 240.

243. <Verify RB node color 243> =
if (node->rb_color != RB_RED && node->rb_color != RB_BLACK)
    printf (" Node %d is neither red nor black (%d).\n",
            d, node->rb_color);
    *okay = 0;
   This code is included in 242, 372, 486, and 587.

244. <Verify RB node rule 1 compliance 244> =
/* Verify compliance with rule 1. */
if (node->rb_color == RB_RED)
    if (node->rb_link[0] != NULL && node->rb_link[0]->rb_color == RB_RED)
        printf (" Red node %d has red left child %d\n",
                d, *(int *) node->rb_link[0]->rb_data);
        *okay = 0;

    if (node->rb_link[1] != NULL && node->rb_link[1]->rb_color == RB_RED)
        printf (" Red node %d has red right child %d\n",
                d, *(int *) node->rb_link[1]->rb_data);
        *okay = 0;
   This code is included in 242 and 587.

245. <Verify RB node rule 2 compliance 245> =
/* Verify compliance with rule 2. */
if (subbh[0] != subbh[1])
    printf (" Node %d has two different blackheights: left bh=%d, "
            "right bh=%d\n", d, subbh[0], subbh[1]);
    *okay = 0;
   This code is included in 242, 372, 486, and 587.

246. <RB tree verify function 246> =
static int
verify_tree (struct rb_table *tree, int array[], size_t n)
  int okay = 1;

  <Check tree->bst_count is correct; bst => rb 111>

  if (okay)
      <Check root is black 247>

  if (okay)
      <Check RB tree structure 248>

  if (okay)
      <Check that the tree contains all the elements it should; bst => rb 116>

  if (okay)
      <Check that forward traversal works; bst => rb 117>

  if (okay)
      <Check that backward traversal works; bst => rb 118>

  if (okay)
      <Check that traversal from the null element works; bst => rb 119>

  return okay;
   This code is included in 240, 370, 484, and 585.

247. <Check root is black 247> =
if (tree->rb_root != NULL && tree->rb_root->rb_color != RB_BLACK)
    printf (" Tree's root is not black.\n");
    okay = 0;
   This code is included in 246.

248. <Check RB tree structure 248> =
/* Recursively verify tree structure. */
size_t count;
int bh;

recurse_verify_tree (tree->rb_root, &okay, &count, 0, INT_MAX, &bh);
<Check counted nodes 113>
   This code is included in 246.

7 Threaded Binary Search Trees

Traversal in inorder, as done by libavl traversers, is a common
operation in a binary tree.  To do this efficiently in an ordinary
binary search tree or balanced tree, we need to maintain a list of the
nodes above the current node, or at least a list of nodes still to be
visited.  This need leads to the stack used in struct bst_traverser and

   It's really too bad that we need such stacks for traversal.  First,
they take up space.  Second, they're fragile: if an item is inserted
into or deleted from the tree during traversal, or if the tree is
balanced, we have to rebuild the traverser's stack.  In addition, it
can sometimes be difficult to know in advance how tall the stack will
need to be, as demonstrated by the code that we wrote to handle stack

   These problems are important enough that, in this book, we'll look at
two different solutions.  This chapter looks at the first of these,
which adds special pointers, each called a "thread", to nodes,
producing what is called a threaded binary search tree, "threaded
tree", or simply a TBST.(1)  Later in the book, we'll examine an
alternate and more general solution using a "parent pointer" in each

   Here's the outline of the TBST code.  We're using the prefix tbst_
this time:

249. <tbst.h 249> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef TBST_H
#define TBST_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => tbst 15>
<TBST table structure 252>
<TBST node structure 251>
<TBST traverser structure 269>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => tbst 16>
<BST extra function prototypes; bst => tbst 89>

#endif /* tbst.h */

250. <tbst.c 250> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tbst.h"

<TBST functions 253>

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) This usage of "thread" has nothing to do with the idea of a
program with multiple "threads of excecution", a form of multitasking
within a single program.

7.1 Threads

In an ordinary binary search tree or balanced tree, a lot of the pointer
fields go more-or-less unused.  Instead of pointing to somewhere useful,
they are used to store null pointers.  In a sense, they're wasted.  What
if we were to instead use these fields to point elsewhere in the tree?

   This is the idea behind a threaded tree.  In a threaded tree, a
node's left child pointer field, if it would otherwise be a null
pointer, is used to point to the node's inorder predecessor.  An
otherwise-null right child pointer field points to the node's
successor.  The least-valued node in a threaded tree has a null pointer
for its left thread, and the greatest-valued node similarly has a null
right thread.  These two are the only null pointers in a threaded tree.

   Here's a sample threaded tree:

                       _.-' `---....____
                      2                 6
                  _.-' \        ___..--' `--..___
                 1      [3]    4                 8
                / \          _' `._          _.-' `._
               []  [2]      [3]    5        7        9
                                 _' \     _' \     _' \
                                [4]  [6] [6]  [8] [8]  []

This diagram illustrates the convention used for threads in text:
thread links are designated by surrounding the node name or value with
square brackets.  Null threads in the least and greatest nodes are
shown as `[0]', which is also used to show threads up to nodes not
shown in the diagram.  This notation is unfortunate, but less visually
confusing than trying to include additional arrows in text art tree

There are some disadvantages to threaded trees.  Each node in an
unthreaded tree has only one pointer that leads to it, either from the
tree structure or its parent node, but in a threaded tree some nodes
have as many as three pointers leading to them: one from the root or
parent, one from its predecessor's right thread, and one from its
successor's left thread.  This means that, although traversing a
threaded tree is simpler, building and maintaining a threaded tree is
more complicated.

   As we learned earlier, any node that has a right child has a
successor in its right subtree, and that successor has no left child.
So, a node in an threaded tree has a left thread pointing back to it if
and only if the node has a right child.  Similarly, a node has a right
thread pointing to it if and only if the node has a left child.  Take a
look at the sample tree above and check these statements for yourself
for some of its nodes.

See also:  [Knuth 1997], section 2.3.1.

7.2 Data Types

We need two extra fields in the node structure to keep track of whether
each link is a child pointer or a thread.  Each of these fields is
called a "tag".  The revised struct tbst_node, along with enum tbst_tag
for tags, looks like this:

251. <TBST node structure 251> =
/* Characterizes a link as a child pointer or a thread. */
enum tbst_tag
    TBST_CHILD,                     /* Child pointer. */
    TBST_THREAD                     /* Thread. */

/* A threaded binary search tree node. */
struct tbst_node
    struct tbst_node *tbst_link[2]; /* Subtrees. */
    void *tbst_data;                /* Pointer to data. */
    unsigned char tbst_tag[2];      /* Tag fields. */
   This code is included in 249.

Each element of tbst_tag[] is set to TBST_CHILD if the corresponding
tbst_link[] element is a child pointer, or to TBST_THREAD if it is a
thread.  The other members of struct tbst_node should be familiar.

   We also want a revised table structure, because traversers in
threaded trees do not need a generation number:

252. <TBST table structure 252> =
/* Tree data structure. */
struct tbst_table
    struct tbst_node *tbst_root;        /* Tree's root. */
    tbst_comparison_func *tbst_compare; /* Comparison function. */
    void *tbst_param;                   /* Extra argument to tbst_compare. */
    struct libavl_allocator *tbst_alloc; /* Memory allocator. */
    size_t tbst_count;                  /* Number of items in tree. */
   This code is included in 249, 299, 335, 374, 417, 454, 488, 521, and

   There is no need to define a maximum height for TBST trees because
none of the TBST functions use a stack.


1. We defined enum tbst_tag for distinguishing threads from child
pointers, but declared the actual tag members as unsigned char instead.

7.3 Operations

Now that we've changed the basic form of our binary trees, we have to
rewrite most of the tree functions.  A function designed for use with
unthreaded trees will get hopelessly lost in a threaded tree, because
it will follow threads that it thinks are child pointers.  The only
functions we can keep are the totally generic functions defined in
terms of other table functions.

253. <TBST functions 253> =
<TBST creation function 254>
<TBST search function 255>
<TBST item insertion function 256>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => tbst 594>
<TBST item deletion function 259>
<TBST traversal functions 270>
<TBST copy function 280>
<TBST destruction function 283>
<TBST balance function 284>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => tbst 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => tbst 596>
   This code is included in 250.

7.4 Creation

Function tbst_create() is the same as bst_create() except that a struct
tbst_table has no generation number to fill in.

254. <TBST creation function 254> =
struct tbst_table *
tbst_create (tbst_comparison_func *compare, void *param,
            struct libavl_allocator *allocator)
  struct tbst_table *tree;

  assert (compare != NULL);

  if (allocator == NULL)
    allocator = &tbst_allocator_default;

  tree = allocator->libavl_malloc (allocator, sizeof *tree);
  if (tree == NULL)
    return NULL;

  tree->tbst_root = NULL;
  tree->tbst_compare = compare;
  tree->tbst_param = param;
  tree->tbst_alloc = allocator;
  tree->tbst_count = 0;

  return tree;
   This code is included in 253, 302, 338, 377, 420, 457, 491, 524, and

7.5 Search

In searching a TBST we just have to be careful to distinguish threads
from child pointers.  If we hit a thread link, then we've run off the
bottom of the tree and the search is unsuccessful.  Other that that, a
search in a TBST works the same as in any other binary search tree.

255. <TBST search function 255> =
void *
tbst_find (const struct tbst_table *tree, const void *item)
  const struct tbst_node *p;

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  p = tree->tbst_root;
  if (p == NULL)
    return NULL;

  for (;;)
      int cmp, dir;

      cmp = tree->tbst_compare (item, p->tbst_data, tree->tbst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
        return p->tbst_data;

      dir = cmp > 0;
      if (p->tbst_tag[dir] == TBST_CHILD)
        p = p->tbst_link[dir];
        return NULL;
   This code is included in 253, 302, and 338.

7.6 Insertion

It take a little more effort to insert a new node into a threaded BST
than into an unthreaded one, but not much more.  The only difference is
that we now have to set up the new node's left and right threads to
point to its predecessor and successor, respectively.

   Fortunately, these are easy to figure out.  Suppose that new node n
is the right child of its parent p (the other case is symmetric).  This
means that p is n's predecessor, because n is the least node in p's
right subtree.  Moreover, n's successor is the node that was p's
successor before n was inserted, that is to say, it is the same as p's
former right thread.

   Here's an example that may help to clear up the description.  When
new node 3 is inserted as the right child of 2, its left thread points
to 2 and its right thread points where 2's right thread formerly did,
to 4:

                           6                                    6
                   ___..--' \                           ___..--' \
                  4          []                        4          []
            __..-' `._                     ____....---' `._
           2,p        5         =>        2,p              5
       _.-'   \     _' \              _.-'   `._         _' \
      1        [4] [4]  [6]          1          3,n     [4]  [6]
     / \                            / \       _'   \
    []  [2]                        []  [2]   [2]    [4]

The following code unifies the left-side and right-side cases using
dir, which takes the value 1 for a right-side insertion, 0 for a
left-side insertion.  The side opposite dir can then be expressed
simply as !dir.

256. <TBST item insertion function 256> =
void **
tbst_probe (struct tbst_table *tree, void *item)
  struct tbst_node *p; /* Traverses tree to find insertion point. */
  struct tbst_node *n; /* New node. */
  int dir;             /* Side of p on which n is inserted. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search TBST for insertion point 257>
  <Step 2: Insert TBST node 258>

  return &n->tbst_data;
   This code is included in 253.

257. <Step 1: Search TBST for insertion point 257> =
if (tree->tbst_root != NULL)
  for (p = tree->tbst_root; ; p = p->tbst_link[dir])
      int cmp = tree->tbst_compare (item, p->tbst_data, tree->tbst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
        return &p->tbst_data;
      dir = cmp > 0;

      if (p->tbst_tag[dir] == TBST_THREAD)
    p = (struct tbst_node *) &tree->tbst_root;
    dir = 0;
   This code is included in 256 and 670.

258. <Step 2: Insert TBST node 258> =
n = tree->tbst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->tbst_alloc, sizeof *n);
if (n == NULL)
  return NULL;

n->tbst_data = item;
n->tbst_tag[0] = n->tbst_tag[1] = TBST_THREAD;
n->tbst_link[dir] = p->tbst_link[dir];
if (tree->tbst_root != NULL)
    p->tbst_tag[dir] = TBST_CHILD;
    n->tbst_link[!dir] = p;
  n->tbst_link[1] = NULL;
p->tbst_link[dir] = n;
   This code is included in 256, 305, and 341.

See also:  [Knuth 1997], algorithm 2.3.1I.


1. What happens if we reverse the order of the final if statement above
and the following assignment?

7.7 Deletion

When we delete a node from a threaded tree, we have to update one or two
more pointers than if it were an unthreaded BST.  What's more, we
sometimes have to go to a bit of effort to track down what pointers
these are, because they are in the predecessor and successor of the node
being deleted.

   The outline is the same as for deleting a BST node:

259. <TBST item deletion function 259> =
void *
tbst_delete (struct tbst_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct tbst_node *p;	/* Node to delete. */
  struct tbst_node *q;	/* Parent of p. */
  int dir;              /* Index into q->tbst_link[] that leads to p. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Find TBST node to delete 260>
  <Delete TBST node 261>
  <Finish up after deleting TBST node 268>
   This code is included in 253.

   We search down the tree to find the item to delete, p.  As we do it
we keep track of its parent q and the direction dir that we descended
from it.  The initial value of q and dir use the trick seen originally
in copying a BST (*note Copying a BST Iteratively::).

   There are nicer ways to do the same thing, though they are not
necessarily as efficient.  See the exercises for one possibility.

260. <Find TBST node to delete 260> =
if (tree->tbst_root == NULL)
  return NULL;

p = tree->tbst_root;
q = (struct tbst_node *) &tree->tbst_root;
dir = 0;
for (;;)
    int cmp = tree->tbst_compare (item, p->tbst_data, tree->tbst_param);
    if (cmp == 0)

    dir = cmp > 0;
    if (p->tbst_tag[dir] == TBST_THREAD)
      return NULL;

    q = p;
    p = p->tbst_link[dir];
item = p->tbst_data;
   This code is included in 259.

   The cases for deletion from a threaded tree are a bit different from
those for an unthreaded tree.  The key point to keep in mind is that a
node with n children has n threads pointing to it that must be updated
when it is deleted.  Let's look at the cases in detail now.

   Here's the outline:

261. <Delete TBST node 261> =
if (p->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_THREAD)
    if (p->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
        <Case 1 in TBST deletion 262>
        <Case 2 in TBST deletion 263>
    struct tbst_node *r = p->tbst_link[1];
    if (r->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_THREAD)
        <Case 3 in TBST deletion 264>
        <Case 4 in TBST deletion 265>
   This code is included in 259.

Case 1: p has a right thread and a left child

If p has a right thread and a left child, then we replace it by its
left child.  We also replace its predecessor t's right thread by p's
right thread.  In the most general subcase, the whole operation looks
something like this:

                                 q                    |
                             _.-' \                   q
                            p      []       ___...---' \
                  ___...---' \             s            []
                 s            [q]         / `_
                / `_                  => r    u
               r    u                        / `_
                   / `_                     t    x
                  t    x                        / \
                      / \                      v   [q]
                     v   [p]

On the other hand, it can be as simple as this:

                                 q              |
                             _.-' \             q
                            p      []       _.-' \
                        _.-' \        =>   x      []
                       x      [q]         / \
                      / \                []  [q]
                     []  [p]

Both of these subcases, and subcases in between them in complication,
are handled by the same code:

262. <Case 1 in TBST deletion 262> =
struct tbst_node *t = p->tbst_link[0];
while (t->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
  t = t->tbst_link[1];
t->tbst_link[1] = p->tbst_link[1];
q->tbst_link[dir] = p->tbst_link[0];
   This code is included in 261 and 316.

Case 2: p has a right thread and a left thread

If p is a leaf, then no threads point to it, but we must change its
parent q's pointer to p to a thread, pointing to the same place that
the corresponding thread of p pointed.  This is easy, and typically
looks something like this:

                            q             |
                           / `._          q
                          []    p    =>  / \
                              _' \      []  []
                             [q]  []

There is one special case, which comes up when q is the pseudo-node
used for the parent of the root.  We can't access tbst_tag[] in this
"node".  Here's the code:

263. <Case 2 in TBST deletion 263> =
q->tbst_link[dir] = p->tbst_link[dir];
if (q != (struct tbst_node *) &tree->tbst_root)
  q->tbst_tag[dir] = TBST_THREAD;
   This code is included in 261 and 317.

Case 3: p's right child has a left thread

If p has a right child r, and r itself has a left thread, then we
delete p by moving r into its place.  Here's an example where the root
node is deleted:

        _.-'   `._                              3,r
       1          3,r                       _.-'   `--..___
      / \       _'   `--..___              1               5
     []  [2]   [2]           5        =>  / \          _.-' `._
                         _.-' `._        []  [3]      4        6
                        4        6                  _' \     _' \
                      _' \     _' \                [3]  [5] [5]  []
                     [3]  [5] [5]  []

This just involves changing q's right link to point to r, copying p's
left link and tag into r, and fixing any thread that pointed to p so
that it now points to r.  The code is straightforward:

264. <Case 3 in TBST deletion 264> =
r->tbst_link[0] = p->tbst_link[0];
r->tbst_tag[0] = p->tbst_tag[0];
if (r->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
    struct tbst_node *t = r->tbst_link[0];
    while (t->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
      t = t->tbst_link[1];
    t->tbst_link[1] = r;
q->tbst_link[dir] = r;
   This code is included in 261 and 318.

Case 4: p's right child has a left child

If p has a right child, which in turn has a left child, we arrive at
the most complicated case.  It corresponds to case 3 in deletion from
an unthreaded BST.  The solution is to find p's successor s and move it
in place of p.  In this case, r is s's parent node, not necessarily p's
right child.

   There are two subcases here.  In the first, s has a right child.  In
that subcase, s's own successor's left thread already points to s, so
we need not adjust any threads.  Here's an example of this subcase.
Notice how the left thread of node 3, s's successor, already points to

     _.-'   `------......._______               2,s
    0                            5          _.-'   `----....._____
   / \                     __..-' \        0                      5
  []  [1]                 4,r      []     / \               __..-' \
                ___...---'   \        => []  [2]           4,r      []
               2,s            [5]                      _.-'   \
             _'   `._                                 3        [5]
            [1]      3                              _' \
                   _' \                            [2]  [4]
                  [2]  [4]

The second subcase comes up when s has a right thread.  Because s also
has a left thread, this means that s is a leaf.  This subcase requires
us to change r's left link to a thread to its predecessor, which is now
s.  Here's a continuation of the previous example, showing deletion of
the new root, node 2:

          _.-'   `-----.....______               3,s
         0                        5          _.-'   `---...___
        / \                 __..-' \        0                 5
       []  [2]             4,r      [] =>  / \          __..-' \
                     __..-'   \           []  [3]      4,r      []
                    3,s        [5]                   _'   \
                  _'   \                            [3]    [5]
                 [2]    [4]

The first part of the code handles finding r and s:

265. <Case 4 in TBST deletion 265> =
struct tbst_node *s;

for (;;)
    s = r->tbst_link[0];
    if (s->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_THREAD)

    r = s;
   See also 266 and 267.
This code is included in 261 and 319.

   Next, we update r, handling each of the subcases:

266. <Case 4 in TBST deletion 265> +=
if (s->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
  r->tbst_link[0] = s->tbst_link[1];
    r->tbst_link[0] = s;
    r->tbst_tag[0] = TBST_THREAD;

   Finally, we copy p's links and tags into s and chase down and update
any right thread in s's left subtree, then replace the pointer from q
down to s:

267. <Case 4 in TBST deletion 265> +=
s->tbst_link[0] = p->tbst_link[0];
if (p->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
    struct tbst_node *t = p->tbst_link[0];
    while (t->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
      t = t->tbst_link[1];
    t->tbst_link[1] = s;

    s->tbst_tag[0] = TBST_CHILD;

s->tbst_link[1] = p->tbst_link[1];
s->tbst_tag[1] = TBST_CHILD;

q->tbst_link[dir] = s;

   We finish up by deallocating the node, decrementing the tree's item
count, and returning the deleted item's data:

268. <Finish up after deleting TBST node 268> =
tree->tbst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->tbst_alloc, p);
return (void *) item;
   This code is included in 259.


*1. In a threaded BST, there is an efficient algorithm to find the
parent of a given node.  Use this algorithm to reimplement <Find TBST
node to delete 260>.

2. In case 2, we must handle q as the pseudo-root as a special case.
Can we rearrange the TBST data structures to avoid this?

3. Rewrite case 4 to replace the deleted node's tbst_data by its
successor and actually delete the successor, instead of moving around
pointers.  (Refer back to Exercise 4.8-3 for an explanation of why this
approach cannot be used in libavl.)

*4. Many of the cases in deletion from a TBST require searching down the
tree for the nodes with threads to the deleted node.  Show that this
adds only a constant number of operations to the deletion of a randomly
selected node, compared to a similar deletion in an unthreaded tree.

7.8 Traversal

Traversal in a threaded BST is much simpler than in an unthreaded one.
This is, indeed, much of the point to threading our trees.  This section
implements all of the libavl traverser functions for threaded trees.

   Suppose we wish to find the successor of an arbitrary node in a
threaded tree.  If the node has a right child, then the successor is
the smallest item in the node's right subtree.  Otherwise, the node has
a right thread, and its sucessor is simply the node to which the right
thread points.  If the right thread is a null pointer, then the node is
the largest in the tree.  We can find the node's predecessor in a
similar manner.

   We don't ever need to know the parent of a node to traverse the
threaded tree, so there's no need to keep a stack.  Moreover, because a
traverser has no stack to be corrupted by changes to its tree, there is
no need to keep or compare generation numbers.  Therefore, this is all
we need for a TBST traverser structure:

269. <TBST traverser structure 269> =
/* TBST traverser structure. */
struct tbst_traverser
    struct tbst_table *tbst_table;        /* Tree being traversed. */
    struct tbst_node *tbst_node;          /* Current node in tree. */
   This code is included in 249, 299, 335, 374, 417, 454, 488, 521, and

   The traversal functions are collected together here.  A few of the
functions are implemented directly in terms of their unthreaded BST
counterparts, but most must be reimplemented:

270. <TBST traversal functions 270> =
<TBST traverser null initializer 271>
<TBST traverser first initializer 272>
<TBST traverser last initializer 273>
<TBST traverser search initializer 274>
<TBST traverser insertion initializer 275>
<TBST traverser copy initializer 276>
<TBST traverser advance function 277>
<TBST traverser back up function 278>
<BST traverser current item function; bst => tbst 75>
<BST traverser replacement function; bst => tbst 76>
   This code is included in 253, 302, and 338.

See also:  [Knuth 1997], algorithm 2.3.1S.

7.8.1 Starting at the Null Node

271. <TBST traverser null initializer 271> =
tbst_t_init (struct tbst_traverser *trav, struct tbst_table *tree)
  trav->tbst_table = tree;
  trav->tbst_node = NULL;
This code is included in 270, 397, 504, and 548.

7.8.2 Starting at the First Node

272. <TBST traverser first initializer 272> =
void *
tbst_t_first (struct tbst_traverser *trav, struct tbst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->tbst_table = tree;
  trav->tbst_node = tree->tbst_root;
  if (trav->tbst_node != NULL)
      while (trav->tbst_node->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
        trav->tbst_node = trav->tbst_node->tbst_link[0];
      return trav->tbst_node->tbst_data;
    return NULL;
This code is included in 270.

7.8.3 Starting at the Last Node

273. <TBST traverser last initializer 273> =
void *
tbst_t_last (struct tbst_traverser *trav, struct tbst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->tbst_table = tree;
  trav->tbst_node = tree->tbst_root;
  if (trav->tbst_node != NULL)
      while (trav->tbst_node->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
        trav->tbst_node = trav->tbst_node->tbst_link[1];
      return trav->tbst_node->tbst_data;
    return NULL;
This code is included in 270.

7.8.4 Starting at a Found Node

The code for this function is derived with few changes from <TBST
search function 255>.

274. <TBST traverser search initializer 274> =
void *
tbst_t_find (struct tbst_traverser *trav, struct tbst_table *tree, void *item)
  struct tbst_node *p;

  assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  trav->tbst_table = tree;
  trav->tbst_node = NULL;

  p = tree->tbst_root;
  if (p == NULL)
    return NULL;

  for (;;)
      int cmp, dir;

      cmp = tree->tbst_compare (item, p->tbst_data, tree->tbst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
          trav->tbst_node = p;
          return p->tbst_data;

      dir = cmp > 0;
      if (p->tbst_tag[dir] == TBST_CHILD)
        p = p->tbst_link[dir];
        return NULL;
   This code is included in 270.

7.8.5 Starting at an Inserted Node

This implementation is a trivial adaptation of <AVL traverser insertion
initializer 181>.  In particular, management of generation numbers has
been removed.

275. <TBST traverser insertion initializer 275> =
void *
tbst_t_insert (struct tbst_traverser *trav,
               struct tbst_table *tree, void *item)
  void **p;

  assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  p = tbst_probe (tree, item);
  if (p != NULL)
      trav->tbst_table = tree;
      trav->tbst_node =
        ((struct tbst_node *)
         ((char *) p - offsetof (struct tbst_node, tbst_data)));
      return *p;
      tbst_t_init (trav, tree);
      return NULL;
   This code is included in 270, 397, and 548.

7.8.6 Initialization by Copying

276. <TBST traverser copy initializer 276> =
void *
tbst_t_copy (struct tbst_traverser *trav, const struct tbst_traverser *src)
  assert (trav != NULL && src != NULL);

  trav->tbst_table = src->tbst_table;
  trav->tbst_node = src->tbst_node;

  return trav->tbst_node != NULL ? trav->tbst_node->tbst_data : NULL;
This code is included in 270, 397, 504, and 548.

7.8.7 Advancing to the Next Node

Despite the earlier discussion (*note Traversing a TBST::), there are
actually three cases, not two, in advancing within a threaded binary
tree.  The extra case turns up when the current node is the null item.
We deal with that case by calling out to tbst_t_first().

   Notice also that, below, in the case of following a thread we must
check for a null node, but not in the case of following a child pointer.

277. <TBST traverser advance function 277> =
void *
tbst_t_next (struct tbst_traverser *trav)
  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->tbst_node == NULL)
    return tbst_t_first (trav, trav->tbst_table);
  else if (trav->tbst_node->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_THREAD)
      trav->tbst_node = trav->tbst_node->tbst_link[1];
      return trav->tbst_node != NULL ? trav->tbst_node->tbst_data : NULL;
      trav->tbst_node = trav->tbst_node->tbst_link[1];
      while (trav->tbst_node->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
        trav->tbst_node = trav->tbst_node->tbst_link[0];
      return trav->tbst_node->tbst_data;
   This code is included in 270.

See also:  [Knuth 1997], algorithm 2.3.1S.

7.8.8 Backing Up to the Previous Node

278. <TBST traverser back up function 278> =
void *
tbst_t_prev (struct tbst_traverser *trav)
  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->tbst_node == NULL)
    return tbst_t_last (trav, trav->tbst_table);
  else if (trav->tbst_node->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_THREAD)
      trav->tbst_node = trav->tbst_node->tbst_link[0];
      return trav->tbst_node != NULL ? trav->tbst_node->tbst_data : NULL;
      trav->tbst_node = trav->tbst_node->tbst_link[0];
      while (trav->tbst_node->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
        trav->tbst_node = trav->tbst_node->tbst_link[1];
      return trav->tbst_node->tbst_data;
This code is included in 270.

7.9 Copying

We can use essentially the same algorithm to copy threaded BSTs as
unthreaded (see <BST copy function 84>).  Some modifications are
necessary, of course.  The most obvious change is that the threads must
be set up.  This is not hard.  We can do it the same way that
tbst_probe() does.

   Less obvious is the way to get rid of the stack.  In bst_copy(), the
stack was used to keep track of as yet incompletely processed parents of
the current node.  When we came back to one of these nodes, we did the
actual copy of the node data, then visited the node's right subtree, if

   In a threaded tree, we can replace the use of the stack by the use of
threads.  Instead of popping an item off the stack when we can't move
down in the tree any further, we follow the node's right thread.  This
brings us up to an ancestor (parent, grandparent, ...) of the node,
which we can then deal with in the same way as before.

   This diagram shows the threads that would be followed to find
parents in copying a couple of different threaded binary trees.  Of
course, the TBSTs would have complete sets of threads, but only the
ones that are followed are shown:

                 4                          ___...---' `--..__
           __..-' `-.__                    2                  8
          2            6               _.-' `-.__       __..-' \
      _.-' \       _.-' \             1          4     6        9
     1      3     5      7        _.-' \     _.-' \     \        \
      \      \     \      \      0      [2] 3      [5]   7        []
       [2]    [4]   [6]    []     \          \            \
                                   [1]        [4]          [8]

Why does following the right thread from a node bring us to one of the
node's ancestors?  Consider the algorithm for finding the successor of
a node with no right child, described earlier (*note Better Iterative
Traversal::).  This algorithm just moves up the tree from a node to its
parent, grandparent, etc., guaranteeing that the successor will be a
ancestor of the original node.

   How do we know that following the right thread won't take us too far
up the tree and skip copying some subtree?  Because we only move up to
the right one time using that same algorithm.  When we move up to the
left, we're going back to some binary tree whose right subtree we've
already dealt with (we are currently in the right subtree of that
binary tree, so of course we've dealt with it).

   In conclusion, following the right thread always takes us to just the
node whose right subtree we want to copy next.  Of course, if that node
happens to have an empty right subtree, then there is nothing to do, so
we just continue along the next right thread, and so on.

   The first step is to build a function to copy a single node.  The
following function copy_node() does this, creating a new node as the
child of an existing node:

279. <TBST node copy function 279> =
/* Creates a new node as a child of dst on side dir.
   Copies data from src into the new node, applying copy(), if non-null.
   Returns nonzero only if fully successful.
   Regardless of success, integrity of the tree structure is assured,
   though failure may leave a null pointer in a tbst_data member. */
static int
copy_node (struct tbst_table *tree,
           struct tbst_node *dst, int dir,
           const struct tbst_node *src, tbst_copy_func *copy)
  struct tbst_node *new =
    tree->tbst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->tbst_alloc, sizeof *new);
  if (new == NULL)
    return 0;

  new->tbst_link[dir] = dst->tbst_link[dir];
  new->tbst_tag[dir] = TBST_THREAD;
  new->tbst_link[!dir] = dst;
  new->tbst_tag[!dir] = TBST_THREAD;
  dst->tbst_link[dir] = new;
  dst->tbst_tag[dir] = TBST_CHILD;

  if (copy == NULL)
    new->tbst_data = src->tbst_data;
      new->tbst_data = copy (src->tbst_data, tree->tbst_param);
      if (new->tbst_data == NULL)
        return 0;

  return 1;
   This code is included in 280.

   Using the node copy function above, constructing the tree copy
function is easy.  In fact, the code is considerably easier to read
than our original function to iteratively copy an unthreaded binary tree
(*note Handling Errors in Iterative BST Copying::), because this
function is not as heavily optimized.

   One tricky part is getting the copy started.  We can't use the dirty
trick from bst_copy() of casting the address of a bst_root to a node
pointer, because we need access to the first tag as well as the first
link (see Exercise 2 for a way to sidestep this problem).  So instead
we use a couple of "pseudo-root" nodes rp and rq, allocated locally.

280. <TBST copy function 280> =
<TBST node copy function 279>
<TBST copy error helper function 282>
<TBST main copy function 281>
   This code is included in 253.

281. <TBST main copy function 281> =
struct tbst_table *
tbst_copy (const struct tbst_table *org, tbst_copy_func *copy,
          tbst_item_func *destroy, struct libavl_allocator *allocator)
  struct tbst_table *new;

  const struct tbst_node *p;
  struct tbst_node *q;
  struct tbst_node rp, rq;

  assert (org != NULL);
  new = tbst_create (org->tbst_compare, org->tbst_param,
                     allocator != NULL ? allocator : org->tbst_alloc);
  if (new == NULL)
    return NULL;

  new->tbst_count = org->tbst_count;
  if (new->tbst_count == 0)
    return new;

  p = &rp;
  rp.tbst_link[0] = org->tbst_root;
  rp.tbst_tag[0] = TBST_CHILD;

  q = &rq;
  rq.tbst_link[0] = NULL;
  rq.tbst_tag[0] = TBST_THREAD;

  for (;;)
      if (p->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
          if (!copy_node (new, q, 0, p->tbst_link[0], copy))
              copy_error_recovery (rq.tbst_link[0], new, destroy);
              return NULL;

          p = p->tbst_link[0];
          q = q->tbst_link[0];
          while (p->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_THREAD)
              p = p->tbst_link[1];
              if (p == NULL)
                  q->tbst_link[1] = NULL;
                  new->tbst_root = rq.tbst_link[0];
                  return new;

              q = q->tbst_link[1];

          p = p->tbst_link[1];
          q = q->tbst_link[1];

      if (p->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
        if (!copy_node (new, q, 1, p->tbst_link[1], copy))
            copy_error_recovery (rq.tbst_link[0], new, destroy);
            return NULL;
   This code is included in 280 and 331.

   A sensitive issue in the code above is treatment of the final thread.
The initial call to copy_node() causes a right thread to point to rq,
but it needs to be a null pointer.  We need to perform this kind of

                                 rq                            rq
               ______......-----'              _____.....-----'
              2                               2
          _.-' `--..___                   _.-' `--..___
         1             4            =>   1             4
        / \        _.-' `._             / \        _.-' `._
       []  [2]    3        5           []  [2]    3        5
                _' \     _' \                   _' \     _' \
               [2]  [4] [4]  [rq]              [2]  [4] [4]  []

When the copy is successful, this is just a matter of setting the final
q's right child pointer to NULL, but when it is unsuccessful we have to
find the pointer in question, which is in the greatest node in the tree
so far (to see this, try constructing a few threaded BSTs by hand on
paper).  Function copy_error_recovery() does this, as well as
destroying the tree.  It also handles the case of failure when no nodes
have yet been added to the tree:

282. <TBST copy error helper function 282> =
static void
copy_error_recovery (struct tbst_node *p,
                     struct tbst_table *new, tbst_item_func *destroy)
  new->tbst_root = p;
  if (p != NULL)
      while (p->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
        p = p->tbst_link[1];
      p->tbst_link[1] = NULL;
  tbst_destroy (new, destroy);
   This code is included in 280 and 331.


1. In the diagram above that shows examples of threads followed while
copying a TBST, all right threads in the TBSTs are shown.  Explain how
this is not just a coincidence.

2. Suggest some optimization possibilities for tbst_copy().

7.10 Destruction

Destroying a threaded binary tree is easy.  We can simply traverse the
tree in inorder in the usual way.  We always have a way to get to the
next node without having to go back up to any of the nodes we've already
destroyed.  (We do, however, have to make sure to go find the next node
before destroying the current one, in order to avoid reading data from
freed memory.)  Here's all it takes:

283. <TBST destruction function 283> =
tbst_destroy (struct tbst_table *tree, tbst_item_func *destroy)
  struct tbst_node *p; /* Current node. */
  struct tbst_node *n; /* Next node. */

  p = tree->tbst_root;
  if (p != NULL)
    while (p->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
      p = p->tbst_link[0];

  while (p != NULL)
      n = p->tbst_link[1];
      if (p->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
        while (n->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
          n = n->tbst_link[0];

      if (destroy != NULL && p->tbst_data != NULL)
        destroy (p->tbst_data, tree->tbst_param);
      tree->tbst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->tbst_alloc, p);

      p = n;

  tree->tbst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->tbst_alloc, tree);
   This code is included in 253, 302, and 338.

7.11 Balance

Just like their unthreaded cousins, threaded binary trees can become
degenerate, leaving their good performance characteristics behind.  When
this happened in a unthreaded BST, stack overflow often made it
necessary to rebalance the tree.  This doesn't happen in our
implementation of threaded BSTs, because none of the routines uses a
stack.  It is still useful to have a rebalance routine for performance
reasons, so we will implement one, in this section, anyway.

   There is no need to change the basic algorithm.  As before, we
convert the tree to a linear "vine", then the vine to a balanced binary
search tree.  *Note Balancing a BST::, for a review of the balancing

   Here is the outline and prototype for tbst_balance().

284. <TBST balance function 284> =
<TBST tree-to-vine function 286>
<TBST vine compression function 288>
<TBST vine-to-tree function 287>
<TBST main balance function 285>
   This code is included in 253.

285. <TBST main balance function 285> =
/* Balances tree. */
tbst_balance (struct tbst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL);

  tree_to_vine (tree);
  vine_to_tree (tree);
   This code is included in 284 and 410.

7.11.1 From Tree to Vine

We could transform a threaded binary tree into a vine in the same way we
did for unthreaded binary trees, by use of rotations (*note
Transforming a BST into a Vine::).  But one of the reasons we did it
that way was to avoid use of a stack, which is no longer a problem.
It's now simpler to rearrange nodes by inorder traversal.

   We start by finding the minimum node in the tree as p, which will
step through the tree in inorder.  During each trip through the main
loop, we find p's successor as q and make p the left child of q.  We
also have to make sure that p's right thread points to q.  That's all
there is to it.

286. <TBST tree-to-vine function 286> =
static void
tree_to_vine (struct tbst_table *tree)
  struct tbst_node *p;

  if (tree->tbst_root == NULL)

  p = tree->tbst_root;
  while (p->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
    p = p->tbst_link[0];

  for (;;)
      struct tbst_node *q = p->tbst_link[1];
      if (p->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
          while (q->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
            q = q->tbst_link[0];
          p->tbst_tag[1] = TBST_THREAD;
          p->tbst_link[1] = q;

      if (q == NULL)

      q->tbst_tag[0] = TBST_CHILD;
      q->tbst_link[0] = p;
      p = q;

  tree->tbst_root = p;
   This code is included in 284.

   Sometimes one trip through the main loop above will put the TBST into
an inconsistent state, where two different nodes are the parent of a
third node.  Such an inconsistency is always corrected in the next trip
through the loop.  An example is warranted.  Suppose the original
threaded binary tree looks like this, with nodes p and q for the
initial iteration of the loop as marked:

                              ____....---' \
                             1,p            []
                            /   `._
                           []      2,q
                                 _'   \
                                [1]    [3]

The first trip through the loop makes p, 1, the child of q, 2, but p's
former parent's left child pointer still points to p.  We now have a
situation where node 1 has two parents: both 2 and 3.  This diagram
tries to show the situation by omitting the line that would otherwise
lead down from 3 to 2:

                                   2,q      []
                             __..-'   \
                            1,p        [3]
                           /   \
                          []    [2]

On the other hand, node 2's right thread still points to 3, so on the
next trip through the loop there is no trouble finding the new p's
successor.  Node 3 is made the parent of 2 and all is well.  This
diagram shows the new p and q, then the fixed-up vine.  The only
difference is that node 3 now, correctly, has 2 as its left child:

                            3,q                     3,q
                               \              __..-'   \
                     2,p        []           2,p        []
                 _.-'   \          =>    _.-'   \
                1        [3]            1        [3]
               / \                     / \
              []  [2]                 []  [2]

7.11.2 From Vine to Balanced Tree

Transforming a vine into a balanced threaded BST is similar to the same
operation on an unthreaded BST.  We can use the same algorithm,
adjusting it for presence of the threads.  The following outline is
similar to <BST balance function 88>.  In fact, we entirely reuse
<Calculate leaves 92>, just changing bst to tbst.  We omit the final
check on the tree's height, because none of the TBST functions are

287. <TBST vine-to-tree function 287> =
static void
vine_to_tree (struct tbst_table *tree)
  unsigned long vine;   /* Number of nodes in main vine. */
  unsigned long leaves; /* Nodes in incomplete bottom level, if any. */
  int height;           /* Height of produced balanced tree. */

  <Calculate leaves; bst => tbst 92>
  <Reduce TBST vine general case to special case 289>
  <Make special case TBST vine into balanced tree and count height 290>
   This code is included in 284 and 410.

   Not many changes are needed to adapt the algorithm to handle threads.
Consider the basic right rotation transformation used during a

                              |          |
                              R          B
                             <r>        <b>
                         _.-'   \      /   `_
                         B       c => a       R
                        <b>                  <r>
                       /   \                /   \
                      a     b              b     c

The rotation does not disturb a or c, so the only node that can cause
trouble is b.  If b is a real child node, then there's no need to do
anything differently.  But if b is a thread, then we have to swap
around the direction of the thread, like this:

                               |          |
                               R          B
                              <r>        <b>
                        __..-'   \      /   `._
                        B         c => a        R
                       <b>                     <r>
                      /   \                  _'   \
                     a     [R]              [B]    c

After a rotation that involves a thread, the next rotation on B will
not involve a thread.  So after we perform a rotation that adjusts a
thread in one place, the next one in the same place will not require a
thread adjustment.

   Every node in the vine we start with has a thread as its right link.
This means that during the first pass along the main vine we must
perform thread adjustments at every node, but subsequent passes along
the vine must not perform any adjustments.

   This simple idea is complicated by the initial partial compression
pass in trees that do not have exactly one fewer than a power of two
nodes.  After a partial compression pass, the nodes at the top of the
main vine no longer have right threads, but the ones farther down still

   We deal with this complication by defining the compress() function so
it can handle a mixture of rotations with and without right threads.
The rotations that need thread adjustments will always be below the ones
that do not, so this function simply takes a pair of parameters, the
first specifying how many rotations without thread adjustment to
perform, the next how many with thread adjustment.  Compare this code
to that for unthreaded BSTs:

288. <TBST vine compression function 288> =
/* Performs a nonthreaded compression operation nonthread times,
   then a threaded compression operation thread times,
   starting at root. */
static void
compress (struct tbst_node *root,
          unsigned long nonthread, unsigned long thread)
  assert (root != NULL);

  while (nonthread--)
      struct tbst_node *red = root->tbst_link[0];
      struct tbst_node *black = red->tbst_link[0];

      root->tbst_link[0] = black;
      red->tbst_link[0] = black->tbst_link[1];
      black->tbst_link[1] = red;
      root = black;

  while (thread--)
      struct tbst_node *red = root->tbst_link[0];
      struct tbst_node *black = red->tbst_link[0];

      root->tbst_link[0] = black;
      red->tbst_link[0] = black;
      red->tbst_tag[0] = TBST_THREAD;
      black->tbst_tag[1] = TBST_CHILD;
      root = black;
   This code is included in 284.

   When we reduce the general case to the 2**n - 1 special case, all of
the rotations adjust threads:

289. <Reduce TBST vine general case to special case 289> =
compress ((struct tbst_node *) &tree->tbst_root, 0, leaves);
   This code is included in 287.

   We deal with the first compression specially, in order to clean up
any remaining unadjusted threads:

290. <Make special case TBST vine into balanced tree and count height 290> =
vine = tree->tbst_count - leaves;
height = 1 + (leaves > 0);
if (vine > 1)
    unsigned long nonleaves = vine / 2;
    leaves /= 2;
    if (leaves > nonleaves)
        leaves = nonleaves;
        nonleaves = 0;
      nonleaves -= leaves;

    compress ((struct tbst_node *) &tree->tbst_root, leaves, nonleaves);
    vine /= 2;
   See also 291.
This code is included in 287.

   After this, all the remaining compressions use only rotations without
thread adjustment, and we're done:

291. <Make special case TBST vine into balanced tree and count height 290> +=
while (vine > 1)
    compress ((struct tbst_node *) &tree->tbst_root, vine / 2, 0);
    vine /= 2;

7.12 Testing

There's little new in the testing code.  We do add an test for
tbst_balance(), because none of the existing tests exercise it.  This
test doesn't check that tbst_balance() actually balances the tree, it
just verifies that afterwards the tree contains the items it should, so
to be certain that balancing is correct, turn up the verbosity and look
at the trees printed.

   Function print_tree_structure() prints thread node numbers preceded
by `>', with null threads indicated by `>>'.  This notation is
compatible with the plain text output format of the `texitree' program
used to draw the binary trees in this book.  (It will cause errors for
PostScript output because it omits node names.)

292. <tbst-test.c 292> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tbst.h"
#include "test.h"

<TBST print function 293>
<BST traverser check function; bst => tbst 105>
<Compare two TBSTs for structure and content 294>
<Recursively verify TBST structure 295>
<TBST verify function 296>
<TBST test function 297>
<BST overflow test function; bst => tbst 123>

293. <TBST print function 293> =
print_tree_structure (struct tbst_node *node, int level)
  int i;

  if (level > 16)
      printf ("[...]");

  if (node == NULL)
      printf ("<nil>");

  printf ("%d(", node->tbst_data ? *(int *) node->tbst_data : -1);

  for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
      if (node->tbst_tag[i] == TBST_CHILD)
          if (node->tbst_link[i] == node)
            printf ("loop");
            print_tree_structure (node->tbst_link[i], level + 1);
      else if (node->tbst_link[i] != NULL)
        printf (">%d",
                ? *(int *) node->tbst_link[i]->tbst_data : -1));
        printf (">>");

      if (i == 0)
        fputs (", ", stdout);

  putchar (')');

print_whole_tree (const struct tbst_table *tree, const char *title)
  printf ("%s: ", title);
  print_tree_structure (tree->tbst_root, 0);
  putchar ('\n');
   This code is included in 292, 332, and 370.

294. <Compare two TBSTs for structure and content 294> =
static int
compare_trees (struct tbst_node *a, struct tbst_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      if (a != NULL || b != NULL)
          printf (" a=%d b=%d\n",
                  a ? *(int *) a->tbst_data : -1,
                  b ? *(int *) b->tbst_data : -1);
          assert (0);
      return 1;
  assert (a != b);

  if (*(int *) a->tbst_data != *(int *) b->tbst_data
      || a->tbst_tag[0] != b->tbst_tag[0]
      || a->tbst_tag[1] != b->tbst_tag[1])
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d b=%d a:",
              *(int *) a->tbst_data, *(int *) b->tbst_data);

      if (a->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
        printf ("l");
      if (a->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
        printf ("l");
      if (b->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  if (a->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_THREAD)
    assert ((a->tbst_link[0] == NULL) != (a->tbst_link[0] != b->tbst_link[0]));
  if (a->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_THREAD)
    assert ((a->tbst_link[1] == NULL) != (a->tbst_link[1] != b->tbst_link[1]));

  okay = 1;
  if (a->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->tbst_link[0], b->tbst_link[0]);
  if (a->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->tbst_link[1], b->tbst_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 292.

295. <Recursively verify TBST structure 295> =
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct tbst_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->tbst_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  subcount[0] = subcount[1] = 0;
  if (node->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
    recurse_verify_tree (node->tbst_link[0], okay, &subcount[0], min, d - 1);
  if (node->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
    recurse_verify_tree (node->tbst_link[1], okay, &subcount[1], d + 1, max);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
   This code is included in 292.

296. <TBST verify function 296> =
static int
verify_tree (struct tbst_table *tree, int array[], size_t n)
  int okay = 1;

  <Check tree->bst_count is correct; bst => tbst 111>

  if (okay)
      <Check BST structure; bst => tbst 112>

  if (okay)
      <Check that the tree contains all the elements it should; bst => tbst 116>

  if (okay)
      <Check that forward traversal works; bst => tbst 117>

  if (okay)
      <Check that backward traversal works; bst => tbst 118>

  if (okay)
      <Check that traversal from the null element works; bst => tbst 119>

  return okay;
   This code is included in 292.

297. <TBST test function 297> =
test_correctness (struct libavl_allocator *allocator,
                 int insert[], int delete[], int n, int verbosity)
  struct tbst_table *tree;
  int okay = 1;
  int i;

  <Test creating a BST and inserting into it; bst => tbst 103>
  <Test BST traversal during modifications; bst => tbst 104>
  <Test deleting nodes from the BST and making copies of it; bst => tbst 106>
  <Test destroying the tree; bst => tbst 109>

  <Test TBST balancing 298>

  return okay;
   This code is included in 292, 413, and 517.

298. <Test TBST balancing 298> =
/* Test tbst_balance(). */
if (verbosity >= 2)
  printf ("  Testing balancing...\n");

tree = tbst_create (compare_ints, NULL, allocator);
if (tree == NULL)
    if (verbosity >= 0)
      printf ("  Out of memory creating tree.\n");
    return 1;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    void **p = tbst_probe (tree, &insert[i]);
    if (p == NULL)
        if (verbosity >= 0)
          printf ("    Out of memory in insertion.\n");
        tbst_destroy (tree, NULL);
        return 1;
    if (*p != &insert[i])
      printf ("    Duplicate item in tree!\n");

if (verbosity >= 4)
  print_whole_tree (tree, "    Prebalance");
tbst_balance (tree);
if (verbosity >= 4)
  print_whole_tree (tree, "    Postbalance");

if (!verify_tree (tree, insert, n))
  return 0;

tbst_destroy (tree, NULL);
   This code is included in 297.

8 Threaded AVL Trees

The previous chapter introduced a new concept in BSTs, the idea of
threads.  Threads allowed us to simplify traversals and eliminate the
use of stacks.  On the other hand, threaded trees can still grow tall
enough that they reduce the program's performance unacceptably, the
problem that balanced trees were meant to solve.  Ideally, we'd like to
add threads to balanced trees, to produce threaded balanced trees that
combine the best of both worlds.

   We can do this, and it's not even very difficult.  This chapter will
show how to add threads to AVL trees.  The next will show how to add
them to red-black trees.

   Here's an outline of the table implementation for threaded AVL or
"TAVL" trees that we'll develop in this chapter.  Note the usage of
prefix tavl_ for these functions.

299. <tavl.h 299> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef TAVL_H
#define TAVL_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => tavl 15>
<BST maximum height; bst => tavl 29>
<TBST table structure; tbst => tavl 252>
<TAVL node structure 301>
<TBST traverser structure; tbst => tavl 269>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => tavl 16>

#endif /* tavl.h */

300. <tavl.c 300> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tavl.h"

<TAVL functions 302>

8.1 Data Types

The TAVL node structure takes the basic fields for a BST and adds a
balance factor for AVL balancing and a pair of tag fields to allow for

301. <TAVL node structure 301> =
/* Characterizes a link as a child pointer or a thread. */
enum tavl_tag
    TAVL_CHILD,                     /* Child pointer. */
    TAVL_THREAD                     /* Thread. */

/* An TAVL tree node. */
struct tavl_node
    struct tavl_node *tavl_link[2]; /* Subtrees. */
    void *tavl_data;                /* Pointer to data. */
    unsigned char tavl_tag[2];      /* Tag fields. */
    signed char tavl_balance;       /* Balance factor. */
   This code is included in 299.


1. struct avl_node contains three pointer members and a single
character member, whereas struct tavl_node additionally contains an
array of two characters.  Is struct tavl_node necessarily larger than
struct avl_node?

8.2 Rotations

Rotations are just as useful in threaded BSTs as they are in unthreaded
ones.  We do need to re-examine the idea, though, to see how the
presence of threads affect rotations.

   A generic rotation looks like this diagram taken from *Note BST

                               |        |
                               Y        X
                              / \      / \
                             X   c    a   Y
                             ^            ^
                            a b          b c

Any of the subtrees labeled a, b, and c may be in fact threads.  In the
most extreme case, all of them are threads, and the rotation looks like

                               Y         X
                           _.-' \       / `._
                          X      []    []    Y
                         / \               _' \
                        []  [Y]           [X]  []

As you can see, the thread from X to Y, represented by subtree b,
reverses direction and becomes a thread from Y to X following a right
rotation.  This has to be handled as a special case in code for
rotation.  See Exercise 1 for details.

   On the other hand, there is no need to do anything special with
threads originating in subtrees of a rotated node.  This is a direct
consequence of the locality and order-preserving properties of a
rotation (*note BST Rotations::).  Here's an example diagram to
demonstrate.  Note in particular that the threads from A, B, and C
point to the same nodes in both trees:

                          Y                  X
                  ___..--' `._           _.-' `--..___
                 X            C         A             Y
             _.-' `._       _' \       / \        _.-' `._
            A        B     [Y]  []    []  [X]    B        C
           / \     _' \                        _' \     _' \
          []  [X] [X]  [Y]                    [X]  [Y] [Y]  []


1. Write functions for right and left rotations in threaded BSTs,
analogous to those for unthreaded BSTs developed in Exercise 4.3-2.

8.3 Operations

Now we'll implement all the usual operations for TAVL trees.  We can
reuse everything from TBSTs except insertion, deletion, and copy
functions.  Most of the copy function code will in fact be reused also.
Here's the outline:

302. <TAVL functions 302> =
<TBST creation function; tbst => tavl 254>
<TBST search function; tbst => tavl 255>
<TAVL item insertion function 303>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => tavl 594>
<TAVL item deletion function 313>
<TBST traversal functions; tbst => tavl 270>
<TAVL copy function 331>
<TBST destruction function; tbst => tavl 283>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => tavl 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => tavl 596>
   This code is included in 300.

8.4 Insertion

Insertion into an AVL tree is not complicated much by the need to update
threads.  The outline is the same as before, and the code for step 3
and the local variable declarations can be reused entirely:

303. <TAVL item insertion function 303> =
void **
tavl_probe (struct tavl_table *tree, void *item)
  <avl_probe() local variables; avl => tavl 149>

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search TAVL tree for insertion point 304>
  <Step 2: Insert TAVL node 305>
  <Step 3: Update balance factors after AVL insertion; avl => tavl 152>
  <Step 4: Rebalance after TAVL insertion 306>
   This code is included in 302.

8.4.1 Steps 1 and 2: Search and Insert

The first step is a lot like the unthreaded AVL version in <Step 1:
Search AVL tree for insertion point 150>.  There is an unfortunate
special case for an empty tree, because a null pointer for tavl_root
indicates an empty tree but in a nonempty tree we must seek a thread
link.  After we're done, p, not q as before, is the node below which a
new node should be inserted, because the test for stepping outside the
binary tree now comes before advancing p.

304. <Step 1: Search TAVL tree for insertion point 304> =
z = (struct tavl_node *) &tree->tavl_root;
y = tree->tavl_root;
if (y != NULL)
    for (q = z, p = y; ; q = p, p = p->tavl_link[dir])
        int cmp = tree->tavl_compare (item, p->tavl_data, tree->tavl_param);
        if (cmp == 0)
          return &p->tavl_data;

        if (p->tavl_balance != 0)
          z = q, y = p, k = 0;
        da[k++] = dir = cmp > 0;

        if (p->tavl_tag[dir] == TAVL_THREAD)
    p = z;
    dir = 0;
   This code is included in 303.

   The insertion adds to the TBST code by setting the balance factor of
the new node and handling the first insertion into an empty tree as a
special case:

305. <Step 2: Insert TAVL node 305> =
<Step 2: Insert TBST node; tbst => tavl 258>
n->tavl_balance = 0;
if (tree->tavl_root == n)
  return &n->tavl_data;
   This code is included in 303.

8.4.2 Step 4: Rebalance

Now we're finally to the interesting part, the rebalancing step.  We
can tell whether rebalancing is necessary based on the balance factor
of y, the same as in unthreaded AVL insertion:

306. <Step 4: Rebalance after TAVL insertion 306> =
if (y->tavl_balance == -2)
    <Rebalance TAVL tree after insertion in left subtree 307>
else if (y->tavl_balance == +2)
    <Rebalance TAVL tree after insertion in right subtree 310>
  return &n->tavl_data;
z->tavl_link[y != z->tavl_link[0]] = w;

return &n->tavl_data;
   This code is included in 303.

   We will examine the case of insertion in the left subtree of y, the
node at which we must rebalance.  We take x as y's child on the side of
the new node, then, as for unthreaded AVL insertion, we distinguish two
cases based on the balance factor of x:

307. <Rebalance TAVL tree after insertion in left subtree 307> =
struct tavl_node *x = y->tavl_link[0];
if (x->tavl_balance == -1)
    <Rebalance for - balance factor in TAVL insertion in left subtree 308>
    <Rebalance for + balance factor in TAVL insertion in left subtree 309>
   This code is included in 306.

Case 1: x has - balance factor

As for unthreaded insertion, we rotate right at y (*note Rebalancing
AVL Trees::).  Notice the resemblance of the following code to
rotate_right() in the solution to Exercise 8.2-1.

308. <Rebalance for - balance factor in TAVL insertion in left subtree 308> =
w = x;
if (x->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_THREAD)
    x->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_CHILD;
    y->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_THREAD;
    y->tavl_link[0] = x;
  y->tavl_link[0] = x->tavl_link[1];
x->tavl_link[1] = y;
x->tavl_balance = y->tavl_balance = 0;
   This code is included in 307.

Case 2: x has + balance factor

When x has a + balance factor, we perform the transformation shown
below, which consists of a left rotation at x followed by a right
rotation at y.  This is the same transformation used in unthreaded

                                 y           |
                               <-->          w
                          __.-'    \        <0>
                          x         d      /   \
                         <+>          =>  x     y
                        /   \             ^     ^
                       a     w           a b   c d
                            b c

We could simply apply the standard code from Exercise 8.2-1 in each
rotation (see Exercise 1), but it is just as straightforward to do both
of the rotations together, then clean up any threads.  Subtrees a and d
cannot cause thread-related trouble, because they are not disturbed
during the transformation: a remains x's left child and d remains y's
right child.  The children of w, subtrees b and c, do require handling.
If subtree b is a thread, then after the rotation and before fix-up
x's right link points to itself, and, similarly, if c is a thread then
y's left link points to itself.  These links must be changed into
threads to w instead, and w's links must be tagged as child pointers.

   If both b and c are threads then the transformation looks like the
diagram below, showing pre-rebalancing and post-rebalancing,
post-fix-up views.  The AVL balance rule implies that if b and c are
threads then a and d are also:

                               y                |
                             <-->               w
                   ___...---'    \             <0>
                   x              []       _.-'   `._
                  <+>                =>   x          y
                 /   `._                 / \       _' \
                []      w               []  [w]   [w]  []
                      _' \
                     [x]  [y]

The required code is heavily based on the corresponding code for
unthreaded AVL rebalancing:

309. <Rebalance for + balance factor in TAVL insertion in left subtree 309> =
<Rotate left at x then right at y in AVL tree; avl => tavl 158>
if (w->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_THREAD)
    x->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_THREAD;
    x->tavl_link[1] = w;
    w->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_CHILD;
if (w->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_THREAD)
    y->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_THREAD;
    y->tavl_link[0] = w;
    w->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_CHILD;
   This code is included in 307, 326, and 669.


1. Rewrite <Rebalance for + balance factor in TAVL insertion in left
subtree 309> in terms of the routines from Exercise 8.2-1.

8.4.3 Symmetric Case

Here is the corresponding code for the case where insertion occurs in
the right subtree of y.

310. <Rebalance TAVL tree after insertion in right subtree 310> =
struct tavl_node *x = y->tavl_link[1];
if (x->tavl_balance == +1)
    <Rebalance for + balance factor in TAVL insertion in right subtree 311>
    <Rebalance for - balance factor in TAVL insertion in right subtree 312>
   This code is included in 306.

311. <Rebalance for + balance factor in TAVL insertion in right subtree 311> =
w = x;
if (x->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_THREAD)
    x->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_CHILD;
    y->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_THREAD;
    y->tavl_link[1] = x;
  y->tavl_link[1] = x->tavl_link[0];
x->tavl_link[0] = y;
x->tavl_balance = y->tavl_balance = 0;
   This code is included in 310.

312. <Rebalance for - balance factor in TAVL insertion in right subtree 312> =
<Rotate right at x then left at y in AVL tree; avl => tavl 161>
if (w->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_THREAD)
    y->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_THREAD;
    y->tavl_link[1] = w;
    w->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_CHILD;
if (w->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_THREAD)
    x->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_THREAD;
    x->tavl_link[0] = w;
    w->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_CHILD;
   This code is included in 310, 322, and 668.

8.5 Deletion

Deletion from a TAVL tree can be accomplished by combining our
knowledge about AVL trees and threaded trees.  From one perspective, we
add rebalancing to TBST deletion.  From the other perspective, we add
thread handling to AVL tree deletion.

   The function outline is about the same as usual.  We do add a helper
function for finding the parent of a TAVL node:

313. <TAVL item deletion function 313> =
<Find parent of a TBST node; tbst => tavl 329>

void *
tavl_delete (struct tavl_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct tavl_node *p; /* Traverses tree to find node to delete. */
  struct tavl_node *q; /* Parent of p. */
  int dir;             /* Index into q->tavl_link[] to get p. */
  int cmp;             /* Result of comparison between item and p. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search TAVL tree for item to delete 314>
  <Step 2: Delete item from TAVL tree 315>
  <Steps 3 and 4: Update balance factors and rebalance after TAVL deletion 320>
   This code is included in 302.

8.5.1 Step 1: Search

We use p to search down the tree and keep track of p's parent with q.
We keep the invariant at the beginning of the loop here that
q->tavl_link[dir] == p.  As the final step, we record the item deleted
and update the tree's item count.

314. <Step 1: Search TAVL tree for item to delete 314> =
if (tree->tavl_root == NULL)
  return NULL;

q = (struct tavl_node *) &tree->tavl_root;
p = tree->tavl_root;
dir = 0;
for (;;)
    cmp = tree->tavl_compare (item, p->tavl_data, tree->tavl_param);
    if (cmp == 0)
    dir = cmp > 0;

    q = p;
    if (p->tavl_tag[dir] == TAVL_THREAD)
      return NULL;
    p = p->tavl_link[dir];
item = p->tavl_data;
   This code is included in 313 and 672.

8.5.2 Step 2: Delete

The cases for deletion are the same as for a TBST (*note Deleting from
a TBST::).  The difference is that we have to copy around balance
factors and keep track of where balancing needs to start.  After the
deletion, q is the node at which balance factors must be updated and
possible rebalancing occurs and dir is the side of q from which the
node was deleted.  For cases 1 and 2, q need not change from its
current value as the parent of the deleted node.  For cases 3 and 4, q
will need to be changed.

315. <Step 2: Delete item from TAVL tree 315> =
if (p->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_THREAD)
    if (p->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
        <Case 1 in TAVL deletion 316>
        <Case 2 in TAVL deletion 317>
    struct tavl_node *r = p->tavl_link[1];
    if (r->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_THREAD)
        <Case 3 in TAVL deletion 318>
        <Case 4 in TAVL deletion 319>

tree->tavl_alloc->libavl_free (tree->tavl_alloc, p);
   This code is included in 313.

Case 1: p has a right thread and a left child

If p has a right thread and a left child, then we replace it by its
left child.  Rebalancing must begin right above p, which is already set
as q.  There's no need to change the TBST code:

316. <Case 1 in TAVL deletion 316> =
<Case 1 in TBST deletion; tbst => tavl 262>
   This code is included in 315.

Case 2: p has a right thread and a left thread

If p is a leaf, then we change q's pointer to p into a thread.  Again,
rebalancing must begin at the node that's already set up as q and
there's no need to change the TBST code:

317. <Case 2 in TAVL deletion 317> =
<Case 2 in TBST deletion; tbst => tavl 263>
   This code is included in 315.

Case 3: p's right child has a left thread

If p has a right child r, which in turn has no left child, then we move
r in place of p.  In this case r, having replaced p, acquires p's
former balance factor and rebalancing must start from there.  The
deletion in this case is always on the right side of the node.

318. <Case 3 in TAVL deletion 318> =
<Case 3 in TBST deletion; tbst => tavl 264>
r->tavl_balance = p->tavl_balance;
q = r;
dir = 1;
   This code is included in 315.

Case 4: p's right child has a left child

The most general case comes up when p's right child has a left child,
where we replace p by its successor s.  In that case s acquires p's
former balance factor and rebalancing begins from s's parent r.  Node s
is always the left child of r.

319. <Case 4 in TAVL deletion 319> =
<Case 4 in TBST deletion; tbst => tavl 265>
s->tavl_balance = p->tavl_balance;
q = r;
dir = 0;
   This code is included in 315.


1. Rewrite <Case 4 in TAVL deletion 319> to replace the deleted node's
tavl_data by its successor, then delete the successor, instead of
shuffling pointers.  (Refer back to Exercise 4.8-3 for an explanation
of why this approach cannot be used in libavl.)

8.5.3 Step 3: Update Balance Factors

Rebalancing begins from node q, from whose side dir a node was deleted.
Node q at the beginning of the iteration becomes node y, the root of
the balance factor update and rebalancing, and dir at the beginning of
the iteration is used to separate the left-side and right-side deletion

   The loop also updates the values of q and dir for rebalancing and
for use in the next iteration of the loop, if any.  These new values can
only be assigned after the old ones are no longer needed, but must be
assigned before any rebalancing so that the parent link to y can be
changed.  For q this is after y receives q's old value and before
rebalancing.  For dir, it is after the branch point that separates the
left-side and right-side deletion cases, so the dir assignment is
duplicated in each branch.  The code used to update q is discussed

320. <Steps 3 and 4: Update balance factors and rebalance after TAVL deletion 320> =
while (q != (struct tavl_node *) &tree->tavl_root)
    struct tavl_node *y = q;

    q = find_parent (tree, y);

    if (dir == 0)
        dir = q->tavl_link[0] != y;
        if (y->tavl_balance == +1)
        else if (y->tavl_balance == +2)
            <Step 4: Rebalance after TAVL deletion 321>
        <Steps 3 and 4: Symmetric case in TAVL deletion 325>

return (void *) item;
   This code is included in 313.

8.5.4 Step 4: Rebalance

Rebalancing after deletion in a TAVL tree divides into three cases.  The
first of these is analogous to case 1 in unthreaded AVL deletion, the
other two to case 2 (*note Inserting into a TBST::).  The cases are
distinguished, as usual, based on the balance factor of right child x
of the node y at which rebalancing occurs:

321. <Step 4: Rebalance after TAVL deletion 321> =
struct tavl_node *x = y->tavl_link[1];

assert (x != NULL);
if (x->tavl_balance == -1)
    <Rebalance for - balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree 322>
    q->tavl_link[dir] = x;

    if (x->tavl_balance == 0)
        <Rebalance for 0 balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree 323>
    else /* x->tavl_balance == +1 */
        <Rebalance for + balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree 324>
   This code is included in 320.

Case 1: x has - balance factor

This case is just like case 2 in TAVL insertion.  In fact, we can even
reuse the code:

322. <Rebalance for - balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree 322> =
struct tavl_node *w;

<Rebalance for - balance factor in TAVL insertion in right subtree 312>
q->tavl_link[dir] = w;
   This code is included in 321.

Case 2: x has 0 balance factor

If x has a 0 balance factor, then we perform a left rotation at y.  The
transformation looks like this, with subtree heights listed under their

                          |                     |
                          s                     r
                        <++>                   <->
                      _'    `_             _.-'   \
                      a        r    =>     s       c
                     h-1      <0>         <+>      h
                             /   \      _'   \
                            b     c     a     b
                            h     h    h-1    h

Subtree b is taller than subtree a, so even if h takes its minimum
value of 1, then subtree b has height h == 1 and, therefore, it must
contain at least one node and there is no need to do any checking for
threads.  The code is simple:

323. <Rebalance for 0 balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree 323> =
y->tavl_link[1] = x->tavl_link[0];
x->tavl_link[0] = y;
x->tavl_balance = -1;
y->tavl_balance = +1;
   This code is included in 321 and 445.

Case 3: x has + balance factor

If x has a + balance factor, we perform a left rotation at y, same as
for case 2, and the transformation looks like this:

                        |                        |
                        s                        s
                      <++>                      <0>
                    _'    `._             __..-'   \
                    a         r    =>     r         c
                   h-1       <+>         <0>        h
                           _'   \      _'   \
                           b     c     a      b
                          h-1    h    h-1    h-1

One difference from case 2 is in the resulting balance factors.  The
other is that if h == 1, then subtrees a and b have height h - 1 == 0,
so a and b may actually be threads.  In that case, the transformation
must be done this way:

                 s                              |
               <++>                             r
              /    `._                         <0>
             []        r                 __..-'   `._
                      <+>          =>    s            c
                    _'   `._            <0>          <0>
                   [s]       c         /   \       _'   \
                            <0>       []    [r]   [r]    []
                          _'   \
                         [r]    []

This code handles both possibilities:

324. <Rebalance for + balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree 324> =
if (x->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
  y->tavl_link[1] = x->tavl_link[0];
    y->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_THREAD;
    x->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_CHILD;
x->tavl_link[0] = y;
y->tavl_balance = x->tavl_balance = 0;
   This code is included in 321.

8.5.5 Symmetric Case

Here's the code for the symmetric case.

325. <Steps 3 and 4: Symmetric case in TAVL deletion 325> =
dir = q->tavl_link[0] != y;
if (y->tavl_balance == -1)
else if (y->tavl_balance == -2)
    struct tavl_node *x = y->tavl_link[0];
    assert (x != NULL);
    if (x->tavl_balance == +1)
        <Rebalance for + balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree 326>
        q->tavl_link[dir] = x;

        if (x->tavl_balance == 0)
            <Rebalance for 0 balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree 327>
        else /* x->tavl_balance == -1 */
            <Rebalance for - balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree 328>
   This code is included in 320.

326. <Rebalance for + balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree 326> =
struct tavl_node *w;

<Rebalance for + balance factor in TAVL insertion in left subtree 309>
q->tavl_link[dir] = w;
   This code is included in 325.

327. <Rebalance for 0 balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree 327> =
y->tavl_link[0] = x->tavl_link[1];
x->tavl_link[1] = y;
x->tavl_balance = +1;
y->tavl_balance = -1;
   This code is included in 325 and 446.

328. <Rebalance for - balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree 328> =
if (x->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
  y->tavl_link[0] = x->tavl_link[1];
    y->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_THREAD;
    x->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_CHILD;
x->tavl_link[1] = y;
y->tavl_balance = x->tavl_balance = 0;
   This code is included in 325.

8.5.6 Finding the Parent of a Node

The last component of tavl_delete() left undiscussed is the
implementation of its helper function find_parent(), which requires an
algorithm for finding the parent of an arbitrary node in a TAVL tree.
If there were no efficient algorithm for this purpose, we would have to
keep a stack of parent nodes as we did for unthreaded AVL trees.  (This
is still an option, as shown in Exercise 3.)  We are fortunate that
such an algorithm does exist.  Let's discover it.

   Because child pointers always lead downward in a BST, the only way
that we're going to get from one node to another one above it is by
following a thread.  Almost directly from our definition of threads, we
know that if a node q has a right child p, then there is a left thread
in the subtree rooted at p that points back to q.  Because a left
thread points from a node to its predecessor, this left thread to q
must come from q's successor, which we'll call s.  The situation looks
like this:

                              / `--...___
                             a           p
                                       _' \
                                      ...  b
                                 _' \
                                [q]  c

This leads immediately to an algorithm to find q given p, if p is q's
right child.  We simply follow left links starting at p until we we
reach a thread, then we follow that thread.  On the other hand, it
doesn't help if p is q's left child, but there's an analogous situation
with q's predecessor in that case.

   Will this algorithm work for any node in a TBST?  It won't work for
the root node, because no thread points above the root (see
Exercise 2).  It will work for any other node, because any node other
than the root has its successor or predecessor as its parent.

   Here is the actual code, which finds and returns the parent of node.
It traverses both the left and right subtrees of node at once, using x
to move down to the left and y to move down to the right.  When it hits
a thread on one side, it checks whether it leads to node's parent.  If
it does, then we're done.  If it doesn't, then we continue traversing
along the other side, which is guaranteed to lead to node's parent.

329. <Find parent of a TBST node 329> =
/* Returns the parent of node within tree,
   or a pointer to tbst_root if s is the root of the tree. */
static struct tbst_node *
find_parent (struct tbst_table *tree, struct tbst_node *node)
  if (node != tree->tbst_root)
      struct tbst_node *x, *y;

      for (x = y = node; ; x = x->tbst_link[0], y = y->tbst_link[1])
        if (y->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_THREAD)
            struct tbst_node *p = y->tbst_link[1];
            if (p == NULL || p->tbst_link[0] != node)
                while (x->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
                  x = x->tbst_link[0];
                p = x->tbst_link[0];
            return p;
        else if (x->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_THREAD)
            struct tbst_node *p = x->tbst_link[0];
            if (p == NULL || p->tbst_link[1] != node)
                while (y->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_CHILD)
                  y = y->tbst_link[1];
                p = y->tbst_link[1];
            return p;
    return (struct tbst_node *) &tree->tbst_root;
   This code is included in 313, 670, and 672.

See also:  [Knuth 1997], exercise 2.3.1-19.


*1. Show that finding the parent of a given node using this algorithm,
averaged over all the node within a TBST, requires only a constant
number of links to be followed.

2. The structure of threads in our TBSTs force finding the parent of the
root node to be special-cased.  Suggest a modification to the tree
structure to avoid this.

3. It can take several steps to find the parent of an arbitrary node in
a TBST, even though the operation is "efficient" in the sense of
Exercise 7.7-4.  On the other hand, finding the parent of a node is
very fast with a stack, but it costs time to construct the stack.
Rewrite tavl_delete() to use a stack instead of the parent node

8.6 Copying

We can use the tree copy function for TBSTs almost verbatim here.  The
one necessary change is that copy_node() must copy node balance
factors.  Here's the new version:

330. <TAVL node copy function 330> =
static int
copy_node (struct tavl_table *tree,
           struct tavl_node *dst, int dir,
           const struct tavl_node *src, tavl_copy_func *copy)
  struct tavl_node *new =
    tree->tavl_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->tavl_alloc, sizeof *new);
  if (new == NULL)
    return 0;

  new->tavl_link[dir] = dst->tavl_link[dir];
  new->tavl_tag[dir] = TAVL_THREAD;
  new->tavl_link[!dir] = dst;
  new->tavl_tag[!dir] = TAVL_THREAD;
  dst->tavl_link[dir] = new;
  dst->tavl_tag[dir] = TAVL_CHILD;

  new->tavl_balance = src->tavl_balance;
  if (copy == NULL)
    new->tavl_data = src->tavl_data;
      new->tavl_data = copy (src->tavl_data, tree->tavl_param);
      if (new->tavl_data == NULL)
        return 0;

  return 1;
   This code is included in 331.

331. <TAVL copy function 331> =
<TAVL node copy function 330>
<TBST copy error helper function; tbst => tavl 282>
<TBST main copy function; tbst => tavl 281>
   This code is included in 302 and 338.

8.7 Testing

The testing code harbors no surprises.

332. <tavl-test.c 332> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tavl.h"
#include "test.h"

<TBST print function; tbst => tavl 293>
<BST traverser check function; bst => tavl 105>
<Compare two TAVL trees for structure and content 333>
<Recursively verify TAVL tree structure 334>
<AVL tree verify function; avl => tavl 192>
<BST test function; bst => tavl 101>
<BST overflow test function; bst => tavl 123>

333. <Compare two TAVL trees for structure and content 333> =
static int
compare_trees (struct tavl_node *a, struct tavl_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      if (a != NULL || b != NULL)
          printf (" a=%d b=%d\n",
                  a ? *(int *) a->tavl_data : -1,
                  b ? *(int *) b->tavl_data : -1);
          assert (0);
      return 1;
  assert (a != b);

  if (*(int *) a->tavl_data != *(int *) b->tavl_data
      || a->tavl_tag[0] != b->tavl_tag[0]
      || a->tavl_tag[1] != b->tavl_tag[1]
      || a->tavl_balance != b->tavl_balance)
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d (bal=%d) b=%d (bal=%d) a:",
              *(int *) a->tavl_data, a->tavl_balance,
              *(int *) b->tavl_data, b->tavl_balance);

      if (a->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
        printf ("l");
      if (a->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
        printf ("l");
      if (b->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  if (a->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_THREAD)
    assert ((a->tavl_link[0] == NULL) != (a->tavl_link[0] != b->tavl_link[0]));
  if (a->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_THREAD)
    assert ((a->tavl_link[1] == NULL) != (a->tavl_link[1] != b->tavl_link[1]));

  okay = 1;
  if (a->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->tavl_link[0], b->tavl_link[0]);
  if (a->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->tavl_link[1], b->tavl_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 332.

334. <Recursively verify TAVL tree structure 334> =
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct tavl_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max, int *height)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */
  int subheight[2];     /* Heights of subtrees. */

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
      *height = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->tavl_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  subcount[0] = subcount[1] = 0;
  subheight[0] = subheight[1] = 0;
  if (node->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
    recurse_verify_tree (node->tavl_link[0], okay, &subcount[0],
                         min, d -  1, &subheight[0]);
  if (node->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
    recurse_verify_tree (node->tavl_link[1], okay, &subcount[1],
                         d + 1, max, &subheight[1]);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
  *height = 1 + (subheight[0] > subheight[1] ? subheight[0] : subheight[1]);

  <Verify AVL node balance factor; avl => tavl 191>
   This code is included in 332.

9 Threaded Red-Black Trees

In the last two chapters, we introduced the idea of a threaded binary
search tree, then applied that idea to AVL trees to produce threaded AVL
trees.  In this chapter, we will apply the idea of threading to
red-black trees, resulting in threaded red-black or "TRB" trees.

   Here's an outline of the table implementation for threaded RB trees,
which use a trb_ prefix.

335. <trb.h 335> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef TRB_H
#define TRB_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => trb 15>
<RB maximum height; rb => trb 197>
<TBST table structure; tbst => trb 252>
<TRB node structure 337>
<TBST traverser structure; tbst => trb 269>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => trb 16>

#endif /* trb.h */

336. <trb.c 336> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "trb.h"

<TRB functions 338>

9.1 Data Types

To make a RB tree node structure into a threaded RB tree node structure,
we just add a pair of tag fields.  We also reintroduce a maximum height
definition here.  It is not used by traversers, only by by the default
versions of trb_probe() and trb_delete(), for maximum efficiency.

337. <TRB node structure 337> =
/* Color of a red-black node. */
enum trb_color
    TRB_BLACK,                     /* Black. */
    TRB_RED                        /* Red. */

/* Characterizes a link as a child pointer or a thread. */
enum trb_tag
    TRB_CHILD,                     /* Child pointer. */
    TRB_THREAD                     /* Thread. */

/* An TRB tree node. */
struct trb_node
    struct trb_node *trb_link[2];  /* Subtrees. */
    void *trb_data;                /* Pointer to data. */
    unsigned char trb_color;       /* Color. */
    unsigned char trb_tag[2];      /* Tag fields. */
   This code is included in 335.

9.2 Operations

Now we'll implement all the usual operations for TRB trees.  Here's the
outline.  We can reuse everything from TBSTs except insertion, deletion,
and copy functions.  The copy function is implemented by reusing the
version for TAVL trees, but copying colors instead of balance factors.

338. <TRB functions 338> =
<TBST creation function; tbst => trb 254>
<TBST search function; tbst => trb 255>
<TRB item insertion function 339>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => trb 594>
<TRB item deletion function 351>
<TBST traversal functions; tbst => trb 270>
<TAVL copy function; tavl => trb; tavl_balance => trb_color 331>
<TBST destruction function; tbst => trb 283>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => trb 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => trb 596>
   This code is included in 336.

9.3 Insertion

The structure of the insertion routine is predictable:

339. <TRB item insertion function 339> =
void **
trb_probe (struct trb_table *tree, void *item)
  struct trb_node *pa[TRB_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes on stack. */
  unsigned char da[TRB_MAX_HEIGHT];    /* Directions moved from stack nodes. */
  int k;                               /* Stack height. */

  struct trb_node *p; /* Traverses tree looking for insertion point. */
  struct trb_node *n; /* Newly inserted node. */
  int dir;            /* Side of p on which n is inserted. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search TRB tree for insertion point 340>
  <Step 2: Insert TRB node 341>
  <Step 3: Rebalance after TRB insertion 342>

  return &n->trb_data;
   This code is included in 338.

9.3.1 Steps 1 and 2: Search and Insert

As usual, we search the tree from the root and record parents as we go.

340. <Step 1: Search TRB tree for insertion point 340> =
da[0] = 0;
pa[0] = (struct trb_node *) &tree->trb_root;
k = 1;
if (tree->trb_root != NULL)
    for (p = tree->trb_root; ; p = p->trb_link[dir])
        int cmp = tree->trb_compare (item, p->trb_data, tree->trb_param);
        if (cmp == 0)
          return &p->trb_data;

        pa[k] = p;
        da[k++] = dir = cmp > 0;

        if (p->trb_tag[dir] == TRB_THREAD)
    p = (struct trb_node *) &tree->trb_root;
    dir = 0;
   This code is included in 339.

   The code for insertion is included within the loop for easy access to
the dir variable.

341. <Step 2: Insert TRB node 341> =
<Step 2: Insert TBST node; tbst => trb 258>
n->trb_color = TRB_RED;
   This code is included in 339 and 670.

9.3.2 Step 3: Rebalance

The basic rebalancing loop is unchanged from <Step 3: Rebalance after
RB insertion 203>.

342. <Step 3: Rebalance after TRB insertion 342> =
while (k >= 3 && pa[k - 1]->trb_color == TRB_RED)
    if (da[k - 2] == 0)
        <Left-side rebalancing after TRB insertion 343>
        <Right-side rebalancing after TRB insertion 347>
tree->trb_root->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
   This code is included in 339.

   The cases for rebalancing are the same as in <Left-side rebalancing
after RB insertion 204>, too.  We do need to check for threads, instead
of null pointers.

343. <Left-side rebalancing after TRB insertion 343> =
struct trb_node *y = pa[k - 2]->trb_link[1];
if (pa[k - 2]->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD && y->trb_color == TRB_RED)
    <Case 1 in left-side TRB insertion rebalancing 344>
    struct trb_node *x;

    if (da[k - 1] == 0)
      y = pa[k - 1];
        <Case 3 in left-side TRB insertion rebalancing 346>

    <Case 2 in left-side TRB insertion rebalancing 345>
   This code is included in 342.

   The rest of this section deals with the individual rebalancing cases,
the same as in unthreaded RB insertion (*note Inserting an RB Node Step
3 - Rebalance::).  Each iteration deals with a node whose color has
just been changed to red, which is the newly inserted node n in the
first trip through the loop.  In the discussion, we'll call this node q.

Case 1: q's uncle is red

If node q has an red "uncle", then only recoloring is required.
Because no links are changed, no threads need to be updated, and we can
reuse the code for RB insertion without change:

344. <Case 1 in left-side TRB insertion rebalancing 344> =
<Case 1 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => trb 205>
   This code is included in 343.

Case 2: q is the left child of its parent

If q is the left child of its parent, we rotate right at q's
grandparent, and recolor a few nodes.  Here's the transformation:

                             pa[k-2],x              |
                                <b>                 y
                   ___...---'         \            <b>
                  pa[k-1],y            d       _.-'   `_
                     <r>                 =>    q         x
              _.-'         \                  <r>       <r>
              q             c                /   \     /   \
             <r>                            a     b   c     d
            /   \
           a     b

This transformation can only cause thread problems with subtree c,
since the other subtrees stay firmly in place.  If c is a thread, then
we need to make adjustments after the transformation to account for the
difference between threaded and unthreaded rotation, so that the final
operation looks like this:

                              pa[k-2],x              |
                                 <b>                 y
                  ____....---'         \            <b>
                 pa[k-1],y              d       _.-'   `._
                    <r>                   =>    q          x
             _.-'         \                    <r>        <r>
             q             [x]                /   \     _'   \
            <r>                              a     b   [y]    d
           /   \
          a     b

345. <Case 2 in left-side TRB insertion rebalancing 345> =
<Case 2 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => trb 206>

if (y->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
    y->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;
    x->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
    x->trb_link[0] = y;
This code is included in 343.

Case 3: q is the right child of its parent

The modification to case 3 is the same as the modification to case 2,
but it applies to a left rotation instead of a right rotation.  The
adjusted case looks like this:

                                 |                        |
                              pa[k-2]                    <b>
                                <b>                  _.-'   \
              _____.....-----'       \               y       d
             pa[k-1],x                d             <r>
                <r>                     =>    __..-'   \
            /         `._                     x         c
           a             w,y                 <r>
                         <r>                /   \
                       _'   \              a     [y]
                      [x]    c

346. <Case 3 in left-side TRB insertion rebalancing 346> =
<Case 3 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => trb 207>

if (y->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
    y->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;
    x->trb_tag[1] = TRB_THREAD;
    x->trb_link[1] = y;
This code is included in 343.

9.3.3 Symmetric Case

347. <Right-side rebalancing after TRB insertion 347> =
struct trb_node *y = pa[k - 2]->trb_link[0];
if (pa[k - 2]->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD && y->trb_color == TRB_RED)
    <Case 1 in right-side TRB insertion rebalancing 348>
    struct trb_node *x;

    if (da[k - 1] == 1)
      y = pa[k - 1];
        <Case 3 in right-side TRB insertion rebalancing 350>

    <Case 2 in right-side TRB insertion rebalancing 349>
This code is included in 342.

348. <Case 1 in right-side TRB insertion rebalancing 348> =
<Case 1 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => trb 209>
   This code is included in 347.

349. <Case 2 in right-side TRB insertion rebalancing 349> =
<Case 2 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => trb 210>

if (y->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
    y->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;
    x->trb_tag[1] = TRB_THREAD;
    x->trb_link[1] = y;
   This code is included in 347.

350. <Case 3 in right-side TRB insertion rebalancing 350> =
<Case 3 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => trb 211>

if (y->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
    y->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;
    x->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
    x->trb_link[0] = y;
   This code is included in 347.


1. It could be argued that the algorithm here is "impure" because it
uses a stack, when elimination of the need for a stack is one of the
reasons originally given for using threaded trees.  Write a version of
trb_probe() that avoids the use of a stack.  You can use find_parent()
from <Find parent of a TBST node 329> as a substitute.

9.4 Deletion

The outline for the deletion function follows the usual pattern.

351. <TRB item deletion function 351> =
void *
trb_delete (struct trb_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct trb_node *pa[TRB_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes on stack. */
  unsigned char da[TRB_MAX_HEIGHT];    /* Directions moved from stack nodes. */
  int k = 0;                           /* Stack height. */

  struct trb_node *p;
  int cmp, dir;

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search TRB tree for item to delete 352>
  <Step 2: Delete item from TRB tree 353>
  <Step 3: Rebalance tree after TRB deletion 358>
  <Step 4: Finish up after TRB deletion 364>
   This code is included in 338.

9.4.1 Step 1: Search

There's nothing new or interesting in the search code.

352. <Step 1: Search TRB tree for item to delete 352> =
if (tree->trb_root == NULL)
  return NULL;

p = (struct trb_node *) &tree->trb_root;
for (cmp = -1; cmp != 0;
     cmp = tree->trb_compare (item, p->trb_data, tree->trb_param))
    dir = cmp > 0;
    pa[k] = p;
    da[k++] = dir;

    if (p->trb_tag[dir] == TRB_THREAD)
      return NULL;
    p = p->trb_link[dir];
item = p->trb_data;
   This code is included in 351 and 661.

9.4.2 Step 2: Delete

The code for node deletion is a combination of RB deletion (*note
Deleting an RB Node Step 2 - Delete::) and TBST deletion (*note
Deleting from a TBST::).  The node to delete is p, and after deletion
the stack contains all the nodes down to where rebalancing begins.  The
cases are the same as for TBST deletion:

353. <Step 2: Delete item from TRB tree 353> =
if (p->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
    if (p->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
        <Case 1 in TRB deletion 354>
        <Case 2 in TRB deletion 355>
    enum trb_color t;
    struct trb_node *r = p->trb_link[1];

    if (r->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
        <Case 3 in TRB deletion 356>
        <Case 4 in TRB deletion 357>
   This code is included in 351.

Case 1: p has a right thread and a left child

If the node to delete p has a right thread and a left child, then we
replace it by its left child.  We also have to chase down the right
thread that pointed to p.  The code is almost the same as <Case 1 in
TBST deletion 262>, but we use the stack here instead of a single parent

354. <Case 1 in TRB deletion 354> =
struct trb_node *t = p->trb_link[0];
while (t->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
  t = t->trb_link[1];
t->trb_link[1] = p->trb_link[1];
pa[k - 1]->trb_link[da[k - 1]] = p->trb_link[0];
   This code is included in 353.

Case 2: p has a right thread and a left thread

Deleting a leaf node is the same process as for a TBST.  The changes
from <Case 2 in TBST deletion 263> are again due to the use of a stack.

355. <Case 2 in TRB deletion 355> =
pa[k - 1]->trb_link[da[k - 1]] = p->trb_link[da[k - 1]];
if (pa[k - 1] != (struct trb_node *) &tree->trb_root)
  pa[k - 1]->trb_tag[da[k - 1]] = TRB_THREAD;
   This code is included in 353.

Case 3: p's right child has a left thread

The code for case 3 merges <Case 3 in TBST deletion 264> with <Case 2
in RB deletion 225>.  First, the node is deleted in the same way used
for a TBST.  Then the colors of p and r are swapped, and r is added to
the stack, in the same way as for RB deletion.

356. <Case 3 in TRB deletion 356> =
r->trb_link[0] = p->trb_link[0];
r->trb_tag[0] = p->trb_tag[0];
if (r->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
    struct trb_node *t = r->trb_link[0];
    while (t->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
      t = t->trb_link[1];
    t->trb_link[1] = r;
pa[k - 1]->trb_link[da[k - 1]] = r;
t = r->trb_color;
r->trb_color = p->trb_color;
p->trb_color = t;
da[k] = 1;
pa[k++] = r;
   This code is included in 353.

Case 4: p's right child has a left child

Case 4 is a mix of <Case 4 in TBST deletion 265> and <Case 3 in RB
deletion 226>.  It follows the outline of TBST deletion, but updates the
stack.  After the deletion it also swaps the colors of p and s as in RB

357. <Case 4 in TRB deletion 357> =
struct trb_node *s;
int j = k++;

for (;;)
    da[k] = 0;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->trb_link[0];
    if (s->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)

    r = s;

da[j] = 1;
pa[j] = s;
if (s->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
  r->trb_link[0] = s->trb_link[1];
    r->trb_link[0] = s;
    r->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;

s->trb_link[0] = p->trb_link[0];
if (p->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
    struct trb_node *t = p->trb_link[0];
    while (t->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
      t = t->trb_link[1];
    t->trb_link[1] = s;

    s->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;

s->trb_link[1] = p->trb_link[1];
s->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;

t = s->trb_color;
s->trb_color = p->trb_color;
p->trb_color = t;

pa[j - 1]->trb_link[da[j - 1]] = s;
   This code is included in 353.


1. Rewrite <Case 4 in TAVL deletion 319> to replace the deleted node's
tavl_data by its successor, then delete the successor, instead of
shuffling pointers.  (Refer back to Exercise 4.8-3 for an explanation
of why this approach cannot be used in libavl.)

9.4.3 Step 3: Rebalance

The outline for rebalancing after threaded RB deletion is the same as
for the unthreaded case (*note Deleting an RB Node Step 3 -

358. <Step 3: Rebalance tree after TRB deletion 358> =
if (p->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
    for (; k > 1; k--)
        if (pa[k - 1]->trb_tag[da[k - 1]] == TRB_CHILD)
            struct trb_node *x = pa[k - 1]->trb_link[da[k - 1]];
            if (x->trb_color == TRB_RED)
                x->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;

        if (da[k - 1] == 0)
            <Left-side rebalancing after TRB deletion 359>
            <Right-side rebalancing after TRB deletion 365>

    if (tree->trb_root != NULL)
      tree->trb_root->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
   This code is included in 351.

   The rebalancing cases are the same, too.  We need to check for thread
tags, not for null pointers, though, in some places:

359. <Left-side rebalancing after TRB deletion 359> =
struct trb_node *w = pa[k - 1]->trb_link[1];

if (w->trb_color == TRB_RED)
    <Ensure w is black in left-side TRB deletion rebalancing 360>

if ((w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD
     || w->trb_link[0]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
    && (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD
        || w->trb_link[1]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK))
    <Case 1 in left-side TRB deletion rebalancing 361>
    if (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD
        || w->trb_link[1]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
        <Transform left-side TRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 363>

    <Case 2 in left-side TRB deletion rebalancing 362>
   This code is included in 358.

Case Reduction: Ensure w is black

This transformation does not move around any subtrees that might be
threads, so there is no need for it to change.

360. <Ensure w is black in left-side TRB deletion rebalancing 360> =
<Ensure w is black in left-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => trb 230>
   This code is included in 359.

Case 1: w has no red children

This transformation just recolors nodes, so it also does not need any

361. <Case 1 in left-side TRB deletion rebalancing 361> =
<Case 1 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => trb 231>
   This code is included in 359.

Case 2: w's right child is red

If w has a red right child and a left thread, then it is necessary to
adjust tags and links after the left rotation at w and recoloring, as
shown in this diagram:

                   |                                    |
               pa[x-1],B                                C
                  <g>                                  <g>
           _.-'         `._                      __..-'   `_
          x,A              w,C                   B           D
          <b>              <b>        =>        <b>         <b>
         /   \           _'   `_            _.-'   \       /   \
        a     b         [B]      D          A       [C]   d     e
                                <r>        <b>
                               /   \      /   \
                              d     e    a     b

362. <Case 2 in left-side TRB deletion rebalancing 362> =
<Case 2 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => trb 232>

if (w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
    w->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;
    pa[k - 1]->trb_tag[1] = TRB_THREAD;
    pa[k - 1]->trb_link[1] = w;
This code is included in 359.

Case 3: w's left child is red

If w has a red left child, which has a right thread, then we again need
to adjust tags and links after right rotation at w and recoloring, as
shown here:

                |                                 |
            pa[k-1],B                         pa[k-1],B
               <g>                               <g>
        _.-'         `--...___            _.-'         `_
       x,A                    w,D        x,A             w,C
       <b>                    <b>   =>   <b>             <b>
      /   \             __..-'   \      /   \           /   `._
     a     b            C         e    a     b         c        D
                       <r>                                     <r>
                      /   \                                  _'   \
                     c     [D]                              [C]    e

363. <Transform left-side TRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 363> =
<Transform left-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2; rb => trb 233>

if (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
    w->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;
    w->trb_link[1]->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
    w->trb_link[1]->trb_link[0] = w;
This code is included in 359.

9.4.4 Step 4: Finish Up

All that's left to do is free the node, update the count, and return the
deleted item:

364. <Step 4: Finish up after TRB deletion 364> =
tree->trb_alloc->libavl_free (tree->trb_alloc, p);
return (void *) item;
   This code is included in 351.

9.4.5 Symmetric Case

365. <Right-side rebalancing after TRB deletion 365> =
struct trb_node *w = pa[k - 1]->trb_link[0];

if (w->trb_color == TRB_RED)
    <Ensure w is black in right-side TRB deletion rebalancing 366>

if ((w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD
     || w->trb_link[0]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
    && (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD
        || w->trb_link[1]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK))
    <Case 1 in right-side TRB deletion rebalancing 367>
    if (w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD
        || w->trb_link[0]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
        <Transform right-side TRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 369>

    <Case 2 in right-side TRB deletion rebalancing 368>
This code is included in 358.

366. <Ensure w is black in right-side TRB deletion rebalancing 366> =
<Ensure w is black in right-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => trb 236>
   This code is included in 365.

367. <Case 1 in right-side TRB deletion rebalancing 367> =
<Case 1 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => trb 237>
   This code is included in 365.

368. <Case 2 in right-side TRB deletion rebalancing 368> =
<Case 2 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => trb 239>

if (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
    w->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;
    pa[k - 1]->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
    pa[k - 1]->trb_link[0] = w;
   This code is included in 365.

369. <Transform right-side TRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 369> =
<Transform right-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2; rb => trb 238>

if (w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
    w->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;
    w->trb_link[0]->trb_tag[1] = TRB_THREAD;
    w->trb_link[0]->trb_link[1] = w;
   This code is included in 365.


1. Write another version of trb_delete() that does not use a stack.  You
can use <Find parent of a TBST node 329> to find the parent of a node.

9.5 Testing

The testing code harbors no surprises.

370. <trb-test.c 370> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "trb.h"
#include "test.h"

<TBST print function; tbst => trb 293>
<BST traverser check function; bst => trb 105>
<Compare two TRB trees for structure and content 371>
<Recursively verify TRB tree structure 372>
<RB tree verify function; rb => trb 246>
<BST test function; bst => trb 101>
<BST overflow test function; bst => trb 123>

371. <Compare two TRB trees for structure and content 371> =
static int
compare_trees (struct trb_node *a, struct trb_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      if (a != NULL || b != NULL)
          printf (" a=%d b=%d\n",
                  a ? *(int *) a->trb_data : -1,
                  b ? *(int *) b->trb_data : -1);
          assert (0);
      return 1;
  assert (a != b);

  if (*(int *) a->trb_data != *(int *) b->trb_data
      || a->trb_tag[0] != b->trb_tag[0]
      || a->trb_tag[1] != b->trb_tag[1]
      || a->trb_color != b->trb_color)
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d%c b=%d%c a:",
              *(int *) a->trb_data, a->trb_color == TRB_RED ? 'r' : 'b',
              *(int *) b->trb_data, b->trb_color == TRB_RED ? 'r' : 'b');

      if (a->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
        printf ("l");
      if (a->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
        printf ("l");
      if (b->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  if (a->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
    assert ((a->trb_link[0] == NULL) != (a->trb_link[0] != b->trb_link[0]));
  if (a->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
    assert ((a->trb_link[1] == NULL) != (a->trb_link[1] != b->trb_link[1]));

  okay = 1;
  if (a->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->trb_link[0], b->trb_link[0]);
  if (a->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->trb_link[1], b->trb_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 370.

372. <Recursively verify TRB tree structure 372> =
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct trb_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max, int *bh)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */
  int subbh[2];         /* Black-heights of subtrees. */

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
      *bh = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->trb_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  subcount[0] = subcount[1] = 0;
  subbh[0] = subbh[1] = 0;
  if (node->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
    recurse_verify_tree (node->trb_link[0], okay, &subcount[0],
                         min, d - 1, &subbh[0]);
  if (node->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
    recurse_verify_tree (node->trb_link[1], okay, &subcount[1],
                         d + 1, max, &subbh[1]);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
  *bh = (node->trb_color == TRB_BLACK) + subbh[0];

  <Verify RB node color; rb => trb 243>
  <Verify TRB node rule 1 compliance 373>
  <Verify RB node rule 2 compliance; rb => trb 245>
   This code is included in 370.

373. <Verify TRB node rule 1 compliance 373> =
/* Verify compliance with rule 1. */
if (node->trb_color == TRB_RED)
    if (node->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD
        && node->trb_link[0]->trb_color == TRB_RED)
        printf (" Red node %d has red left child %d\n",
                d, *(int *) node->trb_link[0]->trb_data);
        *okay = 0;

    if (node->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD
        && node->trb_link[1]->trb_color == TRB_RED)
        printf (" Red node %d has red right child %d\n",
                d, *(int *) node->trb_link[1]->trb_data);
        *okay = 0;
   This code is included in 372.

10 Right-Threaded Binary Search Trees

We originally introduced threaded trees to allow for traversal without
maintaining a stack explicitly.  This worked out well, so we implemented
tables using threaded BSTs and AVL and RB trees.  However, maintaining
the threads can take some time.  It would be nice if we could have the
advantages of threads without so much of the overhead.

   In one common special case, we can.  Threaded trees are symmetric:
there are left threads for moving to node predecessors and right
threads for move to node successors.  But traversals are not symmetric:
many algorithms that traverse table entries only from least to
greatest, never backing up.  This suggests a matching asymmetric tree
structure that has only right threads.

   We can do this.  In this chapter, we will develop a table
implementation for a new kind of binary tree, called a right-threaded
binary search tree, "right-threaded tree", or simply "RTBST", that has
threads only on the right side of nodes.  Construction and modification
of such trees can be faster and simpler than threaded trees because
there is no need to maintain the left threads.

   There isn't anything fundamentally new here, but just for
completeness, here's an example of a right-threaded tree:

                           _.-' `--..__
                          2            6
                      _.-' \     __..-' `-.__
                     1      [3] 4            8
                      \          \       _.-' \
                       [2]        5     7      9
                                   \     \      \
                                    [6]   [8]    []

Keep in mind that although it is not efficient, it is still possible to
traverse a right-threaded tree in order from greatest to least.(1)  If
it were not possible at all, then we could not build a complete table
implementation based on right-threaded trees, because the definition of
a table includes the ability to traverse it in either direction (*note

   Here's the outline of the RTBST code, which uses the prefix rtbst_:

374. <rtbst.h 374> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef RTBST_H
#define RTBST_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => rtbst 15>
<TBST table structure; tbst => rtbst 252>
<RTBST node structure 376>
<TBST traverser structure; tbst => rtbst 269>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => rtbst 16>
<BST extra function prototypes; bst => rtbst 89>

#endif /* rtbst.h */

375. <rtbst.c 375> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "rtbst.h"

<RTBST functions 377>

See also:  [Knuth 1997], section 2.3.1.


1. We can define a "left-threaded tree" in a way analogous to a
right-threaded tree, as a binary search tree with threads only on the
left sides of nodes.  Is this a useful thing to do?

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) It can be efficient if we use a stack to do it, but that kills
the advantage of threading the tree.  It would be possible to implement
two sets of traversers for right-threaded trees, one with a stack, one
without, but in that case it's probably better to just use a threaded

10.1 Data Types

376. <RTBST node structure 376> =
/* Characterizes a link as a child pointer or a thread. */
enum rtbst_tag
    RTBST_CHILD,                     /* Child pointer. */
    RTBST_THREAD                     /* Thread. */

/* A threaded binary search tree node. */
struct rtbst_node
    struct rtbst_node *rtbst_link[2]; /* Subtrees. */
    void *rtbst_data;                 /* Pointer to data. */
    unsigned char rtbst_rtag;         /* Tag field. */
This code is included in 374.

10.2 Operations

377. <RTBST functions 377> =
<TBST creation function; tbst => rtbst 254>
<RTBST search function 378>
<RTBST item insertion function 379>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => rtbst 594>
<RTBST item deletion function 382>
<RTBST traversal functions 397>
<RTBST copy function 408>
<RTBST destruction function 409>
<RTBST balance function 410>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => rtbst 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => rtbst 596>
This code is included in 375.

10.3 Search

A right-threaded tree is inherently asymmetric, so many of the
algorithms on it will necessarily be asymmetric as well.  The search
function is the simplest demonstration of this.  For descent to the
left, we test for a null left child with rtbst_link[0]; for descent to
the right, we test for a right thread with rtbst_rtag.  Otherwise, the
code is familiar:

378. <RTBST search function 378> =
void *
rtbst_find (const struct rtbst_table *tree, const void *item)
  const struct rtbst_node *p;
  int dir;

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  if (tree->rtbst_root == NULL)
    return NULL;

  for (p = tree->rtbst_root; ; p = p->rtbst_link[dir])
      int cmp = tree->rtbst_compare (item, p->rtbst_data, tree->rtbst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
        return p->rtbst_data;
      dir = cmp > 0;

      if (dir == 0)
          if (p->rtbst_link[0] == NULL)
            return NULL;
      else /* dir == 1 */
          if (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
            return NULL;
   This code is included in 377, 420, and 457.

10.4 Insertion

Regardless of the kind of binary tree we're dealing with, adding a new
node requires setting three pointer fields: the parent pointer and the
two child pointers of the new node.  On the other hand, we do save a
tiny bit on tags: we set either 1 or 2 tags here as opposed to a
constant of 3 in <TBST item insertion function 256>.

   Here is the outline:

379. <RTBST item insertion function 379> =
void **
rtbst_probe (struct rtbst_table *tree, void *item)
  struct rtbst_node *p; /* Current node in search. */
  int dir;              /* Side of p on which to insert the new node. */

  struct rtbst_node *n; /* New node. */

  <Step 1: Search RTBST for insertion point 380>
  <Step 2: Insert new node into RTBST tree 381>
   This code is included in 377.

   The code to search for the insertion point is not unusual:

380. <Step 1: Search RTBST for insertion point 380> =
if (tree->rtbst_root != NULL)
  for (p = tree->rtbst_root; ; p = p->rtbst_link[dir])
      int cmp = tree->rtbst_compare (item, p->rtbst_data, tree->rtbst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
        return &p->rtbst_data;
      dir = cmp > 0;

      if (dir == 0)
          if (p->rtbst_link[0] == NULL)
      else /* dir == 1 */
          if (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
    p = (struct rtbst_node *) &tree->rtbst_root;
    dir = 0;
   This code is included in 379.

   Now for the insertion code.  An insertion to the left of a node p in
a right-threaded tree replaces the left link by the new node n.  The
new node in turn has a null left child and a right thread pointing back
to p:

                             |           p
                             p       _.-' \
                              \  => n      a
                               a     \

An insertion to the right of p replaces the right thread by the new
child node n.  The new node has a null left child and a right thread
that points where p's right thread formerly pointed:

                                |                s
                                s     ____...---'
                       ___...--'     ...
                      ...               `_
                         `_       =>      p
                           p             / \
                          / \           a   n
                         a   [s]             \

We can handle both of these cases in one code segment.  The difference
is in the treatment of n's right child and p's right tag.  Insertion
into an empty tree is handled as a special case as well:

381. <Step 2: Insert new node into RTBST tree 381> =
n = tree->rtbst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->rtbst_alloc, sizeof *n);
if (n == NULL)
  return NULL;

n->rtbst_data = item;
n->rtbst_link[0] = NULL;
if (dir == 0)
    if (tree->rtbst_root != NULL)
      n->rtbst_link[1] = p;
      n->rtbst_link[1] = NULL;
else /* dir == 1 */
    p->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_CHILD;
    n->rtbst_link[1] = p->rtbst_link[1];
n->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_THREAD;
p->rtbst_link[dir] = n;

return &n->rtbst_data;
   This code is included in 379.

10.5 Deletion

Deleting a node from an RTBST can be done using the same ideas as for
other kinds of trees we've seen.  However, as it turns out, a variant of
this usual technique allows for faster code.  In this section, we will
implement the usual method, then the improved version.  The latter is
actually used in libavl.

   Here is the outline of the function.  Step 2 is the only part that
varies between versions:

382. <RTBST item deletion function 382> =
void *
rtbst_delete (struct rtbst_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct rtbst_node *p;	/* Node to delete. */
  struct rtbst_node *q;	/* Parent of p. */
  int dir;              /* Index into q->rtbst_link[] that leads to p. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Find RTBST node to delete 383>
  <Step 2: Delete RTBST node, left-looking 390>
  <Step 3: Finish up after deleting RTBST node 384>
   This code is included in 377.

   The first step just finds the node to delete.  After it executes, p
is the node to delete and q and dir are set such that
q->rtbst_link[dir] == p.

383. <Step 1: Find RTBST node to delete 383> =
if (tree->rtbst_root == NULL)
  return NULL;

p = tree->rtbst_root;
q = (struct rtbst_node *) &tree->rtbst_root;
dir = 0;
if (p == NULL)
  return NULL;

for (;;)
    int cmp = tree->rtbst_compare (item, p->rtbst_data, tree->rtbst_param);
    if (cmp == 0)

    dir = cmp > 0;
    if (dir == 0)
        if (p->rtbst_link[0] == NULL)
          return NULL;
    else /* dir == 1 */
        if (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
          return NULL;

    q = p;
    p = p->rtbst_link[dir];
item = p->rtbst_data;
   This code is included in 382.

   The final step is also common.  We just clean up and return:

384. <Step 3: Finish up after deleting RTBST node 384> =
tree->rtbst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->rtbst_alloc, p);
return (void *) item;
   This code is included in 382.

10.5.1 Right-Looking Deletion

Our usual algorithm for deletion looks at the right subtree of the node
to be deleted, so we call it "right-looking."  The outline for this
kind of deletion is the same as in TBST deletion (*note Deleting from a

385. <Step 2: Delete RTBST node, right-looking 385> =
if (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
    if (p->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
        <Case 1 in right-looking RTBST deletion 386>
        <Case 2 in right-looking RTBST deletion 387>
    struct rtbst_node *r = p->rtbst_link[1];
    if (r->rtbst_link[0] == NULL)
        <Case 3 in right-looking RTBST deletion 388>
        <Case 4 in right-looking RTBST deletion 389>

   Each of the four cases, presented below, is closely analogous to the
same case in TBST deletion.

Case 1: p has a right thread and a left child

In this case, node p has a right thread and a left child.  As in a
TBST, this means that after deleting p we must update the right thread
in p's former left subtree to point to p's replacement.  The only
difference from <Case 1 in TBST deletion 262> is in structure members:

386. <Case 1 in right-looking RTBST deletion 386> =
struct rtbst_node *t = p->rtbst_link[0];
while (t->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
  t = t->rtbst_link[1];
t->rtbst_link[1] = p->rtbst_link[1];
q->rtbst_link[dir] = p->rtbst_link[0];
   This code is included in 385.

Case 2: p has a right thread and no left child

If node p is a leaf, then there are two subcases, according to whether
p is a left child or a right child of its parent q.  If dir is 0, then
p is a left child and the pointer from its parent must be set to NULL.
If dir is 1, then p is a right child and the link from its parent must
be changed to a thread to its successor.

   In either of these cases we must set q->rtbst_link[dir]: if dir is
0, we set it to NULL, otherwise dir is 1 and we set it to
p->rtbst_link[1].  However, we know that p->rtbst_link[0] is NULL,
because p is a leaf, so we can instead unconditionally assign
p->rtbst_link[dir].  In addition, if dir is 1, then we must tag q's
right link as a thread.

   If q is the pseudo-root, then dir is 0 and everything works out fine
with no need for a special case.

387. <Case 2 in right-looking RTBST deletion 387> =
q->rtbst_link[dir] = p->rtbst_link[dir];
if (dir == 1)
  q->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_THREAD;
   This code is included in 385.

Case 3: p's right child has no left child

Code for this case, where p has a right child r that itself has no left
child, is almost identical to <Case 3 in TBST deletion 264>.  There is
no left tag to copy, but it is still necessary to chase down the right
thread in r's new left subtree (the same as p's former left subtree):

388. <Case 3 in right-looking RTBST deletion 388> =
r->rtbst_link[0] = p->rtbst_link[0];
if (r->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
    struct rtbst_node *t = r->rtbst_link[0];
    while (t->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
      t = t->rtbst_link[1];
    t->rtbst_link[1] = r;
q->rtbst_link[dir] = r;
   This code is included in 385.

Case 4: p's right child has a left child

Code for case 4, the most general case, is very similar to <Case 4 in
TBST deletion 265>.  The only notable difference is in the subcase where
s has a right thread: in that case we just set r's left link to NULL
instead of having to set it up as a thread.

389. <Case 4 in right-looking RTBST deletion 389> =
struct rtbst_node *s;

for (;;)
    s = r->rtbst_link[0];
    if (s->rtbst_link[0] == NULL)

    r = s;

if (s->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
  r->rtbst_link[0] = s->rtbst_link[1];
  r->rtbst_link[0] = NULL;

s->rtbst_link[0] = p->rtbst_link[0];
if (p->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
    struct rtbst_node *t = p->rtbst_link[0];
    while (t->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
      t = t->rtbst_link[1];
    t->rtbst_link[1] = s;

s->rtbst_link[1] = p->rtbst_link[1];
s->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_CHILD;

q->rtbst_link[dir] = s;
   This code is included in 385.


1. Rewrite <Case 4 in right-looking RTBST deletion 389> to replace the
deleted node's rtavl_data by its successor, then delete the successor,
instead of shuffling pointers.  (Refer back to Exercise 4.8-3 for an
explanation of why this approach cannot be used in libavl.)

10.5.2 Left-Looking Deletion

The previous section implemented the "right-looking" form of deletion
used elsewhere in libavl.  Compared to deletion in a fully threaded
binary tree, the benefits to using an RTBST with this kind of deletion
are minimal:

   * Cases 1 and 2 are similar code in both TBST and RTBST deletion.

   * Case 3 in an RTBST avoids one tag copy required in TBST deletion.

   * One subcase of case 4 in an RTBST avoids one tag assignment
     required in the same subcase of TBST deletion.

   This is hardly worth it.  We saved at most one assignment per call.
We need something better if it's ever going to be worthwhile to use
right-threaded trees.

   Fortunately, there is a way that we can save a little more.  This is
by changing our right-looking deletion into left-looking deletion, by
switching the use of left and right children in the algorithm.  In a
BST or TBST, this symmetrical change in the algorithm would have no
effect, because the BST and TBST node structures are themselves
symmetric.  But in an asymmetric RTBST even a symmetric change can have
a significant effect on an algorithm, as we'll see.

   The cases for left-looking deletion are outlined in the same way as
for right-looking deletion:

390. <Step 2: Delete RTBST node, left-looking 390> =
if (p->rtbst_link[0] == NULL)
    if (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
        <Case 1 in left-looking RTBST deletion 391>
        <Case 2 in left-looking RTBST deletion 392>
    struct rtbst_node *r = p->rtbst_link[0];
    if (r->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
        <Case 3 in left-looking RTBST deletion 393>
        <Case 4 in left-looking RTBST deletion 394>
   This code is included in 382.

Case 1: p has a right child but no left child

If the node to delete p has a right child but no left child, we can
just replace it by its right child.  There is no right thread to update
in p's left subtree because p has no left child, and there is no left
thread to update because a right-threaded tree has no left threads.

   The deletion looks like this if p's right child is designated x:

                               p        |
                                \       x
                                 x  =>  ^
                                 ^     a b
                                a b

391. <Case 1 in left-looking RTBST deletion 391> =
q->rtbst_link[dir] = p->rtbst_link[1];
This code is included in 390.

Case 2: p has a right thread and no left child

This case is analogous to case 2 in right-looking deletion covered
earlier.  The same discussion applies.

392. <Case 2 in left-looking RTBST deletion 392> =
q->rtbst_link[dir] = p->rtbst_link[dir];
if (dir == 1)
  q->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_THREAD;
   This code is included in 390.

Case 3: p's left child has a right thread

If p has a left child r that itself has a right thread, then we replace
p by r.  Node r receives p's former right link, as shown here:

                                   p       |
                               _.-' \      r
                              r      b =>  ^
                             / \          a b
                            a   [p]

There is no need to fiddle with threads.  If r has a right thread then
it gets replaced by p's right child or thread anyhow.  Any right thread
within r's left subtree either points within that subtree or to r.
Finally, r's right subtree cannot cause problems.

393. <Case 3 in left-looking RTBST deletion 393> =
r->rtbst_link[1] = p->rtbst_link[1];
r->rtbst_rtag = p->rtbst_rtag;
q->rtbst_link[dir] = r;
   This code is included in 390.

Case 4: p's left child has a right child

The final case handles deletion of a node p with a left child r that in
turn has a right child.  The code here follows the same pattern as
<Case 4 in TBST deletion 265> (see the discussion there for details).
The first step is to find the predecessor s of node p:

394. <Case 4 in left-looking RTBST deletion 394> =
struct rtbst_node *s;

for (;;)
    s = r->rtbst_link[1];
    if (s->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)

    r = s;
   See also 395 and 396.
This code is included in 390.

   Next, we update r, handling two subcases depending on whether s has
a left child:

395. <Case 4 in left-looking RTBST deletion 394> +=
if (s->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
  r->rtbst_link[1] = s->rtbst_link[0];
    r->rtbst_link[1] = s;
    r->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_THREAD;

   The final step is to copy p's fields into s, then set q's child
pointer to point to s instead of p.  There is no need to chase down any

396. <Case 4 in left-looking RTBST deletion 394> +=
s->rtbst_link[0] = p->rtbst_link[0];
s->rtbst_link[1] = p->rtbst_link[1];
s->rtbst_rtag = p->rtbst_rtag;

q->rtbst_link[dir] = s;


1. Rewrite <Case 4 in left-looking RTBST deletion 394> to replace the
deleted node's rtavl_data by its predecessor, then delete the
predecessor, instead of shuffling pointers.  (Refer back to Exercise
4.8-3 for an explanation of why this approach cannot be used in libavl.)

10.5.3 Aside: Comparison of Deletion Algorithms

This book has presented algorithms for deletion from BSTs, TBSTs, and
RTBSTs.  In fact, we implemented two algorithms for RTBSTs.  Each of
these four algorithms has slightly different performance
characteristics.  The following table summarizes the behavior of all of
the cases in these algorithms.  Each cell describes the actions that
take place: "link" is the number of link fields set, "tag" the number
of tag fields set, and "succ/pred" the number of general successor or
predecessors found during the case.

                 BST*           TBST           Right-Looking  Left-Looking
                                               TBST           TBST
     Case 1      1 link         2 links        2 links        1 link
                                1 succ/pred    1 succ/pred    
     Case 2      1 link         1 link         1 link         1 link
                                1 tag          1 tag          1 tag
     Case 3      2 links        3 links        3 links        2 links
                                1 tag                         1 tag
                                1 succ/pred    1 succ/pred    
     Case 4      4 links        5 links        5 links        4 links
     subcase 1                  2 tags         1 tag          1 tag
                 1 succ/pred    2 succ/pred    2 succ/pred    1 succ/pred
     Case 4      4 links        5 links        5 links        4 links
     subcase 2                  2 tags         1 tag          1 tag
                 1 succ/pred    2 succ/pred    2 succ/pred    1 succ/pred

     * Listed cases 1 and 2 both correspond to BST deletion case 1, and
     listed cases 3 and 4 to BST deletion cases 2 and 3, respectively.
     BST deletion does not have any subcases in its case 3 (listed case
     4), so it also saves a test to distinguish subcases.

   As you can see, the penalty for left-looking deletion from a RTBST,
compared to a plain BST, is at most one tag assignment in any given
case, except for the need to distinguish subcases of case 4.  In this
sense at least, left-looking deletion from an RTBST is considerably
faster than deletion from a TBST or right-looking deletion from a
RTBST.  This means that it can indeed be worthwhile to implement
right-threaded trees instead of BSTs or TBSTs.

10.6 Traversal

Traversal in an RTBST is unusual due to its asymmetry.  Moving from
smaller nodes to larger nodes is easy: we do it with the same algorithm
used in a TBST.  Moving the other way is more difficult and inefficient
besides: we have neither a stack of parent nodes to fall back on nor
left threads to short-circuit.

   RTBSTs use the same traversal structure as TBSTs, so we can reuse
some of the functions from TBST traversers.  We also get a few directly
from the implementations for BSTs.  Other than that, everything has to
be written anew here:

397. <RTBST traversal functions 397> =
<TBST traverser null initializer; tbst => rtbst 271>
<RTBST traverser first initializer 398>
<RTBST traverser last initializer 399>
<RTBST traverser search initializer 400>
<TBST traverser insertion initializer; tbst => rtbst 275>
<TBST traverser copy initializer; tbst => rtbst 276>
<RTBST traverser advance function 401>
<RTBST traverser back up function 402>
<BST traverser current item function; bst => rtbst 75>
<BST traverser replacement function; bst => rtbst 76>
   This code is included in 377, 420, and 457.

10.6.1 Starting at the First Node

To find the first (least) item in the tree, we just descend all the way
to the left, as usual.  In an RTBST, as in a BST, this involves checking
for null pointers.

398. <RTBST traverser first initializer 398> =
void *
rtbst_t_first (struct rtbst_traverser *trav, struct rtbst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->rtbst_table = tree;
  trav->rtbst_node = tree->rtbst_root;
  if (trav->rtbst_node != NULL)
      while (trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
        trav->rtbst_node = trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[0];
      return trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_data;
    return NULL;
   This code is included in 397.

10.6.2 Starting at the Last Node

To start at the last (greatest) item in the tree, we descend all the way
to the right.  In an RTBST, as in a TBST, this involves checking for
thread links.

399. <RTBST traverser last initializer 399> =
void *
rtbst_t_last (struct rtbst_traverser *trav, struct rtbst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->rtbst_table = tree;
  trav->rtbst_node = tree->rtbst_root;
  if (trav->rtbst_node != NULL)
      while (trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
        trav->rtbst_node = trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[1];
      return trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_data;
    return NULL;
   This code is included in 397.

10.6.3 Starting at a Found Node

To start from an item found in the tree, we use the same algorithm as

400. <RTBST traverser search initializer 400> =
void *
rtbst_t_find (struct rtbst_traverser *trav, struct rtbst_table *tree,
              void *item)
  struct rtbst_node *p;

  assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  trav->rtbst_table = tree;
  trav->rtbst_node = NULL;

  p = tree->rtbst_root;
  if (p == NULL)
    return NULL;

  for (;;)
      int cmp = tree->rtbst_compare (item, p->rtbst_data, tree->rtbst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
          trav->rtbst_node = p;
          return p->rtbst_data;

      if (cmp < 0)
          p = p->rtbst_link[0];
          if (p == NULL)
            return NULL;
          if (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
            return NULL;
          p = p->rtbst_link[1];
   This code is included in 397.

10.6.4 Advancing to the Next Node

We use the same algorithm to advance an RTBST traverser as for TBST
traversers.  The only important difference between this code and <TBST
traverser advance function 277> is the substitution of rtbst_rtag for

401. <RTBST traverser advance function 401> =
void *
rtbst_t_next (struct rtbst_traverser *trav)
  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->rtbst_node == NULL)
    return rtbst_t_first (trav, trav->rtbst_table);
  else if (trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
      trav->rtbst_node = trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[1];
      return trav->rtbst_node != NULL ? trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_data : NULL;
      trav->rtbst_node = trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[1];
      while (trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
        trav->rtbst_node = trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[0];
      return trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_data;
   This code is included in 397.

10.6.5 Backing Up to the Previous Node

Moving an RTBST traverser backward has the same cases as in the other
ways of finding an inorder predecessor that we've already discussed.
The two main cases are distinguished on whether the current item has a
left child; the third case comes up when there is no current item,
implemented simply by delegation to rtbst_t_last():

402. <RTBST traverser back up function 402> =
void *
rtbst_t_prev (struct rtbst_traverser *trav)
  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->rtbst_node == NULL)
    return rtbst_t_last (trav, trav->rtbst_table);
  else if (trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[0] == NULL)
      <Find predecessor of RTBST node with no left child 403>
      <Find predecessor of RTBST node with left child 404>
   This code is included in 397.

   The novel case is where the node p whose predecessor we want has no
left child.  In this case, we use a modified version of the algorithm
originally specified for finding a node's successor in an unthreaded
tree (*note Better Iterative Traversal::).  We take the idea of moving
up until we've moved up to the left, and turn it upside down (to avoid
need for a parent stack) and reverse it (to find the predecessor
instead of the successor).

   The idea here is to trace p's entire direct ancestral line.  Starting
from the root of the tree, we repeatedly compare each node's data with
p's and use the result to move downward, until we encounter node p
itself.  Each time we move down from a node x to its right child, we
record x as the potential predecessor of p.  When we finally arrive at
p, the last node so selected is the actual predecessor, or if none was
selected then p is the least node in the tree and we select the null
item as its predecessor.

   Consider this algorithm in the context of the tree shown here:

                         __..-' `-----......______
                        1                         9
                    _.-' \            ____....---' \
                   0      2          5              []
                    \      \     _.-' `-.__
                     [1]    [3] 4          7
                                 \     _.-' \
                                  [5] 6      8
                                       \      \
                                        [7]    [9]

To find the predecessor of node 8, we trace the path from the root down
to it: 3-9-5-7-8.  The last time we move down to the right is from 7 to
8, so 7 is node 8's predecessor.  To find the predecessor of node 6, we
trace the path 3-9-5-7-6 and notice that we last move down to the right
from 5 to 7, so 5 is node 6's predecessor.  Finally, node 0 has the
null item as its predecessor because path 3-1-0 does not involve any
rightward movement.

   Here is the code to implement this case:

403. <Find predecessor of RTBST node with no left child 403> =
rtbst_comparison_func *cmp = trav->rtbst_table->rtbst_compare;
void *param = trav->rtbst_table->rtbst_param;
struct rtbst_node *node = trav->rtbst_node;
struct rtbst_node *i;

trav->rtbst_node = NULL;
for (i = trav->rtbst_table->rtbst_root; i != node; )
    int dir = cmp (node->rtbst_data, i->rtbst_data, param) > 0;
    if (dir == 1)
      trav->rtbst_node = i;
    i = i->rtbst_link[dir];

return trav->rtbst_node != NULL ? trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_data : NULL;
   This code is included in 402.

   The other case, where the node whose predecessor we want has a left
child, is nothing new.  We just find the largest node in the node's left

404. <Find predecessor of RTBST node with left child 404> =
trav->rtbst_node = trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[0];
while (trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
  trav->rtbst_node = trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_link[1];
return trav->rtbst_node->rtbst_data;
   This code is included in 402.

10.7 Copying

The algorithm that we used for copying a TBST makes use of threads, but
only right threads, so we can apply this algorithm essentially
unmodified to RTBSTs.

   We will make one change that superficially simplifies and improves
the elegance of the algorithm.  Function tbst_copy() in <TBST main copy
function 281> uses a pair of local variables rp and rq to store
pointers to the original and new tree's root, because accessing the tag
field of a cast "pseudo-root" pointer produces undefined behavior.
However, in an RTBST there is no tag for a node's left subtree.  During
a TBST copy, only the left tags of the root nodes are accessed, so this
means that we can use the pseudo-roots in the RTBST copy, with no need
for rp or rq.

405. <RTBST main copy function 405> =
struct rtbst_table *
rtbst_copy (const struct rtbst_table *org, rtbst_copy_func *copy,
            rtbst_item_func *destroy, struct libavl_allocator *allocator)
  struct rtbst_table *new;

  const struct rtbst_node *p;
  struct rtbst_node *q;

  assert (org != NULL);
  new = rtbst_create (org->rtbst_compare, org->rtbst_param,
                     allocator != NULL ? allocator : org->rtbst_alloc);
  if (new == NULL)
    return NULL;

  new->rtbst_count = org->rtbst_count;
  if (new->rtbst_count == 0)
    return new;

  p = (struct rtbst_node *) &org->rtbst_root;
  q = (struct rtbst_node *) &new->rtbst_root;
  for (;;)
      if (p->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
          if (!copy_node (new, q, 0, p->rtbst_link[0], copy))
              copy_error_recovery (new, destroy);
              return NULL;

          p = p->rtbst_link[0];
          q = q->rtbst_link[0];
          while (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
              p = p->rtbst_link[1];
              if (p == NULL)
                  q->rtbst_link[1] = NULL;
                  return new;

              q = q->rtbst_link[1];

          p = p->rtbst_link[1];
          q = q->rtbst_link[1];

      if (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
        if (!copy_node (new, q, 1, p->rtbst_link[1], copy))
            copy_error_recovery (new, destroy);
            return NULL;
   This code is included in 408 and 449.

   The code to copy a node must be modified to deal with the
asymmetrical nature of insertion in an RTBST:

406. <RTBST node copy function 406> =
static int
copy_node (struct rtbst_table *tree,
           struct rtbst_node *dst, int dir,
           const struct rtbst_node *src, rtbst_copy_func *copy)
  struct rtbst_node *new =
    tree->rtbst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->rtbst_alloc, sizeof *new);
  if (new == NULL)
    return 0;

  new->rtbst_link[0] = NULL;
  new->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_THREAD;
  if (dir == 0)
    new->rtbst_link[1] = dst;
      new->rtbst_link[1] = dst->rtbst_link[1];
      dst->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_CHILD;
  dst->rtbst_link[dir] = new;

  if (copy == NULL)
    new->rtbst_data = src->rtbst_data;
      new->rtbst_data = copy (src->rtbst_data, tree->rtbst_param);
      if (new->rtbst_data == NULL)
        return 0;

  return 1;
   This code is included in 408.

   The error recovery function for copying is a bit simpler now, because
the use of the pseudo-root means that no assignment to the new tree's
root need take place, eliminating the need for one of the function's

407. <RTBST copy error helper function 407> =
static void
copy_error_recovery (struct rtbst_table *new, rtbst_item_func *destroy)
  struct rtbst_node *p = new->rtbst_root;
  if (p != NULL)
      while (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
        p = p->rtbst_link[1];
      p->rtbst_link[1] = NULL;
  rtbst_destroy (new, destroy);
   This code is included in 408 and 449.

408. <RTBST copy function 408> =
<RTBST node copy function 406>
<RTBST copy error helper function 407>
<RTBST main copy function 405>
   This code is included in 377.

10.8 Destruction

The destruction algorithm for TBSTs makes use only of right threads, so
we can easily adapt it for RTBSTs.

409. <RTBST destruction function 409> =
rtbst_destroy (struct rtbst_table *tree, rtbst_item_func *destroy)
  struct rtbst_node *p; /* Current node. */
  struct rtbst_node *n; /* Next node. */

  p = tree->rtbst_root;
  if (p != NULL)
    while (p->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
      p = p->rtbst_link[0];

  while (p != NULL)
      n = p->rtbst_link[1];
      if (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
        while (n->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
          n = n->rtbst_link[0];

      if (destroy != NULL && p->rtbst_data != NULL)
        destroy (p->rtbst_data, tree->rtbst_param);
      tree->rtbst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->rtbst_alloc, p);

      p = n;

  tree->rtbst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->rtbst_alloc, tree);
   This code is included in 377, 420, and 457.

10.9 Balance

As for so many other operations, we can reuse most of the TBST balancing
code to rebalance RTBSTs.  Some of the helper functions can be
completely recycled:

410. <RTBST balance function 410> =
<RTBST tree-to-vine function 411>
<RTBST vine compression function 412>
<TBST vine-to-tree function; tbst => rtbst 287>
<TBST main balance function; tbst => rtbst 285>
   This code is included in 377.

   The only substantative difference for the remaining two functions is
that there is no need to set nodes' left tags (since they don't have

411. <RTBST tree-to-vine function 411> =
static void
tree_to_vine (struct rtbst_table *tree)
  struct rtbst_node *p;

  if (tree->rtbst_root == NULL)

  p = tree->rtbst_root;
  while (p->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
    p = p->rtbst_link[0];

  for (;;)
      struct rtbst_node *q = p->rtbst_link[1];
      if (p->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
          while (q->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
            q = q->rtbst_link[0];
          p->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_THREAD;
          p->rtbst_link[1] = q;

      if (q == NULL)

      q->rtbst_link[0] = p;
      p = q;

  tree->rtbst_root = p;
   This code is included in 410.

412. <RTBST vine compression function 412> =
/* Performs a compression transformation count times,
   starting at root. */
static void
compress (struct rtbst_node *root,
          unsigned long nonthread, unsigned long thread)
  assert (root != NULL);

  while (nonthread--)
      struct rtbst_node *red = root->rtbst_link[0];
      struct rtbst_node *black = red->rtbst_link[0];

      root->rtbst_link[0] = black;
      red->rtbst_link[0] = black->rtbst_link[1];
      black->rtbst_link[1] = red;
      root = black;

  while (thread--)
      struct rtbst_node *red = root->rtbst_link[0];
      struct rtbst_node *black = red->rtbst_link[0];

      root->rtbst_link[0] = black;
      red->rtbst_link[0] = NULL;
      black->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_CHILD;
      root = black;
   This code is included in 410.

10.10 Testing

There's nothing new or interesting in the test code.

413. <rtbst-test.c 413> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "rtbst.h"
#include "test.h"

<RTBST print function 414>
<BST traverser check function; bst => rtbst 105>
<Compare two RTBSTs for structure and content 415>
<Recursively verify RTBST structure 416>
<BST verify function; bst => rtbst 110>
<TBST test function; tbst => rtbst 297>
<BST overflow test function; bst => rtbst 123>

414. <RTBST print function 414> =
print_tree_structure (struct rtbst_node *node, int level)
  if (level > 16)
      printf ("[...]");

  if (node == NULL)
      printf ("<nil>");

  printf ("%d(", node->rtbst_data ? *(int *) node->rtbst_data : -1);

  if (node->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
    print_tree_structure (node->rtbst_link[0], level + 1);

  fputs (", ", stdout);

  if (node->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
      if (node->rtbst_link[1] == node)
        printf ("loop");
        print_tree_structure (node->rtbst_link[1], level + 1);
  else if (node->rtbst_link[1] != NULL)
    printf (">%d",
             ? *(int *) node->rtbst_link[1]->rtbst_data : -1));
    printf (">>");

  putchar (')');

print_whole_tree (const struct rtbst_table *tree, const char *title)
  printf ("%s: ", title);
  print_tree_structure (tree->rtbst_root, 0);
  putchar ('\n');
   This code is included in 413, 451, and 484.

415. <Compare two RTBSTs for structure and content 415> =
static int
compare_trees (struct rtbst_node *a, struct rtbst_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      if (a != NULL || b != NULL)
          printf (" a=%d b=%d\n",
                  a ? *(int *) a->rtbst_data : -1,
                  b ? *(int *) b->rtbst_data : -1);
          assert (0);
      return 1;
  assert (a != b);

  if (*(int *) a->rtbst_data != *(int *) b->rtbst_data
      || a->rtbst_rtag != b->rtbst_rtag)
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d b=%d a:",
              *(int *) a->rtbst_data, *(int *) b->rtbst_data);

      if (a->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  if (a->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
    assert ((a->rtbst_link[1] == NULL)
            != (a->rtbst_link[1] != b->rtbst_link[1]));

  okay = compare_trees (a->rtbst_link[0], b->rtbst_link[0]);
  if (a->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->rtbst_link[1], b->rtbst_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 413.

416. <Recursively verify RTBST structure 416> =
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct rtbst_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->rtbst_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  subcount[0] = subcount[1] = 0;
  recurse_verify_tree (node->rtbst_link[0], okay, &subcount[0], min, d - 1);
  if (node->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
    recurse_verify_tree (node->rtbst_link[1], okay, &subcount[1], d + 1, max);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
   This code is included in 413.

11 Right-Threaded AVL Trees

In the same way that we can combine threaded trees with AVL trees to
produce threaded AVL trees, we can combine right-threaded trees with
AVL trees to produce right-threaded AVL trees.  This chapter explores
this combination, producing another table implementation.

   Here's the form of the source and header files.  Notice the use of
rtavl_ as the identifier prefix.  Likewise, we will often refer to
right-threaded AVL trees as "RTAVL trees".

417. <rtavl.h 417> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef RTAVL_H
#define RTAVL_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => rtavl 15>
<BST maximum height; bst => rtavl 29>
<TBST table structure; tbst => rtavl 252>
<RTAVL node structure 419>
<TBST traverser structure; tbst => rtavl 269>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => rtavl 16>

#endif /* rtavl.h */

418. <rtavl.c 418> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "rtavl.h"

<RTAVL functions 420>

11.1 Data Types

Besides the members needed for any BST, an RTAVL node structure needs a
tag to indicate whether the right link is a child pointer or a thread,
and a balance factor to facilitate AVL balancing.  Here's what we end up

419. <RTAVL node structure 419> =
/* Characterizes a link as a child pointer or a thread. */
enum rtavl_tag
    RTAVL_CHILD,                     /* Child pointer. */
    RTAVL_THREAD                     /* Thread. */

/* A threaded binary search tree node. */
struct rtavl_node
    struct rtavl_node *rtavl_link[2]; /* Subtrees. */
    void *rtavl_data;                 /* Pointer to data. */
    unsigned char rtavl_rtag;         /* Tag field. */
    signed char rtavl_balance;        /* Balance factor. */
   This code is included in 417.

11.2 Operations

Most of the operations for RTAVL trees can come directly from their
RTBST implementations.  The notable exceptions are, as usual, the
insertion and deletion functions.  The copy function will also need a
small tweak.  Here's the list of operations:

420. <RTAVL functions 420> =
<TBST creation function; tbst => rtavl 254>
<RTBST search function; rtbst => rtavl 378>
<RTAVL item insertion function 421>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => rtavl 594>
<RTAVL item deletion function 431>
<RTBST traversal functions; rtbst => rtavl 397>
<RTAVL copy function 449>
<RTBST destruction function; rtbst => rtavl 409>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => rtavl 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => rtavl 596>
   This code is included in 418.

11.3 Rotations

We will use rotations in right-threaded trees in the same way as for
other kinds of trees that we have already examined.  As always, a
generic rotation looks like this:

                               |        |
                               Y        X
                              / \      / \
                             X   c    a   Y
                             ^            ^
                            a b          b c

On the left side of this diagram, a may be an empty subtree and b and c
may be threads.  On the right side, a and b may be empty subtrees and c
may be a thread.  If none of them in fact represent actual nodes, then
we end up with the following pathological case:

                                |       |
                                Y       X
                            _.-' \       \
                           X      []      Y
                            \              \
                             [Y]            []

Notice the asymmetry here: in a right rotation the right thread from X
to Y becomes a null left child of Y, but in a left rotation this is
reversed and a null subtree b becomes a right thread from X to Y.
Contrast this to the correponding rotation in a threaded tree (*note
TBST Rotations::), where either way the same kind of change occurs: the
thread from X to Y, or vice versa, simply reverses direction.

   As with other kinds of rotations we've seen, there is no need to make
any changes in subtrees of a, b, or c, because of rotations' locality
and order-preserving properties (*note BST Rotations::).  In
particular, nodes a and c, if they exist, need no adjustments, as
implied by the diagram above, which shows no changes to these subtrees
on opposite sides.


1. Write functions for right and left rotations in right-threaded BSTs,
analogous to those for unthreaded BSTs developed in Exercise 4.3-2.

11.4 Insertion

Insertion into an RTAVL tree follows the same pattern as insertion into
other kinds of balanced tree.  The outline is straightforward:

421. <RTAVL item insertion function 421> =
void **
rtavl_probe (struct rtavl_table *tree, void *item)
  <avl_probe() local variables; avl => rtavl 149>

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search RTAVL tree for insertion point 422>
  <Step 2: Insert RTAVL node 423>
  <Step 3: Update balance factors after AVL insertion; avl => rtavl 152>
  <Step 4: Rebalance after RTAVL insertion 424>
   This code is included in 420.

11.4.1 Steps 1-2: Search and Insert

The basic insertion step itself follows the same steps as <RTBST item
insertion function 379> does for a plain RTBST.  We do keep track of the
directions moved on stack da[] and the last-seen node with nonzero
balance factor, in the same way as <Step 1: Search AVL tree for
insertion point 150> for unthreaded AVL trees.

422. <Step 1: Search RTAVL tree for insertion point 422> =
z = (struct rtavl_node *) &tree->rtavl_root;
y = tree->rtavl_root;
if (tree->rtavl_root != NULL)
  for (q = z, p = y; ; q = p, p = p->rtavl_link[dir])
      int cmp = tree->rtavl_compare (item, p->rtavl_data, tree->rtavl_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
        return &p->rtavl_data;

      if (p->rtavl_balance != 0)
        z = q, y = p, k = 0;
      da[k++] = dir = cmp > 0;

      if (dir == 0)
          if (p->rtavl_link[0] == NULL)
      else /* dir == 1 */
          if (p->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)
    p = (struct rtavl_node *) &tree->rtavl_root;
    dir = 0;
   This code is included in 421.

423. <Step 2: Insert RTAVL node 423> =
n = tree->rtavl_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->rtavl_alloc, sizeof *n);
if (n == NULL)
  return NULL;

n->rtavl_data = item;
n->rtavl_link[0] = NULL;
if (dir == 0)
  n->rtavl_link[1] = p;
else /* dir == 1 */
    p->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_CHILD;
    n->rtavl_link[1] = p->rtavl_link[1];
n->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
n->rtavl_balance = 0;
p->rtavl_link[dir] = n;
if (y == NULL)
    n->rtavl_link[1] = NULL;
    return &n->rtavl_data;
   This code is included in 421.

11.4.2 Step 4: Rebalance

Unlike all of the AVL rebalancing algorithms we've seen so far,
rebalancing of a right-threaded AVL tree is not symmetric.  This means
that we cannot single out left-side rebalancing or right-side
rebalancing as we did before, hand-waving the rest of it as a symmetric
case.  But both cases are very similar, if not exactly symmetric, so we
will present the corresponding cases together.  The theory is exactly
the same as before (*note Rebalancing AVL Trees::).  Here is the code
to choose between left-side and right-side rebalancing:

424. <Step 4: Rebalance after RTAVL insertion 424> =
if (y->rtavl_balance == -2)
    <Step 4: Rebalance RTAVL tree after insertion to left 425>
else if (y->rtavl_balance == +2)
    <Step 4: Rebalance RTAVL tree after insertion to right 426>
  return &n->rtavl_data;

z->rtavl_link[y != z->rtavl_link[0]] = w;
return &n->rtavl_data;
   This code is included in 421.

   The code to choose between the two subcases within the left-side and
right-side rebalancing cases follows below.  As usual during
rebalancing, y is the node at which rebalancing occurs, x is its child
on the same side as the inserted node, and cases are distinguished on
the basis of x's balance factor:

425. <Step 4: Rebalance RTAVL tree after insertion to left 425> =
struct rtavl_node *x = y->rtavl_link[0];
if (x->rtavl_balance == -1)
    <Rebalance for - balance factor in RTAVL insertion in left subtree 427>
    <Rebalance for + balance factor in RTAVL insertion in left subtree 429>
   This code is included in 424.

426. <Step 4: Rebalance RTAVL tree after insertion to right 426> =
struct rtavl_node *x = y->rtavl_link[1];
if (x->rtavl_balance == +1)
    <Rebalance for + balance factor in RTAVL insertion in right subtree 428>
    <Rebalance for - balance factor in RTAVL insertion in right subtree 430>
   This code is included in 424.

Case 1: x has taller subtree on side of insertion

If node x's taller subtree is on the same side as the inserted node,
then we perform a rotation at y in the opposite direction.  That is, if
the insertion occurred in the left subtree of y and x has a - balance
factor, we rotate right at y, and if the insertion was to the right and
x has a + balance factor, we rotate left at y.  This changes the
balance of both x and y to zero.  None of this is a change from
unthreaded or fully threaded rebalancing.  The difference is in the
handling of empty subtrees, that is, in the rotation itself (*note
RTBST Rotations::).

   Here is a diagram of left-side rebalancing for the interesting case
where x has a right thread.  Taken along with x's - balance factor,
this means that n, the newly inserted node, must be x's left child.
Therefore, subtree x has height 2, so y has no right child (because it
has a -2 balance factor).  This chain of logic means that we know
exactly what the tree looks like in this particular subcase:

                               y                |
                             <-->               x
                       __..-'    \             <0>
                       x          []     __..-'   \
                      <->            =>  n          y
                __..-'   \              <0>        <0>
                n         [y]              \          \
               <0>                          [x]        []

427. <Rebalance for - balance factor in RTAVL insertion in left subtree 427> =
w = x;
if (x->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)
    x->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_CHILD;
    y->rtavl_link[0] = NULL;
  y->rtavl_link[0] = x->rtavl_link[1];
x->rtavl_link[1] = y;
x->rtavl_balance = y->rtavl_balance = 0;
This code is included in 425.

   Here is the diagram and code for the similar right-side case:

                    y                        |
                  <++>                       x
                      \                     <0>
                        x             __..-'   \
                       <+>        =>  y          n
                          \          <0>        <0>
                            n           \          \
                           <0>           [x]        []

428. <Rebalance for + balance factor in RTAVL insertion in right subtree 428> =
w = x;
if (x->rtavl_link[0] == NULL)
    y->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
    y->rtavl_link[1] = x;
  y->rtavl_link[1] = x->rtavl_link[0];
x->rtavl_link[0] = y;
x->rtavl_balance = y->rtavl_balance = 0;
This code is included in 426.

Case 2: x has taller subtree on side opposite insertion

If node x's taller subtree is on the side opposite the newly inserted
node, then we perform a double rotation: first rotate at x in the same
direction as the inserted node, then in the opposite direction at y.
This is the same as in a threaded or unthreaded tree, and indeed we can
reuse much of the code.

   The case where the details differ is, as usual, where threads or null
child pointers are moved around.  In the most extreme case for insertion
to the left, where w is a leaf, we know that x has no left child and s
no right child, and the situation looks like the diagram below before
and after the rebalancing step:

                              y                |
                            <-->               w
                  ___...---'    \             <0>
                  x              []     __..-'   \
                 <+>                =>  x          y
                    \                  <0>        <0>
                      w                   \          \
                     <0>                   [w]        []

429. <Rebalance for + balance factor in RTAVL insertion in left subtree 429> =
<Rotate left at x then right at y in AVL tree; avl => rtavl 158>
if (x->rtavl_link[1] == NULL)
    x->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
    x->rtavl_link[1] = w;
if (w->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)
    y->rtavl_link[0] = NULL;
    w->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_CHILD;
This code is included in 425 and 444.

   Here is the code and diagram for right-side insertion rebalancing:

                   y                          |
                 <++>                         w
                     `--..__                 <0>
                             x         __..-'   \
                            <->    =>  y          x
                      __..-'   \      <0>        <0>
                      w         []       \          \
                     <0>                  [w]        []

430. <Rebalance for - balance factor in RTAVL insertion in right subtree 430> =
<Rotate right at x then left at y in AVL tree; avl => rtavl 161>
if (y->rtavl_link[1] == NULL)
    y->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
    y->rtavl_link[1] = w;
if (w->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)
    x->rtavl_link[0] = NULL;
    w->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_CHILD;
This code is included in 426 and 443.

11.5 Deletion

Deletion in an RTAVL tree takes the usual pattern.

431. <RTAVL item deletion function 431> =
void *
rtavl_delete (struct rtavl_table *tree, const void *item)
  /* Stack of nodes. */
  struct rtavl_node *pa[RTAVL_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes. */
  unsigned char da[RTAVL_MAX_HEIGHT];     /* rtavl_link[] indexes. */
  int k;                                  /* Stack pointer. */

  struct rtavl_node *p; /* Traverses tree to find node to delete. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search RTAVL tree for item to delete 432>
  <Step 2: Delete RTAVL node 433>
  <Steps 3 and 4: Update balance factors and rebalance after RTAVL deletion 440>

  return (void *) item;
   This code is included in 420.

11.5.1 Step 1: Search

There's nothing new in searching an RTAVL tree for a node to delete.  We
use p to search the tree, and push its chain of parent nodes onto stack
pa[] along with the directions da[] moved down from them, including the
pseudo-root node at the top.

432. <Step 1: Search RTAVL tree for item to delete 432> =
k = 1;
da[0] = 0;
pa[0] = (struct rtavl_node *) &tree->rtavl_root;
p = tree->rtavl_root;
if (p == NULL)
  return NULL;

for (;;)
    int cmp, dir;

    cmp = tree->rtavl_compare (item, p->rtavl_data, tree->rtavl_param);
    if (cmp == 0)

    dir = cmp > 0;
    if (dir == 0)
        if (p->rtavl_link[0] == NULL)
          return NULL;
    else /* dir == 1 */
        if (p->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)
          return NULL;

    pa[k] = p;
    da[k++] = dir;
    p = p->rtavl_link[dir];
item = p->rtavl_data;
   This code is included in 431 and 470.

11.5.2 Step 2: Delete

As demonstrated in the previous chapter, left-looking deletion, where we
examine the left subtree of the node to be deleted, is more efficient
than right-looking deletion in an RTBST (*note Left-Looking Deletion in
an RTBST::).  This holds true in an RTAVL tree, too.

433. <Step 2: Delete RTAVL node 433> =
if (p->rtavl_link[0] == NULL)
    if (p->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
        <Case 1 in RTAVL deletion 434>
        <Case 2 in RTAVL deletion 435>
    struct rtavl_node *r = p->rtavl_link[0];
    if (r->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)
        <Case 3 in RTAVL deletion 436>
        <Case 4 in RTAVL deletion 437>

tree->rtavl_alloc->libavl_free (tree->rtavl_alloc, p);
   This code is included in 431.

Case 1: p has a right child but no left child

If the node to be deleted, p, has a right child but not a left child,
then we replace it by its right child.

434. <Case 1 in RTAVL deletion 434> =
pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = p->rtavl_link[1];
   This code is included in 433 and 472.

Case 2: p has a right thread and no left child

If we are deleting a leaf, then we replace it by a null pointer if it's
a left child, or by a pointer to its own former right thread if it's a
right child.  Refer back to the commentary on <Case 2 in right-looking
RTBST deletion 387> for further explanation.

435. <Case 2 in RTAVL deletion 435> =
pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = p->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]];
if (da[k - 1] == 1)
  pa[k - 1]->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
   This code is included in 433 and 473.

Case 3: p's left child has a right thread

If p has a left child r, and r has a right thread, then we replace p by
r and transfer p's former right link to r.  Node r also receives p's
balance factor.

436. <Case 3 in RTAVL deletion 436> =
r->rtavl_link[1] = p->rtavl_link[1];
r->rtavl_rtag = p->rtavl_rtag;
r->rtavl_balance = p->rtavl_balance;
pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = r;
da[k] = 0;
pa[k++] = r;
   This code is included in 433.

Case 4: p's left child has a right child

The final case, where node p's left child r has a right child, is also
the most complicated.  We find p's predecessor s first:

437. <Case 4 in RTAVL deletion 437> =
struct rtavl_node *s;
int j = k++;

for (;;)
    da[k] = 1;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->rtavl_link[1];
    if (s->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)

    r = s;
   See also 438 and 439.
This code is included in 433.

   Then we move s into p's place, not forgetting to update links and
tags as necessary:

438. <Case 4 in RTAVL deletion 437> +=
da[j] = 0;
pa[j] = pa[j - 1]->rtavl_link[da[j - 1]] = s;

if (s->rtavl_link[0] != NULL)
  r->rtavl_link[1] = s->rtavl_link[0];
    r->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
    r->rtavl_link[1] = s;

   Finally, we copy p's old information into s, except for the actual

439. <Case 4 in RTAVL deletion 437> +=
s->rtavl_balance = p->rtavl_balance;
s->rtavl_link[0] = p->rtavl_link[0];
s->rtavl_link[1] = p->rtavl_link[1];
s->rtavl_rtag = p->rtavl_rtag;

11.5.3 Step 3: Update Balance Factors

Updating balance factors works exactly the same way as in unthreaded AVL
deletion (*note Deleting an AVL Node Step 3 - Update::).

440. <Steps 3 and 4: Update balance factors and rebalance after RTAVL deletion 440> =
assert (k > 0);
while (--k > 0)
    struct rtavl_node *y = pa[k];

    if (da[k] == 0)
        if (y->rtavl_balance == +1)
        else if (y->rtavl_balance == +2)
            <Step 4: Rebalance after RTAVL deletion in left subtree 441>
        if (y->rtavl_balance == -1)
        else if (y->rtavl_balance == -2)
            <Step 4: Rebalance after RTAVL deletion in right subtree 442>
   This code is included in 431.

11.5.4 Step 4: Rebalance

Rebalancing in an RTAVL tree after deletion is not completely symmetric
between left-side and right-side rebalancing, but there are pairs of
similar subcases on each side.  The outlines are similar, too.  Either
way, rebalancing occurs at node y, and cases are distinguished based on
the balance factor of x, the child of y on the side opposite the

441. <Step 4: Rebalance after RTAVL deletion in left subtree 441> =
struct rtavl_node *x = y->rtavl_link[1];

assert (x != NULL);
if (x->rtavl_balance == -1)
    <Rebalance for - balance factor after left-side RTAVL deletion 443>
    pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
    if (x->rtavl_balance == 0)
        <Rebalance for 0 balance factor after left-side RTAVL deletion 445>
    else /* x->rtavl_balance == +1 */
        <Rebalance for + balance factor after left-side RTAVL deletion 447>
   This code is included in 440.

442. <Step 4: Rebalance after RTAVL deletion in right subtree 442> =
struct rtavl_node *x = y->rtavl_link[0];

assert (x != NULL);
if (x->rtavl_balance == +1)
    <Rebalance for + balance factor after right-side RTAVL deletion 444>
    pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
    if (x->rtavl_balance == 0)
        <Rebalance for 0 balance factor after right-side RTAVL deletion 446>
    else /* x->rtavl_balance == -1 */
        <Rebalance for - balance factor after right-side RTAVL deletion 448>
   This code is included in 440.

Case 1: x has taller subtree on same side as deletion

If the taller subtree of x is on the same side as the deletion, then we
rotate at x in the opposite direction from the deletion, then at y in
the same direction as the deletion. This is the same as case 2 for
RTAVL insertion (*note rtavlinscase2::), which in turn performs the
general transformation described for AVL deletion case 1 (*note
avldelcase1::), and we can reuse the code.

443. <Rebalance for - balance factor after left-side RTAVL deletion 443> =
struct rtavl_node *w;

<Rebalance for - balance factor in RTAVL insertion in right subtree 430>
pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = w;
   This code is included in 441.

444. <Rebalance for + balance factor after right-side RTAVL deletion 444> =
struct rtavl_node *w;

<Rebalance for + balance factor in RTAVL insertion in left subtree 429>
pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = w;
   This code is included in 442.

Case 2: x's subtrees are equal height

If x's two subtrees are of equal height, then we perform a rotation at
y toward the deletion.  This rotation cannot be troublesome, for the
same reason discussed for rebalancing in TAVL trees (*note
tavldelcase2::).  We can even reuse the code:

445. <Rebalance for 0 balance factor after left-side RTAVL deletion 445> =
<Rebalance for 0 balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree; tavl => rtavl 323>
   This code is included in 441.

446. <Rebalance for 0 balance factor after right-side RTAVL deletion 446> =
<Rebalance for 0 balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree; tavl => rtavl 327>
   This code is included in 442.

Case 3: x has taller subtree on side opposite deletion

When x's taller subtree is on the side opposite the deletion, we rotate
at y toward the deletion, same as case 2.  If the deletion was on the
left side of y, then the general form is the same as for TAVL deletion
(*note tavldelcase3::).  The special case for left-side deletion, where
x lacks a left child, and the general form of the code, are shown here:

                    y                        |
                  <++>                       x
                      \                     <0>
                        x             __..-'   \
                       <+>        =>  y          c
                          \          <0>        <0>
                            c           \          \
                           <0>           [x]        []

447. <Rebalance for + balance factor after left-side RTAVL deletion 447> =
if (x->rtavl_link[0] != NULL)
  y->rtavl_link[1] = x->rtavl_link[0];
  y->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
x->rtavl_link[0] = y;
y->rtavl_balance = x->rtavl_balance = 0;
This code is included in 441.

   The special case for right-side deletion, where x lacks a right
child, and the general form of the code, are shown here:

                               y                |
                             <-->               x
                       __..-'    \             <0>
                       x          []     __..-'   \
                      <->            =>  a          y
                __..-'   \              <0>        <0>
                a         [y]              \          \
               <0>                          [x]        []

448. <Rebalance for - balance factor after right-side RTAVL deletion 448> =
if (x->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
  y->rtavl_link[0] = x->rtavl_link[1];
    y->rtavl_link[0] = NULL;
    x->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_CHILD;
x->rtavl_link[1] = y;
y->rtavl_balance = x->rtavl_balance = 0;
This code is included in 442.


1. In the chapter about TAVL deletion, we offered two implementations of
deletion: one using a stack (<TAVL item deletion function, with stack
661>) and one using an algorithm to find node parents (<TAVL item
deletion function 313>).  For RTAVL deletion, we offer only a
stack-based implementation.  Why?

2. The introduction to this section states that left-looking deletion is
more efficient than right-looking deletion in an RTAVL tree.  Confirm
this by writing a right-looking alternate implementation of <Step 2:
Delete RTAVL node 433> and comparing the two sets of code.

3. Rewrite <Case 4 in RTAVL deletion 437> to replace the deleted node's
rtavl_data by its successor, then delete the successor, instead of
shuffling pointers.  (Refer back to Exercise 4.8-3 for an explanation
of why this approach cannot be used in libavl.)

11.6 Copying

We can reuse most of the RTBST copying functionality for copying RTAVL
trees, but we must modify the node copy function to copy the balance
factor into the new node as well.

449. <RTAVL copy function 449> =
<RTAVL node copy function 450>
<RTBST copy error helper function; rtbst => rtavl 407>
<RTBST main copy function; rtbst => rtavl 405>
   This code is included in 420 and 457.

450. <RTAVL node copy function 450> =
static int
copy_node (struct rtavl_table *tree,
           struct rtavl_node *dst, int dir,
           const struct rtavl_node *src, rtavl_copy_func *copy)
  struct rtavl_node *new = tree->rtavl_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->rtavl_alloc,
                                                             sizeof *new);
  if (new == NULL)
    return 0;

  new->rtavl_link[0] = NULL;
  new->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
  if (dir == 0)
    new->rtavl_link[1] = dst;
      new->rtavl_link[1] = dst->rtavl_link[1];
      dst->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_CHILD;
  dst->rtavl_link[dir] = new;

  new->rtavl_balance = src->rtavl_balance;

  if (copy == NULL)
    new->rtavl_data = src->rtavl_data;
      new->rtavl_data = copy (src->rtavl_data, tree->rtavl_param);
      if (new->rtavl_data == NULL)
        return 0;

  return 1;
   This code is included in 449.

11.7 Testing

451. <rtavl-test.c 451> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "rtavl.h"
#include "test.h"

<RTBST print function; rtbst => rtavl 414>
<BST traverser check function; bst => rtavl 105>
<Compare two RTAVL trees for structure and content 452>
<Recursively verify RTAVL tree structure 453>
<AVL tree verify function; avl => rtavl 192>
<BST test function; bst => rtavl 101>
<BST overflow test function; bst => rtavl 123>

452. <Compare two RTAVL trees for structure and content 452> =
static int
compare_trees (struct rtavl_node *a, struct rtavl_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      if (a != NULL || b != NULL)
          printf (" a=%d b=%d\n",
                  a ? *(int *) a->rtavl_data : -1,
                  b ? *(int *) b->rtavl_data : -1);
          assert (0);
      return 1;
  assert (a != b);

  if (*(int *) a->rtavl_data != *(int *) b->rtavl_data
      || a->rtavl_rtag != b->rtavl_rtag
      || a->rtavl_balance != b->rtavl_balance)
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d (bal=%d) b=%d (bal=%d) a:",
              *(int *) a->rtavl_data, a->rtavl_balance,
              *(int *) b->rtavl_data, b->rtavl_balance);

      if (a->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  if (a->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)
    assert ((a->rtavl_link[1] == NULL) != (a->rtavl_link[1] != b->rtavl_link[1]));

  okay = compare_trees (a->rtavl_link[0], b->rtavl_link[0]);
  if (a->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->rtavl_link[1], b->rtavl_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 451.

453. <Recursively verify RTAVL tree structure 453> =
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct rtavl_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max, int *height)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */
  int subheight[2];     /* Heights of subtrees. */

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
      *height = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->rtavl_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  subcount[0] = subcount[1] = 0;
  subheight[0] = subheight[1] = 0;
  recurse_verify_tree (node->rtavl_link[0], okay, &subcount[0],
                       min, d -  1, &subheight[0]);
  if (node->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
    recurse_verify_tree (node->rtavl_link[1], okay, &subcount[1],
                         d + 1, max, &subheight[1]);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
  *height = 1 + (subheight[0] > subheight[1] ? subheight[0] : subheight[1]);

  <Verify AVL node balance factor; avl => rtavl 191>
   This code is included in 451.

12 Right-Threaded Red-Black Trees

This chapter is this book's final demonstration of right-threaded trees,
carried out by using them in a red-black tree implementation of tables.
The chapter, and the code, follow the pattern that should now be
familiar, using rtrb_ as the naming prefix and often referring to
right-threaded right-black trees as "RTRB trees".

454. <rtrb.h 454> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef RTRB_H
#define RTRB_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => rtrb 15>
<RB maximum height; rb => rtrb 197>
<TBST table structure; tbst => rtrb 252>
<RTRB node structure 456>
<TBST traverser structure; tbst => rtrb 269>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => rtrb 16>

#endif /* rtrb.h */

455. <rtrb.c 455> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "rtrb.h"

<RTRB functions 457>

12.1 Data Types

Like any right-threaded tree node, an RTRB node has a right tag, and
like any red-black tree node, an RTRB node has a color, either red or
black.  The combination is straightforward, as shown here.

456. <RTRB node structure 456> =
/* Color of a red-black node. */
enum rtrb_color
    RTRB_BLACK,                     /* Black. */
    RTRB_RED                        /* Red. */

/* Characterizes a link as a child pointer or a thread. */
enum rtrb_tag
    RTRB_CHILD,                     /* Child pointer. */
    RTRB_THREAD                     /* Thread. */

/* A threaded binary search tree node. */
struct rtrb_node
    struct rtrb_node *rtrb_link[2]; /* Subtrees. */
    void *rtrb_data;                /* Pointer to data. */
    unsigned char rtrb_color;       /* Color. */
    unsigned char rtrb_rtag;        /* Tag field. */
   This code is included in 454.

12.2 Operations

Most of the operations on RTRB trees can be borrowed from the
corresponding operations on TBSTs, RTBSTs, or RTAVL trees, as shown

457. <RTRB functions 457> =
<TBST creation function; tbst => rtrb 254>
<RTBST search function; rtbst => rtrb 378>
<RTRB item insertion function 458>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => rtrb 594>
<RTRB item deletion function 470>
<RTBST traversal functions; rtbst => rtrb 397>
<RTAVL copy function; rtavl => rtrb; rtavl_balance => rtrb_color 449>
<RTBST destruction function; rtbst => rtrb 409>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => rtrb 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => rtrb 596>
   This code is included in 455.

12.3 Insertion

Insertion is, as usual, one of the operations that must be newly
implemented for our new type of tree.  There is nothing surprising in
the function's outline:

458. <RTRB item insertion function 458> =
void **
rtrb_probe (struct rtrb_table *tree, void *item)
  struct rtrb_node *pa[RTRB_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes on stack. */
  unsigned char da[RTRB_MAX_HEIGHT];   /* Directions moved from stack nodes. */
  int k;                               /* Stack height. */

  struct rtrb_node *p; /* Current node in search. */
  struct rtrb_node *n; /* New node. */
  int dir;             /* Side of p on which p is located. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search RTRB tree for insertion point 459>
  <Step 2: Insert RTRB node 460>
  <Step 3: Rebalance after RTRB insertion 461>

  return &n->rtrb_data;
   This code is included in 457.

12.3.1 Steps 1 and 2: Search and Insert

The process of search and insertion proceeds as usual.  Stack pa[],
with pa[k - 1] at top of stack, records the parents of the node p
currently under consideration, with corresponding stack da[] indicating
the direction moved.  We use the standard code for insertion into an
RTBST.  When the loop exits, p is the node under which a new node
should be inserted on side dir.

459. <Step 1: Search RTRB tree for insertion point 459> =
da[0] = 0;
pa[0] = (struct rtrb_node *) &tree->rtrb_root;
k = 1;
if (tree->rtrb_root != NULL)
  for (p = tree->rtrb_root; ; p = p->rtrb_link[dir])
      int cmp = tree->rtrb_compare (item, p->rtrb_data, tree->rtrb_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
        return &p->rtrb_data;

      pa[k] = p;
      da[k++] = dir = cmp > 0;

      if (dir == 0)
          if (p->rtrb_link[0] == NULL)
      else /* dir == 1 */
          if (p->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD)
    p = (struct rtrb_node *) &tree->rtrb_root;
    dir = 0;
   This code is included in 458.

460. <Step 2: Insert RTRB node 460> =
n = tree->rtrb_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->rtrb_alloc, sizeof *n);
if (n == NULL)
  return NULL;

n->rtrb_data = item;
n->rtrb_link[0] = NULL;
if (dir == 0)
    if (tree->rtrb_root != NULL)
      n->rtrb_link[1] = p;
      n->rtrb_link[1] = NULL;
else /* dir == 1 */
    p->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_CHILD;
    n->rtrb_link[1] = p->rtrb_link[1];
n->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_THREAD;
n->rtrb_color = RTRB_RED;
p->rtrb_link[dir] = n;
   This code is included in 458.

12.3.2 Step 3: Rebalance

The rebalancing outline follows <Step 3: Rebalance after RB insertion

461. <Step 3: Rebalance after RTRB insertion 461> =
while (k >= 3 && pa[k - 1]->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED)
    if (da[k - 2] == 0)
        <Left-side rebalancing after RTRB insertion 462>
        <Right-side rebalancing after RTRB insertion 463>
tree->rtrb_root->rtrb_color = RTRB_BLACK;
   This code is included in 458.

   The choice of case for insertion on the left side is made in the same
way as in <Left-side rebalancing after RB insertion 204>, except that of
course right-side tests for non-empty subtrees are made using rtrb_rtag
instead of rtrb_link[1], and similarly for insertion on the right side.
In short, we take q (which is not a real variable) as the new node n
if this is the first time through the loop, or a node whose color has
just been changed to red otherwise.  We know that both q and its parent
pa[k - 1] are red, violating rule 1 for red-black trees, and that q's
grandparent pa[k - 2] is black.  Here is the code to distinguish cases:

462. <Left-side rebalancing after RTRB insertion 462> =
struct rtrb_node *y = pa[k - 2]->rtrb_link[1];
if (pa[k - 2]->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_CHILD && y->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED)
    <Case 1 in left-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 464>
    struct rtrb_node *x;

    if (da[k - 1] == 0)
      y = pa[k - 1];
        <Case 3 in left-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 468>

    <Case 2 in left-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 466>
   This code is included in 461.

463. <Right-side rebalancing after RTRB insertion 463> =
struct rtrb_node *y = pa[k - 2]->rtrb_link[0];
if (pa[k - 2]->rtrb_link[0] != NULL && y->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED)
    <Case 1 in right-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 465>
    struct rtrb_node *x;

    if (da[k - 1] == 1)
      y = pa[k - 1];
        <Case 3 in right-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 469>

    <Case 2 in right-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 467>
   This code is included in 461.

Case 1: q's uncle is red

If node q's uncle is red, then no links need be changed.  Instead, we
will just recolor nodes.  We reuse the code for RB insertion (*note

464. <Case 1 in left-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 464> =
<Case 1 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 205>
   This code is included in 462.

465. <Case 1 in right-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 465> =
<Case 1 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 209>
   This code is included in 463.

Case 2: q is on same side of parent as parent is of grandparent

If q is a left child of its parent y and y is a left child of its own
parent x, or if both q and y are right children, then we rotate at x
away from y.  This is the same that we would do in an unthreaded RB
tree (*note rbinscase2::).

   However, as usual, we must make sure that threads are fixed up
properly in the rotation.  In particular, for case 2 in left-side
rebalancing, we must convert a right thread of y, after rotation, into
a null left child pointer of x, like this:

                               pa[k-2],x              |
                                  <b>                 y
                   ____....---'         \            <b>
                  pa[k-1],y              d       _.-'   \
                     <r>                   =>    q        x
              _.-'         \                    <r>      <r>
              q             [x]                /   \        \
             <r>                              a     b        d
            /   \
           a     b

466. <Case 2 in left-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 466> =
<Case 2 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 206>

if (y->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD)
    y->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_CHILD;
    x->rtrb_link[0] = NULL;
This code is included in 462.

   For the right-side rebalancing case, we must convert a null left
child of y, after rotation, into a right thread of x:

              pa[k-2]                               |
                <b>                                 y
             /       \                             <b>
            a         pa[k-1],y              __..-'   `_
                         <r>           =>    x           q
                               `_           <r>         <r>
                                  q        /   \       /   \
                                 <r>      a     [y]   c     d
                                /   \
                               c     d

467. <Case 2 in right-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 467> =
<Case 2 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 210>

if (x->rtrb_link[1] == NULL)
    x->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_THREAD;
    x->rtrb_link[1] = y;
This code is included in 463.

Case 3: q is on opposite side of parent as parent is of grandparent

If q is a left child and its parent is a right child, or vice versa,
then we have an instance of case 3, and we rotate at q's parent in the
direction from q to its parent.  We handle this case as seen before for
unthreaded RB trees (*note rbinscase3::), with the addition of fix-ups
for threads during rotation.

   The left-side fix-up and the code to do it look like this:

                                |                        |
                             pa[k-2]                    <b>
                               <b>                  _.-'   \
               _____....----'       \               y       d
              pa[k-1],x              d             <r>
                 <r>                   =>    __..-'   \
             /         \                     x         c
            a           y,q                 <r>
                        <r>                /   \
                           \              a     [y]

468. <Case 3 in left-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 468> =
<Case 3 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 207>

if (x->rtrb_link[1] == NULL)
    x->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_THREAD;
    x->rtrb_link[1] = y;
This code is included in 462.

   Here's the right-side fix-up and code:

                 |                              |
              pa[k-2]                          <b>
                <b>                           /   `_
             /       `--...___               a       y
            a                 pa[k-1],x             <r>
                                 <r>      =>       /   \
                        __..-'         \          b      x
                       q,y              d               <r>
                       <r>                                 \
                      /   \                                 d
                     b     [x]

469. <Case 3 in right-side RTRB insertion rebalancing 469> =
<Case 3 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 211>

if (y->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD)
    y->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_CHILD;
    x->rtrb_link[0] = NULL;
This code is included in 463.

12.4 Deletion

The process of deletion from an RTRB tree is the same that we've seen
many times now.  Code for the first step is borrowed from RTAVL

470. <RTRB item deletion function 470> =
void *
rtrb_delete (struct rtrb_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct rtrb_node *pa[RTRB_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes on stack. */
  unsigned char da[RTRB_MAX_HEIGHT];   /* Directions moved from stack nodes. */
  int k;                               /* Stack height. */

  struct rtrb_node *p;

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search RTAVL tree for item to delete; rtavl => rtrb 432>
  <Step 2: Delete RTRB node 471>
  <Step 3: Rebalance after RTRB deletion 476>
  <Step 4: Finish up after RTRB deletion 483>
   This code is included in 457.

12.4.1 Step 2: Delete

We use left-looking deletion.  At this point, p is the node to delete.
After the deletion, x is the node that replaced p, or a null pointer if
the node was deleted without replacement.  The cases are distinguished
in the usual way:

471. <Step 2: Delete RTRB node 471> =
if (p->rtrb_link[0] == NULL)
    if (p->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_CHILD)
        <Case 1 in RTRB deletion 472>
        <Case 2 in RTRB deletion 473>
    enum rtrb_color t;
    struct rtrb_node *r = p->rtrb_link[0];

    if (r->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD)
        <Case 3 in RTRB deletion 474>
        <Case 4 in RTRB deletion 475>
   This code is included in 470.

Case 1: p has a right child but no left child

If p, the node to be deleted, has a right child but no left child, then
we replace it by its right child.  This is the same as <Case 1 in RTAVL
deletion 434>.

472. <Case 1 in RTRB deletion 472> =
<Case 1 in RTAVL deletion; rtavl => rtrb 434>
   This code is included in 471.

Case 2: p has a right thread and no left child

Similarly, case 2 is the same as <Case 2 in RTAVL deletion 435>, with
the addition of an assignment to x.

473. <Case 2 in RTRB deletion 473> =
<Case 2 in RTAVL deletion; rtavl => rtrb 435>
   This code is included in 471.

Case 3: p's left child has a right thread

If p has a left child r, and r has a right thread, then we replace p by
r and transfer p's former right link to r.  Node r also receives p's
balance factor.

474. <Case 3 in RTRB deletion 474> =
r->rtrb_link[1] = p->rtrb_link[1];
r->rtrb_rtag = p->rtrb_rtag;
t = r->rtrb_color;
r->rtrb_color = p->rtrb_color;
p->rtrb_color = t;
pa[k - 1]->rtrb_link[da[k - 1]] = r;
da[k] = 0;
pa[k++] = r;
   This code is included in 471.

Case 4: p's left child has a right child

The fourth case, where p has a left child that itself has a right
child, uses the same algorithm as <Case 4 in RTAVL deletion 437>, except
that instead of setting the balance factor of s, we swap the colors of
t and s as in <Case 3 in RB deletion 226>.

475. <Case 4 in RTRB deletion 475> =
struct rtrb_node *s;
int j = k++;

for (;;)
    da[k] = 1;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->rtrb_link[1];
    if (s->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD)

    r = s;

da[j] = 0;
pa[j] = pa[j - 1]->rtrb_link[da[j - 1]] = s;

if (s->rtrb_link[0] != NULL)
  r->rtrb_link[1] = s->rtrb_link[0];
    r->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_THREAD;
    r->rtrb_link[1] = s;

s->rtrb_link[0] = p->rtrb_link[0];
s->rtrb_link[1] = p->rtrb_link[1];
s->rtrb_rtag = p->rtrb_rtag;

t = s->rtrb_color;
s->rtrb_color = p->rtrb_color;
p->rtrb_color = t;
   This code is included in 471.

12.4.2 Step 3: Rebalance

The rebalancing step's outline is much like that for deletion in a
symmetrically threaded tree, except that we must check for a null child
pointer on the left side of x versus a thread on the right side:

476. <Step 3: Rebalance after RTRB deletion 476> =
if (p->rtrb_color == RTRB_BLACK)
    for (; k > 1; k--)
        struct rtrb_node *x;
        if (da[k - 1] == 0 || pa[k - 1]->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_CHILD)
          x = pa[k - 1]->rtrb_link[da[k - 1]];
          x = NULL;
        if (x != NULL && x->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED)
            x->rtrb_color = RTRB_BLACK;

        if (da[k - 1] == 0)
            <Left-side rebalancing after RTRB deletion 477>
            <Right-side rebalancing after RTRB deletion 478>

    if (tree->rtrb_root != NULL)
      tree->rtrb_root->rtrb_color = RTRB_BLACK;
   This code is included in 470.

   As for RTRB insertion, rebalancing on either side of the root is not
symmetric because the tree structure itself is not symmetric, but again
the rebalancing steps are very similar.  The outlines of the left-side
and right-side rebalancing code are below.  The code for ensuring that
w is black and for case 1 on each side are the same as the
corresponding unthreaded RB code, because none of that code needs to
check for empty trees:

477. <Left-side rebalancing after RTRB deletion 477> =
struct rtrb_node *w = pa[k - 1]->rtrb_link[1];

if (w->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED)
    <Ensure w is black in left-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 230>

if ((w->rtrb_link[0] == NULL
     || w->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_color == RTRB_BLACK)
    && (w->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD
        || w->rtrb_link[1]->rtrb_color == RTRB_BLACK))
    <Case 1 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 231>
    if (w->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD
        || w->rtrb_link[1]->rtrb_color == RTRB_BLACK)
        <Transform left-side RTRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 481>

    <Case 2 in left-side RTRB deletion rebalancing 479>
   This code is included in 476.

478. <Right-side rebalancing after RTRB deletion 478> =
struct rtrb_node *w = pa[k - 1]->rtrb_link[0];

if (w->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED)
    <Ensure w is black in right-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 236>

if ((w->rtrb_link[0] == NULL
     || w->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_color == RTRB_BLACK)
    && (w->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD
        || w->rtrb_link[1]->rtrb_color == RTRB_BLACK))
    <Case 1 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 237>
    if (w->rtrb_link[0] == NULL
        || w->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_color == RTRB_BLACK)
        <Transform right-side RTRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 482>

    <Case 2 in right-side RTRB deletion rebalancing 480>
   This code is included in 476.

Case 2: w's child opposite the deletion is red

If the deletion was on the left side of w and w's right child is red,
we rotate left at pa[k - 1] and perform some recolorings, as we did for
unthreaded RB trees (*note rbdelcase2::).  There is a special case when
w has no left child.  This must be transformed into a thread from
leading to w following the rotation:

                    |                                  |
                pa[k-1],B                             w,C
                   <g>                                <g>
            _.-'         \                      __..-'   `_
           x,A            w,C                   B           D
           <b>            <b>        =>        <b>         <b>
          /   \              `_            _.-'   \       /   \
         a     b                D         x,A      [C]   d     e
                               <r>        <b>
                              /   \      /   \
                             d     e    a     b

479. <Case 2 in left-side RTRB deletion rebalancing 479> =
<Case 2 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 232>

if (w->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_link[1] == NULL)
    w->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_THREAD;
    w->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_link[1] = w;
This code is included in 477.

   Alternately, if the deletion was on the right side of w and w's left
child is right, we rotate right at pa[k - 1] and recolor.  There is an
analogous special case:

                           |                       |
                       pa[k-1],C                  w,B
                          <g>                     <g>
                 __..-'         `_            _.-'   \
                w,B               x,D         A        C
                <b>               <b>   =>   <b>      <b>
            _.-'   \             /   \      /   \        `_
            A       [C]         d     e    a     b         x,D
           <r>                                             <b>
          /   \                                           /   \
         a     b                                         d     e

480. <Case 2 in right-side RTRB deletion rebalancing 480> =
<Case 2 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => rtrb 239>

if (w->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD)
    w->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_CHILD;
    pa[k - 1]->rtrb_link[0] = NULL;
This code is included in 478.

Case 3: w's child on the side of the deletion is red

If the deletion was on the left side of w and w's left child is red,
then we rotate right at w and recolor, as in case 3 for unthreaded RB
trees (*note rbdelcase3::).  There is a special case when w's left
child has a right thread.  This must be transformed into a null left
child of w's right child following the rotation:

                 |                                 |
             pa[k-1],B                         pa[k-1],B
                <g>                               <g>
         _.-'         `--...___            _.-'         `_
        x,A                    w,D        x,A             w,C
        <b>                    <b>   =>   <b>             <b>
       /   \             __..-'   \      /   \           /   \
      a     b            C         e    a     b         c      D
                        <r>                                   <r>
                       /   \                                     \
                      c     [D]                                   e

481. <Transform left-side RTRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 481> =
<Transform left-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2; rb => rtrb 233>

if (w->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD)
    w->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_CHILD;
    w->rtrb_link[1]->rtrb_link[0] = NULL;
This code is included in 477.

   Alternately, if the deletion was on the right side of w and w's
right child is red, we rotate left at w and recolor.  There is an
analogous special case:

                     |                                 |
                 pa[k-1],C                         pa[k-1],C
                    <g>                               <g>
         ___..--'         `_                   _.-'         `_
        w,A                 x,D               w,B             x,D
        <b>                 <b>   =>          <b>             <b>
       /   \               /   \        __..-'   \           /   \
      a      B            d     e       A         c         d     e
            <r>                        <r>
               \                      /   \
                c                    a     [B]

482. <Transform right-side RTRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 482> =
<Transform right-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2; rb => rtrb 238>

if (w->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_link[1] == NULL)
    w->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_rtag = RTRB_THREAD;
    w->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_link[1] = w;
This code is included in 478.

12.4.3 Step 4: Finish Up

483. <Step 4: Finish up after RTRB deletion 483> =
tree->rtrb_alloc->libavl_free (tree->rtrb_alloc, p);
return (void *) item;
This code is included in 470.

12.5 Testing

484. <rtrb-test.c 484> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "rtrb.h"
#include "test.h"

<RTBST print function; rtbst => rtrb 414>
<BST traverser check function; bst => rtrb 105>
<Compare two RTRB trees for structure and content 485>
<Recursively verify RTRB tree structure 486>
<RB tree verify function; rb => rtrb 246>
<BST test function; bst => rtrb 101>
<BST overflow test function; bst => rtrb 123>

485. <Compare two RTRB trees for structure and content 485> =
static int
compare_trees (struct rtrb_node *a, struct rtrb_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      if (a != NULL || b != NULL)
          printf (" a=%d b=%d\n",
                  a ? *(int *) a->rtrb_data : -1,
                  b ? *(int *) b->rtrb_data : -1);
          assert (0);
      return 1;
  assert (a != b);

  if (*(int *) a->rtrb_data != *(int *) b->rtrb_data
      || a->rtrb_rtag != b->rtrb_rtag
      || a->rtrb_color != b->rtrb_color)
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d%c b=%d%c a:",
              *(int *) a->rtrb_data, a->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED ? 'r' : 'b',
              *(int *) b->rtrb_data, b->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED ? 'r' : 'b');

      if (a->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_CHILD)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  if (a->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_THREAD)
    assert ((a->rtrb_link[1] == NULL) != (a->rtrb_link[1] != b->rtrb_link[1]));

  okay = compare_trees (a->rtrb_link[0], b->rtrb_link[0]);
  if (a->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_CHILD)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->rtrb_link[1], b->rtrb_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 484.

486. <Recursively verify RTRB tree structure 486> =
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct rtrb_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max, int *bh)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */
  int subbh[2];         /* Black-heights of subtrees. */

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
      *bh = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->rtrb_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  subcount[0] = subcount[1] = 0;
  subbh[0] = subbh[1] = 0;
  recurse_verify_tree (node->rtrb_link[0], okay, &subcount[0],
                       min, d - 1, &subbh[0]);
  if (node->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_CHILD)
    recurse_verify_tree (node->rtrb_link[1], okay, &subcount[1],
                         d + 1, max, &subbh[1]);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
  *bh = (node->rtrb_color == RTRB_BLACK) + subbh[0];

  <Verify RB node color; rb => rtrb 243>
  <Verify RTRB node rule 1 compliance 487>
  <Verify RB node rule 2 compliance; rb => rtrb 245>
   This code is included in 484.

487. <Verify RTRB node rule 1 compliance 487> =
/* Verify compliance with rule 1. */
if (node->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED)
    if (node->rtrb_link[0] != NULL
        && node->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED)
        printf (" Red node %d has red left child %d\n",
                d, *(int *) node->rtrb_link[0]->rtrb_data);
        *okay = 0;

    if (node->rtrb_rtag == RTRB_CHILD
        && node->rtrb_link[1]->rtrb_color == RTRB_RED)
        printf (" Red node %d has red right child %d\n",
                d, *(int *) node->rtrb_link[1]->rtrb_data);
        *okay = 0;
   This code is included in 486.

13 BSTs with Parent Pointers

The preceding six chapters introduced two different forms of threaded
trees, which simplified traversal by eliminating the need for a stack.
There is another way to accomplish the same purpose: add to each node a
"parent pointer", a link from the node to its parent.  A binary search
tree so augmented is called a BST with parent pointers, or PBST for
short.(1)  In this chapter, we show how to add parent pointers to
binary trees.  The next two chapters will add them to AVL trees and
red-black trees.

   Parent pointers and threads have equivalent power.  That is, given a
node within a threaded tree, we can find the node's parent, and given a
node within a tree with parent pointers, we can determine the targets
of any threads that the node would have in a similar threaded tree.

   Parent pointers have some advantages over threads.  In particular,
parent pointers let us more efficiently eliminate the stack for
insertion and deletion in balanced trees.  Rebalancing during these
operations requires us to locate the parents of nodes.  In our
implementations of threaded balanced trees, we wrote code to do this,
but it took a relatively complicated and slow helper function.  Parent
pointers make it much faster and easier.  It is also easier to search a
tree with parent pointers than a threaded tree, because there is no
need to check tags.  Outside of purely technical issues, many people
find the use of parent pointers more intuitive than threads.

   On the other hand, to traverse a tree with parent pointers in inorder
we may have to follow several parent pointers instead of a single
thread.  What's more, parent pointers take extra space for a third
pointer field in every node, whereas the tag fields in threaded
balanced trees often fit into node structures without taking up
additional room (see Exercise 8.1-1).  Finally, maintaining parent
pointers on insertion and deletion takes time.  In fact, we'll see that
it takes more operations (and thus, all else being equal, time) than
maintaining threads.

   In conclusion, a general comparison of parent pointers with threads
reveals no clear winner.  Further discussion of the merits of parent
pointers versus those of threads will be postponed until later in this
book.  For now, we'll stick to the problems of parent pointer

   Here's the outline of the PBST code.  We're using the prefix pbst_
this time:

488. <pbst.h 488> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef PBST_H
#define PBST_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => pbst 15>
<TBST table structure; tbst => pbst 252>
<PBST node structure 490>
<TBST traverser structure; tbst => pbst 269>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => pbst 16>
<BST extra function prototypes; bst => pbst 89>

#endif /* pbst.h */

489. <pbst.c 489> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pbst.h"

<PBST functions 491>

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) This abbreviation might be thought of as expanding to "parented
BST" or "parental BST", but those are not proper terms.

13.1 Data Types

For PBSTs we reuse TBST table and traverser structures.  In fact, the
only data type that needs revision is the node structure.  We take the
basic form of a node and add a member pbst_parent to point to its
parent node:

490. <PBST node structure 490> =
/* A binary search tree with parent pointers node. */
struct pbst_node
    struct pbst_node *pbst_link[2];   /* Subtrees. */
    struct pbst_node *pbst_parent;    /* Parent. */
    void *pbst_data;                  /* Pointer to data. */
   This code is included in 488.

   There is one special case: what should be the value of pbst_parent
for a node that has no parent, that is, in the tree's root?  There are
two reasonable choices.

   First, pbst_parent could be NULL in the root.  This makes it easy to
check whether a node is the tree's root.  On the other hand, we often
follow a parent pointer in order to change the link down from the
parent, and NULL as the root node's pbst_parent requires a special case.

   We can eliminate this special case if the root's pbst_parent is the
tree's pseudo-root node, that is, (struct pbst_node *)
&tree->pbst_root.  The downside of this choice is that it becomes
uglier, and perhaps slower, to check whether a node is the tree's root,
because a comparison must be made against a non-constant expression
instead of simply NULL.

   In this book, we make the former choice, so pbst_parent is NULL in
the tree's root node.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 11.4.

13.2 Operations

When we added parent pointers to BST nodes, we did not change the
interpretation of any of the node members.  This means that any
function that examines PBSTs without modifying them will work without
change.  We take advantage of that for tree search.  We also get away
with it for destruction, since there's no problem with failing to
update parent pointers in that case.  Although we could, technically,
do the same for traversal, that would negate much of the advantage of
parent pointers, so we reimplement them.  Here is the overall outline:

491. <PBST functions 491> =
<TBST creation function; tbst => pbst 254>
<BST search function; bst => pbst 32>
<PBST item insertion function 492>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => pbst 594>
<PBST item deletion function 495>
<PBST traversal functions 504>
<PBST copy function 511>
<BST destruction function; bst => pbst 85>
<PBST balance function 513>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => pbst 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => pbst 596>
   This code is included in 489.

13.3 Insertion

The only difference between this code and <BST item insertion function
33> is that we set n's parent pointer after insertion.

492. <PBST item insertion function 492> =
void **
pbst_probe (struct pbst_table *tree, void *item)
  struct pbst_node *p, *q; /* Current node in search and its parent. */
  int dir;                 /* Side of q on which p is located. */
  struct pbst_node *n;     /* Newly inserted node. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search PBST tree for insertion point 493>
  <Step 2: Insert PBST node 494>

  return &n->pbst_data;
   This code is included in 491.

493. <Step 1: Search PBST tree for insertion point 493> =
for (q = NULL, p = tree->pbst_root; p != NULL; q = p, p = p->pbst_link[dir])
    int cmp = tree->pbst_compare (item, p->pbst_data, tree->pbst_param);
    if (cmp == 0)
      return &p->pbst_data;
    dir = cmp > 0;
   This code is included in 492 and 557.

494. <Step 2: Insert PBST node 494> =
n = tree->pbst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->pbst_alloc, sizeof *p);
if (n == NULL)
  return NULL;

n->pbst_link[0] = n->pbst_link[1] = NULL;
n->pbst_parent = q;
n->pbst_data = item;
if (q != NULL)
  q->pbst_link[dir] = n;
  tree->pbst_root = n;
   This code is included in 492, 527, and 558.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 13.3.

13.4 Deletion

The new aspect of deletion in a PBST is that we must properly adjust
parent pointers.  The outline is the same as usual:

495. <PBST item deletion function 495> =
void *
pbst_delete (struct pbst_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct pbst_node *p; /* Traverses tree to find node to delete. */
  struct pbst_node *q; /* Parent of p. */
  int dir;             /* Side of q on which p is linked. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Find PBST node to delete 496>
  <Step 2: Delete PBST node 498>
  <Step 3: Finish up after deleting PBST node 503>
   This code is included in 491.

   We find the node to delete by using p to search for item.  For the
first time in implementing a deletion routine, we do not keep track of
the current node's parent, because we can always find it out later with
little effort:

496. <Step 1: Find PBST node to delete 496> =
if (tree->pbst_root == NULL)
  return NULL;

p = tree->pbst_root;
for (;;)
    int cmp = tree->pbst_compare (item, p->pbst_data, tree->pbst_param);
    if (cmp == 0)

    dir = cmp > 0;
    p = p->pbst_link[dir];
    if (p == NULL)
      return NULL;
item = p->pbst_data;
   See also 497.
This code is included in 495, 536, and 568.

   Now we've found the node to delete, p.  The first step in deletion
is to find the parent of p as q.  Node p is q's child on side dir.
Deletion of the root is a special case:

497. <Step 1: Find PBST node to delete 496> +=
q = p->pbst_parent;
if (q == NULL)
    q = (struct pbst_node *) &tree->pbst_root;
    dir = 0;

   The remainder of the deletion follows the usual outline:

498. <Step 2: Delete PBST node 498> =
if (p->pbst_link[1] == NULL)
    <Case 1 in PBST deletion 499>
    struct pbst_node *r = p->pbst_link[1];
    if (r->pbst_link[0] == NULL)
        <Case 2 in PBST deletion 500>
        <Case 3 in PBST deletion 501>
   This code is included in 495.

Case 1: p has no right child

If p has no right child, then we can replace it by its left child, if
any.  If p does have a left child then we must update its parent to be
p's former parent.

499. <Case 1 in PBST deletion 499> =
q->pbst_link[dir] = p->pbst_link[0];
if (q->pbst_link[dir] != NULL)
  q->pbst_link[dir]->pbst_parent = p->pbst_parent;
   This code is included in 498, 538, and 570.

Case 2: p's right child has no left child

When we delete a node with a right child that in turn has no left
child, the operation looks like this:

                               |         |
                               p         r
                              / \        ^
                             a   r   => a b

The key points to notice are that node r's parent changes and so does
the parent of r's new left child, if there is one.  We update these in

500. <Case 2 in PBST deletion 500> =
r->pbst_link[0] = p->pbst_link[0];
q->pbst_link[dir] = r;
r->pbst_parent = p->pbst_parent;
if (r->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
  r->pbst_link[0]->pbst_parent = r;
   This code is included in 498, 539, and 571.

Case 3: p's right child has a left child

If p's right child has a left child, then we replace p by its
successor, as usual.  Finding the successor s and its parent r is a
little simpler than usual, because we can move up the tree so easily.
We know that s has a non-null parent so there is no need to handle that
special case:

501. <Case 3 in PBST deletion 501> =
struct pbst_node *s = r->pbst_link[0];
while (s->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
  s = s->pbst_link[0];
r = s->pbst_parent;
   See also 502.
This code is included in 498, 540, and 572.

   The only other change here is that we must update parent pointers.
It is easy to pick out the ones that must be changed by looking at a
diagram of the deletion:

                       |                  |
                       p                  s
                      / `--...___        / `-..__
                     a           x      a        x
                               _' \            _' \
                              ...  d          ...  d
                            _'       =>      /
                           r                r
                         _' \               ^
                        s    c             b c

Node s's parent changes, as do the parents of its new right child x
and, if it has one, its left child a.  Perhaps less obviously, if s
originally had a right child, it becomes the new left child of r, so
its new parent is r:

502. <Case 3 in PBST deletion 501> +=
r->pbst_link[0] = s->pbst_link[1];
s->pbst_link[0] = p->pbst_link[0];
s->pbst_link[1] = p->pbst_link[1];
q->pbst_link[dir] = s;
if (s->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
  s->pbst_link[0]->pbst_parent = s;
s->pbst_link[1]->pbst_parent = s;
s->pbst_parent = p->pbst_parent;
if (r->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
  r->pbst_link[0]->pbst_parent = r;

   Finally, we free the deleted node p and return its data:

503. <Step 3: Finish up after deleting PBST node 503> =
tree->pbst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->pbst_alloc, p);
return (void *) item;
   This code is included in 495.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 13.3.


1. In case 1, can we change the right side of the assignment in the if
statement's consequent from p->pbst_parent to q?

13.5 Traversal

The traverser for a PBST is just like that for a TBST, so we can reuse
a couple of the TBST functions.  Besides that and a couple of
completely generic functions, we have to reimplement the traversal

504. <PBST traversal functions 504> =
<TBST traverser null initializer; tbst => pbst 271>
<PBST traverser first initializer 505>
<PBST traverser last initializer 506>
<PBST traverser search initializer 507>
<PBST traverser insertion initializer 508>
<TBST traverser copy initializer; tbst => pbst 276>
<PBST traverser advance function 509>
<PBST traverser back up function 510>
<BST traverser current item function; bst => pbst 75>
<BST traverser replacement function; bst => pbst 76>
   This code is included in 491.

13.5.1 Starting at the First Node

Finding the smallest node in the tree is just a matter of starting from
the root and descending as far to the left as we can.

505. <PBST traverser first initializer 505> =
void *
pbst_t_first (struct pbst_traverser *trav, struct pbst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->pbst_table = tree;
  trav->pbst_node = tree->pbst_root;
  if (trav->pbst_node != NULL)
      while (trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
        trav->pbst_node = trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[0];
      return trav->pbst_node->pbst_data;
    return NULL;
   This code is included in 504 and 548.

13.5.2 Starting at the Last Node

This is the same as starting from the least item, except that we
descend to the right.

506. <PBST traverser last initializer 506> =
void *
pbst_t_last (struct pbst_traverser *trav, struct pbst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL);

  trav->pbst_table = tree;
  trav->pbst_node = tree->pbst_root;
  if (trav->pbst_node != NULL)
      while (trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[1] != NULL)
        trav->pbst_node = trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[1];
      return trav->pbst_node->pbst_data;
    return NULL;
   This code is included in 504 and 548.

13.5.3 Starting at a Found Node

To start from a particular item, we search for it in the tree.  If it
exists then we initialize the traverser to it.  Otherwise, we
initialize the traverser to the null item and return a null pointer.
There are no surprises here.

507. <PBST traverser search initializer 507> =
void *
pbst_t_find (struct pbst_traverser *trav, struct pbst_table *tree, void *item)
  struct pbst_node *p;
  int dir;

  assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  trav->pbst_table = tree;
  for (p = tree->pbst_root; p != NULL; p = p->pbst_link[dir])
      int cmp = tree->pbst_compare (item, p->pbst_data, tree->pbst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
          trav->pbst_node = p;
          return p->pbst_data;

      dir = cmp > 0;

  trav->pbst_node = NULL;
  return NULL;
   This code is included in 504 and 548.

13.5.4 Starting at an Inserted Node

This function combines the functionality of search and insertion with
initialization of a traverser.

508. <PBST traverser insertion initializer 508> =
void *
pbst_t_insert (struct pbst_traverser *trav, struct pbst_table *tree,
               void *item)
  struct pbst_node *p, *q; /* Current node in search and its parent. */
  int dir;                 /* Side of q on which p is located. */
  struct pbst_node *n;     /* Newly inserted node. */

  assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  trav->pbst_table = tree;
  for (q = NULL, p = tree->pbst_root; p != NULL; q = p, p = p->pbst_link[dir])
      int cmp = tree->pbst_compare (item, p->pbst_data, tree->pbst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
          trav->pbst_node = p;
          return p->pbst_data;
      dir = cmp > 0;

  trav->pbst_node = n =
    tree->pbst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->pbst_alloc, sizeof *p);
  if (n == NULL)
    return NULL;

  n->pbst_link[0] = n->pbst_link[1] = NULL;
  n->pbst_parent = q;
  n->pbst_data = item;
  if (q != NULL)
    q->pbst_link[dir] = n;
    tree->pbst_root = n;

  return item;
   This code is included in 504.

13.5.5 Advancing to the Next Node

There are the same three cases for advancing a traverser as the other
types of binary trees that we've already looked at.  Two of the cases,
the ones where we're starting from the null item or a node that has a
right child, are unchanged.

   The third case, where the node that we're starting from has no right
child, is the case that must be revised.  We can use the same algorithm
that we did for ordinary BSTs without threads or parent pointers,
described earlier (*note Better Iterative Traversal::).  Simply put, we
move upward in the tree until we move up to the right (or until we move
off the top of the tree).

   The code uses q to move up the tree and p as q's child, so the
termination condition is when p is q's left child or q becomes a null
pointer.  There is a non-null successor in the former case, where the
situation looks like this:

                                   / \
                                  p   c
                                 a b

509. <PBST traverser advance function 509> =
void *
pbst_t_next (struct pbst_traverser *trav)
  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->pbst_node == NULL)
    return pbst_t_first (trav, trav->pbst_table);
  else if (trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[1] == NULL)
      struct pbst_node *q, *p; /* Current node and its child. */
      for (p = trav->pbst_node, q = p->pbst_parent; ;
           p = q, q = q->pbst_parent)
        if (q == NULL || p == q->pbst_link[0])
            trav->pbst_node = q;
            return trav->pbst_node != NULL ? trav->pbst_node->pbst_data : NULL;
      trav->pbst_node = trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[1];
      while (trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
        trav->pbst_node = trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[0];
      return trav->pbst_node->pbst_data;
This code is included in 504 and 548.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 13.2.

13.5.6 Backing Up to the Previous Node

This is the same as advancing a traverser, except that we reverse the

510. <PBST traverser back up function 510> =
void *
pbst_t_prev (struct pbst_traverser *trav)
  assert (trav != NULL);

  if (trav->pbst_node == NULL)
    return pbst_t_last (trav, trav->pbst_table);
  else if (trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[0] == NULL)
      struct pbst_node *q, *p; /* Current node and its child. */
      for (p = trav->pbst_node, q = p->pbst_parent; ;
           p = q, q = q->pbst_parent)
        if (q == NULL || p == q->pbst_link[1])
            trav->pbst_node = q;
            return trav->pbst_node != NULL ? trav->pbst_node->pbst_data : NULL;
      trav->pbst_node = trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[0];
      while (trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[1] != NULL)
        trav->pbst_node = trav->pbst_node->pbst_link[1];
      return trav->pbst_node->pbst_data;
   This code is included in 504 and 548.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 13.2.

13.6 Copying

To copy BSTs with parent pointers, we use a simple adaptation of our
original algorithm for copying BSTs, as implemented in <BST copy
function 84>.  That function used a stack to keep track of the nodes
that need to be revisited to have their right subtrees copies.  We can
eliminate that by using the parent pointers.  Instead of popping a pair
of nodes off the stack, we ascend the tree until we moved up to the

511. <PBST copy function 511> =
<PBST copy error helper function 512>

struct pbst_table *
pbst_copy (const struct pbst_table *org, pbst_copy_func *copy,
           pbst_item_func *destroy, struct libavl_allocator *allocator)
  struct pbst_table *new;
  const struct pbst_node *x;
  struct pbst_node *y;

  assert (org != NULL);
  new = pbst_create (org->pbst_compare, org->pbst_param,
                    allocator != NULL ? allocator : org->pbst_alloc);
  if (new == NULL)
    return NULL;
  new->pbst_count = org->pbst_count;
  if (new->pbst_count == 0)
    return new;

  x = (const struct pbst_node *) &org->pbst_root;
  y = (struct pbst_node *) &new->pbst_root;
  for (;;)
      while (x->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
          y->pbst_link[0] =
            new->pbst_alloc->libavl_malloc (new->pbst_alloc,
                                            sizeof *y->pbst_link[0]);
          if (y->pbst_link[0] == NULL)
              if (y != (struct pbst_node *) &new->pbst_root)
                  y->pbst_data = NULL;
                  y->pbst_link[1] = NULL;

              copy_error_recovery (y, new, destroy);
              return NULL;
          y->pbst_link[0]->pbst_parent = y;

          x = x->pbst_link[0];
          y = y->pbst_link[0];
      y->pbst_link[0] = NULL;

      for (;;)
          if (copy == NULL)
            y->pbst_data = x->pbst_data;
              y->pbst_data = copy (x->pbst_data, org->pbst_param);
              if (y->pbst_data == NULL)
                  y->pbst_link[1] = NULL;
                  copy_error_recovery (y, new, destroy);
                  return NULL;

          if (x->pbst_link[1] != NULL)
              y->pbst_link[1] =
                new->pbst_alloc->libavl_malloc (new->pbst_alloc,
                                               sizeof *y->pbst_link[1]);
              if (y->pbst_link[1] == NULL)
                  copy_error_recovery (y, new, destroy);
                  return NULL;
              y->pbst_link[1]->pbst_parent = y;

              x = x->pbst_link[1];
              y = y->pbst_link[1];
            y->pbst_link[1] = NULL;

          for (;;)
              const struct pbst_node *w = x;
              x = x->pbst_parent;
              if (x == NULL)
                  new->pbst_root->pbst_parent = NULL;
                  return new;
              y = y->pbst_parent;

              if (w == x->pbst_link[0])
   This code is included in 491.

   Recovering from an error changes in the same way.  We ascend from the
node where we were copying when memory ran out and set the right
children of the nodes where we ascended to the right to null pointers,
then destroy the fixed-up tree:

512. <PBST copy error helper function 512> =
static void
copy_error_recovery (struct pbst_node *q,
                     struct pbst_table *new, pbst_item_func *destroy)
  assert (q != NULL && new != NULL);

  for (;;)
      struct pbst_node *p = q;
      q = q->pbst_parent;
      if (q == NULL)

      if (p == q->pbst_link[0])
        q->pbst_link[1] = NULL;

  pbst_destroy (new, destroy);
   This code is included in 511 and 549.

13.7 Balance

We can balance a PBST in the same way that we would balance a BST
without parent pointers.  In fact, we'll use the same code, with the
only change omitting only the maximum height check.  This code doesn't
set parent pointers, so afterward we traverse the tree to take care of

   Here are the pieces of the core code that need to be repeated:

513. <PBST balance function 513> =
<BST to vine function; bst => pbst 90>
<Vine to balanced PBST function 514>
<Update parent pointers function 516>

pbst_balance (struct pbst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL);

  tree_to_vine (tree);
  vine_to_tree (tree);
  update_parents (tree);
   This code is included in 491.

514. <Vine to balanced PBST function 514> =
<BST compression function; bst => pbst 96>

static void
vine_to_tree (struct pbst_table *tree)
  unsigned long vine;      /* Number of nodes in main vine. */
  unsigned long leaves;    /* Nodes in incomplete bottom level, if any. */
  int height;              /* Height of produced balanced tree. */

  <Calculate leaves; bst => pbst 92>
  <Reduce vine general case to special case; bst => pbst 93>
  <Make special case vine into balanced tree and count height; bst => pbst 94>
   This code is included in 513.

515. <PBST extra function prototypes 515> =

/* Special PBST functions. */
void pbst_balance (struct pbst_table *tree);

Updating Parent Pointers

The procedure for rebalancing a binary tree leaves the nodes' parent
pointers pointing every which way.  Now we'll fix them.  Incidentally,
this is a general procedure, so the same code could be used in other
situations where we have a tree to which we want to add parent pointers.

   The procedure takes the same form as an inorder traversal, except
that there is nothing to do in the place where we would normally visit
the node.  Instead, every time we move down to the left or the right, we
set the parent pointer of the node we move to.

   The code is straightforward enough.  The basic strategy is to always
move down to the left when possible; otherwise, move down to the right
if possible; otherwise, repeatedly move up until we've moved up to the
left to arrive at a node with a right child, then move to that right

516. <Update parent pointers function 516> =
static void
update_parents (struct pbst_table *tree)
  struct pbst_node *p;

  if (tree->pbst_root == NULL)

  tree->pbst_root->pbst_parent = NULL;
  for (p = tree->pbst_root; ; p = p->pbst_link[1])
      for (; p->pbst_link[0] != NULL; p = p->pbst_link[0])
        p->pbst_link[0]->pbst_parent = p;

      for (; p->pbst_link[1] == NULL; p = p->pbst_parent)
          for (;;)
              if (p->pbst_parent == NULL)

              if (p == p->pbst_parent->pbst_link[0])
              p = p->pbst_parent;

      p->pbst_link[1]->pbst_parent = p;
   This code is included in 513.


1. There is another approach to updating parent pointers: we can do it
during the compressions.  Implement this approach.  Make sure not to
miss any pointers.

13.8 Testing

517. <pbst-test.c 517> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pbst.h"
#include "test.h"

<BST print function; bst => pbst 120>
<BST traverser check function; bst => pbst 105>
<Compare two PBSTs for structure and content 518>
<Recursively verify PBST structure 519>
<BST verify function; bst => pbst 110>
<TBST test function; tbst => pbst 297>
<BST overflow test function; bst => pbst 123>

518. <Compare two PBSTs for structure and content 518> =
static int
compare_trees (struct pbst_node *a, struct pbst_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      assert (a == NULL && b == NULL);
      return 1;

  if (*(int *) a->pbst_data != *(int *) b->pbst_data
      || ((a->pbst_link[0] != NULL) != (b->pbst_link[0] != NULL))
      || ((a->pbst_link[1] != NULL) != (b->pbst_link[1] != NULL))
      || ((a->pbst_parent != NULL) != (b->pbst_parent != NULL))
      || (a->pbst_parent != NULL && b->pbst_parent != NULL
          && a->pbst_parent->pbst_data != b->pbst_parent->pbst_data))
      printf (" Copied nodes differ:\n"
              "  a: %d, parent %d, %s left child, %s right child\n"
              "  b: %d, parent %d, %s left child, %s right child\n",
              *(int *) a->pbst_data,
              a->pbst_parent != NULL ? *(int *) a->pbst_parent : -1,
              a->pbst_link[0] != NULL ? "has" : "no",
              a->pbst_link[1] != NULL ? "has" : "no",
              *(int *) b->pbst_data,
              b->pbst_parent != NULL ? *(int *) b->pbst_parent : -1,
              b->pbst_link[0] != NULL ? "has" : "no",
              b->pbst_link[1] != NULL ? "has" : "no");
      return 0;

  okay = 1;
  if (a->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->pbst_link[0], b->pbst_link[0]);
  if (a->pbst_link[1] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->pbst_link[1], b->pbst_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 517.

519. <Recursively verify PBST structure 519> =
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct pbst_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */
  int i;

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->pbst_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  recurse_verify_tree (node->pbst_link[0], okay, &subcount[0], min, d - 1);
  recurse_verify_tree (node->pbst_link[1], okay, &subcount[1], d + 1, max);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];

  <Verify PBST node parent pointers 520>
   This code is included in 517.

520. <Verify PBST node parent pointers 520> =
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    if (node->pbst_link[i] != NULL
        && node->pbst_link[i]->pbst_parent != node)
        printf (" Node %d has parent %d (should be %d).\n",
                *(int *) node->pbst_link[i]->pbst_data,
                (node->pbst_link[i]->pbst_parent != NULL
                 ? *(int *) node->pbst_link[i]->pbst_parent->pbst_data : -1),
        *okay = 0;
   This code is included in 519, 552, and 587.

14 AVL Trees with Parent Pointers

This chapter adds parent pointers to AVL trees.  The result is a data
structure that combines the strengths of AVL trees and trees with
parent pointers.  Of course, there's no free lunch: it combines their
disadvantages, too.

   The abbreviation we'll use for the term "AVL tree with parent
pointers" is "PAVL tree", with corresponding prefix pavl_.  Here's the
outline for the PAVL table implementation:

521. <pavl.h 521> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef PAVL_H
#define PAVL_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => pavl 15>
<BST maximum height; bst => pavl 29>
<TBST table structure; tbst => pavl 252>
<PAVL node structure 523>
<TBST traverser structure; tbst => pavl 269>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => pavl 16>

#endif /* pavl.h */

522. <pavl.c 522> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pavl.h"

<PAVL functions 524>

14.1 Data Types

A PAVL tree node has a parent pointer and an AVL balance field in
addition to the usual members needed for any binary search tree:

523. <PAVL node structure 523> =
/* An PAVL tree node. */
struct pavl_node
    struct pavl_node *pavl_link[2]; /* Subtrees. */
    struct pavl_node *pavl_parent;  /* Parent node. */
    void *pavl_data;                /* Pointer to data. */
    signed char pavl_balance;       /* Balance factor. */
   This code is included in 521.

   The other data structures are the same as the corresponding ones for

14.2 Rotations

Let's consider how rotations work in PBSTs.  Here's the usual
illustration of a rotation:

                               |        |
                               Y        X
                              / \      / \
                             X   c    a   Y
                             ^            ^
                            a b          b c

As we move from the left side to the right side, rotating right at Y,
the parents of up to three nodes change.  In any case, Y's former
parent becomes X's new parent and X becomes Y's new parent.  In
addition, if b is not an empty subtree, then the parent of subtree b's
root node becomes Y.  Moving from right to left, the situation is

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 14.2.


1. Write functions for right and left rotations in BSTs with parent
pointers, analogous to those for plain BSTs developed in Exercise 4.3-2.

14.3 Operations

As usual, we must reimplement the item insertion and deletion
functions.  The tree copy function and some of the traversal functions
also need to be rewritten.

524. <PAVL functions 524> =
<TBST creation function; tbst => pavl 254>
<BST search function; bst => pavl 32>
<PAVL item insertion function 525>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => pavl 594>
<PAVL item deletion function 536>
<PAVL traversal functions 548>
<PAVL copy function 549>
<BST destruction function; bst => pavl 85>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => pavl 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => pavl 596>
   This code is included in 522.

14.4 Insertion

The same basic algorithm has been used for insertion in all of our AVL
tree variants so far.  (In fact, all three functions share the same set
of local variables.)  For PAVL trees, we will slightly modify our
approach.  In particular, until now we have cached comparison results
on the way down in order to quickly adjust balance factors after the
insertion.  Parent pointers let us avoid this caching but still
efficiently update balance factors.

   Before we look closer, here is the function's outline:

525. <PAVL item insertion function 525> =
void **
pavl_probe (struct pavl_table *tree, void *item)
  struct pavl_node *y;     /* Top node to update balance factor, and parent. */
  struct pavl_node *p, *q; /* Iterator, and parent. */
  struct pavl_node *n;     /* Newly inserted node. */
  struct pavl_node *w;     /* New root of rebalanced subtree. */
  int dir;                 /* Direction to descend. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search PAVL tree for insertion point 526>
  <Step 2: Insert PAVL node 527>
  <Step 3: Update balance factors after PAVL insertion 528>
  <Step 4: Rebalance after PAVL insertion 529>
   This code is included in 524.

14.4.1 Steps 1 and 2: Search and Insert

We search much as before.  Despite use of the parent pointers, we
preserve the use of q as the parent of p because the termination
condition is a value of NULL for p, and NULL has no parent.  (Thus, q
is not, strictly speaking, always p's parent, but rather the last node
examined before p.)

   Because of parent pointers, there is no need for variable z, used in
earlier implementations of AVL insertion to maintain y's parent.

526. <Step 1: Search PAVL tree for insertion point 526> =
y = tree->pavl_root;
for (q = NULL, p = tree->pavl_root; p != NULL; q = p, p = p->pavl_link[dir])
    int cmp = tree->pavl_compare (item, p->pavl_data, tree->pavl_param);
    if (cmp == 0)
      return &p->pavl_data;
    dir = cmp > 0;

    if (p->pavl_balance != 0)
      y = p;
   This code is included in 525.

   The node to create and insert the new node is based on that for
PBSTs.  There is a special case for a node inserted into an empty tree:

527. <Step 2: Insert PAVL node 527> =
<Step 2: Insert PBST node; pbst => pavl 494>
n->pavl_balance = 0;
if (tree->pavl_root == n)
  return &n->pavl_data;
   This code is included in 525.

14.4.2 Step 3: Update Balance Factors

Until now, in step 3 of insertion into AVL trees we've always updated
balance factors from the top down, starting at y and working our way
down to n (see, e.g., <Step 3: Update balance factors after AVL
insertion 152>).  This approach was somewhat unnatural, but it worked.
The original reason we did it this way was that it was either
impossible, as for AVL and RTAVL trees, or slow, as for TAVL trees, to
efficiently move upward in a tree.  That's not a consideration anymore,
so we can do it from the bottom up and in the process eliminate the
cache used before.

   At each step, we need to know the node to update and, for that node,
on which side of its parent it is a child.  In the code below, q is the
node and dir is the side.

528. <Step 3: Update balance factors after PAVL insertion 528> =
for (p = n; p != y; p = q)
    q = p->pavl_parent;
    dir = q->pavl_link[0] != p;
    if (dir == 0)
   This code is included in 525.


1. Does this step 3 update the same set of balance factors as would a
literal adaptation of <Step 3: Update balance factors after AVL
insertion 152>?

2. Would it be acceptable to substitute q->pavl_link[1] == p for
q->pavl_link[0] != p in the code segment above?

14.4.3 Step 4: Rebalance

The changes needed to the rebalancing code for parent pointers resemble
the changes for threads in that we can reuse most of the code from
plain AVL trees.  We just need to add a few new statements to each
rebalancing case to adjust the parent pointers of nodes whose parents
have changed.

   The outline of the rebalancing code should be familiar by now.  The
code to update the link to the root of the rebalanced subtree is the
only change.  It needs a special case for the root, because the parent
pointer of the root node is a null pointer, not the pseudo-root node.
The other choice would simplify this piece of code, but complicate
other pieces (*note PBST Data Types::).

529. <Step 4: Rebalance after PAVL insertion 529> =
if (y->pavl_balance == -2)
    <Rebalance PAVL tree after insertion in left subtree 530>
else if (y->pavl_balance == +2)
    <Rebalance PAVL tree after insertion in right subtree 533>
  return &n->pavl_data;
if (w->pavl_parent != NULL)
  w->pavl_parent->pavl_link[y != w->pavl_parent->pavl_link[0]] = w;
  tree->pavl_root = w;

return &n->pavl_data;
   This code is included in 525.

   As usual, the cases for rebalancing are distinguished based on the
balance factor of the child of the unbalanced node on its taller side:

530. <Rebalance PAVL tree after insertion in left subtree 530> =
struct pavl_node *x = y->pavl_link[0];
if (x->pavl_balance == -1)
    <Rebalance for - balance factor in PAVL insertion in left subtree 531>
    <Rebalance for + balance factor in PAVL insertion in left subtree 532>
   This code is included in 529.

Case 1: x has - balance factor

The added code here is exactly the same as that added to BST rotation
to handle parent pointers (in Exercise 14.2-1), and for good reason
since this case simply performs a right rotation in the PAVL tree.

531. <Rebalance for - balance factor in PAVL insertion in left subtree 531> =
<Rotate right at y in AVL tree; avl => pavl 157>
x->pavl_parent = y->pavl_parent;
y->pavl_parent = x;
if (y->pavl_link[0] != NULL)
  y->pavl_link[0]->pavl_parent = y;
   This code is included in 530.

Case 2: x has + balance factor

When x has a + balance factor, we need a double rotation, composed of a
right rotation at x followed by a left rotation at y.  The diagram
below show the effect of each of the rotations:

                         |               |
                         y               y           |
                       <-->            <-->          w
                  __.-'    \         _'    \        <0>
                  x         d       w       d =>   /   \
                 <+>          =>   / \            x     y
                /   \             x   c           ^     ^
               a     w            ^              a b   c d
                     ^           a b
                    b c

Along with this double rotation comes a small bulk discount in parent
pointer assignments.  The parent of w changes in both rotations, but we
only need assign to it its final value once, ignoring the intermediate

532. <Rebalance for + balance factor in PAVL insertion in left subtree 532> =
<Rotate left at x then right at y in AVL tree; avl => pavl 158>
w->pavl_parent = y->pavl_parent;
x->pavl_parent = y->pavl_parent = w;
if (x->pavl_link[1] != NULL)
  x->pavl_link[1]->pavl_parent = x;
if (y->pavl_link[0] != NULL)
  y->pavl_link[0]->pavl_parent = y;
   This code is included in 530 and 546.

14.4.4 Symmetric Case

533. <Rebalance PAVL tree after insertion in right subtree 533> =
struct pavl_node *x = y->pavl_link[1];
if (x->pavl_balance == +1)
    <Rebalance for + balance factor in PAVL insertion in right subtree 534>
    <Rebalance for - balance factor in PAVL insertion in right subtree 535>
This code is included in 529.

534. <Rebalance for + balance factor in PAVL insertion in right subtree 534> =
<Rotate left at y in AVL tree; avl => pavl 160>
x->pavl_parent = y->pavl_parent;
y->pavl_parent = x;
if (y->pavl_link[1] != NULL)
  y->pavl_link[1]->pavl_parent = y;
   This code is included in 533.

535. <Rebalance for - balance factor in PAVL insertion in right subtree 535> =
<Rotate right at x then left at y in AVL tree; avl => pavl 161>
w->pavl_parent = y->pavl_parent;
x->pavl_parent = y->pavl_parent = w;
if (x->pavl_link[0] != NULL)
  x->pavl_link[0]->pavl_parent = x;
if (y->pavl_link[1] != NULL)
  y->pavl_link[1]->pavl_parent = y;
   This code is included in 533 and 543.

14.5 Deletion

Deletion from a PAVL tree is a natural outgrowth of algorithms we have
already implemented.  The basic algorithm is the one originally used
for plain AVL trees.  The search step is taken verbatim from PBST
deletion.  The deletion step combines PBST and TAVL tree code.
Finally, the rebalancing strategy is the same as used in TAVL deletion.

   The function outline is below.  As noted above, step 1 is borrowed
from PBST deletion.  The other steps are implemented in the following

536. <PAVL item deletion function 536> =
void *
pavl_delete (struct pavl_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct pavl_node *p; /* Traverses tree to find node to delete. */
  struct pavl_node *q; /* Parent of p. */
  int dir;             /* Side of q on which p is linked. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Find PBST node to delete; pbst => pavl 496>
  <Step 2: Delete item from PAVL tree 537>
  <Steps 3 and 4: Update balance factors and rebalance after PAVL deletion 541>
   This code is included in 524.

14.5.1 Step 2: Delete

The actual deletion step is derived from that for PBSTs.  We add code
to modify balance factors and set up for rebalancing.  After the
deletion, q is the node at which balance factors must be updated and
possible rebalancing occurs and dir is the side of q from which the
node was deleted.  This follows the pattern already seen in TAVL
deletion (*note Deleting a TAVL Node Step 2 - Delete::).

537. <Step 2: Delete item from PAVL tree 537> =
if (p->pavl_link[1] == NULL)
    <Case 1 in PAVL deletion 538>
    struct pavl_node *r = p->pavl_link[1];
    if (r->pavl_link[0] == NULL)
        <Case 2 in PAVL deletion 539>
        <Case 3 in PAVL deletion 540>
tree->pavl_alloc->libavl_free (tree->pavl_alloc, p);
   This code is included in 536.

Case 1: p has no right child

No changes are needed for case 1.  No balance factors need change and q
and dir are already set up correctly.

538. <Case 1 in PAVL deletion 538> =
<Case 1 in PBST deletion; pbst => pavl 499>
   This code is included in 537.

Case 2: p's right child has no left child

See the commentary on <Case 3 in TAVL deletion 318> for details.

539. <Case 2 in PAVL deletion 539> =
<Case 2 in PBST deletion; pbst => pavl 500>
r->pavl_balance = p->pavl_balance;
q = r;
dir = 1;
   This code is included in 537.

Case 3: p's right child has a left child

See the commentary on <Case 4 in TAVL deletion 319> for details.

540. <Case 3 in PAVL deletion 540> =
<Case 3 in PBST deletion; pbst => pavl 501>
s->pavl_balance = p->pavl_balance;
q = r;
dir = 0;
   This code is included in 537.

14.5.2 Step 3: Update Balance Factors

Step 3, updating balance factors, is taken straight from TAVL deletion
(*note Deleting a TAVL Node Step 3 - Update::), with the call to
find_parent() replaced by inline code that uses pavl_parent.

541. <Steps 3 and 4: Update balance factors and rebalance after PAVL deletion 541> =
while (q != (struct pavl_node *) &tree->pavl_root)
    struct pavl_node *y = q;

    if (y->pavl_parent != NULL)
      q = y->pavl_parent;
      q = (struct pavl_node *) &tree->pavl_root;

    if (dir == 0)
        dir = q->pavl_link[0] != y;
        if (y->pavl_balance == +1)
        else if (y->pavl_balance == +2)
            <Step 4: Rebalance after PAVL deletion 542>
        <Steps 3 and 4: Symmetric case in PAVL deletion 545>

return (void *) item;
   This code is included in 536.

14.5.3 Step 4: Rebalance

The two cases for PAVL deletion are distinguished based on x's balance
factor, as always:

542. <Step 4: Rebalance after PAVL deletion 542> =
struct pavl_node *x = y->pavl_link[1];
if (x->pavl_balance == -1)
    <Left-side rebalancing case 1 in PAVL deletion 543>
    <Left-side rebalancing case 2 in PAVL deletion 544>
   This code is included in 541.

Case 1: x has - balance factor

The same rebalancing is needed here as for a - balance factor in PAVL
insertion, and the same code is used.

543. <Left-side rebalancing case 1 in PAVL deletion 543> =
struct pavl_node *w;

<Rebalance for - balance factor in PAVL insertion in right subtree 535>
q->pavl_link[dir] = w;
   This code is included in 542.

Case 2: x has + or 0 balance factor

If x has a + or 0 balance factor, we rotate left at y and update parent
pointers as for any left rotation (*note PBST Rotations::).  We also
update balance factors.  If x started with balance factor 0, then we're
done.  Otherwise, x becomes the new y for the next loop iteration, and
rebalancing continues.  *Note avldel2::, for details on this
rebalancing case.

544. <Left-side rebalancing case 2 in PAVL deletion 544> =
y->pavl_link[1] = x->pavl_link[0];
x->pavl_link[0] = y;
x->pavl_parent = y->pavl_parent;
y->pavl_parent = x;
if (y->pavl_link[1] != NULL)
  y->pavl_link[1]->pavl_parent = y;
q->pavl_link[dir] = x;
if (x->pavl_balance == 0)
    x->pavl_balance = -1;
    y->pavl_balance = +1;
    x->pavl_balance = y->pavl_balance = 0;
    y = x;
   This code is included in 542.

14.5.4 Symmetric Case

545. <Steps 3 and 4: Symmetric case in PAVL deletion 545> =
dir = q->pavl_link[0] != y;
if (y->pavl_balance == -1)
else if (y->pavl_balance == -2)
    struct pavl_node *x = y->pavl_link[0];
    if (x->pavl_balance == +1)
        <Right-side rebalancing case 1 in PAVL deletion 546>
        <Right-side rebalancing case 2 in PAVL deletion 547>
This code is included in 541.

546. <Right-side rebalancing case 1 in PAVL deletion 546> =
struct pavl_node *w;
<Rebalance for + balance factor in PAVL insertion in left subtree 532>
q->pavl_link[dir] = w;
   This code is included in 545.

547. <Right-side rebalancing case 2 in PAVL deletion 547> =
y->pavl_link[0] = x->pavl_link[1];
x->pavl_link[1] = y;
x->pavl_parent = y->pavl_parent;
y->pavl_parent = x;
if (y->pavl_link[0] != NULL)
  y->pavl_link[0]->pavl_parent = y;
q->pavl_link[dir] = x;
if (x->pavl_balance == 0)
    x->pavl_balance = +1;
    y->pavl_balance = -1;
    x->pavl_balance = y->pavl_balance = 0;
    y = x;
   This code is included in 545.

14.6 Traversal

The only difference between PAVL and PBST traversal functions is the
insertion initializer.  We use the TBST implementation here, which
performs a call to pavl_probe(), instead of the PBST implementation,
which inserts the node directly without handling node colors.

548. <PAVL traversal functions 548> =
<TBST traverser null initializer; tbst => pavl 271>
<PBST traverser first initializer; pbst => pavl 505>
<PBST traverser last initializer; pbst => pavl 506>
<PBST traverser search initializer; pbst => pavl 507>
<TBST traverser insertion initializer; tbst => pavl 275>
<TBST traverser copy initializer; tbst => pavl 276>
<PBST traverser advance function; pbst => pavl 509>
<PBST traverser back up function; pbst => pavl 510>
<BST traverser current item function; bst => pavl 75>
<BST traverser replacement function; bst => pavl 76>
   This code is included in 524 and 556.

14.7 Copying

The copy function is the same as <PBST copy function 511>, except that
it copies pavl_balance between copied nodes.

549. <PAVL copy function 549> =
<PBST copy error helper function; pbst => pavl 512>

struct pavl_table *
pavl_copy (const struct pavl_table *org, pavl_copy_func *copy,
           pavl_item_func *destroy, struct libavl_allocator *allocator)
  struct pavl_table *new;
  const struct pavl_node *x;
  struct pavl_node *y;

  assert (org != NULL);
  new = pavl_create (org->pavl_compare, org->pavl_param,
                    allocator != NULL ? allocator : org->pavl_alloc);
  if (new == NULL)
    return NULL;
  new->pavl_count = org->pavl_count;
  if (new->pavl_count == 0)
    return new;

  x = (const struct pavl_node *) &org->pavl_root;
  y = (struct pavl_node *) &new->pavl_root;
  for (;;)
      while (x->pavl_link[0] != NULL)
          y->pavl_link[0] =
            new->pavl_alloc->libavl_malloc (new->pavl_alloc,
                                            sizeof *y->pavl_link[0]);
          if (y->pavl_link[0] == NULL)
              if (y != (struct pavl_node *) &new->pavl_root)
                  y->pavl_data = NULL;
                  y->pavl_link[1] = NULL;

              copy_error_recovery (y, new, destroy);
              return NULL;
          y->pavl_link[0]->pavl_parent = y;

          x = x->pavl_link[0];
          y = y->pavl_link[0];
      y->pavl_link[0] = NULL;

      for (;;)
          y->pavl_balance = x->pavl_balance;
          if (copy == NULL)
            y->pavl_data = x->pavl_data;
              y->pavl_data = copy (x->pavl_data, org->pavl_param);
              if (y->pavl_data == NULL)
                  y->pavl_link[1] = NULL;
                  copy_error_recovery (y, new, destroy);
                  return NULL;

          if (x->pavl_link[1] != NULL)
              y->pavl_link[1] =
                new->pavl_alloc->libavl_malloc (new->pavl_alloc,
                                               sizeof *y->pavl_link[1]);
              if (y->pavl_link[1] == NULL)
                  copy_error_recovery (y, new, destroy);
                  return NULL;
              y->pavl_link[1]->pavl_parent = y;

              x = x->pavl_link[1];
              y = y->pavl_link[1];
            y->pavl_link[1] = NULL;

          for (;;)
              const struct pavl_node *w = x;
              x = x->pavl_parent;
              if (x == NULL)
                  new->pavl_root->pavl_parent = NULL;
                  return new;
              y = y->pavl_parent;

              if (w == x->pavl_link[0])
   This code is included in 524 and 556.

14.8 Testing

The testing code harbors no surprises.

550. <pavl-test.c 550> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pavl.h"
#include "test.h"

<BST print function; bst => pavl 120>
<BST traverser check function; bst => pavl 105>
<Compare two PAVL trees for structure and content 551>
<Recursively verify PAVL tree structure 552>
<AVL tree verify function; avl => pavl 192>
<BST test function; bst => pavl 101>
<BST overflow test function; bst => pavl 123>

551. <Compare two PAVL trees for structure and content 551> =
/* Compares binary trees rooted at a and b,
   making sure that they are identical. */
static int
compare_trees (struct pavl_node *a, struct pavl_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      assert (a == NULL && b == NULL);
      return 1;

  if (*(int *) a->pavl_data != *(int *) b->pavl_data
      || ((a->pavl_link[0] != NULL) != (b->pavl_link[0] != NULL))
      || ((a->pavl_link[1] != NULL) != (b->pavl_link[1] != NULL))
      || ((a->pavl_parent != NULL) != (b->pavl_parent != NULL))
      || (a->pavl_parent != NULL && b->pavl_parent != NULL
          && a->pavl_parent->pavl_data != b->pavl_parent->pavl_data)
      || a->pavl_balance != b->pavl_balance)
      printf (" Copied nodes differ:\n"
              "  a: %d, bal %+d, parent %d, %s left child, %s right child\n"
              "  b: %d, bal %+d, parent %d, %s left child, %s right child\n",
              *(int *) a->pavl_data, a->pavl_balance,
              a->pavl_parent != NULL ? *(int *) a->pavl_parent : -1,
              a->pavl_link[0] != NULL ? "has" : "no",
              a->pavl_link[1] != NULL ? "has" : "no",
              *(int *) b->pavl_data, b->pavl_balance,
              b->pavl_parent != NULL ? *(int *) b->pavl_parent : -1,
              b->pavl_link[0] != NULL ? "has" : "no",
              b->pavl_link[1] != NULL ? "has" : "no");
      return 0;

  okay = 1;
  if (a->pavl_link[0] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->pavl_link[0], b->pavl_link[0]);
  if (a->pavl_link[1] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->pavl_link[1], b->pavl_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 550.

552. <Recursively verify PAVL tree structure 552> =
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct pavl_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max, int *height)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */
  int subheight[2];     /* Heights of subtrees. */
  int i;

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
      *height = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->pavl_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  recurse_verify_tree (node->pavl_link[0], okay, &subcount[0],
                       min, d -  1, &subheight[0]);
  recurse_verify_tree (node->pavl_link[1], okay, &subcount[1],
                       d + 1, max, &subheight[1]);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
  *height = 1 + (subheight[0] > subheight[1] ? subheight[0] : subheight[1]);

  <Verify AVL node balance factor; avl => pavl 191>

  <Verify PBST node parent pointers; pbst => pavl 520>
   This code is included in 550.

15 Red-Black Trees with Parent Pointers

As our twelfth and final example of a table data structure, this
chapter will implement a table as a red-black tree with parent
pointers, or "PRB" tree for short.  We use prb_ as the prefix for
identifiers.  Here's the outline:

553. <prb.h 553> =
<Library License 1>
#ifndef PRB_H
#define PRB_H 1

#include <stddef.h>

<Table types; tbl => prb 15>
<RB maximum height; rb => prb 197>
<TBST table structure; tbst => prb 252>
<PRB node structure 555>
<TBST traverser structure; tbst => prb 269>
<Table function prototypes; tbl => prb 16>

#endif /* prb.h */

554. <prb.c 554> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "prb.h"

<PRB functions 556>

15.1 Data Types

The PRB node structure adds a color and a parent pointer to the basic
binary tree data structure.  The other PRB data structures are the same
as the ones used for TBSTs.

555. <PRB node structure 555> =
/* Color of a red-black node. */
enum prb_color
    PRB_BLACK,   /* Black. */
    PRB_RED      /* Red. */

/* A red-black tree with parent pointers node. */
struct prb_node
    struct prb_node *prb_link[2];  /* Subtrees. */
    struct prb_node *prb_parent;   /* Parent. */
    void *prb_data;                /* Pointer to data. */
    unsigned char prb_color;       /* Color. */
   This code is included in 553.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 14.1.

15.2 Operations

Most of the PRB operations use the same implementations as did PAVL
trees in the last chapter.  The PAVL copy function is modified to copy
colors instead of balance factors.  The item insertion and deletion
functions must be newly written, of course.

556. <PRB functions 556> =
<TBST creation function; tbst => prb 254>
<BST search function; bst => prb 32>
<PRB item insertion function 557>
<Table insertion convenience functions; tbl => prb 594>
<PRB item deletion function 568>
<PAVL traversal functions; pavl => prb 548>
<PAVL copy function; pavl => prb; pavl_balance => prb_color 549>
<BST destruction function; bst => prb 85>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => prb 7>
<Table assertion functions; tbl => prb 596>
   This code is included in 554.

15.3 Insertion

Inserting into a red-black tree is a problem whose form of solution
should by now be familiar to the reader.  We must now update parent
pointers, of course, but the major difference here is that it is fast
and easy to find the parent of any given node, eliminating any need for
a stack.

   Here's the function outline.  The code for finding the insertion
point is taken directly from the PBST code:

557. <PRB item insertion function 557> =
void **
prb_probe (struct prb_table *tree, void *item)
  struct prb_node *p; /* Traverses tree looking for insertion point. */
  struct prb_node *q; /* Parent of p; node at which we are rebalancing. */
  struct prb_node *n; /* Newly inserted node. */
  int dir;            /* Side of q on which n is inserted. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search PBST tree for insertion point; pbst => prb 493>
  <Step 2: Insert PRB node 558>
  <Step 3: Rebalance after PRB insertion 559>

  return &n->prb_data;
   This code is included in 556.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 14.3.

15.3.1 Step 2: Insert

The code to do the insertion is based on that for PBSTs.  We need only
add initialization of the new node's color.

558. <Step 2: Insert PRB node 558> =
<Step 2: Insert PBST node; pbst => prb 494>
n->prb_color = PRB_RED;
   This code is included in 557.

15.3.2 Step 3: Rebalance

When we rebalanced ordinary RB trees, we used the expressions pa[k - 1]
and pa[k - 2] to refer to the parent and grandparent, respectively, of
the node at which we were rebalancing, and we called that node q,
though that wasn't a variable name (*note Inserting an RB Node Step 3 -
Rebalance::).  Now that we have parent pointers, we use a real variable
q to refer to the node where we're rebalancing.

   This means that we could refer to its parent and grandparent as
q->prb_parent and q->prb_parent->prb_parent, respectively, but there's
a small problem with that.  During rebalancing, we will need to move
nodes around and modify parent pointers.  That means that q->prb_parent
and q->prb_parent->prb_parent will be changing under us as we work.
This makes writing correct code hard, and reading it even harder.  It
is much easier to use a pair of new variables to hold q's parent and

   That's exactly the role that f and g, respectively, play in the code
below.  If you compare this code to <Step 3: Rebalance after RB
insertion 203>, you'll also notice the way that checking that f and g
are non-null corresponds to checking that the stack height is at least
3 (see Exercise 6.4.3-1 for an explanation of the reason this is a valid

559. <Step 3: Rebalance after PRB insertion 559> =
q = n;
for (;;)
    struct prb_node *f; /* Parent of q. */
    struct prb_node *g; /* Grandparent of q. */

    f = q->prb_parent;
    if (f == NULL || f->prb_color == PRB_BLACK)

    g = f->prb_parent;
    if (g == NULL)

    if (g->prb_link[0] == f)
        <Left-side rebalancing after PRB insertion 560>
        <Right-side rebalancing after PRB insertion 564>
tree->prb_root->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;
   This code is included in 557.

   After replacing pa[k - 1] by f and pa[k - 2] by g, the cases for PRB
rebalancing are distinguished on the same basis as those for RB
rebalancing (see <Left-side rebalancing after RB insertion 204>).  One
addition: cases 2 and 3 need to work with q's great-grandparent, so
they stash it into a new variable h.

560. <Left-side rebalancing after PRB insertion 560> =
struct prb_node *y = g->prb_link[1];
if (y != NULL && y->prb_color == PRB_RED)
    <Case 1 in left-side PRB insertion rebalancing 561>
    struct prb_node *h; /* Great-grandparent of q. */

    h = g->prb_parent;
    if (h == NULL)
      h = (struct prb_node *) &tree->prb_root;

    if (f->prb_link[1] == q)
        <Case 3 in left-side PRB insertion rebalancing 563>

    <Case 2 in left-side PRB insertion rebalancing 562>
   This code is included in 559.

Case 1: q's uncle is red

In this case, as before, we need only rearrange colors (*note
rbinscase1::).  Instead of popping the top two items off the stack, we
directly set up q, the next node at which to rebalance, to be the
(former) grandparent of the original q.

                         |                         |
                         g                         g
                        <b>                       <r>
                    _.-'   `_                 _.-'   `_
                    f         y               f         y
                   <r>       <r>   =>        <b>       <b>
               _.-'   \     /   \        _.-'   \     /   \
               q       c   d     e       q       c   d     e
              <r>                       <r>
             /   \                     /   \
            a     b                   a     b

561. <Case 1 in left-side PRB insertion rebalancing 561> =
f->prb_color = y->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;
g->prb_color = PRB_RED;
q = g;
This code is included in 560.

Case 2: q is the left child of its parent

If q is the left child of its parent, we rotate right at g:

                              g               |
                             <b>              f
                         _.-'   \            <b>
                         f       d       _.-'   `_
                        <r>        =>    q         g
                    _.-'   \            <r>       <r>
                    q       c          /   \     /   \
                   <r>                a     b   c     d
                  /   \
                 a     b

The result satisfies both RB balancing rules.  Refer back to the
discussion of the same case in ordinary RB trees for more details
(*note rbinscase2::).

562. <Case 2 in left-side PRB insertion rebalancing 562> =
g->prb_color = PRB_RED;
f->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;

g->prb_link[0] = f->prb_link[1];
f->prb_link[1] = g;
h->prb_link[h->prb_link[0] != g] = f;

f->prb_parent = g->prb_parent;
g->prb_parent = f;
if (g->prb_link[0] != NULL)
  g->prb_link[0]->prb_parent = g;
   This code is included in 560.

Case 3: q is the right child of its parent

If q is a right child, then we transform it into case 2 by rotating
left at f:

                              |                    |
                              g                    g
                             <b>                  <b>
                    ___...--'   \             _.-'   \
                    f            d            q       d
                   <r>             =>        <r>
                  /   `_                 _.-'   \
                 a       q               f       c
                        <r>             <r>
                       /   \           /   \
                      b     c         a     b

Afterward we relabel q as f and treat the result as case 2.  There is
no need to properly set q itself because case 2 never uses variable q.
For more details, refer back to case 3 in ordinary RB trees (*note

563. <Case 3 in left-side PRB insertion rebalancing 563> =
f->prb_link[1] = q->prb_link[0];
q->prb_link[0] = f;
g->prb_link[0] = q;
f->prb_parent = q;
if (f->prb_link[1] != NULL)
  f->prb_link[1]->prb_parent = f;

f = q;
   This code is included in 560.

15.3.3 Symmetric Case

564. <Right-side rebalancing after PRB insertion 564> =
struct prb_node *y = g->prb_link[0];
if (y != NULL && y->prb_color == PRB_RED)
    <Case 1 in right-side PRB insertion rebalancing 565>
    struct prb_node *h; /* Great-grandparent of q. */

    h = g->prb_parent;
    if (h == NULL)
      h = (struct prb_node *) &tree->prb_root;

    if (f->prb_link[0] == q)
        <Case 3 in right-side PRB insertion rebalancing 567>

    <Case 2 in right-side PRB insertion rebalancing 566>
This code is included in 559.

565. <Case 1 in right-side PRB insertion rebalancing 565> =
f->prb_color = y->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;
g->prb_color = PRB_RED;
q = g;
   This code is included in 564.

566. <Case 2 in right-side PRB insertion rebalancing 566> =
g->prb_color = PRB_RED;
f->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;

g->prb_link[1] = f->prb_link[0];
f->prb_link[0] = g;
h->prb_link[h->prb_link[0] != g] = f;

f->prb_parent = g->prb_parent;
g->prb_parent = f;
if (g->prb_link[1] != NULL)
  g->prb_link[1]->prb_parent = g;
   This code is included in 564.

567. <Case 3 in right-side PRB insertion rebalancing 567> =
f->prb_link[0] = q->prb_link[1];
q->prb_link[1] = f;
g->prb_link[1] = q;
f->prb_parent = q;
if (f->prb_link[0] != NULL)
  f->prb_link[0]->prb_parent = f;

f = q;
   This code is included in 564.

15.4 Deletion

The RB item deletion algorithm needs the same kind of changes to handle
parent pointers that the RB item insertion algorithm did.  We can reuse
the code from PBST trees for finding the node to delete.  The rest of
the code will be presented in the following sections.

568. <PRB item deletion function 568> =
void *
prb_delete (struct prb_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct prb_node *p; /* Node to delete. */
  struct prb_node *q; /* Parent of p. */
  struct prb_node *f; /* Node at which we are rebalancing. */
  int dir;            /* Side of q on which p is a child;
                         side of f from which node was deleted. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Find PBST node to delete; pbst => prb 496>
  <Step 2: Delete item from PRB tree 569>
  <Step 3: Rebalance tree after PRB deletion 573>
  <Step 4: Finish up after PRB deletion 579>
   This code is included in 556.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 14.4.

15.4.1 Step 2: Delete

The goal of this step is to remove p from the tree and set up f as the
node where rebalancing should start.  Secondarily, we set dir as the
side of f from which the node was deleted.  Together, f and dir fill
the role that the top-of-stack entries in pa[] and da[] took in
ordinary RB deletion.

569. <Step 2: Delete item from PRB tree 569> =
if (p->prb_link[1] == NULL)
    <Case 1 in PRB deletion 570>
    enum prb_color t;
    struct prb_node *r = p->prb_link[1];

    if (r->prb_link[0] == NULL)
        <Case 2 in PRB deletion 571>
        <Case 3 in PRB deletion 572>
   This code is included in 568.

Case 1: p has no right child

If p has no right child, then rebalancing should start at its parent,
q, and dir is already the side that p is on.  The rest is the same as
PBST deletion (*note pbstdel1::).

570. <Case 1 in PRB deletion 570> =
<Case 1 in PBST deletion; pbst => prb 499>

f = q;
   This code is included in 569.

Case 2: p's right child has no left child

In case 2, we swap the colors of p and r as for ordinary RB deletion
(*note rbcolorswap::).  We set up f and dir in the same way that <Case
2 in RB deletion 225> set up the top of stack.  The rest is the same as
PBST deletion (*note pbstdel2::).

571. <Case 2 in PRB deletion 571> =
<Case 2 in PBST deletion; pbst => prb 500>

t = p->prb_color;
p->prb_color = r->prb_color;
r->prb_color = t;

f = r;
dir = 1;
   This code is included in 569.

Case 3: p's right child has a left child

Case 2 swaps the colors of p and s the same way as in ordinary RB
deletion (*note rbcolorswap::), and sets up f and dir in the same way
that <Case 3 in RB deletion 226> set up the stack.  The rest is
borrowed from PBST deletion (*note pbstdel3::).

572. <Case 3 in PRB deletion 572> =
<Case 3 in PBST deletion; pbst => prb 501>

t = p->prb_color;
p->prb_color = s->prb_color;
s->prb_color = t;

f = r;
dir = 0;
   This code is included in 569.

15.4.2 Step 3: Rebalance

The rebalancing code is easily related to the analogous code for
ordinary RB trees in <Rebalance after RB deletion 228>.  As we carefully
set up in step 2, we use f as the top of stack node and dir as the side
of f from which a node was deleted.  These variables f and dir were
formerly represented by pa[k - 1] and da[k - 1], respectively.
Additionally, variable g is used to represent the parent of f.
Formerly the same node was referred to as pa[k - 2].

   The code at the end of the loop simply moves f and dir up one level
in the tree.  It has the same effect as did popping the stack with k--.

573. <Step 3: Rebalance tree after PRB deletion 573> =
if (p->prb_color == PRB_BLACK)
    for (;;)
        struct prb_node *x; /* Node we want to recolor black if possible. */
        struct prb_node *g; /* Parent of f. */
        struct prb_node *t; /* Temporary for use in finding parent. */

        x = f->prb_link[dir];
        if (x != NULL && x->prb_color == PRB_RED)
            x->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;

        if (f == (struct prb_node *) &tree->prb_root)

        g = f->prb_parent;
        if (g == NULL)
          g = (struct prb_node *) &tree->prb_root;

        if (dir == 0)
            <Left-side rebalancing after PRB deletion 574>
            <Right-side rebalancing after PRB deletion 580>

        t = f;
        f = f->prb_parent;
        if (f == NULL)
          f = (struct prb_node *) &tree->prb_root;
        dir = f->prb_link[0] != t;
   This code is included in 568.

   The code to distinguish rebalancing cases in PRB trees is almost
identical to <Left-side rebalancing after RB deletion 229>.

574. <Left-side rebalancing after PRB deletion 574> =
struct prb_node *w = f->prb_link[1];

if (w->prb_color == PRB_RED)
    <Ensure w is black in left-side PRB deletion rebalancing 575>

if ((w->prb_link[0] == NULL
     || w->prb_link[0]->prb_color == PRB_BLACK)
    && (w->prb_link[1] == NULL
        || w->prb_link[1]->prb_color == PRB_BLACK))
    <Case 1 in left-side PRB deletion rebalancing 576>
    if (w->prb_link[1] == NULL
        || w->prb_link[1]->prb_color == PRB_BLACK)
        <Transform left-side PRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 578>

    <Case 2 in left-side PRB deletion rebalancing 577>
   This code is included in 573.

Case Reduction: Ensure w is black

The case reduction code is much like that for plain RB trees (*note
rbdcr::), with pa[k - 1] replaced by f and pa[k - 2] replaced by g.
Instead of updating the stack, we change g.  Node f need not change
because it's already what we want it to be.  We also need to update
parent pointers for the rotation.

               |                                   |
              A,f                                 C,g
              <b>                                 <b>
             /   `--..__                 ___...--'   `_
            x           C,w             A,f             D
                        <r>        =>   <r>            <b>
                    _.-'   `_          /   `_         /   \
                    B         D       x      B,w     c     d
                   <b>       <b>             <b>
                  /   \     /   \           /   \
                 a     b   c     d         a     b

575. <Ensure w is black in left-side PRB deletion rebalancing 575> =
w->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;
f->prb_color = PRB_RED;

f->prb_link[1] = w->prb_link[0];
w->prb_link[0] = f;
g->prb_link[g->prb_link[0] != f] = w;

w->prb_parent = f->prb_parent;
f->prb_parent = w;

g = w;
w = f->prb_link[1];

w->prb_parent = f;
This code is included in 574.

Case 1: w has no red children

Case 1 is trivial.  No changes from ordinary RB trees are necessary
(*note rbdelcase1::).

576. <Case 1 in left-side PRB deletion rebalancing 576> =
<Case 1 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing; rb => prb 231>
   This code is included in 574.

Case 2: w's right child is red

The changes from ordinary RB trees (*note rbdelcase2::) for case 2
follow the same pattern.

577. <Case 2 in left-side PRB deletion rebalancing 577> =
w->prb_color = f->prb_color;
f->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;
w->prb_link[1]->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;

f->prb_link[1] = w->prb_link[0];
w->prb_link[0] = f;
g->prb_link[g->prb_link[0] != f] = w;

w->prb_parent = f->prb_parent;
f->prb_parent = w;
if (f->prb_link[1] != NULL)
  f->prb_link[1]->prb_parent = f;
   This code is included in 574.

Case 3: w's left child is red

The code for case 3 in ordinary RB trees (*note rbdelcase3::) needs
slightly more intricate changes than case 1 or case 2, so the diagram
below may help to clarify:

                    |                         |
                   B,f                       B,f
                   <g>                       <g>
               _.-'   `--..__            _.-'   `_
              A,x            D,w        A,x       C,w
              <b>            <b>   =>   <b>       <b>
             /   \       _.-'   \      /   \     /   `_
            a     b      C       e    a     b   c       D
                        <r>                            <r>
                       /   \                          /   \
                      c     d                        d     e

578. <Transform left-side PRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 578> =
struct prb_node *y = w->prb_link[0];
y->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;
w->prb_color = PRB_RED;
w->prb_link[0] = y->prb_link[1];
y->prb_link[1] = w;
if (w->prb_link[0] != NULL)
  w->prb_link[0]->prb_parent = w;
w = f->prb_link[1] = y;
w->prb_link[1]->prb_parent = w;
This code is included in 574.

15.4.3 Step 4: Finish Up

579. <Step 4: Finish up after PRB deletion 579> =
tree->prb_alloc->libavl_free (tree->prb_alloc, p);
return (void *) item;
This code is included in 568.

15.4.4 Symmetric Case

580. <Right-side rebalancing after PRB deletion 580> =
struct prb_node *w = f->prb_link[0];

if (w->prb_color == PRB_RED)
    <Ensure w is black in right-side PRB deletion rebalancing 581>

if ((w->prb_link[0] == NULL
     || w->prb_link[0]->prb_color == PRB_BLACK)
    && (w->prb_link[1] == NULL
        || w->prb_link[1]->prb_color == PRB_BLACK))
    <Case 1 in right-side PRB deletion rebalancing 582>
    if (w->prb_link[0] == NULL
        || w->prb_link[0]->prb_color == PRB_BLACK)
        <Transform right-side PRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 584>

    <Case 2 in right-side PRB deletion rebalancing 583>
This code is included in 573.

581. <Ensure w is black in right-side PRB deletion rebalancing 581> =
w->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;
f->prb_color = PRB_RED;

f->prb_link[0] = w->prb_link[1];
w->prb_link[1] = f;
g->prb_link[g->prb_link[0] != f] = w;

w->prb_parent = f->prb_parent;
f->prb_parent = w;

g = w;
w = f->prb_link[0];

w->prb_parent = f;
   This code is included in 580.

582. <Case 1 in right-side PRB deletion rebalancing 582> =
w->prb_color = PRB_RED;
   This code is included in 580.

583. <Case 2 in right-side PRB deletion rebalancing 583> =
w->prb_color = f->prb_color;
f->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;
w->prb_link[0]->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;

f->prb_link[0] = w->prb_link[1];
w->prb_link[1] = f;
g->prb_link[g->prb_link[0] != f] = w;

w->prb_parent = f->prb_parent;
f->prb_parent = w;
if (f->prb_link[0] != NULL)
  f->prb_link[0]->prb_parent = f;
   This code is included in 580.

584. <Transform right-side PRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2 584> =
struct prb_node *y = w->prb_link[1];
y->prb_color = PRB_BLACK;
w->prb_color = PRB_RED;
w->prb_link[1] = y->prb_link[0];
y->prb_link[0] = w;
if (w->prb_link[1] != NULL)
  w->prb_link[1]->prb_parent = w;
w = f->prb_link[0] = y;
w->prb_link[0]->prb_parent = w;
   This code is included in 580.

15.5 Testing

No comment is necessary.

585. <prb-test.c 585> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "prb.h"
#include "test.h"

<BST print function; bst => prb 120>
<BST traverser check function; bst => prb 105>
<Compare two PRB trees for structure and content 586>
<Recursively verify PRB tree structure 587>
<RB tree verify function; rb => prb 246>
<BST test function; bst => prb 101>
<BST overflow test function; bst => prb 123>

586. <Compare two PRB trees for structure and content 586> =
static int
compare_trees (struct prb_node *a, struct prb_node *b)
  int okay;

  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
      assert (a == NULL && b == NULL);
      return 1;

  if (*(int *) a->prb_data != *(int *) b->prb_data
      || ((a->prb_link[0] != NULL) != (b->prb_link[0] != NULL))
      || ((a->prb_link[1] != NULL) != (b->prb_link[1] != NULL))
      || a->prb_color != b->prb_color)
      printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d%c b=%d%c a:",
              *(int *) a->prb_data, a->prb_color == PRB_RED ? 'r' : 'b',
              *(int *) b->prb_data, b->prb_color == PRB_RED ? 'r' : 'b');

      if (a->prb_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l");
      if (a->prb_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r");

      printf (" b:");
      if (b->prb_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l");
      if (b->prb_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r");

      printf ("\n");
      return 0;

  okay = 1;
  if (a->prb_link[0] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->prb_link[0], b->prb_link[0]);
  if (a->prb_link[1] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->prb_link[1], b->prb_link[1]);
  return okay;
   This code is included in 585.

587. <Recursively verify PRB tree structure 587> =
/* Examines the binary tree rooted at node.
   Zeroes *okay if an error occurs.
   Otherwise, does not modify *okay.
   Sets *count to the number of nodes in that tree,
   including node itself if node != NULL.
   Sets *bh to the tree's black-height.
   All the nodes in the tree are verified to be at least min
   but no greater than max. */
static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct prb_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count,
                     int min, int max, int *bh)
  int d;                /* Value of this node's data. */
  size_t subcount[2];   /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */
  int subbh[2];         /* Black-heights of subtrees. */
  int i;

  if (node == NULL)
      *count = 0;
      *bh = 0;
  d = *(int *) node->prb_data;

  <Verify binary search tree ordering 115>

  recurse_verify_tree (node->prb_link[0], okay, &subcount[0],
                       min, d - 1, &subbh[0]);
  recurse_verify_tree (node->prb_link[1], okay, &subcount[1],
                       d + 1, max, &subbh[1]);
  *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1];
  *bh = (node->prb_color == PRB_BLACK) + subbh[0];

  <Verify RB node color; rb => prb 243>
  <Verify RB node rule 1 compliance; rb => prb 244>
  <Verify RB node rule 2 compliance; rb => prb 245>

  <Verify PBST node parent pointers; pbst => prb 520>
   This code is included in 585.

Appendix A References

   [Aho 1986].   Aho, A. V., R. Sethi, and J. D. Ullman, `Compilers:
Principles, Techniques, and Tools'.  Addison-Wesley, 1986.  ISBN

   [Bentley 2000].   Bentley, J., `Programming Pearls', 2nd ed.
Addison-Wesley, 2000.  ISBN 0-201-65788-0.

   [Brown 2001].   Brown, S., "Identifiers NOT To Use in C Programs".
Oak Road Systems, Feb. 15, 2001.

   [Cormen 1990].   Cormen, C. H., C. E. Leiserson, and R. L.  Rivest,
`Introduction to Algorithms'.  McGraw-Hill, 1990.  ISBN 0-262-03141-8.

   [FSF 1999].   Free Software Foundation, `GNU C Library Reference
Manual', version 0.08, 1999.

   [FSF 2001].   Free Software Foundation, "GNU Coding Standards", ed.
of March 23, 2001.

   [ISO 1990].   International Organization for Standardization,
`ANSI/ISO 9899-1990: American National Standard for Programming
Languages--C', 1990.  Reprinted in `The Annotated ANSI C Standard',
ISBN 0-07-881952-0.

   [ISO 1998].   International Organization for Standardization,
`ISO/IEC 14882:1998(E): Programming languages--C++', 1998.

   [ISO 1999].   International Orgnaization for Standardization,
`ISO/IEC 9899:1999: Programming Languages--C', 2nd ed., 1999.

   [Kernighan 1976].   Kernighan, B. W., and P. J. Plauger, `Software
Tools'.  Addison-Wesley, 1976.  ISBN 0-201-03669-X.

   [Kernighan 1988].   Kernighan, B. W., and D. M. Ritchie, `The C
Programming Language', 2nd ed.  Prentice-Hall, 1988.  ISBN

   [Knuth 1997].   Knuth, D. E., `The Art of Computer Programming,
Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms', 3rd ed.  Addison-Wesley, 1997.  ISBN

   [Knuth 1998a].   Knuth, D. E., `The Art of Computer Programming,
Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms', 3rd ed.  Addison-Wesley, 1998.
ISBN 0-201-89684-2.

   [Knuth 1998b].   Knuth, D. E., `The Art of Computer Programming,
Volume 3: Sorting and Searching', 2nd ed.  Addison-Wesley, 1998.  ISBN

   [Knuth 1977].   Knuth, D. E., "Deletions that Preserve Randomness",
`IEEE Trans. on Software Eng.' SE-3 (1977), pp. 351-9.  Reprinted in
[Knuth 2000].

   [Knuth 1978].   Knuth, D. E., "A Trivial Algorithm Whose Analysis
Isn't", `Journal of Algorithms' 6 (1985), pp. 301-22.  Reprinted in
[Knuth 2000].

   [Knuth 1992].   Knuth, D. E., `Literate Programming', CSLI Lecture
Notes Number 27.  Center for the Study of Language and Information,
Leland Stanford Junior University, 1992.  ISBN 0-9370-7380-6.

   [Knuth 2000].   Knuth, D. E., `Selected Papers on Analysis of
Algorithms', CSLI Lecture Notes Number 102.  Center for the Study of
Language and Information, Leland Stanford Junior University, 2000.  ISBN

   [Pfaff 1998].   Pfaff, B. L., "An Iterative Algorithm for Deletion
from AVL-Balanced Binary Trees".  Presented July 1998, annual meeting
of Pi Mu Epsilon, Toronto, Canada.  `'.

   [Sedgewick 1998].   Sedgewick, R., `Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4', 3rd
ed.  Addison-Wesley, 1998.  ISBN 0-201-31452-5.

   [SGI 1993].   Silicon Graphics, Inc., `Standard Template Library
Programmer's Guide'.  `'.

   [Stout 1986].   Stout, Q. F. and B. L. Warren, "Tree Rebalancing in
Optimal Time and Space", `Communications of the ACM' 29 (1986), pp.

   [Summit 1999].   Summit, S., "comp.lang.c Answers to Frequently
Asked Questions", version 3.5.
`'.  ISBN 0-201-84519-9.

Appendix B Supplementary Code

This appendix contains code too long for the exposition or too far from
the main topic of the book.

B.1 Option Parser

The BST test program contains an option parser for handling command-line
options.  *Note User Interaction::, for an introduction to its public
interface.  This section describes the option parser's implementation.

   The option parsing state is kept in struct option_state:

588. <Option parser 588> =
/* Option parsing state. */
struct option_state
    const struct option *options; /* List of options. */
    char **arg_next;            /* Remaining arguments. */
    char *short_next;           /* When non-null, unparsed short options. */
   See also 589 and 590.
This code is included in 98.

   The initialization function just creates and returns one of these

589. <Option parser 588> +=
/* Creates and returns a command-line options parser.
   args is a null-terminated array of command-line arguments, not
   including program name. */
static struct option_state *
option_init (const struct option *options, char **args)
  struct option_state *state;

  assert (options != NULL && args != NULL);

  state = xmalloc (sizeof *state);
  state->options = options;
  state->arg_next = args;
  state->short_next = NULL;

  return state;

   The option retrieval function uses a couple of helper functions.  The
code is lengthy, but not complicated:

590. <Option parser 588> +=
/* Parses a short option whose single-character name is pointed to by
   state->short_next.  Advances past the option so that the next one
   will be parsed in the next call to option_get().  Sets *argp to
   the option's argument, if any.  Returns the option's short name. */
static int
handle_short_option (struct option_state *state, char **argp)
  const struct option *o;

  assert (state != NULL
          && state->short_next != NULL && *state->short_next != '\0'
          && state->options != NULL);

  /* Find option in o. */
  for (o = state->options; ; o++)
    if (o->long_name == NULL)
      fail ("unknown option `%c'; use -help for help", *state->short_next);
    else if (o->short_name == *state->short_next)

  /* Handle argument. */
  if (o->has_arg)
      if (*state->arg_next == NULL || **state->arg_next == ")
        fail ("`%c' requires an argument; use -help for help");

      *argp = *state->arg_next++;

  return o->short_name;

/* Parses a long option whose command-line argument is pointed to by
   *state->arg_next.  Advances past the option so that the next one
   will be parsed in the next call to option_get().  Sets *argp to
   the option's argument, if any.  Returns the option's identifier. */
static int
handle_long_option (struct option_state *state, char **argp)
  const struct option *o;	/* Iterator on options. */
  char name[16];		/* Option name. */
  const char *arg;		/* Option argument. */

  assert (state != NULL
          && state->arg_next != NULL && *state->arg_next != NULL
          && state->options != NULL
          && argp != NULL);

  /* Copy the option name into name
     and put a pointer to its argument, or NULL if none, into arg. */
    const char *p = *state->arg_next + 2;
    const char *q = p + strcspn (p, "=");
    size_t name_len = q - p;

    if (name_len > (sizeof name) - 1)
      name_len = (sizeof name) - 1;
    memcpy (name, p, name_len);
    name[name_len] = '\0';

    arg = (*q == '=') ? q + 1 : NULL;

  /* Find option in o. */
  for (o = state->options; ; o++)
    if (o->long_name == NULL)
      fail ("unknown option -%s; use -help for help", name);
    else if (!strcmp (name, o->long_name))

  /* Make sure option has an argument if it should. */
  if ((arg != NULL) != (o->has_arg != 0))
      if (arg != NULL)
        fail ("-%s can't take an argument; use -help for help", name);
        fail ("-%s requires an argument; use -help for help", name);

  /* Advance and return. */
  *argp = (char *) arg;
  return o->short_name;

/* Retrieves the next option in the state vector state.
   Returns the option's identifier, or -1 if out of options.
   Stores the option's argument, or NULL if none, into *argp. */
static int
option_get (struct option_state *state, char **argp)
  assert (state != NULL && argp != NULL);

  /* No argument by default. */
  *argp = NULL;

  /* Deal with left-over short options. */
  if (state->short_next != NULL)
      if (*state->short_next != '\0')
        return handle_short_option (state, argp);
        state->short_next = NULL;

  /* Out of options? */
  if (*state->arg_next == NULL)
      free (state);
      return -1;

  /* Non-option arguments not supported. */
  if ((*state->arg_next)[0] != ")
    fail ("nonoption arguments encountered; use -help for help");
  if ((*state->arg_next)[1] == '\0')
    fail ("unknown option `'; use -help for help");

  /* Handle the option. */
  if ((*state->arg_next)[1] == ")
    return handle_long_option (state, argp);
      state->short_next = *state->arg_next + 1;
      return handle_short_option (state, argp);

B.2 Command-Line Parser

The option parser in the previous section handles the general form of
command-line options.  The code in this section applies that option
parser to the specific options used by the BST test program.  It has
helper functions for argument parsing and advice to users.  Here is all
of it together:

591. <Command line parser 591> =
/* Command line parser. */

/* If a is a prefix for b or vice versa, returns the length of the
   Otherwise, returns 0. */
match_len (const char *a, const char *b)
  size_t cnt;

  for (cnt = 0; *a == *b && *a != '\0'; a++, b++)

  return (*a != *b && *a != '\0' && *b != '\0') ? 0 : cnt;

/* s should point to a decimal representation of an integer.
   Returns the value of s, if successful, or 0 on failure. */
static int
stoi (const char *s)
  long x = strtol (s, NULL, 10);
  return x >= INT_MIN && x <= INT_MAX ? x : 0;

/* Print helpful syntax message and exit. */
static void
usage (void)
  static const char *help[] =
      "bsttest, unit test for GNU libavl.\n\n",
      "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n\n",
      "In the option descriptions below, CAPITAL denote arguments.\n",
      "If a long option shows an argument as mandatory, then it is\n",
      "mandatory for the equivalent short option also.  See the GNU\n",
      "libavl manual for more information.\n\n",
      "t, -test=TEST     Sets test to perform.  TEST is one of:\n",
      "                      correctness insert/delete/... (default)\n",
      "                      overflow    stack overflow test\n",
      "                      benchmark   benchmark test\n",
      "                      null        no test\n",
      "s, -size=TREESIZE  Sets tree size in nodes (default 16).\n",
      "r, -repeat=COUNT  Repeats operation COUNT times (default 16).\n",
      "i, -insert=ORDER  Sets the insertion order.  ORDER is one of:\n",
      "                      random      random permutation (default)\n",
      "                      ascending   ascending order 0...n1\n",
      "                      descending  descending order n1...0\n",
      "                      balanced    balanced tree order\n",
      "                      zigzag      zigzag tree\n",
      "                      ascshifted n/2...n1, 0...n/21\n",
      "                      custom      custom, read from stdin\n",
      "d, -delete=ORDER  Sets the deletion order.  ORDER is one of:\n",
      "                      random   random permutation (default)\n",
      "                      reverse  reverse order of insertion\n",
      "                      same     same as insertion order\n",
      "                      custom   custom, read from stdin\n",
      "a, -alloc=POLICY  Sets allocation policy.  POLICY is one of:\n",
      "                      track     track memory leaks (default)\n",
      "                      notrack  turn off leak detection\n",
      "                      failCNT  fail after CNT allocations\n",
      "                      fail%%PCT  fail random PCT%% of allocations\n",
      "                      subB,A   divide Bbyte blocks in Abyte units\n",
      "                    (Ignored for `benchmark' test.)\n",
      "A, -incr=INC      Fail policies: arg increment per repetition.\n",
      "S, -seed=SEED     Sets initial number seed to SEED.\n",
      "                    (default based on system time)\n",
      "n, -nonstop       Don't stop after a single error.\n",
      "q, -quiet         Turns down verbosity level.\n",
      "v, -verbose       Turns up verbosity level.\n",
      "h, -help          Displays this help screen.\n",
      "V, -version       Reports version and copyright information.\n",

  const char **p;
  for (p = help; *p != NULL; p++)
    printf (*p, pgm_name);

  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

/* Parses command-line arguments from null-terminated array args.
   Sets up options appropriately to correspond. */
static void
parse_command_line (char **args, struct test_options *options)
  static const struct option option_tab[] =
      {"test", 't', 1},
      {"insert", 'i', 1},
      {"delete", 'd', 1},
      {"alloc", 'a', 1},
      {"incr", 'A', 1},
      {"size", 's', 1},
      {"repeat", 'r', 1},
      {"operation", 'o', 1},
      {"seed", 'S', 1},
      {"nonstop", 'n', 0},
      {"quiet", 'q', 0},
      {"verbose", 'v', 0},
      {"help", 'h', 0},
      {"version", 'V', 0},
      {NULL, 0, 0},

  struct option_state *state;

  /* Default options. */
  options->test = TST_CORRECTNESS;
  options->insert_order = INS_RANDOM;
  options->delete_order = DEL_RANDOM;
  options->alloc_policy = MT_TRACK;
  options->alloc_arg[0] = 0;
  options->alloc_arg[1] = 0;
  options->alloc_incr = 0;
  options->node_cnt = 15;
  options->iter_cnt = 15;
  options->seed_given = 0;
  options->verbosity = 0;
  options->nonstop = 0;

  if (*args == NULL)

  state = option_init (option_tab, args + 1);
  for (;;)
      char *arg;
      int id = option_get (state, &arg);
      if (id == -1)

      switch (id)
        case 't':
          if (match_len (arg, "correctness") >= 3)
            options->test = TST_CORRECTNESS;
          else if (match_len (arg, "overflow") >= 3)
            options->test = TST_OVERFLOW;
          else if (match_len (arg, "null") >= 3)
            options->test = TST_NULL;
            fail ("unknown test \"%s\"", arg);

        case 'i':
            static const char *orders[INS_CNT] =
                "random", "ascending", "descending",
                "balanced", "zigzag", "ascshifted", "custom",

            const char **iter;

            assert (sizeof orders / sizeof *orders == INS_CNT);
            for (iter = orders; ; iter++)
              if (iter >= orders + INS_CNT)
                fail ("unknown order \"%s\"", arg);
              else if (match_len (*iter, arg) >= 3)
                  options->insert_order = iter - orders;

        case 'd':
            static const char *orders[DEL_CNT] =
                "random", "reverse", "same", "custom",

            const char **iter;

            assert (sizeof orders / sizeof *orders == DEL_CNT);
            for (iter = orders; ; iter++)
              if (iter >= orders + DEL_CNT)
                fail ("unknown order \"%s\"", arg);
              else if (match_len (*iter, arg) >= 3)
                  options->delete_order = iter - orders;

        case 'a':
          if (match_len (arg, "track") >= 3)
            options->alloc_policy = MT_TRACK;
          else if (match_len (arg, "notrack") >= 3)
            options->alloc_policy = MT_NO_TRACK;
          else if (!strncmp (arg, "fail", 3))
              const char *p = arg + strcspn (arg, "%");
              if (*p == ")
                options->alloc_policy = MT_FAIL_COUNT;
              else if (*p == '%')
                options->alloc_policy = MT_FAIL_PERCENT;
                fail ("invalid allocation policy \"%s\"", arg);

              options->alloc_arg[0] = stoi (p + 1);
          else if (!strncmp (arg, "suballoc", 3))
              const char *p = strchr (arg, ");
              const char *q = strchr (arg, ',');
              if (p == NULL || q == NULL)
                fail ("invalid allocation policy \"%s\"", arg);

              options->alloc_policy = MT_SUBALLOC;
              options->alloc_arg[0] = stoi (p + 1);
              options->alloc_arg[1] = stoi (q + 1);
              if (options->alloc_arg[MT_BLOCK_SIZE] < 32)
                fail ("block size too small");
              else if (options->alloc_arg[MT_ALIGN]
                       > options->alloc_arg[MT_BLOCK_SIZE])
                fail ("alignment cannot be greater than block size");
              else if (options->alloc_arg[MT_ALIGN] < 1)
                fail ("alignment must be at least 1");

        case 'A':
          options->alloc_incr = stoi (arg);

        case 's':
          options->node_cnt = stoi (arg);
          if (options->node_cnt < 1)
            fail ("bad tree size \"%s\"", arg);

        case 'r':
          options->iter_cnt = stoi (arg);
          if (options->iter_cnt < 1)
            fail ("bad repeat count \"%s\"", arg);

        case 'S':
          options->seed_given = 1;
          options->seed = strtoul (arg, NULL, 0);

        case 'n':
          options->nonstop = 1;

        case 'q':

        case 'v':

        case 'h':
          usage ();

        case 'V':
          fputs ("GNU libavl 2.0.3\n"
                 "Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 "
                 "Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
                 "This program comes with NO WARRANTY, not even for\n"
                 "You may redistribute copies under the terms of the\n"
                 "GNU General Public License.  For more information on\n"
                 "these matters, see the file named COPYING.\n",
          exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

          assert (0);
   This code is included in 98.

Appendix C GNU Free Documentation License

                      Version 1.2, November 2002

     Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
     of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


     The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
     functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
     assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
     with or without modifying it, either commercially or
     noncommercially.  Secondarily, this License preserves for the
     author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not
     being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

     This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
     works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
     It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
     license designed for free software.

     We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
     free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
     free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
     that the software does.  But this License is not limited to
     software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
     of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book.
     We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is
     instruction or reference.


     This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium,
     that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it
     can be distributed under the terms of this License.  Such a notice
     grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration,
     to use that work under the conditions stated herein.  The
     "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work.  Any member
     of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you".  You
     accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a
     way requiring permission under copyright law.

     A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
     Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
     modifications and/or translated into another language.

     A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section
     of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
     publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall
     subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could
     fall directly within that overall subject.  (Thus, if the Document
     is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not
     explain any mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of
     historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or
     of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position
     regarding them.

     The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
     titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in
     the notice that says that the Document is released under this
     License.  If a section does not fit the above definition of
     Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant.
     The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections.  If the Document
     does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

     The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
     listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice
     that says that the Document is released under this License.  A
     Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may
     be at most 25 words.

     A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
     represented in a format whose specification is available to the
     general public, that is suitable for revising the document
     straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images
     composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some
     widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to
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     not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text.  A
     copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".

     Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
     ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format,
     SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and
     standard-conforming simple HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for
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     can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or
     XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally
     available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF
     produced by some word processors for output purposes only.

     The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
     plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the
     material this License requires to appear in the title page.  For
     works in formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title
     Page" means the text near the most prominent appearance of the
     work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

     A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document
     whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses
     following text that translates XYZ in another language.  (Here XYZ
     stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as
     "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".)
     To "Preserve the Title" of such a section when you modify the
     Document means that it remains a section "Entitled XYZ" according
     to this definition.

     The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice
     which states that this License applies to the Document.  These
     Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in
     this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
     implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and
     has no effect on the meaning of this License.


     You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
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     copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License
     applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you
     add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License.  You
     may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading
     or further copying of the copies you make or distribute.  However,
     you may accept compensation in exchange for copies.  If you
     distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow
     the conditions in section 3.

     You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above,
     and you may publicly display copies.


     If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly
     have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and
     the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must
     enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all
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     Back-Cover Texts on the back cover.  Both covers must also clearly
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     front cover must present the full title with all words of the
     title equally prominent and visible.  You may add other material
     on the covers in addition.  Copying with changes limited to the
     covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and
     satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in
     other respects.

     If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
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     reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto
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     If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document
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     It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of
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     You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
     under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you
     release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with
     the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus
     licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to
     whoever possesses a copy of it.  In addition, you must do these
     things in the Modified Version:

       A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
          distinct from that of the Document, and from those of
          previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed
          in the History section of the Document).  You may use the
          same title as a previous version if the original publisher of
          that version gives permission.

       B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
          entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in
          the Modified Version, together with at least five of the
          principal authors of the Document (all of its principal
          authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you
          from this requirement.

       C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
          Modified Version, as the publisher.

       D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.

       E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
          adjacent to the other copyright notices.

       F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
          notice giving the public permission to use the Modified
          Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in
          the Addendum below.

       G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
          Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's
          license notice.

       H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.

       I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title,
          and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new
          authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on
          the Title Page.  If there is no section Entitled "History" in
          the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors,
          and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page,
          then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in
          the previous sentence.

       J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
          for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and
          likewise the network locations given in the Document for
          previous versions it was based on.  These may be placed in
          the "History" section.  You may omit a network location for a
          work that was published at least four years before the
          Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version
          it refers to gives permission.

       K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
          Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the
          section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor
          acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.

       L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
          unaltered in their text and in their titles.  Section numbers
          or the equivalent are not considered part of the section

       M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements".  Such a section
          may not be included in the Modified Version.

       N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled
          "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant

       O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

     If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
     appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no
     material copied from the Document, you may at your option
     designate some or all of these sections as invariant.  To do this,
     add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified
     Version's license notice.  These titles must be distinct from any
     other section titles.

     You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
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   If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover
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   If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
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   If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
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free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to
permit their use in free software.

Appendix D Glossary

"adjacent": Two nodes in a "binary tree" are adjacent if one is the
child of the other.

   "AVL tree": A type of "balanced tree", where the AVL "balance
factor" of each node is limited to -1, 0, or +1.

   "balance": To rearrange a "binary search tree" so that it has its
minimum possible "height", approximately the binary logarithm of its
number of nodes.

   "balance condition": In a "balanced tree", the additional rule or
rules that limit the tree's height.

   "balance factor": For any node in an "AVL tree", the difference
between the "height" of the node's "right subtree" and "left subtree".

   "balanced tree": A "binary search tree" along with a rule that
limits the tree's height in order to avoid a "pathological case".
Types of balanced trees: "AVL tree", "red-black tree".

   "binary search": A technique for searching by comparison of keys, in
which the search space roughly halves in size after each comparison

   "binary search tree": A "binary tree" with the additional property
that the key in each node's left child is less than the node's key, and
that the key in each node's right child is greater than the node's key.
In "inorder traversal", the items in a BST are visited in sorted order
of their keys.

   "binary tree": A data structure that is either an "empty tree" or
consists of a "root", a "left subtree", and a "right subtree".

   "black box": Conceptually, a device whose input and output are
defined but whose principles of internal operation is not specified.

   "black-height": In a "red-black tree", the number of black nodes
along a simple path from a given node down to a non-branching node.
Due to "rule 2", this is the same regardless of the path chosen.

   "BST": See "binary search tree".

   "child": In a "binary tree", a "left child" or "right child" of a

   "children": More than one "child".

   "color": In a "red-black tree", a property of a node, either red or
black.  Node colors in a red-black tree are constrained by "rule 1" and
"rule 2"

   "complete binary tree": A "binary tree" in which every "simple path"
from the root down to a leaf has the same length and every non-leaf
node has two children.

   "compression": A transformation on a binary search tree used to
"rebalance" (sense 2).

   "deep copy": In making a copy of a complex data structure, it is
often possible to copy upper levels of data without copying lower
levels.  If all levels are copied nonetheless, it is a deep copy.  See
also "shallow copy".

   "dynamic": 1. When speaking of data, data that can change or (in
some contexts) varies quickly.  2. In C, memory allocation with
malloc() and related functions.  See also "static".

   "empty tree": A binary tree without any nodes.

   "height": In a binary tree, the maximum number of nodes that can be
visited starting at the tree's root and moving only downward.  An an
empty tree has height 0.

   "idempotent": Having the same effect as if used only once, even if
used multiple times.  C header files are usually designed to be

   "inorder predecessor": The node preceding a given node in an
"inorder traversal".

   "inorder successor": The node following a given node in an "inorder

   "inorder traversal": A type of binary tree "traversal" where the
root's left subtree is traversed, then the root is visited, then the
root's right subtree is traversed.

   "iteration": In C, repeating a sequence of statements without using
recursive function calls, most typically accomplished using a for or
while loop.  Oppose "recursion".

   "key": In a binary search tree, data stored in a "node" and used to
order nodes.

   "leaf": A "node" whose "children" are empty.

   "left child": In a "binary tree", the root of a node's left subtree,
if that subtree is non-empty.  A node that has an empty left subtree
may be said to have no left child.

   "left rotation": See *Note rotation::.

   "left subtree": Part of a non-empty "binary tree".

   "left-threaded tree": A "binary search tree" augmented to simplify
and speed up traversal in reverse of "inorder traversal", but not
traversal in the forward direction.

   "literate programming": A philosophy of programming that regards
software as a type of literature, popularized by Donald Knuth through
his works such as [Knuth 1992].

   "node": The basic element of a binary tree, consisting of a "key", a
"left child", and a "right child".

   "non-branching node": A node in a "binary tree" that has exactly
zero or one non-empty children.

   "nonterminal node": A "node" with at least one nonempty "subtree".

   "parent": When one node in a "binary tree" is the child of another,
the first node.  A node that is not the child of any other node has no

   "parent pointer": A pointer within a node to its "parent" node.

   "pathological case": In a "binary search tree" context, a BST whose
"height" is much greater than the minimum possible.  Avoidable through
use of "balanced tree" techniques.

   "path": In a "binary tree", a list of nodes such that, for each pair
of nodes appearing adjacent in the list, one of the nodes is the parent
of the other.

   "postorder traversal": A type of binary tree "traversal" where the
root's left subtree is traversed, then the root's right subtree is
traversed, then the root is visited.

   "preorder traversal": A type of binary tree "traversal" where the
root is visited, then the root's left subtree is traversed, then the
root's right subtree is traversed.

   "rebalance": 1. After an operation that modifies a "balanced tree",
to restore the tree's "balance condition", typically by "rotation" or,
in a "red-black tree", changing the "color" of one or more nodes. 2. To
reorganize a "binary search tree" so that its shape more closely
approximates that of a "complete binary tree".

   "recursion": In C, describes a function that calls itself directly
or indirectly.  See also "tail recursion".  Oppose "iteration".

   "red-black tree": A form of "balanced tree" where each node has a
"color" and these colors are laid out such that they satisfy "rule 1"
and "rule 2" for red-black trees.

   "right child": In a "binary tree", the root of a node's right
subtree, if that subtree is non-empty.  A node that has an empty right
subtree may be said to have no right child.

   "right rotation": See *Note rotation::.

   "right subtree": Part of a non-empty "binary tree".

   "right-threaded tree": A "binary search tree" augmented to simplify
and speed up "inorder traversal", but not traversal in the reverse

   "rotation": A particular type of simple transformation on a "binary
search tree" that changes local structure without changing "inorder
traversal" ordering.  *Note BST Rotations::, *Note TBST Rotations::,
*Note RTBST Rotations::, and *Note PBST Rotations::, for more details.

   "root": A "node" taken as a "binary tree" in its own right.  Every
node is the root of a binary tree, but "root" is most often used to
refer to a node that is not a "child" of any other node.

   "rule 1": One of the rules governing layout of node colors in a
"red-black tree": no red node may have a red child.  *Note RB Balancing

   "rule 2": One of the rules governing layout of node colors in a
"red-black tree": every "simple path" from a given node to one of its
"non-branching node" descendants contains the same number of black
nodes.  *Note RB Balancing Rule::.

   "sentinel": In the context of searching in a data structure, a piece
of data used to avoid an explicit test for a null pointer, the end of an
array, etc., typically by setting its value to that of the looked-for
data item.

   "sequential search": A technique for searching by comparison of
keys, in which the search space is typically reduced only by one item
for each comparison.

   "sequential search with sentinel": A "sequential search" in a search
space set up with a "sentinel".

   "shallow copy": In making a copy of a complex data structure, it is
often possible to copy upper levels of data without copying lower
levels.  If lower levels are indeed shared, it is a shallow copy.  See
also "deep copy".

   "simple path": A "path" that does not include any node more than

   "static": 1. When speaking of data, data that is invariant or (in
some contexts) changes rarely.  2. In C, memory allocation other than
that done with malloc() and related functions.  3. In C, a keyword used
for a variety of purposes, some of which are related to sense 2.  See
also "dynamic".

   "subtree": A "binary tree" that is itself a child of some "node".

   "symmetric traversal": "inorder traversal".

   "tag": A field in a "threaded tree" node used to distinguish a
"thread" from a "child" pointer.

   "tail recursion": A form of "recursion" where a function calls
itself as its last action.  If the function is non-void, the outer call
must also return to its caller the value returned by the inner call in
order to be tail recursive.

   "terminal node": A node with no "left child" or "right child".

   "thread": In a "threaded tree", a pointer to the predecessor or
successor of a "node", replacing a child pointer that would otherwise
be null.  Distinguished from an ordinary child pointer using a "tag".

   "threaded tree": A form of "binary search tree" augmented to
simplify "inorder traversal".  See also "thread", "tag".

   "traversal": To "visit" each of the nodes in a "binary tree"
according to some scheme based on the tree's structure.  See "inorder
traversal", "preorder traversal", "postorder traversal".

   "undefined behavior": In C, a situation to which the computer's
response is unpredictable.  It is frequently noted that, when undefined
behavior is invoked, it is legal for the compiler to "make demons fly
out of your nose."

   "value": Often kept in a "node" along with the "key", a value is
auxiliary data not used to determine ordering of nodes.

   "vine": A degenerate "binary tree", resembling a linked list, in
which each node has at most one child.

   "visit": During "traversal", to perform an operation on a node, such
as to display its value or free its associated memory.

Appendix E Answers to All the Exercises

Chapter 2

Section 2.1

1.  If the table is not a dictionary, then we can just include a count
along with each item recording the number of copies of it that would
otherwise be included in the table.  If the table is a dictionary, then
each data item can include a single key and possibly multiple values.

Section 2.2

1.  Only macro parameter names can safely appear prefixless.  Macro
parameter names are significant only in a scope from their declaration
to the end of the macro definition.  Macro parameters may even be named
as otherwise reserved C keywords such as int and while, although this
is a bad idea.

   The main reason that the other kinds of identifiers must be prefixed
is the possibility of a macro having the same name.  A surprise macro
expansion in the midst of a function prototype can lead to puzzling
compiler diagnostics.

2.  The capitalized equivalent is ERR_, which is a reserved identifier.
All identifiers that begin with an uppercase `E' followed by a digit or
capital letter are reserved in many contexts.  It is best to avoid them
entirely.  There are other identifiers to avoid, too.  The article
cited below has a handy list.

See also:  [Brown 2001].

Section 2.3

1.  C does not guarantee that an integer cast to a pointer and back
retains its value.  In addition, there's a chance that an integer cast
to a pointer becomes the null pointer value.  This latter is not
limited to integers with value 0.  On the other hand, a nonconstant
integer with value 0 is not guaranteed to become a null pointer when

   Such a technique is only acceptable when the machine that the code
is to run on is known in advance.  At best it is inelegant.  At worst,
it will cause erroneous behavior.

See also:  [Summit 1999], section 5; [ISO 1990], sections and
6.3.4; [ISO 1999], section

2.  This definition would only cause problems if the subtraction
overflowed.  It would be acceptable if it was known that the values to
be compared would always be in a small enough range that overflow would
never occur.

   Here are two more "clever" definitions for compare_ints() that work
in all cases:

/* Credit: GNU C library reference manual. */
compare_ints (const void *pa, const void *pb, void *param)
  const int *a = pa;
  const int *b = pb;

  return (*a > *b) - (*a < *b);

compare_ints (const void *pa, const void *pb, void *param)
  const int *a = pa;
  const int *b = pb;

  return (*a < *b) ? -1 : (*a > *b);

3.  No.  Not only does strcmp() take parameters of different types
(const char *s instead of const void *s), our comparison functions take
an additional parameter.  Functions strcmp() and compare_strings() are
not compatible.

compare_fixed_strings (const void *pa, const void *pb, void *param)
  return memcmp (pa, pb, *(size_t *) param);

5a.  Here's the blow-by-blow rundown:

   * Irreflexivity: a == a is always true for integers.

   * Antisymmetry: If a > b then b < a for integers.

   * Transitivity: If a > b and b > c then a > c for integers.

   * Transitivity of equivalence: If a == b and b == c, then a == c for

5b.  Yes, strcmp() satisfies all of the points above.

5c.  Consider the domain of pairs of integers (x0,x1) with x1 >= x0.
Pair x, composed of (x0,x1), is less than pair y, composed of (y0,y1),
if x1 < y0.  Alternatively, pair x is greater than pair y if x0 > y1.
Otherwise, the pairs are equal.

   This rule is irreflexive: for any given pair a, neither a1 < a0 nor
a0 > a1, so a == a.  It is antisymmetic: a > b implies a0 > b1,
therefore b1 < a0, and therefore b < a.  It is transitive: a > b
implies a0 > b1, b > c implies b0 > c1, and we know that b1 > b0, so a0
> b1 > b0 > c1 and a > c.  It does not have transitivity of
equivalence: suppose that we have a == (1,2), b == (2,3), c == (3,4).
Then, a == b and b == c, but not a == c.

   A form of augmented binary search tree, called an "interval tree",
_can_ be used to efficiently handle this data type.  The references
have more details.

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 15.3.

6a.  !f(a, b) && !f(b, a) and !f(a, b) && f(b, a).

static int
bin_cmp (const void *a, const void *b, void *param, bst_comparison_func tern)
  return tern (a, b, param) < 0;

6c.  This problem presents an interesting tradeoff.  We must choose
between sometimes calling the comparison function twice per item to
convert our >= knowledge into > or ==, or always traversing all the way
to a leaf node, then making a final call to decide on equality.  The
former choice doesn't provide any new insight, so we choose the latter

   In the code below, p traverses the tree and q keeps track of the
current candidate for a match to item.  If the item in p is less than
item, then the matching item, if any, must be in the left subtree of p,
and we leave q as it was.  Otherwise, the item in p is greater than or
equal to p and then matching item, if any, is either p itself or in its
right subtree, so we set q to the potential match.  When we run off the
bottom of the tree, we check whether q is really a match by making one
additional comparison.

void *
bst_find (const struct bst_table *tree, const void *item)
  const struct bst_node *p;
  void *q;

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  p = tree->bst_root;
  q = NULL;
  while (p != NULL)
    if (!bin_cmp (p->bst_data, item, tree->bst_param, tree->bst_compare))
        q = p->bst_data;
        p = p->bst_link[0];
      p = p->bst_link[1];

  if (q != NULL && !bin_cmp (item, q, tree->bst_param, tree->bst_compare))
    return q;
    return NULL;

Section 2.5

1.  It's not necessary, for reasons of the C definition of type
compatibility.  Within a C source file (more technically, a
"translation unit"), two structures are compatible only if they are the
same structure, regardless of how similar their members may be, so
hypothetical structures struct bst_allocator and struct avl_allocator
couldn't be mixed together without nasty-smelling casts.  On the other
hand, prototyped function types are compatible if they have compatible
return types and compatible parameter types, so bst_item_func and
avl_item_func (say) are interchangeable.

2.  This allocator uses the same function tbl_free() as

592. <Aborting allocator 592> =
/* Allocates size bytes of space using malloc().
   Aborts if out of memory. */
void *
tbl_malloc_abort (struct libavl_allocator *allocator, size_t size)
  void *block;

  assert (allocator != NULL && size > 0);

  block = malloc (size);
  if (block != NULL)
    return block;

  fprintf (stderr, "out of memory\n");
  exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

struct libavl_allocator tbl_allocator_abort =

3.  Define a wrapper structure with struct libavl_allocator as its first
member.  For instance, a hypothetical pool allocator might look like

struct pool_allocator
    struct libavl_allocator suballocator;
    struct pool *pool;

Because a pointer to the first member of a structure is a pointer to the
structure itself, and vice versa, the allocate and free functions can
use a cast to access the larger struct pool_allocator given a pointer
to struct libavl_allocator.  If we assume the existence of functions
pool_malloc() and pool_free() to allocate and free memory within a
pool, then we can define the functions for struct pool_allocator's
suballocator like this:

void *
pool_allocator_malloc (struct libavl_allocator *allocator, size_t size)
  struct pool_allocator *pa = (struct pool_allocator *) allocator;
  return pool_malloc (pa->pool, size);

pool_allocator_free (struct libavl_allocator *allocator, void *ptr)
  struct pool_allocator *pa = (struct pool_allocator *) allocator;
  pool_free (pa->pool, ptr);

   Finally, we want to actually allocate a table inside a pool.  The
following function does this.  Notice the way that it uses the pool to
store the struct pool_allocator as well; this trick comes in handy

struct tbl_table *
pool_allocator_tbl_create (struct tbl_pool *pool)
  struct pool_allocator *pa = pool_malloc (pool, sizeof *pa);
  if (pa == NULL)
    return NULL;

  pa->suballocator.tbl_malloc = pool_allocator_malloc;
  pa->suballocator.tbl_free = pool_allocator_free;
  pa->pool = pool;
  return tbl_create (compare_ints, NULL, &pa->suballocator);

Section 2.7

1.  Notice the cast to size_t in the macro definition below.  This
prevents the result of tbl_count() from being used as an lvalue (that
is, on the left side of an assignment operator), because the result of a
cast is never an lvalue.

593. <Table count macro 593> =
#define tbl_count(table) ((size_t) (table)->tbl_count)
   This code is included in 16.

   Another way to get the same effect is to use the unary + operator,
like this:

#define tbl_count(table) (+(table)->tbl_count)

See also:  [ISO 1990], section 6.3.4; [Kernighan 1988], section A7.5.

Section 2.8

1.  If a memory allocation function that never returns a null pointer is
used, then it is reasonable to use these functions.  For instance,
tbl_allocator_abort from Exercise 2.5-2 is such an allocator.

2.  Among other reasons, tbl_find() returns a null pointer to indicate
that no matching item was found in the table.  Null pointers in the
table could therefore lead to confusing results.  It is better to
entirely prevent them from being inserted.

594. <Table insertion convenience functions 594> =
void *
tbl_insert (struct tbl_table *table, void *item)
  void **p = tbl_probe (table, item);
  return p == NULL || *p == item ? NULL : *p;

void *
tbl_replace (struct tbl_table *table, void *item)
  void **p = tbl_probe (table, item);
  if (p == NULL || *p == item)
    return NULL;
      void *r = *p;
      *p = item;
      return r;
   This code is included in 30, 147, 198, 253, 302, 338, 377, 420, 457,
491, 524, and 556.

Section 2.9

1.  Keep in mind that these directives have to be processed every time
the header file is included.  (Typical header file are designed to be
"idempotent", i.e., processed by the compiler only on first inclusion
and skipped on any later inclusions, because some C constructs cause
errors if they are encountered twice during a compilation.)

595. <Table assertion function control directives 595> =
/* Table assertion functions. */
#ifndef NDEBUG
#undef tbl_assert_insert
#undef tbl_assert_delete
#define tbl_assert_insert(table, item) tbl_insert (table, item)
#define tbl_assert_delete(table, item) tbl_delete (table, item)
   This code is included in 25.

See also:  [Summit 1999], section 10.7.

2.  tbl_assert_insert() must be based on tbl_probe(), because
tbl_insert() does not distinguish in its return value between
successful insertion and memory allocation errors.

   Assertions must be enabled for these functions because we want them
to verify success if assertions were enabled at the point from which
they were called, not if assertions were enabled when the table was

   Notice the parentheses around the assertion function names before.
The parentheses prevent the macros by the same name from being
expanded.  A function-like macro is only expanded when its name is
followed by a left parenthesis, and the extra set of parentheses
prevents this from being the case.  Alternatively #undef directives
could be used to achieve the same effect.

596. <Table assertion functions 596> =
#undef NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>

(tbl_assert_insert) (struct tbl_table *table, void *item)
  void **p = tbl_probe (table, item);
  assert (p != NULL && *p == item);

void *
(tbl_assert_delete) (struct tbl_table *table, void *item)
  void *p = tbl_delete (table, item);
  assert (p != NULL);
  return p;
   This code is included in 30, 147, 198, 253, 302, 338, 377, 420, 457,
491, 524, and 556.

3.  The assert() macro is meant for testing for design errors and
"impossible" conditions, not runtime errors like disk input/output
errors or memory allocation failures.  If the memory allocator can fail,
then the assert() call in tbl_assert_insert() effectively does this.

See also:  [Summit 1999], section 20.24b.

Section 2.12

1.  Both tables and sets store sorted arrangements of unique items.
Both require a strict weak ordering on the items that they contain.
libavl uses ternary comparison functions whereas the STL uses binary
comparison functions (see Exercise 2.3-6).

   The description of tables here doesn't list any particular speed
requirements for operations, whereas STL sets are constrained in the
complexity of their operations.  It's worth noting, however, that the
libavl implementation of AVL and RB trees meet all of the STL
complexity requirements, for their equivalent operations, except one.
The exception is that set methods begin() and rbegin() must have
constant-time complexity, whereas the equivalent libavl functions
*_t_first() and *_t_last() on AVL and RB trees have logarithmic

   libavl traversers and STL iterators have similar semantics.  Both
remain valid if new items are inserted, and both remain valid if old
items are deleted, unless it's the iterator's current item that's

   The STL has a more complete selection of methods than libavl does of
table functions, but many of the additional ones (e.g., distance() or
erase() each with two iterators as arguments) can be implemented easily
in terms of existing libavl functions.  These might benefit from
optimization possible with specialized implementations, but may not be
worth it.  The SGI/HP implementation of the STL does not contain any
such optimization.

See also:  [ISO 1998], sections 23.1, 23.1.2, and 23.3.3.

2.  The nonessential functions are:

   * tbl_probe(), tbl_insert(), and tbl_replace(), which can be
     implemented in terms of tbl_t_insert() and tbl_t_replace().

   * tbl_find(), which can be implemented in terms of tbl_t_find().

   * tbl_assert_insert() and tbl_assert_delete().

   * tbl_t_first() and tbl_t_last(), which can be implemented with
     tbl_t_init() and tbl_t_next().

   If we allow it to know what allocator was used for the original
table, which is, strictly speaking, cheating, then we can also implement
tbl_copy() in terms of tbl_create(), tbl_t_insert(), and tbl_destroy().
Under similar restrictions we can also implement tbl_t_prev() and
tbl_t_copy() in terms of tbl_t_init() and tbl_t_next(), though in a
very inefficient way.

Chapter 3

Section 3.1

1.  The following program can be improved in many ways.  However, we
will implement a much better testing framework later, so this is fine
for now.

597. <seq-test.c 597> =
<Program License 2>
#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_INPUT 1024

<Sequentially search an array of ints 17>

main (void)
  int array[MAX_INPUT];
  int n, i;

  for (n = 0; n < MAX_INPUT; n++)
    if (scanf ("%d", &array[n]) != 1)

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      int result = seq_search (array, n, array[i]);
      if (result != i)
        printf ("seq_search() returned %d looking for %d  expected %d\n",
                result, array[i], i);

  return 0;

Section 3.4

1.  Some types don't have a largest possible value; e.g.,
arbitrary-length strings.

Section 3.5

1.  Knuth's name for this procedure is "uniform binary search."  The
code below is an almost-literal implementation of his Algorithm U.  The
fact that Knuth's arrays are 1-based, but C arrays are 0-based,
accounts for most of the differences.

   The code below uses for (;;) to assemble an "infinite" loop, a
common C idiom.

598. <Uniform binary search of ordered array 598> =
/* Returns the offset within array[] of an element equal to key,
   or -1 if key is not in array[].
   array[] must be an array of n ints sorted in ascending order,
   with array[-1] modifiable. */
uniform_binary_search (int array[], int n, int key)
  int i = (n + 1) / 2 - 1;
  int m = n / 2;

  array[-1] = INT_MIN;
  for (;;)
      if (key < array[i])
          if (m == 0)
            return -1;
          i -= (m + 1) / 2;
          m /= 2;
      else if (key > array[i])
          if (m == 0)
            return -1;
          i += (m + 1) / 2;
          m /= 2;
        return i >= 0 ? i : -1;
   This code is included in 602.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], section 6.2.1, Algorithm U.

2a.  This actually uses blp_bsearch(), implemented in part (b) below, in
order to allow that function to be tested.  You can replace the
reference to blp_bsearch() by bsearch() without problem.

599. <Binary search using bsearch() 599> =
<blp's implementation of bsearch() 600>

/* Compares the ints pointed to by pa and pb and returns positive
   if *pa > *pb, negative if *pa < *pb, or zero if *pa == *pb. */
static int
compare_ints (const void *pa, const void *pb)
  const int *a = pa;
  const int *b = pb;

  if (*a > *b)
    return 1;
  else if (*a < *b)
    return -1;
    return 0;

/* Returns the offset within array[] of an element equal to key,
   or -1 if key is not in array[].
   array[] must be an array of n ints sorted in ascending order. */
static int
binary_search_bsearch (int array[], int n, int key)
  int *p = blp_bsearch (&key, array, n, sizeof *array, compare_ints);
  return p != NULL ? p - array : -1;
   This code is included in 602.

2b.  This function is named using the author of this book's initials.
Note that the implementation below assumes that count, a size_t, won't
exceed the range of an int.  Some systems provide a type called ssize_t
for this purpose, but we won't assume that here.  (long is perhaps a
better choice than int.)

600. <blp's implementation of bsearch() 600> =
/* Plug-compatible with standard C library bsearch(). */
static void *
blp_bsearch (const void *key, const void *array, size_t count,
             size_t size, int (*compare) (const void *, const void *))
  int min = 0;
  int max = count;

  while (max >= min)
      int i = (min + max) / 2;
      void *item = ((char *) array) + size * i;
      int cmp = compare (key, item);

      if (cmp < 0)
        max = i - 1;
      else if (cmp > 0)
        min = i + 1;
        return item;

  return NULL;
   This code is included in 599.

3.  Here's an outline of the entire program:

601. <srch-test.c 601> =
<Program License 2>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

<Search functions 602>
<Array of search functions 603>

<Timer functions 606>
<Search test functions 608>
<Search test main program 611>

   We need to include all the search functions we're going to use:

602. <Search functions 602> =
<Sequentially search an array of ints 17>
<Sequentially search an array of ints using a sentinel 18>
<Sequentially search a sorted array of ints 19>
<Sequentially search a sorted array of ints using a sentinel 20>
<Sequentially search a sorted array of ints using a sentinel (2) 21>
<Binary search of ordered array 22>
<Uniform binary search of ordered array 598>
<Binary search using bsearch() 599>
<Cheating search 605>
   This code is included in 601.

   We need to make a list of the search functions.  We start by defining
the array's element type:

603. <Array of search functions 603> =
/* Description of a search function. */
struct search_func
    const char *name;
    int (*search) (int array[], int n, int key);
   See also 604.
This code is included in 601.

   Then we define the list as an array:

604. <Array of search functions 603> +=
/* Array of all the search functions we know. */
struct search_func search_func_tab[] =
    {"seq_search()", seq_search},
    {"seq_sentinel_search()", seq_sentinel_search},
    {"seq_sorted_search()", seq_sorted_search},
    {"seq_sorted_sentinel_search()", seq_sorted_sentinel_search},
    {"seq_sorted_sentinel_search_2()", seq_sorted_sentinel_search_2},
    {"binary_search()", binary_search},
    {"uniform_binary_search()", uniform_binary_search},
    {"binary_search_bsearch()", binary_search_bsearch},
    {"cheat_search()", cheat_search},

/* Number of search functions. */
const size_t n_search_func = sizeof search_func_tab / sizeof *search_func_tab;

   We've added previously unseen function cheat_search() to the array.
This is a function that "cheats" on the search because it knows that we
are only going to search in a array such that array[i] == i.  The
purpose of cheat_search() is to allow us to find out how much of the
search time is overhead imposed by the framework and the function calls
and how much is actual search time.  Here's cheat_search():

605. <Cheating search 605> =
/* Cheating search function that knows that array[i] == i.
   n must be the array size and key the item to search for.
   array[] is not used.
   Returns the index in array[] where key is found,
   or -1 if key is not in array[]. */
cheat_search (int array[], int n, int key)
  return key >= 0 && key < n ? key : -1;
   This code is included in 602.

   We're going to need some functions for timing operations.  First, a
function to "start" a timer:

606. <Timer functions 606> =
/* "Starts" a timer by recording the current time in *t. */
static void
start_timer (clock_t *t)
  clock_t now = clock ();
  while (now == clock ())
    /* Do nothing. */;
  *t = clock ();
   See also 607.
This code is included in 601.

   Function start_timer() waits for the value returned by clock() to
change before it records the value.  On systems with a slow timer (such
as PCs running MS-DOS, where the clock ticks only 18.2 times per
second), this gives more stable timing results because it means that
timing always starts near the beginning of a clock tick.

   We also need a function to "stop" the timer and report the results:

607. <Timer functions 606> +=
/* Prints the elapsed time since start, set by start_timer(). */
static void
stop_timer (clock_t start)
  clock_t end = clock ();

  printf ("%.2f seconds\n", ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

   The value reported by clock() can "wrap around" to zero from a large
value.  stop_timer() does not allow for this possibility.

   We will write three tests for the search functions.  The first of
these just checks that the search function works properly:

608. <Search test functions 608> =
/* Tests that f->search returns expect when called to search for
   key within array[],
   which has n elements such that array[i] == i. */
static void
test_search_func_at (struct search_func *f, int array[], int n,
                     int key, int expect)
  int result = f->search (array, n, key);
  if (result != expect)
    printf ("%s returned %d looking for %d  expected %d\n",
            f->name, result, key, expect);

/* Tests searches for each element in array[] having n elements such that
   array[i] == i,
   and some unsuccessful searches too, all using function f->search. */
static void
test_search_func (struct search_func *f, int array[], int n)
  static const int shouldnt_find[] = {INT_MIN, -20, -1, INT_MAX};
  int i;

  printf ("Testing integrity of %s...  ", f->name);
  fflush (stdout);

  /* Verify that the function finds values that it should. */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    test_search_func_at (f, array, n, i, i);

  /* Verify that the function doesn't find values it shouldn't. */
  for (i = 0; i < (int) (sizeof shouldnt_find / sizeof *shouldnt_find); i++)
    test_search_func_at (f, array, n, shouldnt_find[i], -1);

  printf ("done\n");
   See also 609 and 610.
This code is included in 601.

   The second test function finds the time required for searching for
elements in the array:

609. <Search test functions 608> +=
/* Times a search for each element in array[] having n elements such that
   array[i] == i, repeated n_iter times, using function f->search. */
static void
time_successful_search (struct search_func *f, int array[], int n, int n_iter)
  clock_t timer;

  printf ("Timing %d sets of successful searches...  ", n_iter);
  fflush (stdout);

  start_timer (&timer);
  while (n_iter-- > 0)
      int i;

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        f->search (array, n, i);
  stop_timer (timer);

   The last test function finds the time required for searching for
values that don't appear in the array:

610. <Search test functions 608> +=
/* Times n search for elements not in array[] having n elements such that
   array[i] == i, repeated n_iter times, using function f->search. */
static void
time_unsuccessful_search (struct search_func *f, int array[],
                          int n, int n_iter)
  clock_t timer;

  printf ("Timing %d sets of unsuccessful searches...  ", n_iter);
  fflush (stdout);

  start_timer (&timer);
  while (n_iter-- > 0)
      int i;

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        f->search (array, n, -i);
  stop_timer (timer);

   Here's the main program:

611. <Search test main program 611> =
<Usage printer for search test program 617>

<String to integer function stoi() 613>

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  struct search_func *f;        /* Search function. */
  int *array, n;                /* Array and its size. */
  int n_iter;                   /* Number of iterations. */

  <Parse search test command line 612>
  <Initialize search test array 614>
  <Run search tests 615>
  <Clean up after search tests 616>

  return 0;
   This code is included in 601.

612. <Parse search test command line 612> =
if (argc != 4)
  usage ();

  long algorithm = stoi (argv[1]) - 1;
  if (algorithm < 0 || algorithm > (long) n_search_func)
    usage ();
  f = &search_func_tab[algorithm];

n = stoi (argv[2]);
n_iter = stoi (argv[3]);
if (n < 1 || n_iter < 1)
  usage ();
   This code is included in 611.

613. <String to integer function stoi() 613> =
/* s should point to a decimal representation of an integer.
   Returns the value of s, if successful, or 0 on failure. */
static int
stoi (const char *s)
  long x = strtol (s, NULL, 10);
  return x >= INT_MIN && x <= INT_MAX ? x : 0;
   This code is included in 611 and 619.

   When reading the code below, keep in mind that some of our algorithms
use a sentinel at the end and some use a sentinel at the beginning, so
we allocate two extra integers and take the middle part.

614. <Initialize search test array 614> =
array = malloc ((n + 2) * sizeof *array);
if (array == NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "out of memory\n");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    array[i] = i;
   This code is included in 611.

615. <Run search tests 615> =
test_search_func (f, array, n);
time_successful_search (f, array, n, n_iter);
time_unsuccessful_search (f, array, n, n_iter);
   This code is included in 611.

616. <Clean up after search tests 616> =
free (array - 1);
   This code is included in 611.

617. <Usage printer for search test program 617> =
/* Prints a message to the console explaining how to use this program. */
static void
usage (void)
  size_t i;

  fputs ("usage: srchtest <algorithm> <arraysize> <niterations>\n"
         "where <algorithm> is one of the following:\n", stdout);

  for (i = 0; i < n_search_func; i++)
    printf ("        %u for %s\n", (unsigned) i + 1, search_func_tab[i].name);

  fputs ("      <arraysize> is the size of the array to search, and\n"
         "      <niterations> is the number of times to iterate.\n", stdout);

  exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
   This code is included in 611.

4.  Here are the results on the author's computer, a Pentium II at 233
MHz, using GNU C 2.95.2, for 1024 iterations using arrays of size 1024
with no optimization.  All values are given in seconds rounded to

*Function*               *Successful searches*    *Unsuccessful searches*
seq_search()             18.4                     36.3
seq_sentinel_search()    16.5                     32.8
seq_sorted_search()      18.6                     0.1
seq_sorted_sentinel_search()16.4                     0.2
seq_sorted_sentinel_search_2()16.6                     0.2
binary_search()          1.3                      1.2
uniform_binary_search()  1.1                      1.1
binary_search_bsearch()  2.6                      2.4
cheat_search()           0.1                      0.1

   Results of similar tests using full optimization were as follows:

*Function*               *Successful searches*    *Unsuccessful searches*
seq_search()             6.3                      12.4
seq_sentinel_search()    4.8                      9.4
seq_sorted_search()      9.3                      0.1
seq_sorted_sentinel_search()4.8                      0.2
seq_sorted_sentinel_search_2()4.8                      0.2
binary_search()          0.7                      0.5
uniform_binary_search()  0.7                      0.6
binary_search_bsearch()  1.5                      1.2
cheat_search()           0.1                      0.1


   * In general, the times above are about what we might expect them to
     be: they decrease as we go down the table.

   * Within sequential searches, the sentinel-based searches have better
     search times than non-sentinel searches, and other search
     characteristics (whether the array was sorted, for instance) had
     little impact on performance.

   * Unsuccessful searches were very fast for sorted sequential
     searches, but the particular test set used always allowed such
     searches to terminate after a single comparison.  For other test
     sets one might expect these numbers to be similar to those for
     unordered sequential search.

   * Either of the first two forms of binary search had the best overall
     performance.  They also have the best performance for successful
     searches and might be expected to have the best performance for
     unsuccessful searches in other test sets, for the reason given

   * Binary search using the general interface bsearch() was
     significantly slower than either of the other binary searches,
     probably because of the cost of the extra function calls.  Items
     that are more expensive to compare (for instance, long text
     strings) might be expected to show less of a penalty.

   Here are the results on the same machine for 1,048,576 iterations on
arrays of size 8 with full optimization:

*Function*               *Successful searches*    *Unsuccessful searches*
seq_search()             1.7                      2.0
seq_sentinel_search()    1.7                      2.0
seq_sorted_search()      2.0                      1.1
seq_sorted_sentinel_search()1.9                      1.1
seq_sorted_sentinel_search_2()1.8                      1.2
binary_search()          2.5                      1.9
uniform_binary_search()  2.4                      2.3
binary_search_bsearch()  4.5                      3.9
cheat_search()           0.7                      0.7

   For arrays this small, simple algorithms are the clear winners.  The
additional complications of binary search make it slower.  Similar
patterns can be expected on most architectures, although the "break
even" array size where binary search and sequential search are equally
fast can be expected to differ.

Section 3.6

1.  Here is one easy way to do it:

618. <Initialize smaller and larger within binary search tree 618> =
/* Initializes larger and smaller within range min...max of
   which has n real elements plus a (n + 1)th sentinel element. */
init_binary_tree_array (struct binary_tree_entry array[], int n,
                        int min, int max)
  if (min <= max)
      /* The `+ 1' is necessary because the tree root must be at n / 2,
         and on the first call we have min == 0 and max == n - 1. */
      int i = (min + max + 1) / 2;
      array[i].larger = init_binary_tree_array (array, n, i + 1, max);
      array[i].smaller = init_binary_tree_array (array, n, min, i - 1);
      return i;
    return n;
   This code is included in 619.

619. <bin-ary-test.c 619> =
<Program License 2>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

<Binary search tree entry 23>
<Search of binary search tree stored as array 24>
<Initialize smaller and larger within binary search tree 618>
<Show `bin-ary-test' usage message 621>
<String to integer function stoi() 613>
<Main program to test binary_search_tree_array() 620>

620. <Main program to test binary_search_tree_array() 620> =
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  struct binary_tree_entry *array;
  int n, i;

  /* Parse command line. */
  if (argc != 2)
    usage ();
  n = stoi (argv[1]);
  if (n < 1)
    usage ();

  /* Allocate memory. */
  array = malloc ((n + 1) * sizeof *array);
  if (array == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "out of memory\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Initialize array. */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    array[i].value = i;
  init_binary_tree_array (array, n, 0, n - 1);

  /* Test successful and unsuccessful searches. */
  for (i = -1; i < n; i++)
      int result = binary_search_tree_array (array, n, i);
      if (result != i)
        printf ("Searching for %d: expected %d, but received %d\n",
                i, i, result);

  /* Clean up. */
  free (array);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
   This code is included in 619.

621. <Show `bin-ary-test' usage message 621> =
/* Print a helpful usage message and abort execution. */
static void
usage (void)
  fputs ("Usage: binarytest <arraysize>\n"
         "where <arraysize> is the size of the array to test.\n",
  exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
   This code is included in 619.

Chapter 4

1.  This construct makes <bst.h 25> "idempotent", that is, including it
many times has the same effect as including it once.  This is important
because some C constructs, such as type definitions with typedef, are
erroneous if included in a program multiple times.

   Of course, <Table assertion function control directives 595> is
included outside the #ifndef-protected part of <bst.h 25>.  This is
intentional (see Exercise 2.9-1 for details).

Section 4.2.2

1.  Under many circumstances we often want to know how many items are
in a binary tree.  In these cases it's cheaper to keep track of item
counts as we go instead of counting them each time, which requires a
full binary tree traversal.

   It would be better to omit it if we never needed to know how many
items were in the tree, or if we only needed to know very seldom.

Section 4.2.3

1.  The purpose for conditional definition of BST_MAX_HEIGHT is not to
keep it from being redefined if the header file is included multiple
times.  There's a higher-level "include guard" for that (see
Exercise 4-1), and, besides, identical definitions of a macro are okay
in C.  Instead, it is to allow the user to set the maximum height of
binary trees by defining that macro before <bst.h 25> is #included.
The limit can be adjusted upward for larger computers or downward for
smaller ones.

   The main pitfall is that a user program will use different values of
BST_MAX_HEIGHT in different source files.  This leads to undefined
behavior.  Less of a problem are definitions to invalid values, which
will be caught at compile time by the compiler.

Section 4.3


                         2               / `_
                        / \       2     1    4
                       1   4      ^         / \
                           ^     1 4       3   6
                          3 5                  ^
                                              5 7

2.  The functions need to adjust the pointer from the rotated subtree's
parent, so they take a double-pointer struct bst_node **.  An
alternative would be to accept two parameters: the rotated subtree's
parent node and the bst_link[] index of the subtree.

/* Rotates right at *yp. */
static void
rotate_right (struct bst_node **yp)
  struct bst_node *y = *yp;
  struct bst_node *x = y->bst_link[0];
  y->bst_link[0] = x->bst_link[1];
  x->bst_link[1] = y;
  *yp = x;

/* Rotates left at *xp. */
static void
rotate_left (struct bst_node **xp)
  struct bst_node *x = *xp;
  struct bst_node *y = x->bst_link[1];
  x->bst_link[1] = y->bst_link[0];
  y->bst_link[0] = x;
  *xp = y;

Section 4.7

1.  This is a dirty trick.  The bst_root member of struct bst_table is
not a struct bst_node, but we are pretending that it is by casting its
address to struct bst_node *.  We can get away with this only because
the first member of struct bst_node * is bst_link, whose first element
bst_link[0] is a struct bst_node *, the same type as bst_root.  ANSI C
guarantees that a pointer to a structure is a pointer to the
structure's first member, so this is fine as long as we never try to
access any member of *p except bst_link[0].  Trying to access other
members would result in undefined behavior.

   The reason that we want to do this at all is that it means that the
tree's root is not a special case.  Otherwise, we have to deal with the
root separately from the rest of the nodes in the tree, because of its
special status as the only node in the tree not pointed to by the
bst_link[] member of a struct bst_node.

   It is a good idea to get used to these kinds of pointer cast, because
they are common in libavl.

   As an alternative, we can declare an actual instance of struct
bst_node, store the tree's bst_root into its bst_link[0], and copy its
possibly updated value back into bst_root when done.  This isn't very
elegant, but it works.  This technique is used much later in this book,
in <TBST main copy function 281>.  A different kind of alternative
approach is used in Exercise 2.

2.  Here, pointer-to-pointer q traverses the tree, starting with a
pointer to the root, comparing each node found against item while
looking for a null pointer.  If an item equal to item is found, it
returns a pointer to the item's data.  Otherwise, q receives the
address of the NULL pointer that becomes the new node, the new node is
created, and a pointer to its data is returned.

622. <BST item insertion function, alternate version 622> =
void **
bst_probe (struct bst_table *tree, void *item)
  struct bst_node **q;
  int cmp;

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  for (q = &tree->bst_root; *q != NULL; q = &(*q)->bst_link[cmp > 0])
      cmp = tree->bst_compare (item, (*q)->bst_data, tree->bst_param);
      if (cmp == 0)
        return &(*q)->bst_data;

  *q = tree->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->bst_alloc, sizeof **q);
  if (*q == NULL)
    return NULL;

  (*q)->bst_link[0] = (*q)->bst_link[1] = NULL;
  (*q)->bst_data = item;
  return &(*q)->bst_data;

3.  The first item to be inserted have the value of the original tree's
root.  After that, at each step, we can insert either an item with the
value of either child x of any node in the original tree corresponding
to a node y already in the copy tree, as long as x's value is not
already in the copy tree.

4.  The function below traverses tree in "level order".  That is, it
visits the root, then the root's children, then the children of the
root's children, and so on, so that all the nodes at a particular level
in the tree are visited in sequence.

See also:  [Sedgewick 1998], Program 5.16.

623. <Level-order traversal 623> =
/* Calls visit for each of the nodes in tree in level order.
   Returns nonzero if successful, zero if out of memory. */
static int
bst_traverse_level_order (struct bst_table *tree, bst_item_func *visit)
  struct bst_node **queue;
  size_t head, tail;

  if (tree->bst_count == 0)
    return 1;

  queue = tree->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->bst_alloc,
                                          sizeof *queue * tree->bst_count);
  if (queue == NULL)
    return 0;

  head = tail = 0;
  queue[head++] = tree->bst_root;
  while (head != tail)
      struct bst_node *cur = queue[tail++];
      visit (cur->bst_data, tree->bst_param);
      if (cur->bst_link[0] != NULL)
        queue[head++] = cur->bst_link[0];
      if (cur->bst_link[1] != NULL)
        queue[head++] = cur->bst_link[1];
  tree->bst_alloc->libavl_free (tree->bst_alloc, queue);

  return 1;

Section 4.7.1


624. <Root insertion of existing node in arbitrary subtree 624> =
/* Performs root insertion of n at root within tree.
   Subtree root must not contain a node matching n.
   Returns nonzero only if successful. */
static int
root_insert (struct bst_table *tree, struct bst_node **root,
             struct bst_node *n)
  struct bst_node *pa[BST_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes on stack. */
  unsigned char da[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];    /* Directions moved from stack nodes. */
  int k;                               /* Stack height. */

  struct bst_node *p; /* Traverses tree looking for insertion point. */

  assert (tree != NULL && n != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search for insertion point in arbitrary subtree 625>
  <Step 2: Insert n into arbitrary subtree 626>
  <Step 3: Move BST node to root 37>

  return 1;

625. <Step 1: Search for insertion point in arbitrary subtree 625> =
pa[0] = (struct bst_node *) root;
da[0] = 0;
k = 1;
for (p = *root; p != NULL; p = p->bst_link[da[k - 1]])
    int cmp = tree->bst_compare (n->bst_data, p->bst_data, tree->bst_param);
    assert (cmp != 0);

    if (k >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
      return 0;

    pa[k] = p;
    da[k++] = cmp > 0;
   This code is included in 624.

626. <Step 2: Insert n into arbitrary subtree 626> =
pa[k - 1]->bst_link[da[k - 1]] = n;
   This code is included in 624 and 627.

2.  The idea is to optimize for the common case but allow for fallback
to a slower algorithm that doesn't require a stack when necessary.

627. <Robust root insertion of existing node in arbitrary subtree 627> =
/* Performs root insertion of n at root within tree.
   Subtree root must not contain a node matching n.
   Never fails and will not rebalance tree. */
static void
root_insert (struct bst_table *tree, struct bst_node **root,
             struct bst_node *n)
  struct bst_node *pa[BST_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes on stack. */
  unsigned char da[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];    /* Directions moved from stack nodes. */
  int k;                               /* Stack height. */
  int overflow = 0;                    /* Set nonzero if stack overflowed. */

  struct bst_node *p; /* Traverses tree looking for insertion point. */

  assert (tree != NULL && n != NULL);

  <Step 1: Robustly search for insertion point in arbitrary subtree 628>
  <Step 2: Insert n into arbitrary subtree 626>
  <Step 3: Robustly move BST node to root 629>

   If the stack overflows while we're searching for the insertion point,
we stop keeping track of any nodes but the last one and set overflow so
that later we know that overflow occurred:

628. <Step 1: Robustly search for insertion point in arbitrary subtree 628> =
pa[0] = (struct bst_node *) root;
da[0] = 0;
k = 1;
for (p = *root; p != NULL; p = p->bst_link[da[k - 1]])
    int cmp = tree->bst_compare (n->bst_data, p->bst_data, tree->bst_param);
    assert (cmp != 0);

    if (k >= BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
        overflow = 1;

    pa[k] = p;
    da[k++] = cmp > 0;
   This code is included in 627.

   Once we've inserted the node, we deal with the rotation in the same
way as before if there was no overflow.  If overflow occurred, we
instead do the rotations one by one, with a full traversal from *root
every time:

629. <Step 3: Robustly move BST node to root 629> =
if (!overflow)
    <Step 3: Move BST node to root 37>
    while (*root != n)
        struct bst_node **r; /* Link to node to rotate. */
        struct bst_node *q;  /* Node to rotate. */
        int dir;

        for (r = root; ; r = &q->bst_link[dir])
            q = *r;
            dir = 0 < tree->bst_compare (n->bst_data, q->bst_data,

            if (q->bst_link[dir] == n)

        if (dir == 0)
            q->bst_link[0] = n->bst_link[1];
            n->bst_link[1] = q;
            q->bst_link[1] = n->bst_link[0];
            n->bst_link[0] = q;
        *r = n;
   This code is included in 627.

3.  One insertion order that does _not_ require much stack is ascending
order.  If we insert 1...4 at the root in ascending order, for
instance, we get a BST that looks like this:


If we then insert node 5, it will immediately be inserted as the right
child of 4, and then a left rotation will make it the root, and we're
back where we started without ever using more than one stack entry.
Other obvious pathological orders such as descending order and
"zig-zag" order behave similarly.

   One insertion order that does require an arbitrary amount of stack
space is to first insert 1...n in ascending order, then the single item
0.  Each of the first group of insertions requires only one stack entry
(except the first, which does not use any), but the final insertion
uses n - 1.

   If we're interested in high average consumption of stack space, the
pattern consisting of a series of ascending insertions (n / 2 + 1)...n
followed by a second ascending series 1...(n / 2), for even n, is most
effective.  For instance, each insertion for insertion order 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 requires 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 stack
entries, respectively, for a total of 33.

   These are, incidentally, the best possible results in each category,
as determined by exhaustive search over the 10! == 3,628,800 possible
root insertion orders for trees of 10 nodes.  (Thanks to Richard
Heathfield for suggesting exhaustive search.)

Section 4.8

1.  Add this before the top-level else clause in <Step 2: Delete BST
node 40>:

630. <Case 1.5 in BST deletion 630> =
else if (p->bst_link[0] == NULL)
  q->bst_link[dir] = p->bst_link[1];

2.  Be sure to look at Exercise 3 before actually making this change.

631. <Case 3 in BST deletion, alternate version 631> =
struct bst_node *s = r->bst_link[0];
while (s->bst_link[0] != NULL)
    r = s;
    s = r->bst_link[0];
p->bst_data = s->bst_data;
r->bst_link[0] = s->bst_link[1];
p = s;

   We could, indeed, make similar changes to the other cases, but for
these cases the code would become more complicated, not simpler.

3.  The semantics for libavl traversers only invalidate traversers with
the deleted item selected, but the revised code would actually free the
node of the successor to that item.  Because struct bst_traverser keeps
a pointer to the struct bst_node of the current item, attempts to use a
traverser that had selected the successor of the deleted item would
result in undefined behavior.

   Some other binary tree libraries have looser semantics on their
traversers, so they can afford to use this technique.

Section 4.9.1

1.  It would probably be faster to check before each call rather than
after, because this way many calls would be avoided.  However, it might
be more difficult to maintain the code, because we would have to
remember to check for a null pointer before every call.  For instance,
the call to traverse_recursive() within walk() might easily be
overlooked.  Which is "better" is therefore a toss-up, dependent on a
program's goals and the programmer's esthetic sense.


632. <Recursive traversal of BST, using nested function 632> =
walk (struct bst_table *tree, bst_item_func *action, void *param)
  traverse_recursive (struct bst_node *node)
    if (node != NULL)
        traverse_recursive (node->bst_link[0]);
        action (node->bst_data, param);
        traverse_recursive (node->bst_link[1]);

  assert (tree != NULL && action != NULL);
  traverse_recursive (tree->bst_root);

Section 4.9.2

1a.  First of all, a minimal-height binary tree of n nodes has a
"height" of about log2(n), that is, starting from the root and moving
only downward, you can visit at most n nodes (including the root)
without running out of nodes.  Examination of the code should reveal to
you that only moving down to the left pushes nodes on the stack and
only moving upward pops nodes off.  What's more, the first thing the
code does is move as far down to the left as it can.  So, the maximum
height of the stack in a minimum-height binary tree of n nodes is the
binary tree's height, or, again, about log2(n).

1b.  If a binary tree has only left children, as does the BST on the
left below, the stack will grow as tall as the tree, to a height of n.
Conversely, if a binary tree has only right children, as does the BST on
the right below, no nodes will be pushed onto the stack at all.

                                 4    1
                                /      \
                               3        2
                              /          \
                             2            3
                            /              \
                           1                4

1c.  It's only acceptable if it's known that the stack will not exceed
the fixed maximum height (or if the program aborting with an error is
itself acceptable).  Otherwise, you should use a recursive method (but
see part (e) below), or a dynamically extended stack, or a balanced
binary tree library.

1d.  Keep in mind this is not the only way or necessarily the best way
to handle stack overflow.  Our final code for tree traversal will
rebalance the tree when it grows too tall.

633. <Iterative traversal of BST, with dynamically allocated stack 633> =
static void
traverse_iterative (struct bst_node *node, bst_item_func *action, void *param)
  struct bst_node **stack = NULL;
  size_t height = 0;
  size_t max_height = 0;

  for (;;)
      while (node != NULL)
          if (height >= max_height)
              max_height = max_height * 2 + 8;
              stack = realloc (stack, sizeof *stack * max_height);
              if (stack == NULL)
                  fprintf (stderr, "out of memory\n");
                  exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

          stack[height++] = node;
          node = node->bst_link[0];

      if (height == 0)

      node = stack[--height];
      action (node->bst_data, param);
      node = node->bst_link[1];

  free (stack);

1e.  Yes, traverse_recursive() can run out of memory, because its
arguments must be stored somewhere by the compiler.  Given typical
compilers, it will consume more memory per call than
traverse_iterative() will per item on the stack, because each call
includes two arguments not pushed on traverse_iterative()'s stack, plus
any needed compiler-specific bookkeeping information.


1.  After calling bst_balance(), the structure of the binary tree may
have changed completely, so we need to "find our place" again by
setting up the traverser structure as if the traversal had been done on
the rebalanced tree all along.  Specifically, members node, stack[],
and height of struct traverser need to be updated.

   It is easy to set up struct traverser in this way, given the
previous node in inorder traversal, which we'll call prev.  Simply
search the tree from the new root to find this node.  Along the way,
because the stack is used to record nodes whose left subtree we are
examining, push nodes onto the stack as we move left down the tree.
Member node receives prev->bst_link[1], just as it would have if no
overflow had occurred.

   A small problem with this approach is that it requires knowing the
previous node in inorder, which is neither explicitly noted in struct
traverser nor easy to find out.  But it _is_ easy to find out the next
node: it is the smallest-valued node in the binary tree rooted at the
node we were considering when the stack overflowed.  (If you need
convincing, refer to the code for next_item() above: the while loop
descends to the left, pushing nodes as it goes, until it hits a NULL
pointer, then the node pushed last is popped and returned.)  So we can
return this as the next node in inorder while setting up the traverser
to return the nodes after it.

   Here's the code:

634. <Handle stack overflow during BST traversal 634> =
struct bst_node *prev, *iter;

prev = node;
while (prev->bst_link[0] != NULL)
  prev = prev->bst_link[0];

bst_balance (trav->table);

trav->height = 0;
for (iter = trav->table->bst_root; iter != prev; )
  if (trav->table->bst_compare (prev->bst_data, iter->bst_data,
                                trav->table->bst_param) < 0)
      trav->stack[trav->height++] = iter;
      iter = iter->bst_link[0];
    iter = iter->bst_link[1];

trav->node = iter->bst_link[1];
return prev->bst_data;

   Without this code, it is not necessary to have member table in
struct traverser.

2.  It is possible to write prev_item() given our current next_item(),
but the result is not very efficient, for two reasons, both related to
the way that struct traverser is used.  First, the structure doesn't
contain a pointer to the current item.  Second, its stack doesn't
contain pointers to trees that must be descended to the left to find a
predecessor node, only those that must be descended to the right to find
a successor node.

   The next section will develop an alternate, more general method for
traversal that avoids these problems.

Section 4.9.3

1.  The bst_probe() function can't disturb any traversals.  A change in
the tree is only problematic for a traverser if it deletes the currently
selected node (which is explicitly undefined: *note Traversers::) or if
it shuffles around any of the nodes that are on the traverser's stack.
An insertion into a tree only creates new leaves, so it can't cause
either of those problems, and there's no need to increment the
generation number.

   The same logic applies to bst_t_insert(), presented later.

   On the other hand, an insertion into the AVL and red-black trees
discussed in the next two chapters can cause restructuring of the tree
and thus potentially disturb ongoing traversals.  For this reason, the
insertion functions for AVL and red-black trees _will_ increment the
tree's generation number.

2.  First, trav_refresh() is only called from bst_t_next() and
bst_t_prev(), and these functions are mirrors of each other, so we need
only show it for one of them.

   Second, all of the traverser functions check the stack height, so
these will not cause an item to be initialized at too high a height,
nor will bst_t_next() or bst_t_prev() increase the stack height above
its limit.

   Since the traverser functions won't force a too-tall stack directly,
this leaves the other functions.  Only functions that modify the tree
could cause problems, by pushing an item farther down in the tree.

   There are only four functions that modify a tree.  The insertion
functions bst_probe() and bst_t_insert() can't cause problems, because
they add leaves but never move around nodes.  The deletion function
bst_delete() does move around nodes in case 3, but it always moves them
higher in the tree, never lower.  Finally, bst_balance() always ensures
that all nodes in the resultant tree are within the tree's height limit.

3.  This won't work because the stack may contain pointers to nodes that
have been deleted and whose memory have been freed.  In ANSI C89 and
C99, any use of a pointer to an object after the end of its lifetime
results in undefined behavior, even seemingly innocuous uses such as
pointer comparisons.  What's worse, the memory for the node may already
have been recycled for use for another, different node elsewhere in the

   This approach does work if there are never any deletions in the tree,
or if we use some kind of generation number for each node that we store
along with each stack entry.  The latter would be overkill unless
comparisons are very expensive and the traversals in changing trees are
common.  Another possibility would be to somehow only select this
behavior if there have been no deletions in the binary tree since the
traverser was last used.  This could be done, for instance, with a
second generation number in the binary tree incremented only on
deletions, with a corresponding number kept in the traverser.

   The following reimplements trav_refresh() to include this
optimization.  As noted, it will not work if there are any deletions in
the tree.  It does work for traversers that must be refreshed due to,
e.g., rebalancing.

635. <BST traverser refresher, with caching 635> =
/* Refreshes the stack of parent pointers in trav
   and updates its generation number.
   Will *not* work if any deletions have occurred in the tree. */
static void
trav_refresh (struct bst_traverser *trav)
  assert (trav != NULL);

  trav->bst_generation = trav->bst_table->bst_generation;

  if (trav->bst_node != NULL)
      bst_comparison_func *cmp = trav->bst_table->bst_compare;
      void *param = trav->bst_table->bst_param;
      struct bst_node *node = trav->bst_node;
      struct bst_node *i = trav->bst_table->bst_root;
      size_t height = 0;

      if (trav->bst_height > 0 && i == trav->bst_stack[0])
        for (; height < trav->bst_height; height++)
            struct bst_node *next = trav->bst_stack[height + 1];
            if (i->bst_link[0] != next && i->bst_link[1] != next)
            i = next;

      while (i != node)
          assert (height < BST_MAX_HEIGHT);
          assert (i != NULL);

          trav->bst_stack[height++] = i;
          i = i->bst_link[cmp (node->bst_data, i->bst_data, param) > 0];

      trav->bst_height = height;


1.  It only calls itself if it runs out of stack space.  Its call to
bst_balance() right before the recursive call ensures that the tree is
short enough to fit within the stack, so the recursive call cannot


1.  The assignment statements are harmless, but memcpy() of overlapping
regions produces undefined behavior.

Section 4.10.1

1a.  Notice the use of & instead of && below.  This ensures that both
link fields get initialized, so that deallocation can be done in a
simple way.  If && were used instead then we wouldn't have any way to
tell whether (*y)->bst_link[1] had been initialized.

636. <Robust recursive copy of BST, take 1 636> =
/* Stores in *y a new copy of tree rooted at x.
   Returns nonzero if successful, or zero if memory was exhausted.*/
static int
bst_robust_copy_recursive_1 (struct bst_node *x, struct bst_node **y)
  if (x != NULL)
      *y = malloc (sizeof **y);
      if (*y == NULL)
        return 0;

      (*y)->bst_data = x->bst_data;
      if (!(bst_robust_copy_recursive_1 (x->bst_link[0], &(*y)->bst_link[0])
            & bst_robust_copy_recursive_1 (x->bst_link[1],
          bst_deallocate_recursive (*y);
          *y = NULL;
          return 0;
    *y = NULL;

  return 1;

   Here's a needed auxiliary function:

637. <Recursive deallocation function 637> =
static void
bst_deallocate_recursive (struct bst_node *node)
  if (node == NULL)

  bst_deallocate_recursive (node->bst_link[0]);
  bst_deallocate_recursive (node->bst_link[1]);
  free (node);


638. <Robust recursive copy of BST, take 2 638> =
static struct bst_node error_node;

/* Makes and returns a new copy of tree rooted at x.
   If an allocation error occurs, returns &error_node. */
static struct bst_node *
bst_robust_copy_recursive_2 (struct bst_node *x)
  struct bst_node *y;

  if (x == NULL)
    return NULL;

  y = malloc (sizeof *y);
  if (y == NULL)
    return &error_node;

  y->bst_data = x->bst_data;
  y->bst_link[0] = bst_robust_copy_recursive_2 (x->bst_link[0]);
  y->bst_link[1] = bst_robust_copy_recursive_2 (x->bst_link[1]);
  if (y->bst_link[0] == &error_node || y->bst_link[1] == &error_node)
      bst_deallocate_recursive (y);
      return &error_node;

  return y;

2.  Here's one way to do it, which is simple but perhaps not the fastest

639. <Robust recursive copy of BST, take 3 639> =
/* Copies tree rooted at x to y, which latter is allocated but not
   yet initialized.
   Returns one if successful, zero if memory was exhausted.
   In the latter case y is not freed but any partially allocated
   subtrees are. */
static int
bst_robust_copy_recursive_3 (struct bst_node *x, struct bst_node *y)
  y->bst_data = x->bst_data;

  if (x->bst_link[0] != NULL)
      y->bst_link[0] = malloc (sizeof *y->bst_link[0]);
      if (y->bst_link[0] == NULL)
        return 0;
      if (!bst_robust_copy_recursive_3 (x->bst_link[0], y->bst_link[0]))
          free (y->bst_link[0]);
          return 0;
    y->bst_link[0] = NULL;

  if (x->bst_link[1] != NULL)
      y->bst_link[1] = malloc (sizeof *y->bst_link[1]);
      if (y->bst_link[1] == NULL)
        return 0;
      if (!bst_robust_copy_recursive_3 (x->bst_link[1], y->bst_link[1]))
          bst_deallocate_recursive (y->bst_link[0]);
          free (y->bst_link[1]);
          return 0;
    y->bst_link[1] = NULL;

  return 1;

Section 4.10.2

1.  Here is one possibility.

640. <Intermediate step between bst_copy_recursive_2() and bst_copy_iterative() 640> =
/* Copies org to a newly created tree, which is returned. */
struct bst_table *
bst_copy_iterative (const struct bst_table *org)
  struct bst_node *stack[2 * (BST_MAX_HEIGHT + 1)];
  int height = 0;

  struct bst_table *new;
  const struct bst_node *x;
  struct bst_node *y;

  new = bst_create (org->bst_compare, org->bst_param, org->bst_alloc);
  new->bst_count = org->bst_count;
  if (new->bst_count == 0)
    return new;

  x = (const struct bst_node *) &org->bst_root;
  y = (struct bst_node *) &new->bst_root;
  for (;;)
      while (x->bst_link[0] != NULL)
          y->bst_link[0] =
            org->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (org->bst_alloc,
                                           sizeof *y->bst_link[0]);
          stack[height++] = (struct bst_node *) x;
          stack[height++] = y;
          x = x->bst_link[0];
          y = y->bst_link[0];
      y->bst_link[0] = NULL;

      for (;;)
          y->bst_data = x->bst_data;

          if (x->bst_link[1] != NULL)
              y->bst_link[1] =
                org->bst_alloc->libavl_malloc (org->bst_alloc,
                                               sizeof *y->bst_link[1]);
              x = x->bst_link[1];
              y = y->bst_link[1];
            y->bst_link[1] = NULL;

          if (height <= 2)
            return new;

          y = stack[--height];
          x = stack[--height];

Section 4.11.1

1.  bst_copy() can set bst_data to NULL when memory allocation fails.

Section 4.13

1.  Factoring out recursion is troublesome in this case.  Writing the
loop with an explicit stack exposes more explicitly the issue of stack
overflow.  Failure on stack overflow is not acceptable, because it
would leave both trees in disarray, so we handle it by dropping back to
a slower algorithm that does not require a stack.

   This code also makes use of root_insert() from <Robust root
insertion of existing node in arbitrary subtree 627>.

641. <BST join function, iterative version 641> =
/* Adds to tree all the nodes in the tree rooted at p. */
static void
fallback_join (struct bst_table *tree, struct bst_node *p)
  struct bst_node *q;

  for (; p != NULL; p = q)
    if (p->bst_link[0] == NULL)
        q = p->bst_link[1];
        p->bst_link[0] = p->bst_link[1] = NULL;
        root_insert (tree, &tree->bst_root, p);
        q = p->bst_link[0];
        p->bst_link[0] = q->bst_link[1];
        q->bst_link[1] = p;

/* Joins a and b, which must be disjoint and have compatible
   comparison functions.
   b is destroyed in the process. */
bst_join (struct bst_table *ta, struct bst_table *tb)
  size_t count = ta->bst_count + tb->bst_count;

  if (ta->bst_root == NULL)
    ta->bst_root = tb->bst_root;
  else if (tb->bst_root != NULL)
      struct bst_node **pa[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];
      struct bst_node *qa[BST_MAX_HEIGHT];
      int k = 0;

      pa[k] = &ta->bst_root;
      qa[k++] = tb->bst_root;
      while (k > 0)
          struct bst_node **a = pa[--k];
          struct bst_node *b = qa[k];

          for (;;)
              struct bst_node *b0 = b->bst_link[0];
              struct bst_node *b1 = b->bst_link[1];
              b->bst_link[0] = b->bst_link[1] = NULL;
              root_insert (ta, a, b);

              if (b1 != NULL)
                  if (k < BST_MAX_HEIGHT)
                      pa[k] = &(*a)->bst_link[1];
                      qa[k] = b1;
                      if (*pa[k] != NULL)
                        *pa[k] = qa[k];
                      int j;

                      fallback_join (ta, b0);
                      fallback_join (ta, b1);
                      for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
                        fallback_join (ta, qa[j]);

                      ta->bst_count = count;
                      free (tb);
                      bst_balance (ta);

              a = &(*a)->bst_link[0];
              b = b0;
              if (*a == NULL)
                  *a = b;
              else if (b == NULL)

  ta->bst_count = count;
  free (tb);

Section 4.14.1

1.  Functions not used at all are bst_insert(), bst_replace(),
bst_t_replace(), bst_malloc(), and bst_free().

   Functions used explicitly within test() or functions that it calls
are bst_create(), bst_find(), bst_probe(), bst_delete(), bst_t_init(),
bst_t_first(), bst_t_last(), bst_t_insert(), bst_t_find(),
bst_t_copy(), bst_t_next(), bst_t_prev(), bst_t_cur(), bst_copy(), and

   The trav_refresh() function is called indirectly by modifying the
tree during traversal.

   The copy_error_recovery() function is called if a memory allocation
error occurs during bst_copy().  The bst_balance() function, and
therefore also tree_to_vine(), vine_to_tree(), and compress(), are
called if a stack overflow occurs. It is possible to force both these
behaviors with command-line options to the test program.

2.  Some kinds of errors mean that we can keep going and test other
parts of the code.  Other kinds of errors mean that something is deeply
wrong, and returning without cleanup is the safest action short of
terminating the program entirely.  The third category is memory
allocation errors.  In our test program these are always caused
intentionally in order to test out the BST functions' error recovery
abilities, so a memory allocation error is not really an error at all,
and we clean up and return successfully.  (A real memory allocation
error will cause the program to abort in the memory allocator.  See the
definition of mt_allocate() within <Memory tracker 127>.)


1.  The definition of size_t differs from one compiler to the next.  All
we know about it for sure is that it's an unsigned type appropriate for
representing the size of an object.  So we must convert it to some known
type in order to pass it to printf(), because printf(), having a
variable number of arguments, does not know what type to convert it

   Incidentally, C99 solves this problem by providing a `z' modifier
for printf() conversions, so that we could use "%zu" to print out
size_t values without the need for a cast.

See also:  [ISO 1999], section

2.  Yes.

Section 4.14.2

642. <Generate random permutation of integers 642> =
/* Fills the n elements of array[] with a random permutation of the
   integers between 0 and n - 1. */
static void
permuted_integers (int array[], size_t n)
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    array[i] = i;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      size_t j = i + (unsigned) rand () / (RAND_MAX / (n - i) + 1);
      int t = array[j];
      array[j] = array[i];
      array[i] = t;
   This code is included in 644.

2.  All it takes is a preorder traversal.  If the code below is
confusing, try looking back at <Initialize smaller and larger within
binary search tree 618>.

643. <Generate permutation for balanced tree 643> =
/* Generates a list of integers that produce a balanced tree when
   inserted in order into a binary tree in the usual way.
   min and max inclusively bound the values to be inserted.
   Output is deposited starting at *array. */
static void
gen_balanced_tree (int min, int max, int **array)
  int i;

  if (min > max)

  i = (min + max + 1) / 2;
  *(*array)++ = i;
  gen_balanced_tree (min, i - 1, array);
  gen_balanced_tree (i + 1, max, array);
   This code is included in 644.

644. <Insertion and deletion order generation 644> =
<Generate random permutation of integers 642>
<Generate permutation for balanced tree 643>

/* Generates a permutation of the integers 0 to n - 1 into
   insert[] according to insert_order. */
static void
gen_insertions (size_t n, enum insert_order insert_order, int insert[])
  size_t i;

  switch (insert_order)
    case INS_RANDOM:
      permuted_integers (insert, n);

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        insert[i] = i;

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        insert[i] = n - i - 1;

    case INS_BALANCED:
      gen_balanced_tree (0, n - 1, &insert);

    case INS_ZIGZAG:
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (i % 2 == 0)
          insert[i] = i / 2;
          insert[i] = n - i / 2 - 1;

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
           insert[i] = i + n / 2;
           if ((size_t) insert[i] >= n)
             insert[i] -= n;

    case INS_CUSTOM:
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (scanf ("%d", &insert[i]) == 0)
          fail ("error reading insertion order from stdin");

      assert (0);

/* Generates a permutation of the integers 0 to n - 1 into
   delete[] according to delete_order and insert[]. */
static void
gen_deletions (size_t n, enum delete_order delete_order,
               const int *insert, int *delete)
  size_t i;

  switch (delete_order)
    case DEL_RANDOM:
      permuted_integers (delete, n);

    case DEL_REVERSE:
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        delete[i] = insert[n - i - 1];

    case DEL_SAME:
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        delete[i] = insert[i];

    case DEL_CUSTOM:
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (scanf ("%d", &delete[i]) == 0)
          fail ("error reading deletion order from stdin");

      assert (0);
   This code is included in 98.

4.  The function below is carefully designed.  It uses time() to obtain
the current time.  The alternative clock() is a poor choice because it
measures CPU time used, which is often more or less constant among
runs.  The actual value of a time_t is not portable, so it computes a
"hash" of the bytes in it using a multiply-and-add technique.  The
factor used for multiplication normally comes out as 257, a prime and
therefore a good candidate.

See also:  [Knuth 1998a], section 3.2.1; [Aho 1986], section 7.6.

645. <Random number seeding 645> =
/* Choose and return an initial random seed based on the current time.
   Based on code by Lawrence Kirby <>. */
time_seed (void)
  time_t timeval;	/* Current time. */
  unsigned char *ptr;	/* Type punned pointed into timeval. */
  unsigned seed;	/* Generated seed. */
  size_t i;

  timeval = time (NULL);
  ptr = (unsigned char *) &timeval;

  seed = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof timeval; i++)
    seed = seed * (UCHAR_MAX + 2u) + ptr[i];

  return seed;
   This code is included in 98.

Section 4.14.3

646. <Overflow testers 125> +=
static int
test_bst_t_last (struct bst_table *tree, int n)
  struct bst_traverser trav;
  int *last;

  last = bst_t_last (&trav, tree);
  if (last == NULL || *last != n - 1)
      printf ("    Last item test failed: expected %d, got %d\n",
              n - 1, last != NULL ? *last : -1);
      return 0;

  return 1;

static int
test_bst_t_find (struct bst_table *tree, int n)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      struct bst_traverser trav;
      int *iter;

      iter = bst_t_find (&trav, tree, &i);
      if (iter == NULL || *iter != i)
          printf ("    Find item test failed: looked for %d, got %d\n",
                  i, iter != NULL ? *iter : -1);
          return 0;

  return 1;

static int
test_bst_t_insert (struct bst_table *tree, int n)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      struct bst_traverser trav;
      int *iter;

      iter = bst_t_insert (&trav, tree, &i);
      if (iter == NULL || iter == &i || *iter != i)
          printf ("    Insert item test failed: inserted dup %d, got %d\n",
                  i, iter != NULL ? *iter : -1);
          return 0;

  return 1;

static int
test_bst_t_next (struct bst_table *tree, int n)
  struct bst_traverser trav;
  int i;

  bst_t_init (&trav, tree);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      int *iter = bst_t_next (&trav);
      if (iter == NULL || *iter != i)
          printf ("    Next item test failed: expected %d, got %d\n",
                  i, iter != NULL ? *iter : -1);
          return 0;

  return 1;

static int
test_bst_t_prev (struct bst_table *tree, int n)
  struct bst_traverser trav;
  int i;

  bst_t_init (&trav, tree);
  for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      int *iter = bst_t_prev (&trav);
      if (iter == NULL || *iter != i)
          printf ("    Previous item test failed: expected %d, got %d\n",
                  i, iter != NULL ? *iter : -1);
          return 0;

  return 1;

static int
test_bst_copy (struct bst_table *tree, int n)
  struct bst_table *copy = bst_copy (tree, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  int okay = compare_trees (tree->bst_root, copy->bst_root);

  bst_destroy (copy, NULL);

  return okay;

Section 4.14.4

1.  Attempting to apply an allocation policy to allocations of zero-byte
blocks is silly.  How could a failure be indicated, given that one of
the successful results for an allocation of 0 bytes is NULL?  At any
rate, libavl never calls bst_allocate() with a size argument of 0.

See also:  [ISO 1990], section 7.10.3.

Section 4.15

1.  We'll use bsts_, short for "binary search tree with sentinel", as
the prefix for these functions.  First, we need node and tree

647. <BSTS structures 647> =
/* Node for binary search tree with sentinel. */
struct bsts_node
    struct bsts_node *link[2];
    int data;

/* Binary search tree with sentinel. */
struct bsts_tree
    struct bsts_node *root;
    struct bsts_node sentinel;
    struct libavl_allocator *alloc;
   This code is included in 651.

   Searching is simple:

648. <BSTS functions 648> =
/* Returns nonzero only if item is in tree. */
bsts_find (struct bsts_tree *tree, int item)
  const struct bsts_node *node;

  tree-> = item;
  node = tree->root;
  while (item != node->data)
    if (item < node->data)
      node = node->link[0];
      node = node->link[1];
  return node != &tree->sentinel;
   See also 649.
This code is included in 651.

   Insertion is just a little more complex, because we have to keep
track of the link that we just came from (alternately, we could divide
the function into multiple cases):

649. <BSTS functions 648> +=
/* Inserts item into tree, if it is not already present. */
bsts_insert (struct bsts_tree *tree, int item)
  struct bsts_node **q = &tree->root;
  struct bsts_node *p = tree->root;

  tree-> = item;
  while (item != p->data)
      int dir = item > p->data;
      q = &p->link[dir];
      p = p->link[dir];

  if (p == &tree->sentinel)
      *q = tree->alloc->libavl_malloc (tree->alloc, sizeof **q);
      if (*q == NULL)
          fprintf (stderr, "out of memory\n");
          exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
      (*q)->link[0] = (*q)->link[1] = &tree->sentinel;
      (*q)->data = item;

   Our test function will just insert a collection of integers, then
make sure that all of them are in the resulting tree.  This is not as
thorough as it could be, and it doesn't bother to free what it
allocates, but it is good enough for now:

650. <BSTS test 650> =
/* Tests BSTS functions.
   insert and delete must contain some permutation of values
   0...n - 1. */
test_correctness (struct libavl_allocator *alloc, int *insert,
                  int *delete, int n, int verbosity)
  struct bsts_tree tree;
  int okay = 1;
  int i;

  tree.root = &tree.sentinel;
  tree.alloc = alloc;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    bsts_insert (&tree, insert[i]);

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (!bsts_find (&tree, i))
        printf ("%d should be in tree, but isn't\n", i);
        okay = 0;

  return okay;

/* Not supported. */
test_overflow (struct libavl_allocator *alloc, int order[], int n,
               int verbosity)
  return 0;
   This code is included in 651.

   Function test() doesn't free allocated nodes, resulting in a memory
leak.  You should fix this if you are concerned about it.

   Here's the whole program:

651. <bsts.c 651> =
<Library License 1>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "test.h"

<BSTS structures 647>
<Memory allocator; tbl => bsts 6>
<Default memory allocator header; tbl => bsts 8>
<Default memory allocation functions; tbl => bsts 7>
<BSTS functions 648>
<BSTS test 650>

See also:  [Bentley 2000], exercise 7 in chapter 13.

Chapter 5

Section 5.4

1.  In a BST, the time for an insertion or deletion is the time required
to visit each node from the root down to the node of interest, plus
some time to perform the operation itself.  Functions bst_probe() and
bst_delete() contain only a single loop each, which iterates once for
each node examined.  As the tree grows, the time for the actual
operation loses significance and the total time for the operation
becomes essentially proportional to the height of the tree, which is
approximately log2 (n) in the best case (*note Analysis of AVL
Balancing Rule::).

   We were given that the additional work for rebalancing an AVL or
red-black tree is at most a constant amount multiplied by the height of
the tree.  Furthermore, the maximum height of an AVL tree is 1.44 times
the maximum height for the corresponding perfectly balanced binary
tree, and a red-black tree has a similar bound on its height.
Therefore, for trees with many nodes, the worst-case time required to
insert or delete an item in a balanced tree is a constant multiple of
the time required for the same operation on an unbalanced BST in the
best case.  In the formal terms of computer science, insertion and
deletion in a balanced tree are O(log n) operations, where n is the
number of nodes in the tree.

   In practice, operations on balanced trees of reasonable size are, at
worst, not much slower than operations on unbalanced binary trees and,
at best, much faster.

Section 5.4.2

1.  Variable y is only modified within <Step 1: Search AVL tree for
insertion point 150>.  If y is set during the loop, it is set to p,
which is always a non-null pointer within the loop.  So y can only be
NULL if it is last set before the loop begins.  If that is true, it
will be NULL only if tree->avl_root == NULL.  So, variable y can only
be NULL if the AVL tree was empty before the insertion.

   A NULL value for y is a special case because later code assumes that
y points to a node.

Section 5.4.3

1.  No.  Suppose that n is the new node, that p is its parent, and that
p has a - balance factor before n's insertion (a similar argument
applies if p's balance factor is +).  Then, for n's insertion to
decrease p's balance factor to -2, n would have to be the left child of
p.  But if p had a - balance factor before the insertion, it already
had a left child, so n cannot be the new left of p.  This is a
contradiction, so case 3 will never be applied to the parent of a newly
inserted node.


                  <0>                <0>                    <-->
            __..-'   `._           _'   `._               _'
           <0>          <->       <->      <0>           <->
         _'   \       _'        _'       _'   \        _'
        <0>    <0>   <0>       <0>      <0>    <0>    <0>

   In the leftmost tree, case 2 applies to the root's left child and the
root's balance factor does not change.  In the middle tree, case 1
applies to the root's left child and case 2 applies to the root.  In
the rightmost tree, case 1 applies to the root's left child and case 3
applies to the root.  The tree on the right requires rebalancing, and
the others do not.

3.  Type char may be signed or unsigned, depending on the C compiler
and/or how the C compiler is run.  Also, a common use for subscripting
an array with a character type is to translate an arbitrary character
to another character or a set of properties.  For example, this is a
common way to implement the standard C functions from ctype.h.  This
means that subscripting such an array with a char value can have
different behavior when char changes between signed and unsigned with
different compilers (or with the same compiler invoked with different

See also:  [ISO 1990], section; [Kernighan 1988], section A4.2.

4.  Here is one possibility:

652. <Step 3: Update balance factors after AVL insertion, with bitmasks 652> =
for (p = y; p != n; p = p->avl_link[cache & 1], cache >>= 1)
  if ((cache & 1) == 0)

Also, replace the declarations of da[] and k by these:

unsigned long cache = 0; /* Cached comparison results. */
int k = 0;              /* Number of cached comparison results. */

and replace the second paragraph of code within the loop in step 1 by

if (p->avl_balance != 0)
  z = q, y = p, cache = 0, k = 0;

dir = cmp > 0;
if (dir)
  cache |= 1ul << k;

   It is interesting to note that the speed difference between this
version and the standard version was found to be negligible, when
compiled with full optimization under GCC (both 2.95.4 and 3.0.3) on

Section 5.4.4

1.  Because then y's right subtree would have height 1, so there's no
way that y could have a +2 balance factor.

2.  The value of y is set during the search for item to point to the
closest node above the insertion point that has a nonzero balance
factor, so any node below y along this search path, including x, must
have had a 0 balance factor originally.  All such nodes are updated to
have a nonzero balance factor later, during step 3.  So x must have
either a - or + balance factor at the time of rebalancing.


                          |             |
                          y             y         |
                        <-->          <-->        w
                  __..-'            _'           <0>
                  x          =>     w      =>  _'   \
                 <+>               <->         x      y
                    \            _'           <0>    <0>
                      w          x
                     <0>        <0>


                   |                        |
                   y                        y               |
                 <-->                     <-->              w
      ____...---'    \             __..--'    \            <0>
      x               d             w          d       _.-'   `._
     <+>              h           <-->         h       x          y
    /   `_              =>    _.-'    \          =>   <0>        <+>
   a       w                  x         c            /   \     _'   \
   h      <->                <0>       h-1          a     b    c     d
         /   \              /   \                   h     h   h-1    h
        b      c           a     b
        h     h-1          h     h


                  |                       |
                  y                       y                 |
                <-->                    <-->                w
      ___...---'    \               _.-'    \              <0>
      x              d              w        d       __..-'   `_
     <+>             h             <->       h       x           y
    /   `._            =>    __..-'   \        =>   <->         <0>
   a        w                x         c           /   \       /   \
   h       <+>              <->        h          a      b    c     d
         _'   \            /   \                  h     h-1   h     h
         b     c          a      b
        h-1    h          h     h-1

4.  w should replace y as the left or right child of z.  y !=
z->avl_link[0] has the value 1 if y is the right child of z, or 0 if y
is the left child.  So the overall expression replaces y with w as a
child of z.

   The suggested substitution is a poor choice because if z == (struct
avl_node *) &tree->root, z->avl_link[1] is undefined.

5.  Yes.

Section 5.5.2

1.  This approach cannot be used in libavl (see Exercise 4.8-3).

653. <Case 3 in AVL deletion, alternate version 653> =
struct avl_node *s;

da[k] = 1;
pa[k++] = p;
for (;;)
    da[k] = 0;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->avl_link[0];
    if (s->avl_link[0] == NULL)

    r = s;
p->avl_data = s->avl_data;
r->avl_link[0] = s->avl_link[1];
p = s;

2.  We could, if we use the standard libavl code for deletion case 3.
The alternate version in Exercise 1 modifies item data, which would
cause the wrong value to be returned later.

Section 5.5.4

1.  Tree y started out with a + balance factor, meaning that its right
subtree is taller than its left.  So, even if y's left subtree had
height 0, its right subtree has at least height 1, meaning that y must
have at least one right child.

2.  Rebalancing is required at each level if, at every level of the
tree, the deletion causes a +2 or -2 balance factor at a node p while
there is a +1 or -1 balance factor at p's child opposite the deletion.

   For example, consider the AVL tree below:

                         _____.....-----'  `----....._____
                        12                                28
               ___...--'  `--...___                  __.-'  `-._
              7                    17               25          31
           _.' `-._            _.-'  `_         _.-'  `_       /  \
          4        10         15       19      23       27    30   32
        _' `_     /  \       /  \     /       /  \     /     /
       2     6   9    11    14   16  18      22   24  26    29
      / \   /   /          /                /
     1   3 5   8          13               21

Deletion of node 32 in this tree leads to a -2 balance factor on the
left side of node 31, causing a right rotation at node 31.  This
shortens the right subtree of node 28, causing it to have a -2 balance
factor, leading to a right rotation there.  This shortens the right
subtree of node 20, causing it to have a -2 balance factor, forcing a
right rotation there, too.  Here is the final tree:

                  ___...--'  `----....._____
                 7                          20
              _.' `-._                 __.-'  `--...___
             4        10              17               25
           _' `_     /  \         _.-'  `_         _.-'  `-._
          2     6   9    11      15       19      23         28
         / \   /   /            /  \     /       /  \       /  `_
        1   3 5   8            14   16  18      22   24    27    30
       /                      /                /          /     /
      0                      13               21         26    29

Incidentally, our original tree was an example of a "Fibonacci tree", a
kind of binary tree whose form is defined recursively, as follows.  A
Fibonacci tree of order 0 is an empty tree and a Fibonacci tree of
order 1 is a single node.  A Fibonacci tree of order n >= 2 is a node
whose left subtree is a Fibonacci tree of order n - 1 and whose right
subtree is a Fibonacci tree of order n - 2.  Our example is a Fibonacci
tree of order 7.  Any big-enough Fibonacci tree will exhibit this
pathological behavior upon AVL deletion of its maximum node.

Section 5.6

1.  At this point in the code, p points to the avl_data member of an
struct avl_node.  We want a pointer to the struct avl_node itself.  To
do this, we just subtract the offset of the avl_data member within the
structure.  A cast to char * is necessary before the subtraction,
because offsetof returns a count of bytes, and a cast to struct
avl_node * afterward, to make the result the right type.

Chapter 6

Section 6.1

1.  It must be a "complete binary tree" of exactly pow (2, n) - 1 nodes.

   If a red-black tree contains only red nodes, on the other hand, it
cannot have more than one node, because of rule 1.

2.  If a red-black tree's root is red, then we can transform it into an
equivalent red-black tree with a black root simply by recoloring the
root.  This cannot violate rule 1, because it does not introduce a red
node.  It cannot violate rule 2 because it only affects the number of
black nodes along paths that pass through the root, and it affects all
of those paths equally, by increasing the number of black nodes along
them by one.

   If, on the other hand, a red-black tree has a black root, we cannot
in general recolor it to red, because this causes a violation of rule 1
if the root has a red child.

3.  Yes and yes:

                           <b>           <b>
                         _'   \        _'   \
                        <b>    <b>    <r>    <r>

                           <b>                  <b>
                     __..-'   \           __..-'   \
                    <b>        <b>       <r>        <b>
                  _'   \               _'   \
                 <r>    <r>           <b>    <b>
Section 6.2

1.  C has a number of different namespaces.  One of these is the
namespace that contains struct, union, and enum tags.  Names of
structure members are in a namespace separate from this tag namespace,
so it is okay to give an enum and a structure member the same name.  On
the other hand, it would be an error to give, e.g., a struct and an enum
the same name.

Section 6.4.2

1.  Inserting a red node can sometimes be done without breaking any
rules.  Inserting a black node will always break rule 2.

Section 6.4.3

1.  We can't have k == 1, because then the new node would be the root,
and the root doesn't have a parent that could be red.  We don't need to
rebalance k == 2, because the new node is a direct child of the root,
and the root is always black.

2.  Yes, it would, but if d has a red node as its root, case 1 will be
selected instead.

Section 6.5.1

1.  If p has no left child, that is, it is a leaf, then obviously we
cannot swap colors.  Now consider only the case where p does have a
non-null left child x.  Clearly, x must be red, because otherwise rule
2 would be violated at p.  This means that p must be black to avoid a
rule 1 violation.  So the deletion will eliminate a black node, causing
a rule 2 violation.  This is exactly the sort of problem that the
rebalancing step is designed to deal with, so we can rebalance starting
from node x.

2.  There are two cases in this algorithm, which uses a new struct
avl_node * variable named x.  Regardless of which one is chosen, x has
the same meaning afterward: it is the node that replaced one of the
children of the node at top of stack, and may be NULL if the node
removed was a leaf.

   Case 1: If one of p's child pointers is NULL, then p can be replaced
by the other child, or by NULL if both children are NULL:

654. <Step 2: Delete item from RB tree, alternate version 654> =
if (p->rb_link[0] == NULL || p->rb_link[1] == NULL)
    x = p->rb_link[0];
    if (x == NULL)
      x = p->rb_link[1];
   See also 655 and 656.

   Case 2: If both of p's child pointers are non-null, then we find p's
successor and replace p's data by the successor's data, then delete the
successor instead:

655. <Step 2: Delete item from RB tree, alternate version 654> +=
    struct rb_node *y;

    pa[k] = p;
    da[k++] = 1;

    y = p->rb_link[1];
    while (y->rb_link[0] != NULL)
        pa[k] = y;
        da[k++] = 0;
        y = y->rb_link[0];

    x = y->rb_link[1];
    p->rb_data = y->rb_data;
    p = y;

   In either case, we need to update the node above the deleted node to
point to x.

656. <Step 2: Delete item from RB tree, alternate version 654> +=
pa[k - 1]->rb_link[da[k - 1]] = x;

See also:  [Cormen 1990], section 14.4.

Chapter 7

Section 7.2

1.  An enumerated type is compatible with some C integer type, but the
particular type is up to the C compiler.  Many C compilers will always
pick int as the type of an enumeration type.  But we want to conserve
space in the structure (see Exercise 1), so we specify unsigned char
explicitly as the type.

See also:  [ISO 1990], section; [ISO 1999], section

Section 7.6

1.  When we add a node to a formerly empty tree, this statement will set
tree->tbst_root, thereby breaking the if statement's test.

Section 7.7

1.  *Note Finding the Parent of a TBST Node::.  Function find_parent()
is implemented in <Find parent of a TBST node 329>.

657. <Find TBST node to delete, with parent node algorithm 657> =
p = tree->tbst_root;
if (p == NULL)
  return NULL;

for (;;)
    int cmp = tree->tbst_compare (item, p->tbst_data, tree->tbst_param);
    if (cmp == 0)

    p = p->tbst_link[cmp > 0];

q = find_parent (tree, p);
dir = q->tbst_link[0] != p;

See also:  [Knuth 1997], exercise 2.3.1-19.

2.  Yes.  We can bind a pointer and a tag into a single structure, then
use that structure for our links and for the root in the table

/* A tagged link. */
struct tbst_link
    struct tbst_node *tbst_ptr;     /* Child pointer or thread. */
    unsigned char tbst_tag;         /* Tag. */

/* A threaded binary search tree node. */
struct tbst_node
    struct tbst_link tbst_link[2];  /* Links. */
    void *tbst_data;                /* Pointer to data. */

/* Tree data structure. */
struct tbst_table
    struct tbst_link tbst_root;         /* Tree's root; tag is unused. */
    tbst_comparison_func *tbst_compare; /* Comparison function. */
    void *tbst_param;                   /* Extra argument to tbst_compare. */
    struct libavl_allocator *tbst_alloc; /* Memory allocator. */
    size_t tbst_count;                  /* Number of items in tree. */

   The main disadvantage of this approach is in storage space: many
machines have alignment restrictions for pointers, so the nonadjacent
unsigned chars cause space to be wasted.  Alternatively, we could keep
the current arrangement of the node structure and change tbst_root in
struct tbst_table from a pointer to an instance of struct tbst_node.

3.  Much simpler than the implementation given before:

658. <Case 4 in TBST deletion, alternate version 658> =
struct tbst_node *s = r->tbst_link[0];
while (s->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
    r = s;
    s = r->tbst_link[0];

p->tbst_data = s->tbst_data;

if (s->tbst_tag[1] == TBST_THREAD)
    r->tbst_tag[0] = TBST_THREAD;
    r->tbst_link[0] = p;
    q = r->tbst_link[0] = s->tbst_link[1];
    while (q->tbst_tag[0] == TBST_CHILD)
      q = q->tbst_link[0];
    q->tbst_link[0] = p;

p = s;
   This code is included in 660.

4.  If all the possible deletions from a given TBST are considered, then
no link will be followed more than once to update a left thread, and
similarly for right threads.  Averaged over all the possible deletions,
this is a constant.  For example, take the following TBST:

                                  ____....----' `._
                                 3                 7
                    ____....----' `--..___       _' \
                   0                      5     [6]  []
                  / `--..___          _.-' \
                 []         2        4      [6]
                        _.-' \     _' \
                       1      [3] [3]  [5]
                     _' \
                    [0]  [2]

Consider right threads that must be updated on deletion.  Nodes 2, 3, 5,
and 6 have right threads pointing to them.  To update the right thread
to node 2, we follow the link to node 1; to update node 3's, we move to
0, then 2; for node 5, we move to node 4; and for node 6, we move to 3,
then 5.  No link is followed more than once.  Here's a summary table:

                   Node    Right Thread   Left Thread
                           Follows        Follows
                   0:      (none)         2, 1
                   1:      (none)         (none)
                   2:      1              (none)
                   3:      0, 2           5, 4
                   4:      (none)         (none)
                   5:      4              (none)
                   6:      3, 5           7
                   7:      (none)         (none)

   The important point here is that no number appears twice within a

Section 7.9

1.  Suppose a node has a right thread.  If the node has no left subtree,
then the thread will be followed immediately when the node is reached.
If the node does have a left subtree, then the left subtree will be
traversed, and when the traversal is finished the node's predecessor's
right thread will be followed back to the node, then its right thread
will be followed.  The node cannot be skipped, because all the nodes in
its left subtree are less than it, so none of the right threads in its
left subtree can skip beyond it.

2.  The biggest potential for optimization probably comes from
tbst_copy()'s habit of always keeping the TBST fully consistent as it
builds it, which causes repeated assignments to link fields in order to
keep threads correct at all times.  The unthreaded BST copy function
bst_copy() waited to initialize fields until it was ready for them.  It
may be possible, though difficult, to do this in tbst_copy() as well.

   Inlining and specializing copy_node() is a cheaper potential speedup.

Chapter 8

Section 8.1

1.  No: the compiler may insert padding between or after structure
members.  For example, today (2002) the most common desktop computers
have 32-bit pointers and and 8-bit chars.  On these systems, most
compilers will pad out structures to a multiple of 32 bits.  Under
these circumstances, struct tavl_node is no larger than struct
avl_node, because (32 + 32 + 8) and (32 + 32 + 8 + 8 + 8) both round up
to the same multiple of 32 bits, or 96 bits.

Section 8.2

1.  We just have to special-case the possibility that subtree b is a

/* Rotates right at *yp. */
static void
rotate_right (struct tavl_node **yp)
  struct tavl_node *y = *yp;
  struct tavl_node *x = y->tavl_link[0];
  if (x->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_THREAD)
      x->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_CHILD;
      y->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_THREAD;
      y->tavl_link[0] = x;
    y->tavl_link[0] = x->tavl_link[1];
  x->tavl_link[1] = y;
  *yp = x;

/* Rotates left at *xp. */
static void
rotate_left (struct tavl_node **xp)
  struct tavl_node *x = *xp;
  struct tavl_node *y = x->tavl_link[1];
  if (y->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_THREAD)
      y->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_CHILD;
      x->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_THREAD;
      x->tavl_link[1] = y;
    x->tavl_link[1] = y->tavl_link[0];
  y->tavl_link[0] = x;
  *xp = y;

Section 8.4.2

1.  Besides this change, the statement

z->tavl_link[y != z->tavl_link[0]] = w;

must be removed from <Step 4: Rebalance after TAVL insertion 306>, and
copies added to the end of <Rebalance TAVL tree after insertion in
right subtree 310> and <Rebalance for - balance factor in TAVL
insertion in left subtree 308>.

659. <Rebalance + balance in TAVL insertion in left subtree, alternate version 659> =
w = x->tavl_link[1];
rotate_left (&y->tavl_link[0]);
rotate_right (&z->tavl_link[y != z->tavl_link[0]]);
if (w->tavl_balance == -1)
  x->tavl_balance = 0, y->tavl_balance = +1;
else if (w->tavl_balance == 0)
  x->tavl_balance = y->tavl_balance = 0;
else /* w->tavl_balance == +1 */
  x->tavl_balance = -1, y->tavl_balance = 0;
w->tavl_balance = 0;

Section 8.5.2

1.  We can just reuse the alternate implementation of case 4 for TBST
deletion, following it by setting up q and dir as the rebalancing step
expects them to be.

660. <Case 4 in TAVL deletion, alternate version 660> =
<Case 4 in TBST deletion, alternate version; tbst => tavl 658>
q = r;
dir = 0;

Section 8.5.6

1.  Our argument here is similar to that in Exercise 7.7-4.  Consider
the links that are traversed to successfully find the parent of each
node, besides the root, in the tree shown below.  Do not include links
followed on the side that does not lead to the node's parent.  Because
there are never more of these than on the successful side, they add
only a constant time to the algorithm and can be ignored.

                                  ____....----' `._
                                 3                 7
                    ____....----' `--..___       _' \
                   0                      5     [6]  []
                  / `--..___          _.-' \
                 []         2        4      [6]
                        _.-' \     _' \
                       1      [3] [3]  [5]
                     _' \
                    [0]  [2]

The table below lists the links followed.  The important point is that
no link is listed twice.

                       Node    Links Followed to
                               Node's Parent
                       0       0->2, 2->3
                       1       1->2
                       2       2->1, 1->0
                       3       3->5, 5->6
                       4       4->5
                       5       5->4, 4->3
                       6       (root)
                       7       7->6

   This generalizes to all TBSTs.  Because a TBST with n nodes contains
only 2n links, this means we have an upper bound on finding the parent
of every node in a TBST of at most 2n successful link traversals plus
2n unsuccessful link traversals.  Averaging 4n over n nodes, we get an
upper bound of 4n/n == 4 link traversals, on average, to find the
parent of a given node.

   This upper bound applies only to the average case, not to the case of
any individual node.  In particular, it does not say that the usage of
the algorithm in tavl_delete() will exhibit average behavior.  In
practice, however, the performance of this algorithm in tavl_delete()
seems quite acceptable.  See Exercise 3 for an alternative with more
certain behavior.

2.  Instead of storing a null pointer in the left thread of the least
node and the right thread of the greatest node, store a pointer to a
node "above the root".  To make this work properly, tavl_root will have
to become an actual node, not just a node pointer, because otherwise
trying to find its right child would invoke undefined behavior.  Also,
both of tavl_root's children would have to be the root node.

   This is probably not worth it.  On the surface it seems like a good
idea but ugliness lurks beneath.

3.  The necessary changes are pervasive, so the complete code for the
modified function is presented below.  The search step is borrowed from
TRB deletion, presented in the next chapter.

661. <TAVL item deletion function, with stack 661> =
void *
tavl_delete (struct tavl_table *tree, const void *item)
  /* Stack of nodes. */
  struct tavl_node *pa[TAVL_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes. */
  unsigned char da[TAVL_MAX_HEIGHT];     /* tavl_link[] indexes. */
  int k = 0;                             /* Stack pointer. */

  struct tavl_node *p; /* Traverses tree to find node to delete. */
  int cmp;             /* Result of comparison between item and p. */
  int dir;             /* Child of p to visit next. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search TRB tree for item to delete; trb => tavl 352>
  <Step 2: Delete item from TAVL tree, with stack 662>
  <Steps 3 and 4: Update balance factors and rebalance after TAVL deletion, with stack 667>

  return (void *) item;

662. <Step 2: Delete item from TAVL tree, with stack 662> =
if (p->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_THREAD)
    if (p->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
        <Case 1 in TAVL deletion, with stack 663>
        <Case 2 in TAVL deletion, with stack 664>
    struct tavl_node *r = p->tavl_link[1];
    if (r->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_THREAD)
        <Case 3 in TAVL deletion, with stack 665>
        <Case 4 in TAVL deletion, with stack 666>

tree->tavl_alloc->libavl_free (tree->tavl_alloc, p);
   This code is included in 661.

663. <Case 1 in TAVL deletion, with stack 663> =
struct tavl_node *r = p->tavl_link[0];
while (r->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
  r = r->tavl_link[1];
r->tavl_link[1] = p->tavl_link[1];
pa[k - 1]->tavl_link[da[k - 1]] = p->tavl_link[0];
   This code is included in 662.

664. <Case 2 in TAVL deletion, with stack 664> =
pa[k - 1]->tavl_link[da[k - 1]] = p->tavl_link[da[k - 1]];
if (pa[k - 1] != (struct tavl_node *) &tree->tavl_root)
  pa[k - 1]->tavl_tag[da[k - 1]] = TAVL_THREAD;
   This code is included in 662.

665. <Case 3 in TAVL deletion, with stack 665> =
r->tavl_link[0] = p->tavl_link[0];
r->tavl_tag[0] = p->tavl_tag[0];
r->tavl_balance = p->tavl_balance;
if (r->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
    struct tavl_node *x = r->tavl_link[0];
    while (x->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
      x = x->tavl_link[1];
    x->tavl_link[1] = r;
pa[k - 1]->tavl_link[da[k - 1]] = r;
da[k] = 1;
pa[k++] = r;
   This code is included in 662.

666. <Case 4 in TAVL deletion, with stack 666> =
struct tavl_node *s;
int j = k++;

for (;;)
    da[k] = 0;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->tavl_link[0];
    if (s->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_THREAD)

    r = s;

da[j] = 1;
pa[j] = pa[j - 1]->tavl_link[da[j - 1]] = s;

if (s->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
  r->tavl_link[0] = s->tavl_link[1];
    r->tavl_link[0] = s;
    r->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_THREAD;

s->tavl_balance = p->tavl_balance;

s->tavl_link[0] = p->tavl_link[0];
if (p->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
    struct tavl_node *x = p->tavl_link[0];
    while (x->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
      x = x->tavl_link[1];
    x->tavl_link[1] = s;

    s->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_CHILD;

s->tavl_link[1] = p->tavl_link[1];
s->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_CHILD;
   This code is included in 662.

667. <Steps 3 and 4: Update balance factors and rebalance after TAVL deletion, with stack 667> =
assert (k > 0);
while (--k > 0)
    struct tavl_node *y = pa[k];

    if (da[k] == 0)
        if (y->tavl_balance == +1)
        else if (y->tavl_balance == +2)
            <Step 4: Rebalance after TAVL deletion, with stack 668>
        <Steps 3 and 4: Symmetric case in TAVL deletion, with stack 669>
   This code is included in 661.

668. <Step 4: Rebalance after TAVL deletion, with stack 668> =
struct tavl_node *x = y->tavl_link[1];
assert (x != NULL);
if (x->tavl_balance == -1)
    struct tavl_node *w;

    <Rebalance for - balance factor in TAVL insertion in right subtree 312>
    pa[k - 1]->tavl_link[da[k - 1]] = w;
else if (x->tavl_balance == 0)
    y->tavl_link[1] = x->tavl_link[0];
    x->tavl_link[0] = y;
    x->tavl_balance = -1;
    y->tavl_balance = +1;
    pa[k - 1]->tavl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
else /* x->tavl_balance == +1 */
    if (x->tavl_tag[0] == TAVL_CHILD)
      y->tavl_link[1] = x->tavl_link[0];
        y->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_THREAD;
        x->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_CHILD;
    x->tavl_link[0] = y;
    x->tavl_balance = y->tavl_balance = 0;
    pa[k - 1]->tavl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
   This code is included in 667.

669. <Steps 3 and 4: Symmetric case in TAVL deletion, with stack 669> =
if (y->tavl_balance == -1)
else if (y->tavl_balance == -2)
    struct tavl_node *x = y->tavl_link[0];
    assert (x != NULL);
    if (x->tavl_balance == +1)
        struct tavl_node *w;

        <Rebalance for + balance factor in TAVL insertion in left subtree 309>
        pa[k - 1]->tavl_link[da[k - 1]] = w;
    else if (x->tavl_balance == 0)
        y->tavl_link[0] = x->tavl_link[1];
        x->tavl_link[1] = y;
        x->tavl_balance = +1;
        y->tavl_balance = -1;
        pa[k - 1]->tavl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
    else /* x->tavl_balance == -1 */
        if (x->tavl_tag[1] == TAVL_CHILD)
          y->tavl_link[0] = x->tavl_link[1];
            y->tavl_tag[0] = TAVL_THREAD;
            x->tavl_tag[1] = TAVL_CHILD;
        x->tavl_link[1] = y;
        x->tavl_balance = y->tavl_balance = 0;
        pa[k - 1]->tavl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
   This code is included in 667.

Chapter 9

Section 9.3.3

1.  For a brief explanation of an algorithm similar to the one here, see
*Note Inserting into a PRB Tree::.

670. <TRB item insertion function, without stack 670> =
<Find parent of a TBST node; tbst => trb 329>

void **
trb_probe (struct trb_table *tree, void *item)
  struct trb_node *p; /* Traverses tree looking for insertion point. */
  struct trb_node *n; /* Newly inserted node. */
  int dir;            /* Side of p on which n is inserted. */

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search TBST for insertion point; tbst => trb 257>
  <Step 2: Insert TRB node 341>
  p = n;
  for (;;)
      struct trb_node *f, *g;

      f = find_parent (tree, p);
      if (f == (struct trb_node *) &tree->trb_root
          || f->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)

      g = find_parent (tree, f);
      if (g == (struct trb_node *) &tree->trb_root)

      if (g->trb_link[0] == f)
          struct trb_node *y = g->trb_link[1];
          if (g->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD && y->trb_color == TRB_RED)
              f->trb_color = y->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
              g->trb_color = TRB_RED;
              p = g;
              struct trb_node *c, *x;

              if (f->trb_link[0] == p)
                y = f;
                  x = f;
                  y = x->trb_link[1];
                  x->trb_link[1] = y->trb_link[0];
                  y->trb_link[0] = x;
                  g->trb_link[0] = y;

                  if (y->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
                      y->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;
                      x->trb_tag[1] = TRB_THREAD;
                      x->trb_link[1] = y;

              c = find_parent (tree, g);
              c->trb_link[c->trb_link[0] != g] = y;

              x = g;
              x->trb_color = TRB_RED;
              y->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;

              x->trb_link[0] = y->trb_link[1];
              y->trb_link[1] = x;

              if (y->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
                  y->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;
                  x->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
                  x->trb_link[0] = y;
          struct trb_node *y = g->trb_link[0];
          if (g->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD && y->trb_color == TRB_RED)
              f->trb_color = y->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
              g->trb_color = TRB_RED;
              p = g;
              struct trb_node *c, *x;

              if (f->trb_link[1] == p)
                y = f;
                  x = f;
                  y = x->trb_link[0];
                  x->trb_link[0] = y->trb_link[1];
                  y->trb_link[1] = x;
                  g->trb_link[1] = y;

                  if (y->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
                      y->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;
                      x->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
                      x->trb_link[0] = y;

              c = find_parent (tree, g);
              c->trb_link[c->trb_link[0] != g] = y;

              x = g;
              x->trb_color = TRB_RED;
              y->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;

              x->trb_link[1] = y->trb_link[0];
              y->trb_link[0] = x;

              if (y->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
                  y->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;
                  x->trb_tag[1] = TRB_THREAD;
                  x->trb_link[1] = y;
  tree->trb_root->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;

  return &n->trb_data;

Section 9.4.2


671. <Case 4 in TRB deletion, alternate version 671> =
struct trb_node *s;

da[k] = 1;
pa[k++] = p;
for (;;)
    da[k] = 0;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->trb_link[0];
    if (s->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)

    r = s;

p->trb_data = s->trb_data;

if (s->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
    r->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
    r->trb_link[0] = p;
    struct trb_node *t = r->trb_link[0] = s->trb_link[1];
    while (t->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
      t = t->trb_link[0];
    t->trb_link[0] = p;

p = s;

Section 9.4.5

1.  The code used in the rebalancing loop is related to <Step 3:
Rebalance tree after PRB deletion 573>.  Variable x is initialized by
step 2 here, though, because otherwise the pseudo-root node would be
required to have a trb_tag[] member.

672. <TRB item deletion function, without stack 672> =
<Find parent of a TBST node; tbst => trb 329>

void *
trb_delete (struct trb_table *tree, const void *item)
  struct trb_node *p; /* Node to delete. */
  struct trb_node *q; /* Parent of p. */

  struct trb_node *x; /* Node we might want to recolor red (maybe NULL). */
  struct trb_node *f; /* Parent of x. */
  struct trb_node *g; /* Parent of f. */

  int dir, cmp;

  assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  <Step 1: Search TAVL tree for item to delete; tavl => trb 314>
  if (p->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
      if (p->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
          struct trb_node *t = p->trb_link[0];
          while (t->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
            t = t->trb_link[1];
          t->trb_link[1] = p->trb_link[1];
          x = q->trb_link[dir] = p->trb_link[0];
          q->trb_link[dir] = p->trb_link[dir];
          if (q != (struct trb_node *) &tree->trb_root)
            q->trb_tag[dir] = TRB_THREAD;
          x = NULL;
      f = q;
      enum trb_color t;
      struct trb_node *r = p->trb_link[1];

      if (r->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
          r->trb_link[0] = p->trb_link[0];
          r->trb_tag[0] = p->trb_tag[0];
          if (r->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
              struct trb_node *t = r->trb_link[0];
              while (t->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
                t = t->trb_link[1];
              t->trb_link[1] = r;
          q->trb_link[dir] = r;
          x = r->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD ? r->trb_link[1] : NULL;
          t = r->trb_color;
          r->trb_color = p->trb_color;
          p->trb_color = t;
          f = r;
          dir = 1;
          struct trb_node *s;

          for (;;)
              s = r->trb_link[0];
              if (s->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)

              r = s;

          if (s->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
            x = r->trb_link[0] = s->trb_link[1];
              r->trb_link[0] = s;
              r->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
              x = NULL;

          s->trb_link[0] = p->trb_link[0];
          if (p->trb_tag[0] == TRB_CHILD)
              struct trb_node *t = p->trb_link[0];
              while (t->trb_tag[1] == TRB_CHILD)
                t = t->trb_link[1];
              t->trb_link[1] = s;

              s->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;

          s->trb_link[1] = p->trb_link[1];
          s->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;

          t = s->trb_color;
          s->trb_color = p->trb_color;
          p->trb_color = t;

          q->trb_link[dir] = s;
          f = r;
          dir = 0;

  if (p->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
      for (;;)
          if (x != NULL && x->trb_color == TRB_RED)
              x->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
          if (f == (struct trb_node *) &tree->trb_root)

          g = find_parent (tree, f);

          if (dir == 0)
              struct trb_node *w = f->trb_link[1];

              if (w->trb_color == TRB_RED)
                  w->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
                  f->trb_color = TRB_RED;

                  f->trb_link[1] = w->trb_link[0];
                  w->trb_link[0] = f;
                  g->trb_link[g->trb_link[0] != f] = w;

                  g = w;
                  w = f->trb_link[1];

              if ((w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD
                   || w->trb_link[0]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
                  && (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD
                      || w->trb_link[1]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK))
                w->trb_color = TRB_RED;
                  if (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD
                      || w->trb_link[1]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
                      struct trb_node *y = w->trb_link[0];
                      y->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
                      w->trb_color = TRB_RED;
                      w->trb_link[0] = y->trb_link[1];
                      y->trb_link[1] = w;
                      w = f->trb_link[1] = y;

                      if (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
                          w->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;
                          w->trb_link[1]->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
                          w->trb_link[1]->trb_link[0] = w;

                  w->trb_color = f->trb_color;
                  f->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
                  w->trb_link[1]->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;

                  f->trb_link[1] = w->trb_link[0];
                  w->trb_link[0] = f;
                  g->trb_link[g->trb_link[0] != f] = w;

                  if (w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
                      w->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;
                      f->trb_tag[1] = TRB_THREAD;
                      f->trb_link[1] = w;
              struct trb_node *w = f->trb_link[0];

              if (w->trb_color == TRB_RED)
                  w->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
                  f->trb_color = TRB_RED;

                  f->trb_link[0] = w->trb_link[1];
                  w->trb_link[1] = f;
                  g->trb_link[g->trb_link[0] != f] = w;

                  g = w;
                  w = f->trb_link[0];

              if ((w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD
                   || w->trb_link[0]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
                  && (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD
                      || w->trb_link[1]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK))
                w->trb_color = TRB_RED;
                  if (w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD
                      || w->trb_link[0]->trb_color == TRB_BLACK)
                      struct trb_node *y = w->trb_link[1];
                      y->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
                      w->trb_color = TRB_RED;
                      w->trb_link[1] = y->trb_link[0];
                      y->trb_link[0] = w;
                      w = f->trb_link[0] = y;

                      if (w->trb_tag[0] == TRB_THREAD)
                          w->trb_tag[0] = TRB_CHILD;
                          w->trb_link[0]->trb_tag[1] = TRB_THREAD;
                          w->trb_link[0]->trb_link[1] = w;

                  w->trb_color = f->trb_color;
                  f->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;
                  w->trb_link[0]->trb_color = TRB_BLACK;

                  f->trb_link[0] = w->trb_link[1];
                  w->trb_link[1] = f;
                  g->trb_link[g->trb_link[0] != f] = w;

                  if (w->trb_tag[1] == TRB_THREAD)
                      w->trb_tag[1] = TRB_CHILD;
                      f->trb_tag[0] = TRB_THREAD;
                      f->trb_link[0] = w;

          x = f;
          f = find_parent (tree, x);
          if (f == (struct trb_node *) &tree->trb_root)

          dir = f->trb_link[0] != x;

  tree->trb_alloc->libavl_free (tree->trb_alloc, p);
  return (void *) item;

Chapter 10

1.  If we already have right-threaded trees, then we can get the
benefits of a left-threaded tree just by reversing the sense of the
comparison function, so there is no additional benefit to left-threaded

Section 10.5.1


673. <Case 4 in right-looking RTBST deletion, alternate version 673> =
struct rtbst_node *s = r->rtbst_link[0];
while (s->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
    r = s;
    s = r->rtbst_link[0];

p->rtbst_data = s->rtbst_data;

if (s->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_THREAD)
  r->rtbst_link[0] = NULL;
  r->rtbst_link[0] = s->rtbst_link[1];

p = s;

Section 10.5.2

1.  This alternate version is not really an improvement: it runs up
against the same problem as right-looking deletion, so it sometimes
needs to search for a predecessor.

674. <Case 4 in left-looking RTBST deletion, alternate version 674> =
struct rtbst_node *s = r->rtbst_link[1];
while (s->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
    r = s;
    s = r->rtbst_link[1];

p->rtbst_data = s->rtbst_data;

if (s->rtbst_link[0] != NULL)
    struct rtbst_node *t = s->rtbst_link[0];
    while (t->rtbst_rtag == RTBST_CHILD)
      t = t->rtbst_link[1];
    t->rtbst_link[1] = p;
    r->rtbst_link[1] = s->rtbst_link[0];
    r->rtbst_link[1] = p;
    r->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_THREAD;

p = s;

Chapter 11

Section 11.3


/* Rotates right at *yp. */
static void
rotate_right (struct rtbst_node **yp)
  struct rtbst_node *y = *yp;
  struct rtbst_node *x = y->rtbst_link[0];
  if (x->rtbst_rtag[1] == RTBST_THREAD)
      x->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_CHILD;
      y->rtbst_link[0] = NULL;
    y->rtbst_link[0] = x->rtbst_link[1];
  x->rtbst_link[1] = y;
  *yp = x;

/* Rotates left at *xp. */
static void
rotate_left (struct rtbst_node **xp)
  struct rtbst_node *x = *xp;
  struct rtbst_node *y = x->rtbst_link[1];
  if (y->rtbst_link[0] == NULL)
      x->rtbst_rtag = RTBST_THREAD;
      x->rtbst_link[1] = y;
    x->rtbst_link[1] = y->rtbst_link[0];
  y->rtbst_link[0] = x;
  *xp = y;

Section 11.5.4

1.  There is no general efficient algorithm to find the parent of a
node in an RTAVL tree.  The lack of left threads means that half the
time we must do a full search from the top of the tree.  This would
increase the execution time for deletion unacceptably.


675. <Step 2: Delete RTAVL node, right-looking 675> =
if (p->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)
    if (p->rtavl_link[0] != NULL)
        <Case 1 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking 676>
        <Case 2 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking 677>
    struct rtavl_node *r = p->rtavl_link[1];
    if (r->rtavl_link[0] == NULL)
        <Case 3 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking 678>
        <Case 4 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking 679>

tree->rtavl_alloc->libavl_free (tree->rtavl_alloc, p);

676. <Case 1 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking 676> =
struct rtavl_node *t = p->rtavl_link[0];
while (t->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
  t = t->rtavl_link[1];
t->rtavl_link[1] = p->rtavl_link[1];
pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = p->rtavl_link[0];
   This code is included in 675.

677. <Case 2 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking 677> =
pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = p->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]];
if (da[k - 1] == 1)
  pa[k - 1]->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
   This code is included in 675.

678. <Case 3 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking 678> =
r->rtavl_link[0] = p->rtavl_link[0];
if (r->rtavl_link[0] != NULL)
    struct rtavl_node *t = r->rtavl_link[0];
    while (t->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
      t = t->rtavl_link[1];
    t->rtavl_link[1] = r;
pa[k - 1]->rtavl_link[da[k - 1]] = r;
r->rtavl_balance = p->rtavl_balance;
da[k] = 1;
pa[k++] = r;
   This code is included in 675.

679. <Case 4 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking 679> =
struct rtavl_node *s;
int j = k++;

for (;;)
    da[k] = 0;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->rtavl_link[0];
    if (s->rtavl_link[0] == NULL)

    r = s;

da[j] = 1;
pa[j] = pa[j - 1]->rtavl_link[da[j - 1]] = s;

if (s->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
  r->rtavl_link[0] = s->rtavl_link[1];
  r->rtavl_link[0] = NULL;

if (p->rtavl_link[0] != NULL)
    struct rtavl_node *t = p->rtavl_link[0];
    while (t->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
      t = t->rtavl_link[1];
    t->rtavl_link[1] = s;

s->rtavl_link[0] = p->rtavl_link[0];
s->rtavl_link[1] = p->rtavl_link[1];
s->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_CHILD;
s->rtavl_balance = p->rtavl_balance;
   This code is included in 675.


680. <Case 4 in RTAVL deletion, alternate version 680> =
struct rtavl_node *s;

da[k] = 0;
pa[k++] = p;
for (;;)
    da[k] = 1;
    pa[k++] = r;
    s = r->rtavl_link[1];
    if (s->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD)
    r = s;

if (s->rtavl_link[0] != NULL)
    struct rtavl_node *t = s->rtavl_link[0];
    while (t->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_CHILD)
      t = t->rtavl_link[1];
    t->rtavl_link[1] = p;

p->rtavl_data = s->rtavl_data;
if (s->rtavl_link[0] != NULL)
  r->rtavl_link[1] = s->rtavl_link[0];
    r->rtavl_rtag = RTAVL_THREAD;
    r->rtavl_link[1] = p;

p = s;

Chapter 13

Section 13.4

1.  No.  It would work, except for the important special case where q is
the pseudo-root but p->pbst_parent is NULL.

Section 13.7


681. <PBST balance function, with integrated parent updates 681> =
<BST to vine function; bst => pbst 90>
<Vine to balanced PBST function, with parent updates 682>

pbst_balance (struct pbst_table *tree)
  assert (tree != NULL);

  tree_to_vine (tree);
  vine_to_tree (tree);

682. <Vine to balanced PBST function, with parent updates 682> =
<PBST compression function 684>

static void
vine_to_tree (struct pbst_table *tree)
  unsigned long vine;      /* Number of nodes in main vine. */
  unsigned long leaves;    /* Nodes in incomplete bottom level, if any. */
  int height;              /* Height of produced balanced tree. */
  struct pbst_node *p, *q; /* Current visited node and its parent. */

  <Calculate leaves; bst => pbst 92>
  <Reduce vine general case to special case; bst => pbst 93>
  <Make special case vine into balanced tree and count height; bst => pbst 94>
  <Set parents of main vine 683>
   This code is included in 681.

683. <Set parents of main vine 683> =
for (q = NULL, p = tree->pbst_root; p != NULL; q = p, p = p->pbst_link[0])
  p->pbst_parent = q;
   This code is included in 682.

684. <PBST compression function 684> =
static void
compress (struct pbst_node *root, unsigned long count)
  assert (root != NULL);

  while (count--)
      struct pbst_node *red = root->pbst_link[0];
      struct pbst_node *black = red->pbst_link[0];

      root->pbst_link[0] = black;
      red->pbst_link[0] = black->pbst_link[1];
      black->pbst_link[1] = red;
      red->pbst_parent = black;
      if (red->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
        red->pbst_link[0]->pbst_parent = red;
      root = black;
   This code is included in 682.

Chapter 14

Section 14.2


/* Rotates right at *yp. */
static void
rotate_right (struct pbst_node **yp)
  struct pbst_node *y = *yp;
  struct pbst_node *x = y->pbst_link[0];
  y->pbst_link[0] = x->pbst_link[1];
  x->pbst_link[1] = y;
  *yp = x;
  x->pbst_parent = y->pbst_parent;
  y->pbst_parent = x;
  if (y->pbst_link[0] != NULL)
    y->pbst_link[0]->pbst_parent = y;

/* Rotates left at *xp. */
static void
rotate_left (struct pbst_node **xp)
  struct pbst_node *x = *xp;
  struct pbst_node *y = x->pbst_link[1];
  x->pbst_link[1] = y->pbst_link[0];
  y->pbst_link[0] = x;
  *xp = y;
  y->pbst_parent = x->pbst_parent;
  x->pbst_parent = y;
  if (x->pbst_link[1] != NULL)
    x->pbst_link[1]->pbst_parent = x;

Section 14.4.2

1.  Yes.  Both code segments update the nodes along the direct path from
y down to n, including node y but not node n.  The plain AVL code
excluded node n by updating nodes as it moved down to them and making
arrival at node n the loop's termination condition.  The PAVL code
excludes node n by starting at it but updating the parent of each
visited node instead of the node itself.

   There still could be a problem at the edge case where no nodes'
balance factors were to be updated, but there is no such case.  There
is always at least one balance factor to update, because every inserted
node has a parent whose balance factor is affected by its insertion.
The one exception would be the first node inserted into an empty tree,
but that was already handled as a special case.

2.  Sure.  There is no parallel to Exercise 5.4.4-4 because q is never
the pseudo-root.

Appendix F Catalogue of Algorithms

This appendix lists all of the algorithms described and implemented in
this book, along with page number references.  Each algorithm is listed
under the least-specific type of tree to which it applies, which is not
always the same as the place where it is introduced.  For instance,
rotations on threaded trees can be used in any threaded tree, so they
appear under "Threaded Binary Search Tree Algorithms", despite their
formal introduction later within the threaded AVL tree chapter.

   Sometimes multiple algorithms for accomplishing the same task are
listed.  In this case, the different algorithms are qualified by a few
descriptive words.  For the algorithm used in libavl, the description
is enclosed by parentheses, and the description of each alternative
algorithm is set off by a comma.

Binary Search Tree Algorithms

Advancing a traverser:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-17::

Backing up a traverser:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-18::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-27::

Copying (iterative; robust):
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-23::

Copying, iterative:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-22::

Copying, recursive:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-21::

Copying, recursive; robust, version 1:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-46::

Copying, recursive; robust, version 2:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-47::

Copying, recursive; robust, version 3:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-48::

                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-0::

Deletion (iterative):
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-4::

Deletion, by merging:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-5::

Deletion, special case for no left child:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-40::

Deletion, with data modification:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-41::

Destruction (by rotation):
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-24::

Destruction, iterative:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-26::

Destruction, recursive:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-25::

Getting the current item in a traverser:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-19::

Initialization of traverser as copy:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-15::

Initialization of traverser to found item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-13::

Initialization of traverser to greatest item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-12::

Initialization of traverser to inserted item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-14::

Initialization of traverser to least item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-11::

Initialization of traverser to null item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-10::

Insertion (iterative):
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-2::

Insertion, as root:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-3::

Insertion, as root, of existing node in arbitrary subtree:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-38::

Insertion, as root, of existing node in arbitrary subtree, robustly:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-39::

Insertion, using pointer to pointer:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-36::

Join, iterative:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-49::

Join, recursive:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-31::

Refreshing of a traverser (general):
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-9::

Refreshing of a traverser, optimized:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-45::

Replacing the current item in a traverser:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-20::

Rotation, left:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-35::

Rotation, left double:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-32::

Rotation, right:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-34::

Rotation, right double:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-33::

                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-1::

Traversal (iterative; convenient, reliable):
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-16::

Traversal, iterative:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-7::

Traversal, iterative; convenient:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-8::

Traversal, iterative; convenient, reliable:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-44::

Traversal, iterative; with dynamic stack:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-43::

Traversal, level order:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-37::

Traversal, recursive:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-bst-6::

Traversal, recursive; with nested function:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-42::

Vine compression:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-30::

Vine from tree:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-28::

Vine to balanced tree:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-bst-29::

AVL Tree Algorithms

Advancing a traverser:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-7::

Backing up a traverser:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-8::

Copying (iterative):
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-9::

Deletion (iterative):
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-2::

Deletion, with data modification:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-avl-11::

Initialization of traverser to found item:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-6::

Initialization of traverser to greatest item:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-5::

Initialization of traverser to inserted item:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-3::

Initialization of traverser to least item:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-4::

Insertion (iterative):
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-0::

Insertion, recursive:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-avl-1::

Insertion, with bitmask:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-avl-10::

Red-Black Tree Algorithms

Deletion (iterative):
                                           *Note catalogue-entry-rb-2::

Deletion, with data modification:
                                           *Note catalogue-entry-rb-3::

Insertion (iterative):
                                           *Note catalogue-entry-rb-0::

Insertion, initial black:
                                           *Note catalogue-entry-rb-1::

Threaded Binary Search Tree Algorithms

Advancing a traverser:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-10::

Backing up a traverser:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-11::

                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-15::

                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-13::

Copying a node:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-12::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-0::

Deletion (parent tracking):
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-3::

Deletion, with data modification:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-21::

Deletion, with parent node algorithm:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-20::

                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-14::

Initialization of traverser as copy:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-9::

Initialization of traverser to found item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-7::

Initialization of traverser to greatest item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-6::

Initialization of traverser to inserted item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-8::

Initialization of traverser to least item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-5::

Initialization of traverser to null item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-4::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-2::

Parent of a node:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-19::

Rotation, left:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-23::

Rotation, right:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-22::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-1::

Vine compression:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-18::

Vine from tree:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-16::

Vine to balanced tree:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-tbst-17::

Threaded AVL Tree Algorithms

Copying a node:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tavl-4::

Deletion (without stack):
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tavl-3::

Deletion, with data modification:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tavl-6::

Deletion, with stack:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tavl-7::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tavl-0::

Rotation, left double, version 1:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tavl-1::

Rotation, left double, version 2:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tavl-5::

Rotation, right double:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-tavl-2::

Threaded Red-Black Tree Algorithms

Deletion (with stack):
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-trb-1::

Deletion, with data modification:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-trb-3::

Deletion, without stack:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-trb-4::

Insertion (with stack):
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-trb-0::

Insertion, without stack:
                                          *Note catalogue-entry-trb-2::

Right-Threaded Binary Search Tree Algorithms

Advancing a traverser:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-7::

Backing up a traverser:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-8::

                                       *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-12::

                                       *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-10::

Copying a node:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-9::

Deletion (left-looking):
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-3::

Deletion, right-looking:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-2::

Deletion, with data modification, left-looking:
                                       *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-16::

Deletion, with data modification, right-looking:
                                       *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-15::

                                       *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-11::

Initialization of traverser to found item:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-6::

Initialization of traverser to greatest item:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-5::

Initialization of traverser to least item:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-4::

                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-1::

Rotation, left:
                                       *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-18::

Rotation, right:
                                       *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-17::

                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-0::

Vine compression:
                                       *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-14::

Vine from tree:
                                       *Note catalogue-entry-rtbst-13::

Right-Threaded AVL Tree Algorithms

                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtavl-2::

Copying a node:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtavl-3::

Deletion (left-looking):
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtavl-1::

Deletion, right-looking:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtavl-4::

Deletion, with data modification:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtavl-5::

                                        *Note catalogue-entry-rtavl-0::

Right-Threaded Red-Black Tree Algorithms

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-rtrb-1::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-rtrb-0::

Binary Search Tree with Parent Pointers Algorithms

Advancing a traverser:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-6::

Backing up a traverser:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-7::

Balancing (with later parent updates):
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-9::

Balancing, with integrated parent updates:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-12::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-8::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-1::

Initialization of traverser to found item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-4::

Initialization of traverser to greatest item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-3::

Initialization of traverser to inserted item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-5::

Initialization of traverser to least item:
                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-2::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-0::

Rotation, left:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-16::

Rotation, right:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-15::

Update parent pointers:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-11::

Vine compression (with parent updates):
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-14::

Vine to balanced tree (without parent updates):
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-10::

Vine to balanced tree, with parent updates:
                                        *Note catalogue-entry-pbst-13::

AVL Tree with Parent Pointers Algorithms

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pavl-2::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pavl-1::

                                         *Note catalogue-entry-pavl-0::

Red-Black Tree with Parent Pointers Algorithms

                                          *Note catalogue-entry-prb-1::

                                          *Note catalogue-entry-prb-0::

Appendix G Index

aborting allocator:                            See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21581)
array of search functions:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22021)
AVL copy function:                             See 5.7.     (line  8722)
AVL functions:                                 See 5.3.     (line  7200)
AVL item deletion function:                    See 5.5.     (line  8014)
AVL item insertion function:                   See 5.4.     (line  7269)
AVL maximum height:                            See 5.1.1.   (line  7152)
AVL node structure:                            See 5.2.     (line  7175)
AVL traversal functions:                       See 5.6.     (line  8471)
AVL traverser advance function:                See 5.6.     (line  8605)
AVL traverser back up function:                See 5.6.     (line  8657)
AVL traverser greatest-item initializer:       See 5.6.     (line  8545)
AVL traverser insertion initializer:           See 5.6.     (line  8490)
AVL traverser least-item initializer:          See 5.6.     (line  8519)
AVL traverser search initializer:              See 5.6.     (line  8571)
AVL tree verify function:                      See 5.8.     (line  8942)
avl-test.c:                                    See 5.8.     (line  8829)
avl.c:                                         See 5.       (line  7063)
avl.h:                                         See 5.       (line  7047)
avl_copy function:                             See 5.7.     (line  8729)
avl_delete function:                           See 5.5.     (line  8018)
AVL_H macro:                                   See 5.       (line  7050)
AVL_MAX_HEIGHT macro:                          See 5.1.1.   (line  7155)
avl_node structure:                            See 5.2.     (line  7179)
avl_probe function:                            See 5.4.     (line  7273)
avl_probe() local variables:                   See 5.4.     (line  7284)
avl_t_find function:                           See 5.6.     (line  8575)
avl_t_first function:                          See 5.6.     (line  8523)
avl_t_insert function:                         See 5.6.     (line  8494)
avl_t_last function:                           See 5.6.     (line  8549)
avl_t_next function:                           See 5.6.     (line  8609)
avl_t_prev function:                           See 5.6.     (line  8661)
bin-ary-test.c:                                See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22407)
bin_cmp function:                              See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21521)
binary search of ordered array:                See 3.5.     (line  1743)
binary search tree entry:                      See 3.6.     (line  1866)
binary search using bsearch():                 See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21925)
binary_tree_entry structure:                   See 3.6.     (line  1870)
block structure:                               See 4.14.4.  (line  6385)
blp's implementation of bsearch():             See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21961)
blp_bsearch function:                          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21967)
BST balance function:                          See 4.12.    (line  4762)
BST compression function:                      See
                                                            (line  5153)
BST copy error helper function:                See 4.10.3.  (line  4342)
BST copy function:                             See 4.10.3.  (line  4367)
BST creation function:                         See 4.5.     (line  2363)
BST destruction function:                      See 4.11.1.  (line  4531)
BST extra function prototypes:                 See 4.12.    (line  4777)
BST item deletion function:                    See 4.8.     (line  2759)
BST item deletion function, by merging:        See 4.8.1.   (line  2944)
BST item insertion function:                   See 4.7.     (line  2459)
BST item insertion function, alternate version:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22592)
BST item insertion function, root insertion version:See 4.7.1.
                                                            (line  2563)
BST join function, iterative version:          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23381)
BST join function, recursive version:          See 4.13.    (line  5305)
BST maximum height:                            See 4.2.3.   (line  2255)
BST node structure:                            See 4.2.1.   (line  2181)
BST operations:                                See 4.4.     (line  2343)
BST overflow test function:                    See 4.14.3.  (line  6229)
BST print function:                            See
                                                            (line  6107)
BST search function:                           See 4.6.     (line  2397)
BST table structure:                           See 4.2.2.   (line  2206)
BST test function:                             See 4.14.1.  (line  5516)
BST to vine function:                          See 4.12.1.  (line  4837)
BST traversal functions:                       See 4.9.3.   (line  3642)
BST traverser advance function:                See (line  3919)
BST traverser back up function:                See (line  4010)
BST traverser check function:                  See 4.14.1.  (line  5657)
BST traverser copy initializer:                See (line  3880)
BST traverser current item function:           See (line  4075)
BST traverser greatest-item initializer:       See (line  3742)
BST traverser insertion initializer:           See (line  3825)
BST traverser least-item initializer:          See (line  3699)
BST traverser null initializer:                See (line  3680)
BST traverser refresher:                       See 4.9.3.   (line  3605)
BST traverser refresher, with caching:         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23119)
BST traverser replacement function:            See
                                                            (line  4088)
BST traverser search initializer:              See (line  3780)
BST traverser structure:                       See 4.9.3.   (line  3575)
BST verify function:                           See
                                                            (line  5831)
bst-test.c:                                    See 4.14.    (line  5457)
bst.c:                                         See 4.       (line  2043)
bst.h:                                         See 4.       (line  2024)
bst_balance function:                          See 4.12.    (line  4769)
bst_copy function:                             See 4.10.3.  (line  4374)
bst_copy_iterative function <1>:               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23311)
bst_copy_iterative function:                   See 4.10.2.  (line  4209)
bst_copy_recursive_1 function:                 See 4.10.1.  (line  4121)
bst_create function:                           See 4.5.     (line  2368)
bst_deallocate_recursive function:             See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23216)
bst_delete function <1>:                       See 4.8.1.   (line  2948)
bst_delete function:                           See 4.8.     (line  2763)
bst_destroy function <1>:                      See 4.11.3.  (line  4657)
bst_destroy function:                          See 4.11.1.  (line  4535)
bst_destroy_recursive function:                See 4.11.2.  (line  4582)
bst_find function <1>:                         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21543)
bst_find function:                             See 4.6.     (line  2401)
BST_H macro:                                   See 4.       (line  2027)
BST_MAX_HEIGHT macro:                          See 4.2.3.   (line  2258)
bst_node structure:                            See 4.2.1.   (line  2185)
bst_probe function <1>:                        See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22596)
bst_probe function <2>:                        See 4.7.1.   (line  2567)
bst_probe function:                            See 4.7.     (line  2463)
bst_robust_copy_recursive_1 function:          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23188)
bst_robust_copy_recursive_2 function:          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23234)
bst_t_copy function:                           See (line  3884)
bst_t_cur function:                            See (line  4079)
bst_t_find function:                           See (line  3784)
bst_t_first function:                          See (line  3703)
bst_t_init function:                           See (line  3684)
bst_t_insert function:                         See (line  3829)
bst_t_last function:                           See (line  3746)
bst_t_next function:                           See (line  3923)
bst_t_prev function:                           See (line  4014)
bst_t_replace function:                        See
                                                            (line  4092)
bst_table structure:                           See 4.2.2.   (line  2210)
bst_traverse_level_order function:             See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22637)
bst_traverser structure:                       See 4.9.3.   (line  3579)
BSTS functions:                                See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23859)
BSTS structures:                               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23840)
BSTS test:                                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23916)
bsts.c:                                        See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23958)
bsts_find function:                            See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23864)
bsts_insert function:                          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23887)
bsts_node structure:                           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23844)
bsts_tree structure:                           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23851)
calculate leaves:                              See
                                                            (line  5085)
case 1 in AVL deletion:                        See 5.5.2.   (line  8112)
case 1 in BST deletion:                        See 4.8.     (line  2816)
case 1 in left-looking RTBST deletion:         See 10.5.2.  (line 14819)
case 1 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing:See 6.4.5.
                                                            (line  9649)
case 1 in left-side PRB deletion rebalancing:  See 15.4.2.  (line 19848)
case 1 in left-side PRB insertion rebalancing: See 15.3.2.  (line 19475)
case 1 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing:   See 6.5.2.   (line 10181)
case 1 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing:  See 6.4.3.   (line  9408)
case 1 in left-side RTRB insertion rebalancing:See 12.3.2.  (line 16849)
case 1 in left-side TRB deletion rebalancing:  See 9.4.3.   (line 13973)
case 1 in left-side TRB insertion rebalancing: See 9.3.2.   (line 13547)
case 1 in PAVL deletion:                       See 14.5.1.  (line 18843)
case 1 in PBST deletion:                       See 13.4.    (line 17745)
case 1 in PRB deletion:                        See 15.4.1.  (line 19674)
case 1 in RB deletion:                         See 6.5.1.   (line  9912)
case 1 in right-looking RTBST deletion:        See 10.5.1.  (line 14646)
case 1 in right-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing:See
                                                            (line  9737)
case 1 in right-side PRB deletion rebalancing: See 15.4.4.  (line 19961)
case 1 in right-side PRB insertion rebalancing:See 15.3.3.  (line 19577)
case 1 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing:  See 6.5.4.   (line 10305)
case 1 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing: See 6.4.4.   (line  9518)
case 1 in right-side RTRB insertion rebalancing:See 12.3.2. (line 16853)
case 1 in right-side TRB deletion rebalancing: See 9.4.5.   (line 14084)
case 1 in right-side TRB insertion rebalancing:See 9.3.3.   (line 13653)
case 1 in RTAVL deletion:                      See 11.5.2.  (line 16148)
case 1 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking:       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25498)
case 1 in RTRB deletion:                       See 12.4.1.  (line 17043)
case 1 in TAVL deletion:                       See 8.5.2.   (line 12786)
case 1 in TAVL deletion, with stack:           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24743)
case 1 in TBST deletion:                       See 7.7.     (line 11020)
case 1 in TRB deletion:                        See 9.4.2.   (line 13782)
case 1.5 in BST deletion:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22847)
case 2 in AVL deletion:                        See 5.5.2.   (line  8125)
case 2 in BST deletion:                        See 4.8.     (line  2823)
case 2 in left-looking RTBST deletion:         See 10.5.2.  (line 14829)
case 2 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing:See 6.4.5.
                                                            (line  9675)
case 2 in left-side PRB deletion rebalancing:  See 15.4.2.  (line 19858)
case 2 in left-side PRB insertion rebalancing: See 15.3.2.  (line 19502)
case 2 in left-side RB deletion rebalancing:   See 6.5.2.   (line 10207)
case 2 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing:  See 6.4.3.   (line  9439)
case 2 in left-side RTRB deletion rebalancing: See 12.4.2.  (line 17241)
case 2 in left-side RTRB insertion rebalancing:See 12.3.2.  (line 16882)
case 2 in left-side TRB deletion rebalancing:  See 9.4.3.   (line 13996)
case 2 in left-side TRB insertion rebalancing: See 9.3.2.   (line 13587)
case 2 in PAVL deletion:                       See 14.5.1.  (line 18852)
case 2 in PBST deletion:                       See 13.4.    (line 17768)
case 2 in PRB deletion:                        See 15.4.1.  (line 19688)
case 2 in RB deletion:                         See 6.5.1.   (line  9935)
case 2 in right-looking RTBST deletion:        See 10.5.1.  (line 14673)
case 2 in right-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing:See
                                                            (line  9741)
case 2 in right-side PRB deletion rebalancing: See 15.4.4.  (line 19965)
case 2 in right-side PRB insertion rebalancing:See 15.3.3.  (line 19583)
case 2 in right-side RB deletion rebalancing:  See 6.5.4.   (line 10318)
case 2 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing: See 6.4.4.   (line  9522)
case 2 in right-side RTRB deletion rebalancing:See 12.4.2.  (line 17267)
case 2 in right-side RTRB insertion rebalancing:See 12.3.2. (line 16907)
case 2 in right-side TRB deletion rebalancing: See 9.4.5.   (line 14088)
case 2 in right-side TRB insertion rebalancing:See 9.3.3.   (line 13657)
case 2 in RTAVL deletion:                      See 11.5.2.  (line 16160)
case 2 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking:       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25506)
case 2 in RTRB deletion:                       See 12.4.1.  (line 17053)
case 2 in TAVL deletion:                       See 8.5.2.   (line 12797)
case 2 in TAVL deletion, with stack:           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24751)
case 2 in TBST deletion:                       See 7.7.     (line 11047)
case 2 in TRB deletion:                        See 9.4.2.   (line 13796)
case 3 in AVL deletion:                        See 5.5.2.   (line  8144)
case 3 in AVL deletion, alternate version:     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24158)
case 3 in BST deletion:                        See 4.8.     (line  2833)
case 3 in BST deletion, alternate version:     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22853)
case 3 in left-looking RTBST deletion:         See 10.5.2.  (line 14853)
case 3 in left-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing:See 6.4.5.
                                                            (line  9705)
case 3 in left-side PRB insertion rebalancing: See 15.3.2.  (line 19539)
case 3 in left-side RB insertion rebalancing:  See 6.4.3.   (line  9476)
case 3 in left-side RTRB insertion rebalancing:See 12.3.2.  (line 16940)
case 3 in left-side TRB insertion rebalancing: See 9.3.2.   (line 13617)
case 3 in PAVL deletion:                       See 14.5.1.  (line 18864)
case 3 in PBST deletion:                       See 13.4.    (line 17785)
case 3 in PRB deletion:                        See 15.4.1.  (line 19707)
case 3 in RB deletion:                         See 6.5.1.   (line  9970)
case 3 in right-looking RTBST deletion:        See 10.5.1.  (line 14687)
case 3 in right-side initial-black RB insertion rebalancing:See
                                                            (line  9752)
case 3 in right-side PRB insertion rebalancing:See 15.3.3.  (line 19597)
case 3 in right-side RB insertion rebalancing: See 6.4.4.   (line  9532)
case 3 in right-side RTRB insertion rebalancing:See 12.3.2. (line 16964)
case 3 in right-side TRB insertion rebalancing:See 9.3.3.   (line 13668)
case 3 in RTAVL deletion:                      See 11.5.2.  (line 16173)
case 3 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking:       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25512)
case 3 in RTRB deletion:                       See 12.4.1.  (line 17064)
case 3 in TAVL deletion:                       See 8.5.2.   (line 12809)
case 3 in TAVL deletion, with stack:           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24757)
case 3 in TBST deletion:                       See 7.7.     (line 11074)
case 3 in TRB deletion:                        See 9.4.2.   (line 13810)
case 4 in left-looking RTBST deletion:         See 10.5.2.  (line 14867)
case 4 in left-looking RTBST deletion, alternate version:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25393)
case 4 in right-looking RTBST deletion:        See 10.5.1.  (line 14707)
case 4 in right-looking RTBST deletion, alternate version:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25369)
case 4 in RTAVL deletion:                      See 11.5.2.  (line 16188)
case 4 in RTAVL deletion, alternate version:   See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25566)
case 4 in RTAVL deletion, right-looking:       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25527)
case 4 in RTRB deletion:                       See 12.4.1.  (line 17083)
case 4 in TAVL deletion:                       See 8.5.2.   (line 12824)
case 4 in TAVL deletion, alternate version:    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24623)
case 4 in TAVL deletion, with stack:           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24773)
case 4 in TBST deletion:                       See 7.7.     (line 11132)
case 4 in TBST deletion, alternate version:    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24452)
case 4 in TRB deletion:                        See 9.4.2.   (line 13836)
case 4 in TRB deletion, alternate version:     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25061)
cheat_search function:                         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22067)
cheating search:                               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22058)
check AVL tree structure:                      See 5.8.     (line  8979)
check BST structure:                           See
                                                            (line  5891)
check counted nodes:                           See
                                                            (line  5899)
check for tree height in range:                See
                                                            (line  5137)
check RB tree structure:                       See 6.6.     (line 10525)
check root is black:                           See 6.6.     (line 10517)
check that backward traversal works:           See
                                                            (line  6015)
check that forward traversal works:            See
                                                            (line  5985)
check that the tree contains all the elements it should:See
                                                            (line  5962)
check that traversal from the null element works:See
                                                            (line  6049)
check tree->bst_count is correct:              See
                                                            (line  5875)
check_traverser function:                      See 4.14.1.  (line  5666)
clean up after search tests:                   See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22279)
command line parser:                           See B.2.     (line 20426)
compare two AVL trees for structure and content:See 5.8.    (line  8845)
compare two BSTs for structure and content:    See 4.14.1.  (line  5751)
compare two PAVL trees for structure and content:See 14.8.  (line 19169)
compare two PBSTs for structure and content:   See 13.8.    (line 18353)
compare two PRB trees for structure and content:See 15.5.   (line 20013)
compare two RB trees for structure and content:See 6.6.     (line 10351)
compare two RTAVL trees for structure and content:See 11.7. (line 16504)
compare two RTBSTs for structure and content:  See 10.10.   (line 15549)
compare two RTRB trees for structure and content:See 12.5.  (line 17361)
compare two TAVL trees for structure and content:See 8.7.   (line 13240)
compare two TBSTs for structure and content:   See 7.12.    (line 12104)
compare two TRB trees for structure and content:See 9.5.    (line 14136)
compare_fixed_strings function:                See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21480)
compare_ints function <1>:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21933)
compare_ints function <2>:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21456)
compare_ints function:                         See 2.3.     (line   862)
compare_trees function <1>:                    See 15.5.    (line 20017)
compare_trees function <2>:                    See 14.8.    (line 19175)
compare_trees function <3>:                    See 13.8.    (line 18357)
compare_trees function <4>:                    See 12.5.    (line 17365)
compare_trees function <5>:                    See 11.7.    (line 16508)
compare_trees function <6>:                    See 10.10.   (line 15553)
compare_trees function <7>:                    See 9.5.     (line 14140)
compare_trees function <8>:                    See 8.7.     (line 13244)
compare_trees function <9>:                    See 7.12.    (line 12108)
compare_trees function <10>:                   See 6.6.     (line 10355)
compare_trees function:                        See 5.8.     (line  8849)
comparison function for ints:                  See 2.3.     (line   817)
compress function <1>:                         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25654)
compress function:                             See 7.11.2.  (line 11950)
copy_error_recovery function <1>:              See 13.6.    (line 18211)
copy_error_recovery function <2>:              See 10.7.    (line 15340)
copy_error_recovery function <3>:              See 7.9.     (line 11676)
copy_error_recovery function:                  See 4.10.3.  (line  4347)
copy_node function <1>:                        See 11.6.    (line 16454)
copy_node function <2>:                        See 10.7.    (line 15302)
copy_node function <3>:                        See 8.6.     (line 13187)
copy_node function:                            See 7.9.     (line 11534)
default memory allocation functions:           See 2.5.     (line   976)
default memory allocator header:               See 2.5.     (line  1005)
delete BST node:                               See 4.8.     (line  2798)
delete BST node by merging:                    See 4.8.1.   (line  2988)
delete item from AVL tree:                     See 5.5.2.   (line  8079)
delete item from PAVL tree:                    See 14.5.1.  (line 18817)
delete item from PRB tree:                     See 15.4.1.  (line 19646)
delete item from RB tree:                      See 6.5.1.   (line  9886)
delete item from RB tree, alternate version:   See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24329)
delete item from TAVL tree:                    See 8.5.2.   (line 12751)
delete item from TAVL tree, with stack:        See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24714)
delete item from TRB tree:                     See 9.4.2.   (line 13745)
delete PBST node:                              See 13.4.    (line 17719)
delete RTAVL node:                             See 11.5.2.  (line 16114)
delete RTAVL node, right-looking:              See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25471)
delete RTBST node, left-looking:               See 10.5.2.  (line 14776)
delete RTBST node, right-looking:              See 10.5.1.  (line 14610)
delete RTRB node:                              See 12.4.1.  (line 17008)
delete TBST node:                              See 7.7.     (line 10959)
delete_order enumeration:                      See 4.14.2.  (line  6182)
destroy a BST iteratively:                     See 4.11.3.  (line  4653)
destroy a BST recursively:                     See 4.11.2.  (line  4578)
ensure w is black in left-side PRB deletion rebalancing:See 15.4.2.
                                                            (line 19825)
ensure w is black in left-side RB deletion rebalancing:See 6.5.2.
                                                            (line 10134)
ensure w is black in left-side TRB deletion rebalancing:See 9.4.3.
                                                            (line 13963)
ensure w is black in right-side PRB deletion rebalancing:See 15.4.4.
                                                            (line 19944)
ensure w is black in right-side RB deletion rebalancing:See 6.5.4.
                                                            (line 10289)
ensure w is black in right-side TRB deletion rebalancing:See 9.4.5.
                                                            (line 14080)
error_node variable:                           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23227)
fail function:                                 See 4.14.6.  (line  6778)
fallback_join function:                        See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23386)
find BST node to delete:                       See 4.8.     (line  2781)
find BST node to delete by merging:            See 4.8.1.   (line  2964)
find parent of a TBST node:                    See 8.5.6.   (line 13116)
find PBST node to delete:                      See 13.4.    (line 17685)
find predecessor of RTBST node with left child:See 10.6.5.  (line 15206)
find predecessor of RTBST node with no left child:See 10.6.5.
                                                            (line 15184)
find RTBST node to delete:                     See 10.5.    (line 14560)
find TBST node to delete:                      See 7.7.     (line 10929)
find TBST node to delete, with parent node algorithm:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24397)
find_parent function:                          See 8.5.6.   (line 13122)
finish up after BST deletion by merging:       See 4.8.1.   (line  3027)
finish up after deleting BST node:             See 4.8.     (line  2857)
finish up after deleting PBST node:            See 13.4.    (line 17829)
finish up after deleting RTBST node:           See 10.5.    (line 14596)
finish up after deleting TBST node:            See 7.7.     (line 11181)
finish up after PRB deletion:                  See 15.4.3.  (line 19907)
finish up after RB deletion:                   See 6.5.3.   (line 10253)
finish up after RTRB deletion:                 See 12.4.3.  (line 17337)
finish up after TRB deletion:                  See 9.4.4.   (line 14043)
finish up and return after AVL deletion:       See 5.5.5.   (line  8422)
first_item function:                           See (line  3477)
found insertion point in recursive AVL insertion:See 5.4.7. (line  7880)
gen_balanced_tree function:                    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23564)
gen_deletions function:                        See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23642)
gen_insertions function:                       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23586)
generate permutation for balanced tree:        See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23556)
generate random permutation of integers:       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23530)
handle case where x has a right child:         See (line  3958)
handle case where x has no right child:        See (line  3986)
handle stack overflow during BST traversal:    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23020)
handle_long_option function:                   See B.1.     (line 20327)
handle_short_option function:                  See B.1.     (line 20294)
initialize search test array:                  See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22256)
initialize smaller and larger within binary search tree:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22385)
insert AVL node:                               See 5.4.2.   (line  7346)
insert n into arbitrary subtree:               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22709)
insert new BST node, root insertion version:   See 4.7.1.   (line  2597)
insert new node into RTBST tree:               See 10.4.    (line 14502)
insert PAVL node:                              See 14.4.1.  (line 18602)
insert PBST node:                              See 13.3.    (line 17641)
insert PRB node:                               See 15.3.1.  (line 19367)
insert RB node:                                See 6.4.2.   (line  9281)
insert RTAVL node:                             See 11.4.1.  (line 15812)
insert RTRB node:                              See 12.3.1.  (line 16742)
insert TAVL node:                              See 8.4.1.   (line 12493)
insert TBST node:                              See 7.6.     (line 10868)
insert TRB node:                               See 9.3.1.   (line 13482)
insert_order enumeration:                      See 4.14.2.  (line  6168)
insertion and deletion order generation:       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23576)
intermediate step between bst_copy_recursive_2() and bst_copy_iterative():See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23306)
iter variable:                                 See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23021)
iterative copy of BST:                         See 4.10.2.  (line  4204)
iterative traversal of BST, take 1:            See 4.9.2.   (line  3230)
iterative traversal of BST, take 2:            See 4.9.2.   (line  3247)
iterative traversal of BST, take 3:            See 4.9.2.   (line  3265)
iterative traversal of BST, take 4:            See 4.9.2.   (line  3303)
iterative traversal of BST, take 5:            See 4.9.2.   (line  3336)
iterative traversal of BST, take 6:            See (line  3454)
iterative traversal of BST, with dynamically allocated stack:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22945)
left-side rebalancing after initial-black RB insertion:See 6.4.5.
                                                            (line  9607)
left-side rebalancing after PRB deletion:      See 15.4.2.  (line 19776)
left-side rebalancing after PRB insertion:     See 15.3.2.  (line 19431)
left-side rebalancing after RB deletion:       See 6.5.2.   (line 10080)
left-side rebalancing after RB insertion:      See 6.4.3.   (line  9357)
left-side rebalancing after RTRB deletion:     See 12.4.2.  (line 17164)
left-side rebalancing after RTRB insertion:    See 12.3.2.  (line 16798)
left-side rebalancing after TRB deletion:      See 9.4.3.   (line 13929)
left-side rebalancing after TRB insertion:     See 9.3.2.   (line 13512)
left-side rebalancing case 1 in AVL deletion:  See 5.5.4.   (line  8359)
left-side rebalancing case 1 in PAVL deletion: See 14.5.3.  (line 18933)
left-side rebalancing case 2 in AVL deletion:  See 5.5.4.   (line  8396)
left-side rebalancing case 2 in PAVL deletion: See 14.5.3.  (line 18950)
level-order traversal:                         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22631)
LIBAVL_ALLOCATOR macro:                        See 2.5.     (line   950)
libavl_allocator structure:                    See 2.5.     (line   954)
library License:                               See 1.4.     (line   612)
main function <1>:                             See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21850)
main function:                                 See 4.14.7.  (line  6857)
main program to test binary_search_tree_array():See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22421)
make special case TBST vine into balanced tree and count height:See 7.11.2.
                                                            (line 11987)
make special case vine into balanced tree and count height:See
                                                            (line  5120)
MAX_INPUT macro:                               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21843)
memory allocator:                              See 2.5.     (line   948)
memory tracker:                                See 4.14.4.  (line  6379)
move BST node to root:                         See 4.7.1.   (line  2609)
move down then up in recursive AVL insertion:  See 5.4.7.   (line  7913)
mt_allocate function:                          See 4.14.4.  (line  6571)
mt_allocator function:                         See 4.14.4.  (line  6516)
mt_allocator structure:                        See 4.14.4.  (line  6423)
mt_arg_index enumeration:                      See 4.14.4.  (line  6414)
mt_create function:                            See 4.14.4.  (line  6452)
mt_free function:                              See 4.14.4.  (line  6636)
mt_policy enumeration:                         See 4.14.4.  (line  6356)
new_block function:                            See 4.14.4.  (line  6531)
option parser:                                 See B.1.     (line 20250)
option structure:                              See 4.14.5.  (line  6712)
option_get function:                           See B.1.     (line 20379)
option_init function:                          See B.1.     (line 20271)
option_state structure:                        See B.1.     (line 20254)
overflow testers <1>:                          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23707)
overflow testers:                              See 4.14.3.  (line  6315)
parse search test command line:                See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22224)
parse_command_line function:                   See B.2.     (line 20514)
PAVL copy function:                            See 14.7.    (line 19047)
PAVL functions:                                See 14.3.    (line 18528)
PAVL item deletion function:                   See 14.5.    (line 18791)
PAVL item insertion function:                  See 14.4.    (line 18554)
PAVL node structure:                           See 14.1.    (line 18480)
PAVL traversal functions:                      See 14.6.    (line 19028)
pavl-test.c:                                   See 14.8.    (line 19153)
pavl.c:                                        See 14.      (line 18465)
pavl.h:                                        See 14.      (line 18449)
pavl_copy function:                            See 14.7.    (line 19054)
pavl_delete function:                          See 14.5.    (line 18795)
PAVL_H macro:                                  See 14.      (line 18452)
pavl_node structure:                           See 14.1.    (line 18484)
pavl_probe function:                           See 14.4.    (line 18558)
PBST balance function:                         See 13.7.    (line 18239)
PBST balance function, with integrated parent updates:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25614)
PBST compression function:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25650)
PBST copy error helper function:               See 13.6.    (line 18206)
PBST copy function:                            See 13.6.    (line 18101)
PBST extra function prototypes:                See 13.7.    (line 18271)
PBST functions:                                See 13.2.    (line 17594)
PBST item deletion function:                   See 13.4.    (line 17664)
PBST item insertion function:                  See 13.3.    (line 17614)
PBST node structure:                           See 13.1.    (line 17551)
PBST traversal functions:                      See 13.5.    (line 17850)
PBST traverser advance function:               See 13.5.5.  (line 18022)
PBST traverser back up function:               See 13.5.6.  (line 18059)
PBST traverser first initializer:              See 13.5.1.  (line 17869)
PBST traverser insertion initializer:          See 13.5.4.  (line 17954)
PBST traverser last initializer:               See 13.5.2.  (line 17894)
PBST traverser search initializer:             See 13.5.3.  (line 17921)
pbst-test.c:                                   See 13.8.    (line 18337)
pbst.c:                                        See 13.      (line 17529)
pbst.h:                                        See 13.      (line 17513)
pbst_balance function <1>:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25621)
pbst_balance function:                         See 13.7.    (line 18247)
pbst_copy function:                            See 13.6.    (line 18108)
pbst_delete function:                          See 13.4.    (line 17668)
PBST_H macro:                                  See 13.      (line 17516)
pbst_node structure:                           See 13.1.    (line 17555)
pbst_probe function:                           See 13.3.    (line 17618)
pbst_t_find function:                          See 13.5.3.  (line 17925)
pbst_t_first function:                         See 13.5.1.  (line 17873)
pbst_t_insert function:                        See 13.5.4.  (line 17959)
pbst_t_last function:                          See 13.5.2.  (line 17898)
pbst_t_next function:                          See 13.5.5.  (line 18026)
pbst_t_prev function:                          See 13.5.6.  (line 18063)
permuted_integers function:                    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23537)
pgm_name variable:                             See 4.14.7.  (line  6974)
pool_allocator structure:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21611)
pool_allocator_free function:                  See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21633)
pool_allocator_malloc function:                See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21626)
pool_allocator_tbl_create function:            See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21645)
PRB functions:                                 See 15.2.    (line 19315)
PRB item deletion function:                    See 15.4.    (line 19616)
PRB item insertion function:                   See 15.3.    (line 19340)
PRB node structure:                            See 15.1.    (line 19287)
prb-test.c:                                    See 15.5.    (line 19997)
prb.c:                                         See 15.      (line 19271)
prb.h:                                         See 15.      (line 19255)
prb_color enumeration:                         See 15.1.    (line 19291)
prb_delete function:                           See 15.4.    (line 19620)
PRB_H macro:                                   See 15.      (line 19258)
prb_node structure:                            See 15.1.    (line 19298)
prb_probe function:                            See 15.3.    (line 19344)
print_tree_structure function <1>:             See 10.10.   (line 15504)
print_tree_structure function:                 See 7.12.    (line 12056)
print_whole_tree function <1>:                 See 10.10.   (line 15543)
print_whole_tree function <2>:                 See 7.12.    (line 12098)
print_whole_tree function:                     See
                                                            (line  6151)
probe function:                                See 5.4.7.   (line  7849)
process_node function:                         See (line  3411)
program License:                               See 1.4.     (line   639)
random number seeding:                         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23682)
RB functions:                                  See 6.3.     (line  9197)
RB item deletion function:                     See 6.5.     (line  9777)
RB item insertion function:                    See 6.4.     (line  9228)
RB item insertion function, initial black:     See 6.4.5.   (line  9553)
RB maximum height:                             See 6.2.     (line  9172)
RB node structure:                             See 6.2.     (line  9152)
RB tree verify function:                       See 6.6.     (line 10475)
rb-test.c:                                     See 6.6.     (line 10335)
rb.c:                                          See 6.       (line  9027)
rb.h:                                          See 6.       (line  9011)
rb_color enumeration:                          See 6.2.     (line  9156)
rb_delete function:                            See 6.5.     (line  9781)
RB_H macro:                                    See 6.       (line  9014)
RB_MAX_HEIGHT macro:                           See 6.2.     (line  9175)
rb_node structure:                             See 6.2.     (line  9163)
rb_probe function <1>:                         See 6.4.5.   (line  9557)
rb_probe function:                             See 6.4.     (line  9232)
rb_probe() local variables:                    See 6.4.     (line  9242)
rebalance + balance in TAVL insertion in left subtree, alternate version:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24604)
rebalance after AVL deletion:                  See 5.5.4.   (line  8328)
rebalance after AVL insertion:                 See 5.4.4.   (line  7573)
rebalance after initial-black RB insertion:    See 6.4.5.   (line  9579)
rebalance after PAVL deletion:                 See 14.5.3.  (line 18915)
rebalance after PAVL insertion:                See 14.4.3.  (line 18663)
rebalance after PRB insertion:                 See 15.3.2.  (line 19398)
rebalance after RB deletion:                   See 6.5.2.   (line 10045)
rebalance after RB insertion:                  See 6.4.3.   (line  9333)
rebalance after RTAVL deletion in left subtree:See 11.5.4.  (line 16274)
rebalance after RTAVL deletion in right subtree:See 11.5.4. (line 16297)
rebalance after RTAVL insertion:               See 11.4.2.  (line 15849)
rebalance after RTRB deletion:                 See 12.4.2.  (line 17125)
rebalance after RTRB insertion:                See 12.3.2.  (line 16773)
rebalance after TAVL deletion:                 See 8.5.4.   (line 12894)
rebalance after TAVL deletion, with stack:     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24839)
rebalance after TAVL insertion:                See 8.4.2.   (line 12507)
rebalance after TRB insertion:                 See 9.3.2.   (line 13493)
rebalance AVL tree after insertion in left subtree:See 5.4.4.
                                                            (line  7592)
rebalance AVL tree after insertion in right subtree:See 5.4.5.
                                                            (line  7730)
rebalance for + balance factor after left-side RTAVL deletion:See 11.5.4.
                                                            (line 16381)
rebalance for + balance factor after right-side RTAVL deletion:See 11.5.4.
                                                            (line 16337)
rebalance for + balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree:See 8.5.4.
                                                            (line 12995)
rebalance for + balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree:See 8.5.5.
                                                            (line 13042)
rebalance for + balance factor in PAVL insertion in left subtree:See 14.4.3.
                                                            (line 18735)
rebalance for + balance factor in PAVL insertion in right subtree:See 14.4.4.
                                                            (line 18760)
rebalance for + balance factor in RTAVL insertion in left subtree:See 11.4.2.
                                                            (line 15994)
rebalance for + balance factor in RTAVL insertion in right subtree:See 11.4.2.
                                                            (line 15954)
rebalance for + balance factor in TAVL insertion in left subtree:See 8.4.2.
                                                            (line 12610)
rebalance for + balance factor in TAVL insertion in right subtree:See 8.4.3.
                                                            (line 12649)
rebalance for - balance factor after left-side RTAVL deletion:See 11.5.4.
                                                            (line 16330)
rebalance for - balance factor after right-side RTAVL deletion:See 11.5.4.
                                                            (line 16405)
rebalance for - balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree:See 8.5.4.
                                                            (line 12924)
rebalance for - balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree:See 8.5.5.
                                                            (line 13056)
rebalance for - balance factor in PAVL insertion in left subtree:See 14.4.3.
                                                            (line 18704)
rebalance for - balance factor in PAVL insertion in right subtree:See 14.4.4.
                                                            (line 18768)
rebalance for - balance factor in RTAVL insertion in left subtree:See 11.4.2.
                                                            (line 15927)
rebalance for - balance factor in RTAVL insertion in right subtree:See 11.4.2.
                                                            (line 16022)
rebalance for - balance factor in TAVL insertion in left subtree:See 8.4.2.
                                                            (line 12547)
rebalance for - balance factor in TAVL insertion in right subtree:See 8.4.3.
                                                            (line 12663)
rebalance for 0 balance factor after left-side RTAVL deletion:See 11.5.4.
                                                            (line 16352)
rebalance for 0 balance factor after right-side RTAVL deletion:See 11.5.4.
                                                            (line 16356)
rebalance for 0 balance factor after TAVL deletion in left subtree:See 8.5.4.
                                                            (line 12953)
rebalance for 0 balance factor after TAVL deletion in right subtree:See 8.5.5.
                                                            (line 13049)
rebalance PAVL tree after insertion in left subtree:See 14.4.3.
                                                            (line 18685)
rebalance PAVL tree after insertion in right subtree:See 14.4.4.
                                                            (line 18748)
rebalance RTAVL tree after insertion to left:  See 11.4.2.  (line 15871)
rebalance RTAVL tree after insertion to right: See 11.4.2.  (line 15883)
rebalance TAVL tree after insertion in left subtree:See 8.4.2.
                                                            (line 12528)
rebalance TAVL tree after insertion in right subtree:See 8.4.3.
                                                            (line 12637)
rebalance tree after PRB deletion:             See 15.4.2.  (line 19732)
rebalance tree after RB deletion:              See 6.5.2.   (line 10018)
rebalance tree after TRB deletion:             See 9.4.3.   (line 13896)
recurse_verify_tree function <1>:              See 15.5.    (line 20071)
recurse_verify_tree function <2>:              See 14.8.    (line 19219)
recurse_verify_tree function <3>:              See 13.8.    (line 18400)
recurse_verify_tree function <4>:              See 12.5.    (line 17414)
recurse_verify_tree function <5>:              See 11.7.    (line 16557)
recurse_verify_tree function <6>:              See 10.10.   (line 15601)
recurse_verify_tree function <7>:              See 9.5.     (line 14198)
recurse_verify_tree function <8>:              See 8.7.     (line 13302)
recurse_verify_tree function <9>:              See 7.12.    (line 12164)
recurse_verify_tree function <10>:             See 6.6.     (line 10409)
recurse_verify_tree function <11>:             See 5.8.     (line  8903)
recurse_verify_tree function:                  See
                                                            (line  5925)
recursive copy of BST, take 1:                 See 4.10.1.  (line  4116)
recursive copy of BST, take 2:                 See 4.10.1.  (line  4146)
recursive deallocation function:               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23212)
recursive insertion into AVL tree:             See 5.4.7.   (line  7845)
recursive traversal of BST:                    See 4.9.1.   (line  3140)
recursive traversal of BST, using nested function:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22890)
recursively verify AVL tree structure:         See 5.8.     (line  8890)
recursively verify BST structure:              See
                                                            (line  5913)
recursively verify PAVL tree structure:        See 14.8.    (line 19214)
recursively verify PBST structure:             See 13.8.    (line 18395)
recursively verify PRB tree structure:         See 15.5.    (line 20058)
recursively verify RB tree structure:          See 6.6.     (line 10396)
recursively verify RTAVL tree structure:       See 11.7.    (line 16552)
recursively verify RTBST structure:            See 10.10.   (line 15596)
recursively verify RTRB tree structure:        See 12.5.    (line 17409)
recursively verify TAVL tree structure:        See 8.7.     (line 13297)
recursively verify TBST structure:             See 7.12.    (line 12159)
recursively verify TRB tree structure:         See 9.5.     (line 14193)
reduce TBST vine general case to special case: See 7.11.2.  (line 11980)
reduce vine general case to special case:      See
                                                            (line  5102)
reject_request function:                       See 4.14.4.  (line  6562)
right-side rebalancing after initial-black RB insertion:See
                                                            (line  9715)
right-side rebalancing after PRB deletion:     See 15.4.4.  (line 19916)
right-side rebalancing after PRB insertion:    See 15.3.3.  (line 19553)
right-side rebalancing after RB deletion:      See 6.5.4.   (line 10263)
right-side rebalancing after RB insertion:     See 6.4.4.   (line  9496)
right-side rebalancing after RTRB deletion:    See 12.4.2.  (line 17192)
right-side rebalancing after RTRB insertion:   See 12.3.2.  (line 16820)
right-side rebalancing after TRB deletion:     See 9.4.5.   (line 14052)
right-side rebalancing after TRB insertion:    See 9.3.3.   (line 13631)
right-side rebalancing case 1 in PAVL deletion:See 14.5.4.  (line 18993)
right-side rebalancing case 2 in PAVL deletion:See 14.5.4.  (line 18999)
robust recursive copy of BST, take 1:          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23182)
robust recursive copy of BST, take 2:          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23226)
robust recursive copy of BST, take 3:          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23258)
robust root insertion of existing node in arbitrary subtree:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22716)
robustly move BST node to root:                See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22767)
robustly search for insertion point in arbitrary subtree:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22742)
root insertion of existing node in arbitrary subtree:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22669)
root_insert function:                          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22677)
rotate left at x then right at y in AVL tree:  See 5.4.4.   (line  7682)
rotate left at y in AVL tree:                  See 5.4.5.   (line  7742)
rotate right at x then left at y in AVL tree:  See 5.4.5.   (line  7749)
rotate right at y in AVL tree:                 See 5.4.4.   (line  7641)
rotate_left function <1>:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25699)
rotate_left function <2>:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25448)
rotate_left function <3>:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24578)
rotate_left function:                          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22549)
rotate_right function <1>:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25684)
rotate_right function <2>:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25431)
rotate_right function <3>:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24560)
rotate_right function:                         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22538)
RTAVL copy function:                           See 11.6.    (line 16442)
RTAVL functions:                               See 11.2.    (line 15692)
RTAVL item deletion function:                  See 11.5.    (line 16041)
RTAVL item insertion function:                 See 11.4.    (line 15756)
RTAVL node copy function:                      See 11.6.    (line 16448)
RTAVL node structure:                          See 11.1.    (line 15666)
rtavl-test.c:                                  See 11.7.    (line 16488)
rtavl.c:                                       See 11.      (line 15649)
rtavl.h:                                       See 11.      (line 15633)
rtavl_delete function:                         See 11.5.    (line 16045)
RTAVL_H macro:                                 See 11.      (line 15636)
rtavl_node structure:                          See 11.1.    (line 15677)
rtavl_probe function:                          See 11.4.    (line 15760)
rtavl_tag enumeration:                         See 11.1.    (line 15670)
RTBST balance function:                        See 10.9.    (line 15400)
RTBST copy error helper function:              See 10.7.    (line 15336)
RTBST copy function:                           See 10.7.    (line 15351)
RTBST destruction function:                    See 10.8.    (line 15363)
RTBST functions:                               See 10.2.    (line 14360)
RTBST item deletion function:                  See 10.5.    (line 14540)
RTBST item insertion function:                 See 10.4.    (line 14428)
RTBST main copy function:                      See 10.7.    (line 15230)
RTBST node copy function:                      See 10.7.    (line 15296)
RTBST node structure:                          See 10.1.    (line 14340)
RTBST print function:                          See 10.10.   (line 15500)
RTBST search function:                         See 10.3.    (line 14384)
RTBST traversal functions:                     See 10.6.    (line 14972)
RTBST traverser advance function:              See 10.6.4.  (line 15092)
RTBST traverser back up function:              See 10.6.5.  (line 15124)
RTBST traverser first initializer:             See 10.6.1.  (line 14992)
RTBST traverser last initializer:              See 10.6.2.  (line 15018)
RTBST traverser search initializer:            See 10.6.3.  (line 15043)
RTBST tree-to-vine function:                   See 10.9.    (line 15411)
RTBST vine compression function:               See 10.9.    (line 15446)
rtbst-test.c:                                  See 10.10.   (line 15484)
rtbst.c:                                       See 10.      (line 14312)
rtbst.h:                                       See 10.      (line 14296)
rtbst_copy function:                           See 10.7.    (line 15235)
rtbst_delete function:                         See 10.5.    (line 14544)
rtbst_destroy function:                        See 10.8.    (line 15367)
rtbst_find function:                           See 10.3.    (line 14388)
RTBST_H macro:                                 See 10.      (line 14299)
rtbst_node structure:                          See 10.1.    (line 14351)
rtbst_probe function:                          See 10.4.    (line 14432)
rtbst_t_find function:                         See 10.6.3.  (line 15048)
rtbst_t_first function:                        See 10.6.1.  (line 14996)
rtbst_t_last function:                         See 10.6.2.  (line 15022)
rtbst_t_next function:                         See 10.6.4.  (line 15096)
rtbst_t_prev function:                         See 10.6.5.  (line 15128)
rtbst_tag enumeration:                         See 10.1.    (line 14344)
RTRB functions:                                See 12.2.    (line 16658)
RTRB item deletion function:                   See 12.4.    (line 16981)
RTRB item insertion function:                  See 12.3.    (line 16678)
RTRB node structure:                           See 12.1.    (line 16626)
rtrb-test.c:                                   See 12.5.    (line 17345)
rtrb.c:                                        See 12.      (line 16610)
rtrb.h:                                        See 12.      (line 16594)
rtrb_color enumeration:                        See 12.1.    (line 16630)
rtrb_delete function:                          See 12.4.    (line 16985)
RTRB_H macro:                                  See 12.      (line 16597)
rtrb_node structure:                           See 12.1.    (line 16644)
rtrb_probe function:                           See 12.3.    (line 16682)
rtrb_tag enumeration:                          See 12.1.    (line 16637)
run search tests:                              See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22273)
s variable <1>:                                See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25567)
s variable <2>:                                See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25062)
s variable:                                    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24159)
search AVL tree for insertion point:           See 5.4.1.   (line  7321)
search AVL tree for item to delete:            See 5.5.1.   (line  8050)
search BST for insertion point, root insertion version:See 4.7.1.
                                                            (line  2576)
search for insertion point in arbitrary subtree:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22692)
search functions:                              See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22006)
search of binary search tree stored as array:  See 3.6.     (line  1921)
search PAVL tree for insertion point:          See 14.4.1.  (line 18585)
search PBST tree for insertion point:          See 13.3.    (line 17631)
search RB tree for insertion point:            See 6.4.1.   (line  9263)
search RTAVL tree for insertion point:         See 11.4.1.  (line 15780)
search RTAVL tree for item to delete:          See 11.5.1.  (line 16070)
search RTBST for insertion point:              See 10.4.    (line 14444)
search RTRB tree for insertion point:          See 12.3.1.  (line 16710)
search TAVL tree for insertion point:          See 8.4.1.   (line 12463)
search TAVL tree for item to delete:           See 8.5.1.   (line 12717)
search TBST for insertion point:               See 7.6.     (line 10849)
search test functions:                         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22111)
search test main program:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22203)
search TRB tree for insertion point:           See 9.3.1.   (line 13453)
search TRB tree for item to delete:            See 9.4.1.   (line 13717)
search_func structure:                         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22025)
seq-test.c:                                    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21839)
sequentially search a sorted array of ints:    See 3.3.     (line  1572)
sequentially search a sorted array of ints using a sentinel:See 3.4.
                                                            (line  1614)
sequentially search a sorted array of ints using a sentinel (2):See 3.4.
                                                            (line  1649)
sequentially search an array of ints:          See 3.1.     (line  1431)
sequentially search an array of ints using a sentinel:See 3.2.
                                                            (line  1493)
set parents of main vine:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25645)
show bin-ary-test usage message:               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22464)
srch-test.c:                                   See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21990)
start_timer function:                          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22079)
stoi function <1>:                             See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22247)
stoi function:                                 See B.2.     (line 20448)
stop_timer function:                           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22100)
string to integer function stoi():             See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22241)
summing string lengths with next_item():       See (line  3429)
summing string lengths with walk():            See (line  3407)
symmetric case in PAVL deletion:               See 14.5.4.  (line 18974)
symmetric case in TAVL deletion:               See 8.5.5.   (line 13012)
symmetric case in TAVL deletion, with stack:   See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24873)
table assertion function control directives:   See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21720)
table assertion function prototypes:           See 2.9.     (line  1190)
table assertion functions:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21749)
table count function prototype:                See 2.7.     (line  1083)
table count macro:                             See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21663)
table creation function prototypes:            See 2.6.     (line  1036)
table function prototypes:                     See 2.11.    (line  1376)
table function types <1>:                      See 2.4.     (line   918)
table function types:                          See 2.3.     (line   794)
table insertion and deletion function prototypes:See 2.8.   (line  1120)
table insertion convenience functions:         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21686)
table types:                                   See 2.11.    (line  1369)
TAVL copy function:                            See 8.6.     (line 13213)
TAVL functions:                                See 8.3.     (line 12417)
TAVL item deletion function:                   See 8.5.     (line 12690)
TAVL item deletion function, with stack:       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24692)
TAVL item insertion function:                  See 8.4.     (line 12437)
TAVL node copy function:                       See 8.6.     (line 13181)
TAVL node structure:                           See 8.1.     (line 12332)
tavl-test.c:                                   See 8.7.     (line 13224)
tavl.c:                                        See 8.       (line 12316)
tavl.h:                                        See 8.       (line 12300)
tavl_delete function <1>:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24696)
tavl_delete function:                          See 8.5.     (line 12696)
TAVL_H macro:                                  See 8.       (line 12303)
tavl_node structure:                           See 8.1.     (line 12343)
tavl_probe function:                           See 8.4.     (line 12441)
tavl_tag enumeration:                          See 8.1.     (line 12336)
tbl_allocator_default variable:                See 2.5.     (line  1007)
tbl_assert_delete function:                    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21763)
tbl_assert_delete macro:                       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21727)
tbl_assert_insert function:                    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21756)
tbl_assert_insert macro:                       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21726)
tbl_comparison_func type:                      See 2.3.     (line   796)
tbl_copy_func type:                            See 2.4.     (line   920)
tbl_count macro:                               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21664)
tbl_free function:                             See 2.5.     (line   990)
tbl_insert function:                           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21691)
tbl_item_func type:                            See 2.4.     (line   919)
tbl_malloc_abort function:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21587)
tbl_replace function:                          See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21698)
TBST balance function:                         See 7.11.    (line 11753)
TBST copy error helper function:               See 7.9.     (line 11671)
TBST copy function:                            See 7.9.     (line 11571)
TBST creation function:                        See 7.4.     (line 10733)
TBST destruction function:                     See 7.10.    (line 11705)
TBST functions:                                See 7.3.     (line 10713)
TBST item deletion function:                   See 7.7.     (line 10905)
TBST item insertion function:                  See 7.6.     (line 10832)
TBST main balance function:                    See 7.11.    (line 11760)
TBST main copy function:                       See 7.9.     (line 11577)
TBST node copy function:                       See 7.9.     (line 11523)
TBST node structure:                           See 7.2.     (line 10657)
TBST print function:                           See 7.12.    (line 12052)
TBST search function:                          See 7.5.     (line 10768)
TBST table structure:                          See 7.2.     (line 10681)
TBST test function:                            See 7.12.    (line 12222)
TBST traversal functions:                      See 7.8.     (line 11241)
TBST traverser advance function:               See 7.8.7.   (line 11413)
TBST traverser back up function:               See 7.8.8.   (line 11441)
TBST traverser copy initializer:               See 7.8.6.   (line 11389)
TBST traverser first initializer:              See 7.8.2.   (line 11271)
TBST traverser insertion initializer:          See 7.8.5.   (line 11360)
TBST traverser last initializer:               See 7.8.3.   (line 11293)
TBST traverser null initializer:               See 7.8.1.   (line 11259)
TBST traverser search initializer:             See 7.8.4.   (line 11318)
TBST traverser structure:                      See 7.8.     (line 11227)
TBST tree-to-vine function:                    See 7.11.1.  (line 11787)
TBST verify function:                          See 7.12.    (line 12185)
TBST vine compression function:                See 7.11.2.  (line 11942)
TBST vine-to-tree function:                    See 7.11.2.  (line 11877)
tbst-test.c:                                   See 7.12.    (line 12036)
tbst.c:                                        See 7.       (line 10579)
tbst.h:                                        See 7.       (line 10563)
tbst_balance function:                         See 7.11.    (line 11765)
tbst_copy function:                            See 7.9.     (line 11582)
tbst_create function:                          See 7.4.     (line 10738)
tbst_delete function:                          See 7.7.     (line 10909)
tbst_destroy function:                         See 7.10.    (line 11709)
tbst_find function:                            See 7.5.     (line 10772)
TBST_H macro:                                  See 7.       (line 10566)
tbst_link structure:                           See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24423)
tbst_node structure <1>:                       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24430)
tbst_node structure:                           See 7.2.     (line 10668)
tbst_probe function:                           See 7.6.     (line 10836)
tbst_t_copy function:                          See 7.8.6.   (line 11393)
tbst_t_find function:                          See 7.8.4.   (line 11322)
tbst_t_first function:                         See 7.8.2.   (line 11275)
tbst_t_init function:                          See 7.8.1.   (line 11263)
tbst_t_insert function:                        See 7.8.5.   (line 11365)
tbst_t_last function:                          See 7.8.3.   (line 11297)
tbst_t_next function:                          See 7.8.7.   (line 11417)
tbst_t_prev function:                          See 7.8.8.   (line 11445)
tbst_table structure <1>:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24437)
tbst_table structure:                          See 7.2.     (line 10685)
tbst_tag enumeration:                          See 7.2.     (line 10661)
tbst_traverser structure:                      See 7.8.     (line 11231)
test BST traversal during modifications:       See 4.14.1.  (line  5599)
test creating a BST and inserting into it:     See 4.14.1.  (line  5554)
test declarations <1>:                         See 4.14.7.  (line  6812)
test declarations <2>:                         See 4.14.5.  (line  6708)
test declarations <3>:                         See 4.14.4.  (line  6352)
test declarations:                             See 4.14.2.  (line  6164)
test deleting from an empty tree:              See 4.14.1.  (line  5799)
test deleting nodes from the BST and making copies of it:See 4.14.1.
                                                            (line  5705)
test destroying the tree:                      See 4.14.1.  (line  5809)
test enumeration:                              See 4.14.7.  (line  6816)
test main program:                             See 4.14.7.  (line  6853)
test prototypes <1>:                           See 4.14.6.  (line  6765)
test prototypes <2>:                           See 4.14.3.  (line  6308)
test prototypes:                               See 4.14.1.  (line  5541)
test TBST balancing:                           See 7.12.    (line 12242)
test utility functions:                        See 4.14.6.  (line  6756)
test.c:                                        See 4.14.    (line  5434)
test.h:                                        See 4.14.    (line  5476)
test_bst_copy function:                        See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23815)
test_bst_t_find function:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23729)
test_bst_t_first function:                     See 4.14.3.  (line  6319)
test_bst_t_insert function:                    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23751)
test_bst_t_last function:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23712)
test_bst_t_next function:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23773)
test_bst_t_prev function:                      See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23794)
test_correctness function <1>:                 See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23924)
test_correctness function <2>:                 See 7.12.    (line 12227)
test_correctness function:                     See 4.14.1.  (line  5526)
TEST_H macro:                                  See 4.14.    (line  5479)
test_options enumeration:                      See 4.14.7.  (line  6828)
test_overflow function <1>:                    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23949)
test_overflow function:                        See 4.14.3.  (line  6241)
time_seed function:                            See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23688)
time_successful_search function:               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22159)
time_unsuccessful_search function:             See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22185)
timer functions:                               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22074)
total_length function:                         See (line  3420)
transform left-side PRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2:See 15.4.2.
                                                            (line 19892)
transform left-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2:See 6.5.2.
                                                            (line 10238)
transform left-side RTRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2:See 12.4.2.
                                                            (line 17298)
transform left-side TRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2:See 9.4.3.
                                                            (line 14026)
transform right-side PRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2:See 15.4.4.
                                                            (line 19980)
transform right-side RB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2:See 6.5.4.
                                                            (line 10309)
transform right-side RTRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2:See 12.4.2.
                                                            (line 17324)
transform right-side TRB deletion rebalancing case 3 into case 2:See 9.4.5.
                                                            (line 14099)
trav_refresh function <1>:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 23126)
trav_refresh function:                         See 4.9.3.   (line  3611)
traverse_iterative function <1>:               See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22949)
traverse_iterative function:                   See 4.9.2.   (line  3234)
traverse_recursive function:                   See 4.9.1.   (line  3144)
traverser constructor function prototypes:     See 2.10.1.  (line  1265)
traverser manipulator function prototypes:     See 2.10.2.  (line  1309)
traverser structure:                           See (line  3457)
TRB functions:                                 See 9.2.     (line 13408)
TRB item deletion function:                    See 9.4.     (line 13692)
TRB item deletion function, without stack:     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25102)
TRB item insertion function:                   See 9.3.     (line 13426)
TRB item insertion function, without stack:    See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24922)
TRB node structure:                            See 9.1.     (line 13375)
trb-test.c:                                    See 9.5.     (line 14120)
trb.c:                                         See 9.       (line 13358)
trb.h:                                         See 9.       (line 13342)
trb_color enumeration:                         See 9.1.     (line 13379)
trb_delete function <1>:                       See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25108)
trb_delete function:                           See 9.4.     (line 13696)
TRB_H macro:                                   See 9.       (line 13345)
trb_node structure:                            See 9.1.     (line 13393)
trb_probe function <1>:                        See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24928)
trb_probe function:                            See 9.3.     (line 13430)
trb_tag enumeration:                           See 9.1.     (line 13386)
tree_to_vine function <1>:                     See 10.9.    (line 15415)
tree_to_vine function <2>:                     See 7.11.1.  (line 11791)
tree_to_vine function:                         See 4.12.1.  (line  4842)
uniform binary search of ordered array:        See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 21885)
update balance factors after AVL insertion:    See 5.4.3.   (line  7505)
update balance factors after AVL insertion, with bitmasks:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24060)
update balance factors after PAVL insertion:   See 14.4.2.  (line 18626)
update balance factors and rebalance after AVL deletion:See 5.5.3.
                                                            (line  8203)
update balance factors and rebalance after PAVL deletion:See 14.5.2.
                                                            (line 18878)
update balance factors and rebalance after RTAVL deletion:See 11.5.3.
                                                            (line 16235)
update balance factors and rebalance after TAVL deletion:See 8.5.3.
                                                            (line 12857)
update balance factors and rebalance after TAVL deletion, with stack:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 24816)
update parent pointers function:               See 13.7.    (line 18295)
update y's balance factor after left-side AVL deletion:See 5.5.3.
                                                            (line  8310)
update y's balance factor after right-side AVL deletion:See 5.5.6.
                                                            (line  8434)
update_parents function:                       See 13.7.    (line 18299)
usage function <1>:                            See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22288)
usage function:                                See B.2.     (line 20456)
usage printer for search test program:         See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22283)
verify AVL node balance factor:                See 5.8.     (line  8928)
verify binary search tree ordering:            See
                                                            (line  5943)
verify PBST node parent pointers:              See 13.8.    (line 18421)
verify RB node color:                          See 6.6.     (line 10436)
verify RB node rule 1 compliance:              See 6.6.     (line 10445)
verify RB node rule 2 compliance:              See 6.6.     (line 10465)
verify RTRB node rule 1 compliance:            See 12.5.    (line 17444)
verify TRB node rule 1 compliance:             See 9.5.     (line 14229)
verify_tree function <1>:                      See 7.12.    (line 12189)
verify_tree function <2>:                      See 6.6.     (line 10479)
verify_tree function <3>:                      See 5.8.     (line  8946)
verify_tree function:                          See
                                                            (line  5839)
vine to balanced BST function:                 See
                                                            (line  5035)
vine to balanced PBST function:                See 13.7.    (line 18255)
vine to balanced PBST function, with parent updates:See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25627)
vine_to_tree function <1>:                     See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 25633)
vine_to_tree function <2>:                     See 13.7.    (line 18261)
vine_to_tree function:                         See 7.11.2.  (line 11881)
walk function <1>:                             See Appendix E.
                                                            (line 22894)
walk function:                                 See 4.9.1.   (line  3160)
xmalloc function:                              See 4.14.6.  (line  6800)